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2005-07-15 Europe
Violence mars Bastille Day in France
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Posted by Pappy 2005-07-15 00:19|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [32 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Let me guess most of the trouble makers were named Abual, Muhamed and Yassar not Jaques, Jules and Siemon
Posted by Sock Puppet 0’ Doom 2005-07-15 01:11||   2005-07-15 01:11|| Front Page Top

#2 Socialism + multiculturalism = Paris on fire.
Posted by Jihad Unfun 2005-07-15 01:22||   2005-07-15 01:22|| Front Page Top

#3 Jihad Unfun---LOL!
Posted by Alaska Paul">Alaska Paul  2005-07-15 01:27||   2005-07-15 01:27|| Front Page Top

#4 The agony of France.
Posted by Kalle (kafir forever) 2005-07-15 01:33||   2005-07-15 01:33|| Front Page Top

#5 Etampes appears to be a communist/socialist stronghold.

Stains itself is a piece of work: communist-run municipality and very large Arab ghettos with Salafist influence
Posted by Pappy 2005-07-15 01:46||   2005-07-15 01:46|| Front Page Top

#6 There are about officially 1000 "zones de non-droit" in France : "unlawful zone, ie places where the police, firefighters, EMT,... cannot go anymore except in commando-style raids or with excessive show of force, where the State authority's been largely remplaced by semi-organized crime's, and where islamization is rampant.

This is a terrible loss of sovereignty, and all that's opposed to it is appeasement, appeasement, appeasement,... both from local (just one example, recently there was riots after a police intervention in one suburb, and the french mayor wrote a letter to muslim org apologizing for the intervention and blaming on the prefect) and from national authorities (multiculturalism and affirmative action being the new trends : build more mosque, give more visas,...).

There is a low-level intifada going on in France with a high level of insecurity, most of it coming from the muslim population (that's not a racist comment, that's a fact recently acknowledged by one MSM newsmag "Le Point" citing official stats, 75% of all processed through the justice system are muslim/non-european born).

This translates in *ten of thousands* of torched cars every year, *systematical* riots after arrests, ambushes of police, stoning of firefighters or EMT, vandalism of churches, graveyards, of schools, not to mention numerous assault agaisnt persons, including gangrapes, murders, beatings,... All this with a relative impunity, the justice is way too laxist, and the police is uneffective, underfunded and paralyzed by PC and the gvt.

The word intifada is not exaggerated, this is really a continous, low-key revolt against symbols of authorities and "frenchness", driven by what can be called "arab-muslim" nationalism, with strong racist undertones (a real taboo, somewhat weakened by the march assault on a student demonstration, where the sons and daughters of the PC crowd were beaten up because they were "whitey" and "unable to fight back because they're french") and fueled by the official "anti-zionist" french policy (not realizing this will backfires in a big way, it already does, as the muslim suburbs identify themselves with paleos) and by a still revolutionnary (if very fashionable) far-left that has found a new proletariat.

I live in a secure rural area, but you should ask JFM (who's a parisian I reckon, and anyway more knowledgeable and well-read) for more infos.

This insecurity saps the Republic at the bottom, while EU transnationalism and the subversion of muslim orgs saps it at the top. Perhaps there is no conspiracy, but it is still very "effective".
Hard times for France in the coming decades (years?), as there is a dramatic shift in population, and money runs out...

If you speak french, I really recommand you to check the site, which has some very good analysis of this situation (very large archives).
Posted by anonymous5089 2005-07-15 09:12||   2005-07-15 09:12|| Front Page Top

#7 A5089 - Excellent detail - THX!

So, um, I guess you're saying it's too late for the Big Hug thingy?

IIRC, one of Sarkozy's selling points to the French electorate (besides the veil coup, lol) was that he muttered he would clean up Francostan - do I have that right?

JFM? I'd like to hear your take, too.
Posted by .com 2005-07-15 09:52||   2005-07-15 09:52|| Front Page Top

#8 Sarkozy appeals to the National Front voters by looking tough on crime, BUT he also appeals to muslim voters by being muslim-friendly... ie he's playing both sides of the cards.

Not only has he set up the CFCM (official representative council of the "french" muslim, which is a farce democracy-wise and is remote-controlled by Algeria, Morocco or the Gulf, and in which the main force is the UOIF, the french muslim brotherhood), which was a legacy from his predecessors, it's true, but he also promotes affirmative action, promotes multiculturalism, has offed the "double peine" law (the expellation of foreign criminals), plans on softening regulations regarding illegal aliens, want to *increase* legal immigration through his quotas proposal,...

