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2005-08-01 Home Front: WoT
Muslims rally against Tancredo; call for his removal from office
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Posted by Fred 2005-08-01 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [26 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Pick your targets today!!
Posted by Long Hair Republican">Long Hair Republican  2005-08-01 00:10||   2005-08-01 00:10|| Front Page Top

#2 Do the muslims really want to go down this road?
Posted by 3dc 2005-08-01 00:11||   2005-08-01 00:11|| Front Page Top

#3 Tancredo is alot more popular than this group of people are. I think they have a job to do in rectifying that before they take on him to task.
Posted by Sock Puppet 0’ Doom 2005-08-01 00:22||   2005-08-01 00:22|| Front Page Top

#4 "He should be bringing people together, not dividing them,"

And calling for his removal is a great first step in bringing people together. Yup.
no sarcasm tags required
Posted by Rafael 2005-08-01 00:52||   2005-08-01 00:52|| Front Page Top

#5 "Some at the rally worry that Tancredo's remarks will cause people to be hostile towards Muslims and encourage prejudice."

Where were these Moslems in the days after 9/11?

They should worry that Islam's taqiya, jihad and sharia will cause people to be wary of Moslems and encourage a strong, principled self-defense in a war Moslems themselves have declared.

If there were "moderate" Moslems, they would praise Tancredo and state that they'd rather see Mecca nuked than Islam used for mass-murder. Big IF.
Posted by Kalle (kafir forever) 2005-08-01 01:52||   2005-08-01 01:52|| Front Page Top

#6 Isn't the prophecy of Mohammed a big lie to the Muslim Nation if there is no more Mecca?
Posted by Long Hair Republican">Long Hair Republican  2005-08-01 01:57||   2005-08-01 01:57|| Front Page Top

#7 Muslims out. All of them. Now. They are all traitors, aiders and abettors of the killing of innocent Americans. Let them take their murderous ideology back to the hellhole it originated in and cease to be an infection in the American body politic. I'm sure the Saudis will be glad to have them back.
Posted by mac 2005-08-01 05:43||   2005-08-01 05:43|| Front Page Top

#8 I'm not of the "Muslim's Out" mindset, but I do think they are making a big mistake taking on Tancredo. Inshallah
Posted by 2b 2005-08-01 09:55||   2005-08-01 09:55|| Front Page Top

#9 I'm not of the "Muslim's Out" mindset, but I do think they are making a big mistake taking on Tancredo. Inshallah
Posted by 2b 2005-08-01 09:55||   2005-08-01 09:55|| Front Page Top

#10 I want to preempt a confusion that might happen on this thread in our anger.

The confusion between Muslim and Arabs in the U.S. Statistics show that 77% of Arabs in the U.S. are Christians. Although I am a "Rightwing Bible Thumping Christian", I don't want to get rid of all Muslims. I want deep and very agressive penetration inside the mosque's, by the Homeland Security, FBI, etc. and systematically get RID of all the instigators.

BTW, we are already making excellent strides in this approach and the chances of being struck in the U.S. is being reduced. But, this is no time to go to sleep.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2005-08-01 12:14||   2005-08-01 12:14|| Front Page Top

#11 Isn't the prophecy of Mohammed a big lie to the Muslim Nation if there is no more Mecca?

No. that's a dangerous fantasy. Nuking Mecca and Medina will not cause Muslims - especially extremists - to convert to Christianity or to consumerism either.

Posted by leader of the pack 2005-08-01 12:17||   2005-08-01 12:17|| Front Page Top

#12 Let's paraphrase: Nuking Hiroshima or Nagasaki will not cause the Japanese to abandon their supremacist dreams for freedom or for consumerism.

What *evidence* do you have, lop?
Posted by Kalle (kafir forever) 2005-08-01 12:29||   2005-08-01 12:29|| Front Page Top

#13 Kalle, the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, yet Judaism is as strong as ever.
Posted by Robert Crawford">Robert Crawford  2005-08-01 12:34||]">[]  2005-08-01 12:34|| Front Page Top

#14 What *evidence* do you have, lop?

None I can publish here. But I've interacted with some of these people.

Japan was conquering territory but didn't expect they were fighting the end of the world battle with God on their side. So a major military setback got the result you figure it would.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that these people react the way you would - they don't.
Posted by leader of the pack 2005-08-01 12:49||   2005-08-01 12:49|| Front Page Top

#15 More MSM stuff at work. First, note the "rally" had only around 200 some people show up. They quote only 1 Nation of Islam (to me, a more racial than religious group) and 1 guy in the crowd. That being said, I agree w/ 2b...they don't wanna tangle w/ Tancredo in my mind.
Posted by BA 2005-08-01 15:02||   2005-08-01 15:02|| Front Page Top

#16 RC, Jews didn't have a supremacist ambition then, nor do they now.

The only valid comparison would be with a culture, cult or country that saw its core city destroyed because they kept attacking other societies.

The only such group that has survived this long is Islam, and Moslems are a big problem now because in the 20th century the West decided to go to war against itself during two world wars instead of continuing to push the barbarians back. Islam was retreating until the early 20th century.
Posted by Kalle (kafir forever) 2005-08-01 18:52||   2005-08-01 18:52|| Front Page Top

#17 Campaign donations to Tancredo can be sent here.
Posted by DMFD 2005-08-01 19:25||   2005-08-01 19:25|| Front Page Top

#18 RC has a point, Kalle. At the time, a great many Jews believed in the imminent arrival of the messiah, a lineal descendent of King David who would take the throne and rule the world from his capitol in Jerusalem, at God's behest. That is the reason why the Romans were so upset about the claim that Jesus was "King of the Jews." Such a person was a direct threat to their hegemony, and indeed the next claimant to be King of the Jews, Bar Kochba, led a revolt in the early part of the 2nd century A.D. that Rome only ended when they destroyed Jerusalem and decimated the Jewish population of the region; the crucifixes, each with a Jew upon it, lined the road almost all the way to Rome itself, I've been told.
Posted by trailing wife 2005-08-01 20:05||   2005-08-01 20:05|| Front Page Top

#19 "The U.S. Rep. told a Muslim group Wednesday he was sorry if anyone was offended by what he said, but he stands by his comments, his spokesman Will Adams said.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the Republican Party said Friday the party backs Rep. Tom Tancredo, despite rifts the Colorado congressman has created with some Hispanic groups over his outspoken opposition to illegal immigration."
DMFD, great comment.
CAIR has been promoting violence for a very long time, but after this whole business of Tancredo, they have come out against violence and extremist muslims.
Thanks TT.
Posted by Jan 2005-08-01 22:47||   2005-08-01 22:47|| Front Page Top

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