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2005-06-04 Home Front: WoT
U.S. Confirms Gitmo Soldier Kicked Quran
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Posted by Spot 2005-06-04 00:23|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [22 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 horers!!!

fred thisn geterin redickyoolus. ima getin redy do em salootes evrtime em alla or korran or muhamed is menshend fro feer sumone in teh meediya in gonner yoos it gaynst me ifn im dont.
Posted by muck4doo 2005-06-04 00:32||]">[]  2005-06-04 00:32|| Front Page Top

#2 Should have kicked it up jihadi's colon.
Posted by ed 2005-06-04 00:41||   2005-06-04 00:41|| Front Page Top

#3 As far as using it for toilet paper, I find the paper in the qur'an a bit harsh on the ole' pooper. I prefer to line the pig trough with it instead. The pig shit tends to soften it up a bit and the pigs seem to enjoy wallowing in it.

By the way, I have a pig named elmer who can oink the word "allah".
Posted by Unose Whavitle7547 2005-06-04 01:40||   2005-06-04 01:40|| Front Page Top

#4 LOL..Unose what you talkin about!!
Posted by Red Dog 2005-06-04 01:46||   2005-06-04 01:46|| Front Page Top

#5 I still like the idea of feeding the quran to the pigs...and letting the pigs crap it out...and then smearing it on the jihadis.
Posted by anymouse">anymouse  2005-06-04 01:53||   2005-06-04 01:53|| Front Page Top

#6 This story -- and its prominence; it's at the top of the AP top story feed -- is the absolute nadir of media/leftist stupidity. No wonder our military is kicking their butts on the field of public opinion.
Posted by someone 2005-06-04 03:40||   2005-06-04 03:40|| Front Page Top

#7  ima getin redy do em salootes evrtime em alla or korran or muhamed is menshend fro feer sumone in teh meediya in gonner yoos it gaynst me ifn im dont

Maybe it reall7y is time to do the opposite - stand up and tell the Muslim world to EARN respect - and shoot back at any sumbitch wants to do something about it.

I've had it.
Posted by seriously annoyed 2005-06-04 08:14||   2005-06-04 08:14|| Front Page Top

#8 At the Rantapalooza we whould have a Koran available for everyone to honor as they deem appropriate.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2005-06-04 08:21||   2005-06-04 08:21|| Front Page Top

#9 Mrs Davis is on to something.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2005-06-04 09:12||   2005-06-04 09:12|| Front Page Top

#10 How about a new deal? Every time they burn our flag or stomp on the contitution we kill everyone at the rally. Soulds fair.
Posted by 49 pan 2005-06-04 09:17||   2005-06-04 09:17|| Front Page Top

#11 Self confession: In 1994, I let a hellious fart within a 30-mile radius of the Koran. Yes, I realize now that it was a mistake, that the Koran has feelings too, but it was due to eating bean soup.

I have since sworn off eating bean soup and living on the same planet as that where the Koran exists. So far, so good.
Posted by Captain America 2005-06-04 09:36||   2005-06-04 09:36|| Front Page Top

#12 In the same article they alledge that: "a two-word obscenity was written in English on the inside cover of a Quran."

Which two? Doesn't really matter, but it amuses me to contemplate the righteous Jihadi's reaction to them.
Posted by Justrand 2005-06-04 09:49||   2005-06-04 09:49|| Front Page Top

#13 Seems I woke up one morning and the "qur'an" (what the fuck does that mean?) had become the entire world's sacred cow. You can't talk about it. You can't look at it. You can't handle it. And never, ever piss it off.

Not that it really matters, but I read this piece of shit in college. It's not even good literature, let alone "sacred".

Deep down in their inferiority complex ridden hearts, these bastards know that. Reaction? "Kill the infidel!"
Posted by Unose Whavitle7547 2005-06-04 10:11||   2005-06-04 10:11|| Front Page Top

#14 Isn't all this concern about the Koran a violation of the separation of church and state?

