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2005-07-23 Home Front: Politix
Kerry: Release Records On Roberts
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Posted by LC FOTSGreg 2005-07-23 18:24|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [24 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I mean, really, is a comment truly necessary? (What do they call that again? Oh yeah, hipocrasy.).
Posted by ArmChair in sin">ArmChair in sin  2005-07-23 19:00||   2005-07-23 19:00|| Front Page Top

#2 ROFL! This is just precious, lol!
Posted by .com 2005-07-23 19:04||   2005-07-23 19:04|| Front Page Top

#3 "The Democratic officials said Democrats also are eager to learn details of Roberts' activities in Florida in 2000, at the time of the state's contested presidential recount. They spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to provide details."

Oh, God, not THAT again...
Posted by Dave D.">Dave D.  2005-07-23 19:14||   2005-07-23 19:14|| Front Page Top

#4 Well, heh, it is the wellspring of their dementia...

What should be fun is if Roberts uses the Bader-MeinhoffGinsberg response that it would be improper to answer. I hope this blows up, gets nasty, and the Nuke Option is activated. The reluctant RINO's will have to side with Roberts - he was so recently approved for the most important Federal District Court and has done nothing since then to justify the wankers. By getting stupid over Roberts, they would do us the favor of delivering the RINO votes that end this filibuster bullshit.
Posted by .com 2005-07-23 19:23||   2005-07-23 19:23|| Front Page Top

#5 I was laughing so hard I swallowed my tongue. Damn
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-07-23 19:23||   2005-07-23 19:23|| Front Page Top

#6 "Well, heh, it is the wellspring of their dementia..."

Nah. It was the Clinton impeachment that first drove them nuts. And they've been in a death spiral ever since, getting crazier and crazier with each election.

These people just don't learn. With one exception: Bill Clinton taught them that Democrats don't ever, ever have to be ashamed of hypocrisy. They've learned that lesson, that's for sure...
Posted by Dave D.">Dave D.  2005-07-23 19:32||   2005-07-23 19:32|| Front Page Top

#7 Touché, lol! I never paid any attention to the impeachment proceedings as I didn't give a rat's ass where he hid the sausage. The only aspect of that whole philandering thing that interested me was Hillary. Watching her made writing the text bubble for this image sooo easy.
Posted by .com 2005-07-23 19:40||   2005-07-23 19:40|| Front Page Top

#8 she's rode "abused little woman" as far as she can, now she's the Dem Right-wing Chameleon, with all the sincerity that shift entails. Check her scalp and 666 is on their somewhere
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-07-23 19:45||   2005-07-23 19:45|| Front Page Top

#9 What should be fun is if Roberts uses the Ginsberg response that it would be improper to answer.

I look for him not only to employ that answer early and often but to cite directly to the Senate's approval of the tactic. IIRC there are some juicy quotes on the record by the current Donk leadership defending the tactic.

Ironic though it is that Kerry's apparently the first to demand confidential records from Roberts' years as an attorney it's mostly a political fishing expedition in search of something they otherwise couldn't get with which to tar the current administration. He can't turn over any records from his private practice and it's close to an unconstitutional breach of the separation of powers if Congress forces the Executive branch to do so.

My guess would be that this is red meat (tofu?) for the Kos Kiddies and that Roberts will sail through relatively unmolested barring the sudden appearance of an Anita Hill or the California grope-gate groupies that appeared just before Arnold was elected here.
Posted by AzCat 2005-07-23 20:48||   2005-07-23 20:48|| Front Page Top

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