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2005-08-14 Fifth Column
Moonbat mom calls for 'Israel out of Palestine' vows not to pay taxes...
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Posted by CrazyFool 2005-08-14 10:53|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [21 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I had already official filed hre under moonbat 1st class. So far she has declared that Bush had lied (because of the DSM) and that he had stolen two elections. I think after the Israel, Palestine, and no taxes comment the press will start to shy away from her (except Err Amerika).
Posted by Cyber Sarge">Cyber Sarge  2005-08-14 11:26||   2005-08-14 11:26|| Front Page Top

#2 "You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism," Sheehan declares.

Oh, no you won't, Cindy. Do that, and you'll see terrorism like you've NEVER seen before. Guaranteed.
Posted by Dave D.">Dave D.  2005-08-14 11:35||   2005-08-14 11:35|| Front Page Top

#3 she's a moron, a tool, and a waste of air. The pukes using her and the media sucking on her are just as disgusting. Wanna bet her husband pays the taxes or gets a divorce? If she can spend the month camped out in Crawford, what job does she hold? None!
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-08-14 11:40||   2005-08-14 11:40|| Front Page Top

#4 If only the US would leave Sudan, then the Arabs wouldn't have been forced to kill over 2 million black Sudanese. If only the US left Thailand, the muslims wouldn't have to ambush buddhist monks ...
Posted by ed 2005-08-14 11:41||   2005-08-14 11:41|| Front Page Top

#5 It is a sad thing. I feel bad for her consumed by her grief. The rest of her family has publicly backed away and I suspect her son is looking down from heaven thinking "Jeez, Ma! Knock it off, willya? I am a soldier".
Posted by SteveS 2005-08-14 11:44||   2005-08-14 11:44|| Front Page Top

#6 The KOSsacks want her only to speak via a "spokesperson". Perhaps, cause every time she opens her mouth it becomes more apparent what a total whackjob she is.
Posted by DMFD 2005-08-14 12:02||   2005-08-14 12:02|| Front Page Top

#7 I don't think she's consumed with grief. I think she's been a bitch for some time and now has a bigger stage to rant on.

She and her husband separated last year. If I were him I wouldn't want to live with her either.
Posted by also a mom 2005-08-14 12:09||   2005-08-14 12:09|| Front Page Top

#8 the bitch is just plane crazy.
Posted by raptor 2005-08-14 12:49||   2005-08-14 12:49|| Front Page Top

#9 Maybe her problem is she hasn't been laid in a while.
Posted by badanov 2005-08-14 12:54||]">[]  2005-08-14 12:54|| Front Page Top

#10 have you seen her? The vacant eyes? She's an idiot, loving the attention
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-08-14 12:57||   2005-08-14 12:57|| Front Page Top

#11 maybe if she moved her tent to a more stategic position she could spot OTM's coming over the border and do some good at least. On second thought, I wonder if those are some of the folks that she's been in cahoots with. What part of volunteer military doesn't she get. Sad, how very sad.
Posted by Jan 2005-08-14 13:25||   2005-08-14 13:25|| Front Page Top

#12 Anyone noticed how little that racist b...h seems to care about genocide in Soudan? Or in fact about any other opressed people when Jews are not involved.
Posted by JFM">JFM  2005-08-14 14:14||   2005-08-14 14:14|| Front Page Top

#13 There was an unconfirmed-by-me report that her son enlisted to get away from her tentacles, and reenlisted to serve in Iraq. .
Posted by more mom 2005-08-14 14:28||   2005-08-14 14:28|| Front Page Top

#14 If you look closely you can almost see Soros' mouth move..
Posted by macofromoc 2005-08-14 14:44||   2005-08-14 14:44|| Front Page Top

#15 Moonmat mom wants Condi's job. The longer she is in Crawford doing road work, the more foolish her contentions.

