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2005-08-07 Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Trapped Russian Sub Reportedly Surfaces
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Posted by Steve White 2005-08-07 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 wonderful news
Posted by Jan 2005-08-07 00:05||   2005-08-07 00:05|| Front Page Top

#2 PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, Russia -- All seven people aboard the Russian mini-submarine pulled to the surface Sunday are alive, Russian naval officials said.

Naval spokesman Capt. Igor Dygalo said the crew appeared to be in satisfactory condition and were being examined by ship medics. The sub was raised after becoming stranded in 600 feet of water off the Pacific Coast on Thursday.

"The rescue operation has ended," Rear Adm. Vladimir Pepelyayev, deputy head of the navy's general staff, said in televised comments.

Posted by Glenmore">Glenmore  2005-08-07 00:12||   2005-08-07 00:12|| Front Page Top

#3 Thank goodness the United Nations maintains such an excellent rapid response force. The nations of the world know they can turn to Kofi & Co. when they get in a jam.
Posted by Seafarious">Seafarious  2005-08-07 00:36||   2005-08-07 00:36|| Front Page Top

#4 Putty Put's ego must be seriously damaged.
Posted by Captain America 2005-08-07 00:49||   2005-08-07 00:49|| Front Page Top

#5 Don't worry, Puty - the vodka's on us. Sincerely, America, for bailing your ass out of another jam.
Posted by Chris W.">Chris W.  2005-08-07 01:17||   2005-08-07 01:17|| Front Page Top

#6 Actually, Great Britain was the ass-bailer-outer.
Posted by Glenmore">Glenmore  2005-08-07 06:52||   2005-08-07 06:52|| Front Page Top

#7 Major tip of the hat to the British Navy. Well done gentlemen.Very, very well done.
Posted by Mark Z. 2005-08-07 06:53||   2005-08-07 06:53|| Front Page Top

#8 Put it in the "win" column.
Posted by Mike 2005-08-07 08:42||   2005-08-07 08:42|| Front Page Top

#9 They're safe. Now, whose undersea antena was it, theirs?
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2005-08-07 09:43||   2005-08-07 09:43|| Front Page Top

#10 yeah the british had their equipment there almost a full day ahead of america didn't they? America was just trying too waste a few million $'s bullshittin around when the moeny could have been kept here too help the ppl of this country who need it.
Posted by Thraing Hupoluper1864 2005-08-07 09:46||   2005-08-07 09:46|| Front Page Top

#11 Thraing -
We moved as fast as we could. To even IMPLY anything else is to insult the men and women who moved heaven and earth to help those Russians.

I hope you will not take it amiss if I ask you to sit down and STFU.

Posted by Mike Kozlowski 2005-08-07 10:33||   2005-08-07 10:33|| Front Page Top

#12 I need more money too, Ima cant spel good. Pleae helerper me thraing!
Posted by Shipman 2005-08-07 12:15||   2005-08-07 12:15|| Front Page Top

#13 I thought it was a combination of the UK, the US and Japan - yup!

On Sunday, the Russian Foreign Ministry gave its "profound thanks" to the UK, Japan and the US for their aid.

More details at the Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation

Retraction Thraing? * crickets *
Posted by Tony (UK) 2005-08-07 12:21||   2005-08-07 12:21|| Front Page Top

#14 "bloop" instead of "glub"

Posted by mojo">mojo  2005-08-07 14:08||   2005-08-07 14:08|| Front Page Top

#15 Here we find that:
"The United States Navy is credited with advancing the technology to an operational state in its quest to develop robots to recover underwater ordnance lost during at-sea tests. ROVs gained in fame when US Navy CURV (Cable Controlled Underwater Recovery Vehicle) systems recovered an atomic bomb lost off Palomares, Spain in an aircraft accident in 1966, and then saved the pilots of the sunken submersible Pisces off Cork, Ireland in 1973, with only minutes of air remaining in the submersible.

The next step in advancing the technology was performed by commercial firms that saw the future in ROV support of offshore oil operations. The transition from military use to the commercial world was rather rapid. Manufacturing companies like International Submarine Engineering in British Columbia, Perry Oceanographic in Riviera Beach, Florida, and Hydro Products and Ametek Strata in San Diego, California were quick to begin commercial activity based on work done for the military."

And here we discover that Ametek Strata of San Diego manufactures the Scorpio ROV's - though they fail to give due credit to the USN for the decades of engineering development they got for free.
Posted by .com 2005-08-07 14:27||   2005-08-07 14:27|| Front Page Top

#16 NOSC at Ballast Point sub base here in San Diego has developed much of the sub tech lately, spun it off to private for R&D and reaped benefits. I wou;dn't be too harsh, PD
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-08-07 14:48||   2005-08-07 14:48|| Front Page Top

#17 H'okay. My tax dollars at work saving Russian sailors for Puttyputz. Sounds, um, well, nevermind...
Posted by .com 2005-08-07 14:53||   2005-08-07 14:53|| Front Page Top

#18 I'm going to clip this story out and keep it in my archives for the near future! I'm sorry we asked to help; and I'm sorry the British succeeded! With Russia now 'siding' with China; conducting war games which eventually will be used to threaten the US, why didn't the Ruskies let the Chinese go down there and save them?!
Posted by smn 2005-08-07 15:14||   2005-08-07 15:14|| Front Page Top

#19 How about your tax dollars at work saving Russian sailors for the sake of saving lives?