When when it comes to acts, so far he's all talk and no show, his first stint as interior minister didn't bring anything except statistical tinkering and appeasement, and as a finance minister he was interventionnist. He talks tough and decisive, and play the media very well, but there is little substance. To me, he's a young Chirac.

Sarko is *very* ambitious, he definitively wants to be president and will do anything to see that happen; only thing I like about him, except that he's Chirac current archnemesis, is that he's more free market and atlantist than most of the so-called "conservative". So far, he's the only credible alternative on the right.

Sarko's definitively part and parcel of the stablishment, you shouldn't expect much from him. One hint : after the Perpignan race riots (muslim vs gypsies), he went there to do his "sarkoshow"; as one angry onlooker told him "the problem is having too much muslims in the first place", he elegantly responded "Piss off!"...

I much prefer Philippe de Villiers, a catholic conservative with a great sense of humor, and much clearer views on islam (at least when he's talking on conservative Radio-Courtoisie...); perhaps JFM will think otherwise, I don't know. Anyway, I'm so disillusionned, I haven't voted for years except for the EU constitution, french pols disgust me.
For material on Sarko, see this dissident UMP site (in french)
Posted by anonymous5089 2005-07-15 10:23||   2005-07-15 10:23|| Front Page Top

#9 A5089 - I know a place where you'd be very welcome. We have many of the same problems, of course, and leaders who sound just like Sarko, lol, but they're out of power - and very likely to stay out of power at the rate they're going. Just a thought, lol!

Thx for the detail - again, excellent!

What's your take on Sabine Herold - or any other non-idiotarian politician? I assume she fits in that category, it's damned hard to tell over here from mere press reports of extremely biased and questionable veracity, lol!
Posted by .com 2005-07-15 10:38||   2005-07-15 10:38|| Front Page Top

#10 Just a BFO, but wasn't there violence on the very first Bastille Day?

Ah, the French are revoluting. Yes they are and your point is?
Posted by Pheng Glolung9905 2005-07-15 11:18||   2005-07-15 11:18|| Front Page Top

#11 It's not the french who are revolting, it's a low-key, low budget civil war in the begining, started by unassimilated muslims.

So far this is manageable and pretty much covered up by the media, which hide it in plain sight, but in the coming years it may evolve into something else. Future's not looking bright.

As for the anti-idiotarians, they are few; Sabine Herold and her "Liberté chérie" are not a political party but an org that fight the good fight along others (such as the comité Lepante), but its impact is minimal, even media-wise, and in the best case, they'll end up recycled by the main political parties ("LC" is pro-Sarkozy).
Again, ask JFM when you can for a more articulate response.
Posted by anonymous5089 2005-07-15 12:01||   2005-07-15 12:01|| Front Page Top

#12 I have always thought Paris was just another Detriot, without a championship NBA team.
Posted by David Stern 2005-07-15 12:11||   2005-07-15 12:11|| Front Page Top

#13 OBL: "Is Paris Burning?"
Posted by Neutron Tom 2005-07-15 12:17||   2005-07-15 12:17|| Front Page Top

#14 A5089, your response is definitely articulate, and very informative, from a different perpective than JFM. And while True German Ally is correct that someone needs to stay on your side of the pond to fight the good fight, do please let us know when you are ready to move over here -- you'll find a very long list of sponsors. :-)
Posted by trailing wife 2005-07-15 17:06||   2005-07-15 17:06|| Front Page Top

#15 I know some of you are going to tell me I'm crazy but I have serious hopes for France's ability to handle the Muzzy infection. My reason for optimism is that France, since WWII, hasn't seemed to give a damn for anyone else's opinion about anything and has always operated in what she perceived to be her own best interest. When it becomes clear to the enarques who run France that it's either expel the 'Slims or go under, I think there will be boatloads of immigrant and beur Muslims headed for the Maghreb with one-way tickets. The French in 1962 Algeria faced a choice between the suitcase or the coffin. I suspect France's Muslims will have to make the same choice sometime in the next decade.
Posted by mac 2005-07-15 22:59||   2005-07-15 22:59|| Front Page Top

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23:02 Sock Puppet 0’ Doom
22:59 mac
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