I'm not saying, I'm just saying...
Posted by eLarson 2005-06-04 10:50||]">[]  2005-06-04 10:50|| Front Page Top

#15 The WaPo article this am noted (about the fourth para, I was almost ready to move on) that 15 detainees also desecrated the Koran. That's one for each protester killed, IIRC.
Posted by Bobby 2005-06-04 11:24||   2005-06-04 11:24|| Front Page Top

#16 I'm going to say something: I don't believe in desecrating a holy book, mine or someone else's, whether by design or by mistake.

I'm going to say something else: joking about desecrating a Qu'ran is getting old around here.

On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 = jaywalking and 10 = beheading an innocent hostage, mishandling a Qu'ran is a 0.01. The soldiers shouldn't do it, particularly since they have a set of guidelines in place. If I were the officer in charge, a trooper who did that would get his ass chewed and might lose his weekend pass.

And then that would be the end of it.

The MSM has completely lost perspective of this issue with its endless, breathless reporting. Who provided the Qu'ran to the prisoners in the first place? We did, along with hot food, medical care, and clean clothing. We're not ogres, and the few instances of torture are just that: few. They deserve to be punished because each one tars our national reputation.

And it's our reputation at Rantburg on the line with the endless stream of jokes about using the Qu'ran for toilet paper, having pigs eat it, etc. We know that these inmates are a bunch of sad mooks who have no respect for others.

We don't need to imitate them.

I want their holy book treated with the same respect as mine. I want reciprocity. I want them to get that message and get it good. It doesn't help if we treat their book with disrespect.

We're better than that.
Posted by Steve White">Steve White  2005-06-04 12:42||   2005-06-04 12:42|| Front Page Top

#17 Hello? It's a book, you idolatrous bastards...
Posted by Whomort Threase2857 2005-06-04 12:43||   2005-06-04 12:43|| Front Page Top

#18 ** Watches Steve put the rolled up newspaper down. **
Posted by badanov 2005-06-04 12:53||]">[]  2005-06-04 12:53|| Front Page Top

#19 right you are Steve. Turning right to take the high road, instead of the low.
Posted by 2b 2005-06-04 13:45||   2005-06-04 13:45|| Front Page Top

#20 Steve, if I may play devil's advocate. Movies, cartoons, and shared acceptance of mocking the enemy played a significant role in maintaining domestic morale during WWII. Not every Japanese and German deserved to be insulted as a monkeyface or a kraut, but we did it anyway. And we won.

The jihadis read the Qur'an as a manual for war, and it makes as much sense to give them access as it would to have given captured SS copies of Mein Kampf. Yet we're being forced to watch the MSM use our good intentions to destroy good will won with American blood. Our morale is important too, and we've earned a little fun at the enemy's expense. I don't think any of us intend to actually poop on a Koran, so I think venting some verbal steam is within bounds.
Posted by ST 2005-06-04 15:06||   2005-06-04 15:06|| Front Page Top

#21 I think we should extend this campaign of counter-terrorist brutality and intimidation by desecrating various pop-lefty icons as well as the Koran.
We can burn Che and Mumia t-shirts, urinate on Chomsky's books, demolish VW buses, flush shredded birkenstocks down eco-friendly toilets, put Lynn Stewart's panties on Howard Zinn's head, feed Michael Moore DVDs to pigs, put obscene lyrics to the melody of Kumbaya, draw horns on photos of Ho Chi Minh......

By all indications, this will break their spirit and force their surrender.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-06-04 15:23||   2005-06-04 15:23|| Front Page Top

#22 The media go apeshit over abuse of the Koran and yawn at or support Bible abuse for one simple reason: Christians do not riot, chop people's heads off, or issue fatwas over second and third hand accounts of books being mistreated.

They don't yet anyway, but our Rovian incitement machine is naturally looking in that direction.

I am in the Mecca of Fundyism, Lubbock, so the opportunities here are endless. There is even a small colony of sacrificial moonbats (associated with the university) to feed the first wave of bonfires, lynchings, and public beheadings.