Between you and smn, ot's a toss-up as to who's trying to be the bigger jerk right now.
Posted by Pappy 2005-08-07 15:25||   2005-08-07 15:25|| Front Page Top

#20 Come again, Pappy? Re-read. Then take a fucking nap.
Posted by .com 2005-08-07 15:33||   2005-08-07 15:33|| Front Page Top

#21 H'okay. My tax dollars at work saving Russian sailors for Puttyputz. Sounds, um, well, nevermind...

'tax dollars at work saving Russian sailors for Puttyputz' is what ticked me off. Tell me what I shouldn't be pissed off about.
Posted by Pappy 2005-08-07 15:56||   2005-08-07 15:56|| Front Page Top

#22 On second thought, I'll go take a nap and you can stay here posturing and beating your breast over something I didn't say. Knock yourself out. Here's a hammer.
Posted by .com 2005-08-07 15:57||   2005-08-07 15:57|| Front Page Top

#23 I'm with Pappy on this one.

Some things we do because it's the decent thing to do.
Posted by leader of the pack 2005-08-07 16:02||   2005-08-07 16:02|| Front Page Top

#24 Yes, take a nap. A long nap. Then maybe you can put what you were tyring to say in clear English.
Posted by Pappy 2005-08-07 16:03||   2005-08-07 16:03|| Front Page Top

#25 I'd agree with: some things we do because they're the right thing to do. Karma on a National scale isn't the same as I try to do on my individual scale, except that, some things we do because "that's who/what we are".
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-08-07 16:26||   2005-08-07 16:26|| Front Page Top

#26 Frank - Of course it is, but I posed a few questions there in the next to last paragraph that beg closer examination, no? Why no MASH units with security troops to Sudan, etc x infinity? If we're gonna do the right thing cuz we can, well, there ya go - there's a few thousands things we could be doing everyday. Let's get on it, if that's who/what we are.

Pappy / lotp -- How lame and pathetic. My English isn't good enough for you? I declare, that's gonna keep me up nights worrying...

Did I say what you imply? No - Skid Mark Nitwit did.

I walked away from the conclusion you drew with:
"Sounds, um, well, nevermind..."

The problem is that you're uber-sensitive on this - and jumped-the-shark - which means you musta been a squid. Fine. That's YOUR burden.

My comments up to this point imply no more than exactly what I did say.

But, if you wanna play morality games, an extremely pointless exercise which can easily be demonstrated, well... (Oh no! Another ellipsis where he didn't state precisely what he meant! He's sooo Evil!) Let's take this to the next level - an actual examination of reality - versus your knee-jerkism.

People get into bad situations. All over the World. Everyday. But what happens when a sub gets stranded? Well it's pretty amazing, isn't it?

Just think about all the times we could help somewhere in the world to save some group of people - and we don't. Why? well, that's actually a mighty fine question, isn't it? Why does one situation get such a response and another doesn't? Why do men trapped in a sub running out of air or miners trapped - same end looming, generate instantaneous outpourings of public concern? Curious.

If you want a pissing contest, cuz you're so morally superior and decent and I'm pond scum, well, Okay - come 'n get it. Meanwhile, kiss my ass. Both of you. You didn't ask if I meant that, you just carved off a cliff and jumped. I've been here a long time, there's lots of history you can go by, but you didn't bother. Fine. You drew false conclusions - likely because of what Skid Mark Nitwit said. That I didn't say it got lost in the noise you call your thought process. That you say it's my fault for not "tyring" to be clearer makes me wonder why you didn't ask me first, but hey - your call. And this response is my call. Believe it or not, you are not my moral betters. Boggles, no? Here I am, fire away.
Posted by .com 2005-08-07 16:46||   2005-08-07 16:46|| Front Page Top

#27 granted - the Russians would have little to no effort on our behalf, or Sudan, or whenever not in their direct benefit. I take that as a comment on their ethics rather than ours. That's what makes us better
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-08-07 16:51||   2005-08-07 16:51|| Front Page Top

Posted by Thraing Hupoluper1864 2005-08-07 17:35||   2005-08-07 17:35|| Front Page Top

#29 Well, I guess that falls into the "amiss" category, heh.
Posted by .com 2005-08-07 17:38||   2005-08-07 17:38|| Front Page Top

#30 LOL! Anybody think to ask if maybe the Brits got a picture of the SOSUS node? The Russ sub was doing maintenance. Ummmm..... :>
Posted by Shipman 2005-08-07 18:06||   2005-08-07 18:06|| Front Page Top

#31 Ask a US Submariner or a UK Submariner if it was worth it. I think you would be surprised at the answers you would get.

