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2005-06-14 Afghanistan/South Asia
Raped, Kidnapped and Silenced
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Posted by Paul Moloney 2005-06-14 03:31|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Musharraf isn't the problem here. It's the ISI types that would be in total control if it weren't for Musharraf.
Posted by gromky">gromky  2005-06-14 05:55||]">[]  2005-06-14 05:55|| Front Page Top

#2 I agree with Kristof about 94%; Musharraft is way out of line on this one. This is behavior identical to that of Iran, Burma er, Myanmar, china, russia, etc. Not a single instance of due process, outside of Ms. Muktarans civil suit.

Although the part about "altruism" is complete horseshit, though. It don't enter in to it, my good man.

[Mrs. Conclusion: "Why did you say Burma?" - Mrs Premise: "I panicked!"]

And another thing: Just because Osama shows up on election eve, in bad make up, looking not at all well, does not mean he's not bleedin' demised. He's a stiff. He's a non-combatant. He has ceased-to-be. He's climbed down the curtain to join the lemming invisible. He's an ex-terrorist. He's stone cold dead. He wouldn't become a free mason now, if you got down on your lousy stinking knees and begged him . Why, He couldn't pinpoint a purr, if you ran 4000 volts through him. (although, I'd love to give it a try, just for old times sake). The man is deceased, And I'm quite sure he's most definitely dead.

Osambo: "No I'm Not!"
Posted by an dalusian dog">an dalusian dog  2005-06-14 06:59||   2005-06-14 06:59|| Front Page Top

#3 They just ran a story on this on NPR. I await the massive tidal-wave of condemnation from the usual academic/feminist/Hollywood establishment with breathless anticipation.
And to think that I heard about this on Rantburg simply ages and ages ago...Mainstream media, you are dead media walking.
Posted by Sgt. Mom">Sgt. Mom  2005-06-14 18:51||]">[]  2005-06-14 18:51|| Front Page Top

#4 Ima start to think ADD is right again.
Posted by Shipman 2005-06-14 19:11||   2005-06-14 19:11|| Front Page Top

#5 Disgusting - If India and Pakland trade nukes, I'm rooting for India, and I hope they clean this backward asshole culture from the earth
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-06-14 19:16||   2005-06-14 19:16|| Front Page Top

#6 Lol, Frank - candy-coating it won't help!

Islam, and at the heart of Islam, Shari'a.

As openly practised in PakiWakiLand, SaoodiLand, BlackHatLand, et al, and secretly practised everywhere else - until the stories are finally added up, anyway, it is simply the most vile barbaric ideology on the planet. That it has not been universally condemned is repugnant - but enlightening, for those who know it and still won't condemn it are its apologists and enablers and share a measure of responsibility for its acts, no matter how remote from the scene they may be or how seemingly innocent their intentions. Those who refuse to condemn it are dangerous to us all for, at a minimum, they obfuscate the truth and further delay the long overdue response to the threat this evil poses.

See it up close and personal and it is obvious there is no saving grace, no redeeming value, no defensible purpose for tolerating its existence. It is an ideology of self-replication - by any means possible, an ideology of destruction and pillaging, of subjugation and mind-killing, an ideology of deception, lies, and hate. It feeds off of our reluctance to reply in kind and counts upon our hesitance - while it has no such limits or qualms. It is a human pathogen.
Posted by .com 2005-06-14 19:58||   2005-06-14 19:58|| Front Page Top

#7 Kudos com - well said.
Posted by 3dc 2005-06-14 23:00||   2005-06-14 23:00|| Front Page Top

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