My alternate-world post from a while back addressed this:

(Al Socialist Press) Lubbock, Texas, the near future:

Enraged Fundamentalists Battle Troops, Police Over Desecration Report

During a sermon today at the Mount Antioch Baptist Bible Church, the Reverend Dr. Joe Bob Yarnell called for a "Holy Crusade" in response to unconfirmed media reports that a Texas Tech coed had desecrated a Bible during a graduation party/orgy at a local fraternity house.
An enraged crowd of protestors poured from the church, overwhelmed police lines, and rampaged through a nearby neighborhood. A number of Volvos and Volkswagens were burned in the streets. Two ACLU lawyers, rushing to the scene to ensure that Christian rights were respected, were lynched and their bodies hung from lampposts.

The protestors then advanced toward the Texas Tech campus, gathering strength from other churches along the way. The crowd set fire to offending facilities, and battled police and hastily called-up National Guard units.
Suspected infidels were hounded through the streets and many were shot or burned at hastily erected stakes in public parks.
Several dozen head-shops, Starbuck's franchises, XXX video stores, and intimate apparel outlets were burned to the ground, and many other businesses were looted.
"The Buy-Bull is the sa-kerd word o' Gawd and we ain't lettin' no goddamned hippie fornicators des-ser-cate it. We got titty bars and honky-tonks for that!" declared one rioter protestor as he torched a pile of Playboy magazines outside a looted 7-11 store.
The protest was finally quelled by airborne troops who landed by parachute near the Civic Center. At least 65 people were killed and local hospitals report hundreds of injuries.

"We are naturally sensitive to the concerns of the Christian Community in the protection of its sacred texts," declared Texas Tech president Jon Whitmore in a Sunday evening statement. "We feel their pain at this horrid allegation and we promise that the alleged graduation party incident will be fully investigated and those responsible, if any, will be punished to the fullest extent of the speech and conduct code."
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-06-04 15:34||   2005-06-04 15:34|| Front Page Top

#23 Steve,

I don't want reciprocity at all. This would imply equality. The old PC argument that "all cultures are equal" and all deserve "equal respect" is a load of horse shit.

Some cultures are inherently inferior to others, and demostrably so. Think of the picture of starving indians in the streets of Calcutta, for example, as healthy fat cows go meandering down the street. That's not culture, it's gross idolatry and stupidity.

This is about the most non-pc blog I've found, and I'd kinda like to keep it that way. Stir the pot. Fan te flames. Rake a little muck. The free and often shocking excahge of opinions, however offensive is a strength of the US, not a weakness.
Posted by Unose Whavitle7547 2005-06-04 16:35||   2005-06-04 16:35|| Front Page Top

#24 Attention all blasphemer, attention all blasphemers, please do not access
Posted by Captain America 2005-06-04 17:10||   2005-06-04 17:10|| Front Page Top

#25 Steve - your comment lead me back to my Webster's to check the meaning of the word "rant".

The definition: speak in loud exaggerated manner: to speak in a very loud, aggressive, or bombastic way, usually at length and repetitively

Such a definition suggests that those of us tarnished, low roaders are living up to the true meaning of being a Rantburger.
Posted by Captain America 2005-06-04 17:27||   2005-06-04 17:27|| Front Page Top

#26 Not being to religous I say... Just treat it like any ISO-9000 document.
Shred it.
Pulp it
Turn it into newsprint.
Posted by 3dc 2005-06-04 17:44||   2005-06-04 17:44|| Front Page Top

#27 All Salute Captain America!
Posted by Unose Whavitle7547 2005-06-04 18:06||   2005-06-04 18:06|| Front Page Top

#28 We have the moral high ground, I think we need to seize the rhetorical high ground and stop inciting enemy sympathizers by apologizing every time they pretend offense.

