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2005-07-21 Britain
Possible bomber on the loose in London, wires seen protruding from suspect
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Posted by phil_b 2005-07-21 16:19|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [55 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Guy from Jane's speculated if explosives from same source as 2 weeks ago, they could have 'gone off' over last 2 weeks.

Police have apparently caught one of the bombers and another man outside Downing Street who may be connected. Access to Downing Street was closed off years ago.
Posted by phil_b 2005-07-21 17:46||   2005-07-21 17:46|| Front Page Top

#2 Sky News is now reporting the 2 arrests are unrelated. Also the explosives were similar to 2 weeks ago and bombs a similar size.
Posted by phil_b 2005-07-21 17:58||   2005-07-21 17:58|| Front Page Top

#3 robocop err roboterrorist?
Posted by Hupomoque Spoluter7949 2005-07-21 19:43||   2005-07-21 19:43|| Front Page Top

#4 Well, if the explosives are intact - detonate them in situ. . . For safety's sake of course.
Posted by Doc8404 2005-07-21 19:51||   2005-07-21 19:51|| Front Page Top

#5 From a Times report at LGF:
He pointed out that police had recovered unused explosives from various sites, including a hire car abandoned by bombers at Luton. Police carried out ten controlled explosions on the hire car in Luton station car park before they placed it on a low-loader and took it away.

“One speculation I’ve had all along is that they left those explosives in the car for another group to pick up and carry out a second attack, but when they got there the car had already been taken over by the police, so they have had to cobble something together fairly quickly,” he said.
I had the same thought. While the police described it explosives. They were likely ready to go bombs.
Posted by phil_b 2005-07-21 21:21||   2005-07-21 21:21|| Front Page Top

#6 I haven't seen any remarks to this effect here, but one "terrorism expert" on Fox early today noted that if you mix TATP incorrectly, getting the proportions wrong or improperly prepared, it can burst into flames, rather than explode - and that in 3 of the 4 cases today, the backpacks were reported to have done precisely that. So, perhaps, without their chemist they simply didn't follow instructions and screwed the pooch.
Posted by .com 2005-07-21 21:31||   2005-07-21 21:31|| Front Page Top

#7 Hey .com, does this Islamo-bumble shoot down the "highly educated" theory of AzCat, who dissed my assertion (on Monday) that some of these guys are just uneducated idiots played by the higher-ups? Or is this as good as "highly educated" suicide bombers get? Wonder what you think. BTW, wasn't playing the "pity card" on the Islamofacists, just remembering all the reports of young, uneducated dumb-asses being set up, and of even educated dumb-asses being set up to suicide bomb unknowingly, by their "superiors."
Posted by ex-lib 2005-07-21 21:51||   2005-07-21 21:51|| Front Page Top

#8 That's what I've been thinking all day: maybe the "B" team decided to try its hand at this household chemistry business and make another batch of bombs, and screwed up the recipe. Hence, a whole bunch of fizzles.
Posted by Dave D.">Dave D.  2005-07-21 21:51||   2005-07-21 21:51|| Front Page Top

#9 Hmmm. I've been off 'n on, lately, and didn't see or read the tiff about this.

I have no doubt that the typical "cell" of jihadis is as likely a zoo mix as not. The first London / Leeds 4 were somewhat homogenous except for the 30 yr old married guy. I'll bet good money it's usually a zoo -- and I believe in the theory that they (at least 3 of them) did not know they were suiciders - they were drafted.

Who is willing to blow himself up - for any cause? Well, lol, that has to be a combination of very personal tics and flakes, no? 3 or 4 Muzzies who happen to live near each other and go to the same moskkk and socialize might easily agree to do the jihadi thing by placing bombs. That one is easy to see - macho bravado, yadd3. But for those same guys to all also be willing to blow themselves up - no. I'd agree with you.

The odds are that the potential boomers, whether they accept the suicide thing or not, are grouped geographically. Convenience, less suspicious, etc. The plans drawn up by the Traveling Masterminds & Bombmakers may, or may not require suicide. If the plans do call for it, I would guess that they draft suckers where needed.

Does that make sense?
Posted by .com 2005-07-21 22:07||   2005-07-21 22:07|| Front Page Top

#10 Lots of people have PhDs in things that have nothing to do with explosives chemistry, or even the ability to follow directions. The first team two weeks ago were not from amongst the ignorant and poverty-stricken, nor even the petty criminal class like the Shoe Bomber idiot. It remains to be seen whether this second bunch could equally afford to take time off for exciting extracurricular activities, but I suspect that their daddies were equally well fed.
Posted by trailing wife 2005-07-21 22:09||   2005-07-21 22:09|| Front Page Top

#11 Homemade explosives and detonators deteriate quickly. I've just read 'keep in a cool dry place and use within 7 days'. Gotta watch those 'best before' dates.
Posted by phil_b 2005-07-21 22:13||   2005-07-21 22:13|| Front Page Top

#12 Interesting.... usually by now, some group, maybe two are claiming "responsibility" of the bombers, proud of what they did.

Am I missing something? Have any of these groups claimed responsibility?

Remembering how our Fallujah Marines broadcasted questions of their manhood to get them to come out and face them. This just has to be one big "weak horse" for the followers.
Posted by Sherry 2005-07-21 22:22||   2005-07-21 22:22|| Front Page Top

#13 Dave and phil nail it, IMHO, regards the no claims issue... fizzles, heh. Embarrassing to admit incompetence...

Lions of Islam?

Um, no... more like Pussies of London, lol!
Posted by .com 2005-07-21 22:30||   2005-07-21 22:30|| Front Page Top

#14 To err is human, to really screw things up requires a bunch of Muslims.
Posted by phil_b 2005-07-21 22:43||   2005-07-21 22:43|| Front Page Top

#15 Lol. Well, I can't think of any other culture that puts less emphasis on the realities of life in their idea of "education". Health, math (beyond individual commerce), science, history, et al -- sacrificed on the altar of memorizing the fucking qu'uran.

They're prepared for absolutely nothing outside of Islam, by Islam.
Posted by .com 2005-07-21 22:49||   2005-07-21 22:49|| Front Page Top

23:55 mojo
23:53 Sock Puppet 0’ Doom
23:49 borgboy
23:20 DMFD
23:19 Old Patriot
23:06 OldSpook
22:54 too true
22:49 OldSpook
22:49 .com
22:43 phil_b
22:30 GK
22:30 .com
22:22 Sherry
22:17 .com
22:13 phil_b
22:09 trailing wife
22:07 .com
21:56 trailing wife
21:51 Dave D.
21:51 ex-lib
21:50 .com
21:49 muck4doo
21:47 muck4doo
21:41 .com

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