Was Casey killed because of Israel? It gets stranger and stranger, drifting, drifting, drifting....
Posted by Captain America 2005-08-14 14:46||   2005-08-14 14:46|| Front Page Top

#16  She is like a Vampire, feeding on her son's carcass. He dies and she is reborn. She goes from a homelier than a wet hen nobody, to queen of the left. There is no draft, and her son could have joined the Air Force or Navy, but he joined the much more dangerous Army. He was nothing like her. His death seems to be the best thing that ever happened to her.
Posted by FeralCat 2005-08-14 15:05||   2005-08-14 15:05|| Front Page Top

#17 FeralCat, If that [moonbat-mom] was what he had to come home to perhaps his honorable death was the best thing to happen to him.

People like her make me sick. They don't have even the concept of honor or sacrifice (or most of the other virtues). All they think about is me! me! me!.
Posted by CrazyFool 2005-08-14 15:13||   2005-08-14 15:13|| Front Page Top

#18 The report on his enlistment and re-enlistment to get away from mom was via a Sac valley radio show. A woman that claimed to be an aunt said that casey joined up to get away from her and his voaction versus her political leaning would lend some validation to that.
Posted by Cyber Sarge">Cyber Sarge  2005-08-14 15:41||   2005-08-14 15:41|| Front Page Top

#19 Not gonna pay taxes? Fine by me. At some point in time, she'll be out of commission for a while.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2005-08-14 15:52||   2005-08-14 15:52|| Front Page Top

#20 The fit between her and the MSM is perfect. The MSM will use her as a useful tool to bash Bush and push their agenda. When her MI* becomes too high, or people become bored with the story, they will drop her in the story landfill and that will be that. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

*MI = Moonbat Index
Posted by Alaska Paul 2005-08-14 16:03||   2005-08-14 16:03|| Front Page Top

#21 I just heard the interview on CNN of Larry Mattlage (the Pres. neighbor). He evidentally fired a gun and scared the folks down at the tent camp. (He was preparing for Dove season.) He's fed up with the protests. I guess so after all of these weeks. I don't blame him for being upset with all of this mess in his front yard.
Posted by Jan 2005-08-14 16:36||   2005-08-14 16:36|| Front Page Top

#22 When are her 15 minutes going to be up?

And why the hell can't these anti-war idiots SPELL, for heaven's sake? (Note to Cindy....."impeachment" is not a "t" word, but an "i" word. My foreign born hubby can spell better than you.)
Posted by Desert Blondie 2005-08-14 17:30||]">[]  2005-08-14 17:30|| Front Page Top

#23 Feral Cat nails it big time.
Posted by Shipman 2005-08-14 17:45||   2005-08-14 17:45|| Front Page Top

#24 Anyone noticed how little that racist b...h seems to care about genocide in Soudan?

You're assuming she's even aware there's genocide occuring in Sudan. Hell, she probably has no idea there is a Sudan.
Posted by Robert Crawford">Robert Crawford  2005-08-14 19:51||]">[]  2005-08-14 19:51|| Front Page Top

#25 You know, I feel terrible for the woman for having lost her son. That is a cost that no one should have to pay.

But to see her campaign to ensure his sacrifice was in vain is absolutely sickening! Wasn't losing him for a cause bad enough, but now she wants to make the loss meaningless?
Posted by Dar">Dar  2005-08-14 20:04||   2005-08-14 20:04|| Front Page Top

#26 The poster child of the Shameless Left.
Posted by .com 2005-08-14 20:08||   2005-08-14 20:08|| Front Page Top

#27 What? What about the whales? Free the whales!
Posted by Ebbosh Hupaitle7458 2005-08-14 20:44||   2005-08-14 20:44|| Front Page Top

#28 Like I said when I first heard about her and checked the info:

This is a bitch who is rolling in her son's blood to try to make a political point, a point which would dishonor her son the soldier and his memory.
Posted by OldSpook 2005-08-14 22:44||   2005-08-14 22:44|| Front Page Top

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