What is weird is the Russian have ROVs but none that can do this kind or work apparently. The UK ROV made short work of this.
Posted by Sock Puppet 0’ Doom 2005-08-07 18:07||   2005-08-07 18:07|| Front Page Top

#32 SPOD-
As a former US submariner, I think it was worth it.
Posted by Penguin 2005-08-07 18:15||   2005-08-07 18:15|| Front Page Top

#33 I it knew it would be the answer. Thanks for your silent service.
Posted by Sock Puppet 0’ Doom 2005-08-07 18:32||   2005-08-07 18:32|| Front Page Top

#34 Meanwhile, kiss my ass. Both of you. You didn't ask if I meant that, you just carved off a cliff and jumped. I've been here a long time, there's lots of history you can go by, but you didn't bother. Fine. You drew false conclusions - likely because of what Skid Mark Nitwit said.

Then I deeply apologise for misinterpreting what you said.

People get into bad situations. All over the World. Everyday. But what happens when a sub gets stranded? Well it's pretty amazing, isn't it?

Yes. See third one down on this list.
Posted by Pappy 2005-08-07 18:39||   2005-08-07 18:39|| Front Page Top

#35 This is from the Moscow News via Joel at

"Admiral Eduard Baltin, former commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet said on Saturday that it was a mistake to ask NATO countries for help in rescuing the crew of the Russian mini-submarine stranded on the Pacific floor since Thursday because “this region is stuffed with [Russian military] secrets”, Interfax reports.
"The region hosts “the main base for the strategic nuclear submarines of the Pacific Fleet, which NATO itself has nicknamed a wasps’ nest. A secret cable runs through the area and a foreign submarine detection system is located here too,” Hero of the Soviet Union Adm. Eduard Baltin told Interfax.
"According to Baltin, Russian Navy should have been able to rescue the AS-28 mini-sub without difficulty, using manipulators at its disposal, and blowing up the cable, in which the mini-sub got caught. The admiral also expressed surprise that the Pacific Fleet command had said openly that the sub had got caught on an underwater antenna instead of “an underwater object.” “This antenna is one of the main components of an active system for the long-range detection of submarines,” he said."

See! We can find things to agree about. Warm Milk! All around!
Posted by Shipman 2005-08-07 19:07||   2005-08-07 19:07|| Front Page Top

#36 Frank, where ya been for the last week or so?

stating the obvious:
RB is a very sound ship, great crew and is skippered by a fine Captain.
Posted by Red Dog 2005-08-07 19:11||   2005-08-07 19:11|| Front Page Top

#37 Crew of the Sub from AP

"Lt. Vyacheslav Milashevsky, commander of the mini-sub that was trapped, salutes in front of other crew members following their rescue."
Posted by BigEd 2005-08-07 20:42||   2005-08-07 20:42|| Front Page Top

#38 Frank was on a fishing trip, Red Dog. With his sons, I do believe.
Posted by trailing wife 2005-08-07 22:03||   2005-08-07 22:03|| Front Page Top

#39 Responding to the sub in distress was the right thing to do. If we get any intel on the way, that's good, too. But the mission was to save lives and the mission was successful.

The Russians, if they want to stay in the sub business, better get their own program out of the doldrums and be ready for their own emergencies. We may become too busy in the future to spare the iron on their f*ck-ups.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2005-08-07 22:25||   2005-08-07 22:25|| Front Page Top

#40 Sierras and fishing trip it was - photos were sent as promised to AP - he can disseminate as he sees fit :-)

also Bodie - a ghost town in the Sierras at 8700+' above sea level (nice hiking....ack!)
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-08-07 23:28||   2005-08-07 23:28|| Front Page Top

#41 I bet we knew all that stuff was there and have for years. If we didn't shame on us.
Posted by Sock Puppet 0’ Doom 2005-08-07 23:29||   2005-08-07 23:29|| Front Page Top

23:36 Pappy
23:29 Sock Puppet 0’ Doom
23:28 Frank G
23:15 BigEd
23:04 Edward Yee
22:57 BigEd
22:50 Jan
22:47 WhiteCollarRedneck
22:44 Jan
22:31 macofromoc
22:28 Clomoling Ebbutle1219
22:25 Alaska Paul
22:17 trailing wife
22:13 trailing wife
22:03 trailing wife
21:56 trailing wife
21:53 AzCat
21:37 trailing wife
21:32 trailing wife
21:30 Cyber Sarge
21:22 trailing wife
21:04 Deacon Blues
20:59 Poison Reverse
20:59 Cyber Sarge

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