The current war is a global crusade (yes, a crusade) against superstition, idolatry, and medievalism.
These evil practices, and the complicity of the institutional media, are perfectly summarized in this bizarre media frenzy over the fetishistic taboos of a backward and violent cult.

Steve, I believe you're missing the point. It is not the disapproval of desecration that bothers us, it is the maniacal violence and the absolutely bizarre media frenzy that accompany it. I'll buy the reciprocity idea when Christians riot over the desecration of a Bible, when the bastage who produced "Piss Christ" is beheaded on video, and when disrespect for the Bible or the Torah is front-page news all over the world. Until then, we must not let ourselves be intimidated by the enemy's pretense of extraordinary sensitivity.

Giving in to this Islamo-fascist outcry is equivalent to reviving, and endorsing, the old Polynesian practice of killing someone for touching a chief's head, or legalizing Aztec-style human sacrifice.
Moral equivalence is a satanic notion, leading to the equality of all human behavior, an end to all progress and a reversion to Stone Age barbarism.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-06-04 18:38||   2005-06-04 18:38|| Front Page Top

#29 All I can say is I'm soooooofucking tired of Islam's holy book in all its' printings and forms being held as sacrosanct whilst Paleo pigs piss in the Church of the Nativity and emerged alive as rock stars among their fellow subhumans. We can rise above this shit, but I think we need to let the ignorant masses and their controlling authorities know what real desecration is: a glass smoking field around Mecca the next time they pull shit. I'm not apologizing for my anger or disgust, either. These mooks need to suffer consequences for inciting against the Great Satan.
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-06-04 18:45||   2005-06-04 18:45|| Front Page Top

#30 Frank, AC and others: my demand for reciprocity is essential for us to force the Muslims into civil behavior. I'm not asking Christians to riot over Piss Christ, I'm demanding that Muslims stop rioting every time someone handles a Qu'ran with one hand instead of two.

And I want us to lead by example: a truly superior, enlightened society doesn't desecrate the holy books of another faith, nor does it riot when some mook desecrates ours. There is no moral equivalence here: I'm demanding that they come up to our standards. To do that, we have to adhere to our own standard.

The transgressions over Qu'ran handling at Gitmo are, as I said, really minor -- a 0.01 on the 0 to 10 scale. I want us firmly pegged on the '0' position, and I'm demanding that Muslims strive for that same position.

Or I'm going to have to kill them. Sorry, but they don't get to live in a world where it's okay, based on their religion, to kill me. That's what this rioting over the Qu'ran is about in the end, when you get down to the most basic position: their morality says that it's okay to riot, pillage and murder if they're somehow offended. I don't want that right, I want that brought to an end. There's two ways to do that: one is learn and cooperate ...
Posted by Steve White">Steve White  2005-06-04 19:26||   2005-06-04 19:26|| Front Page Top

#31 Fair enuf, Dr Steve
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-06-04 19:28||   2005-06-04 19:28|| Front Page Top

#32 I am also heartily sick of this non-issue, but looking on the bright side, every story that gets published both highlights the lunacy of Islam and decreases the MSM's credibility in the eyes of reasonable people.

Otherwise, as an atheist, as far as I am concerned, a religion is just an ideology. I consider legal protection of any form or symbol of an ideology a very bad thing. Our only protection against ideologies is the right the criticise them, and that includes protesting against their symbols in this case the Koran.
Posted by phil_b 2005-06-04 20:17||   2005-06-04 20:17|| Front Page Top

#33 "Or I'm going to have to kill them."
I'm thinking that's pretty inevitable considering that many of their leaders are working from a paradigm that they are the righteous, chosen people and you are the vile lowly infidel, unworthy of life itself. Either you join them in their cult of 7th century thugocracy or you will be their target, eventually nuclear. You wouldn't tolerate a Nazi revival; you shouldn't tolerate this festering 7th century disease either.
Posted by Tom 2005-06-04 21:05||   2005-06-04 21:05|| Front Page Top

#34 Hmm, Steve, with all due respect, leading Islamofasists by example sounds like a liberal wet dream. The only example they want is for us to squat and ask how much do you want?

The Islamofasists want only one thing, kill the infidels. This moaning and groaning about the Karen is all pigshit propaganda. As the DoD report stated, the "true believers" at Gitmo pissed on their own Karen, torn out pages, etc. Did the Islamofasists get ticked off by that? Noooo!

The MSM is playing into the Islamofasists hands in their attempts to demean President Bush. They have hyped up the Karen to the point of obsurdity. Attempting to equivicate is a fool's errand.
Posted by Captain America 2005-06-04 22:41||   2005-06-04 22:41|| Front Page Top

#35 Oh, and when the soldier kicked the Karen, did he score one point or three?
Posted by Captain America 2005-06-04 22:45||   2005-06-04 22:45|| Front Page Top

#36 Fuck the Koran!
Posted by bigjim-ky 2005-06-04 23:19||   2005-06-04 23:19|| Front Page Top

#37 Oh, ferchrissakes. This is ridiculous.

It's a goddam book, people - humans made the paper, ink, and glue, and printed and bound the book.

If you want to believe the words and thoughts in the book are holy, knock yourselves out. But to believe each and every koran printed by humans is somehow holy is idiocy. It makes you look like the backward, ignorant fools you are.

I'm trying to decide whether it's worth wasting the money on one just so I can kick it and tear it into little tiny pieces. Then flush it. :-(
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2005-06-04 23:25||]">[]  2005-06-04 23:25|| Front Page Top

#38 "And I want us to lead by example: a truly superior, enlightened society doesn't desecrate the holy books of another faith..."

Well, we can lead all we want, and bust our balls trying to be a pure as the driven snow; but the real problem here is that the people we're trying to lead are most certainly not in any mood to follow.

The don't want us to respect them: THEY WANT US TO BOW DOWN BEFORE THEIR HATEFUL DEITY, OR DIE. And they fervently believe they can make us do exactly that.

Frankly, I think we're wasting our time if we try to lead by example; we'd accomplish far more by intimidating them-- by imposing harsh, brute consequences for their actions-- into questioning, then abandoning, the path they have been following.
Posted by Dave D. 2005-06-04 23:44||   2005-06-04 23:44|| Front Page Top

#39 Don't think there's need to confirm that the Talibans blew up the Bamiyan Buddhas to smithereens.

More "descration" will be likely because their drivelling always increases.
Posted by Whese Flomolet8735 2005-06-04 23:50||   2005-06-04 23:50|| Front Page Top

#40 Some very well taken points:

It's a BOOK. Man printed it, bound it, distributed it. It didn't fall out of the sky from "Allah".

Here we are taking the moral high ground while Islamic terrorists invent new ways to exploit our restraint.

And AC...your comments are right on the mark: "Giving in to this Islamo-fascist outcry is equivalent to reviving, and endorsing, the old Polynesian practice of killing someone for touching a chief's head, or legalizing Aztec-style human sacrifice. Moral equivalence is a satanic notion, leading to the equality of all human behavior, an end to all progress and a reversion to Stone Age barbarism."
Posted by Unose Whavitle7547 2005-06-05 00:05||   2005-06-05 00:05|| Front Page Top

00:05 Unose Whavitle7547
23:50 Whese Flomolet8735
23:44 Dave D.
23:43 Pappy
23:28 Barbara Skolaut
23:25 Barbara Skolaut
23:19 bigjim-ky
23:16 bigjim-ky
23:07 bigjim-ky
23:04 bigjim-ky
23:01 bigjim-ky
22:52 bigjim-ky
22:52 thibaud (aka lex)
22:45 Captain America
22:41 Captain America
22:36 Frank G
22:22 Bodyguard
22:16 Super Hose
22:03 Super Hose
21:59 Alaska Paul
21:56 Super Hose
21:49 Super Hose
21:45 Super Hose
21:37 Frank G

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