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Posted by Theth Clineng3458 2005-05-27 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [57 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Theth , How did you know that I had blue palps..I though only my sister knew.
Posted by Jerry Springer 2005-05-27 00:08||   2005-05-27 00:08|| Front Page Top

#2 what a rant. It should be required reading!
Posted by 2b 2005-05-27 00:26||   2005-05-27 00:26|| Front Page Top

#3 Damn prejudiced jerk should know better than get Fred's dander up. Well said, Fred.

BTW, I wondered why someone nut from Pakistan would post from Tokelau. Dot Tokelau is giving away domain names free of charge. They probably should be careful to whom they are granting this privilege.
Posted by GK 2005-05-27 00:30||   2005-05-27 00:30|| Front Page Top

#4 bet this "Islamic Scholar" led the charge against the US desecration of the Koran, not realizing that, by existing such as they are, they are more of a desecration than we could conjure up? Inshallah!
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-05-27 00:37||   2005-05-27 00:37|| Front Page Top

#5 The midnight time indicates this arrived between 9:00 PM and Midnight EST - that prolly means it was just before old Zaheer went off to Friday Prayers, to get the official screed for the week. Sounds like he was quite looking forward to it.

I believe, upon reflection, that what Zaheer is trying to say is we should forget what has happened, go back to being who we were on 9/10 - so he and his fellow Muzzies can, again, use our freedoms and tolerance and trust against us.

Or, simplified: Stand still, infidel, I'm aiming.

It won't happen, Zaheer. We were once sitting ducks, but we learn fast. Your time, the age of blind insanity, tribalist barbarity, and theocratic totalitarianism is ending. You're right to be outraged at us - we're the ones who are ending it. You attacked the wrong infidels. We will take you on and take you out. That tolerance shit is for the clueless fools - the ones that never learn and fail to grasp that evil can't be "fixed" or "reasoned with" or "understood" or "made into friends". We will kill you where you stand, where you seek to enslave others, where you shake your tiny fists, where you breed. You asked for it when you attacked us, you ask for it again every day as you and yours preach and repeat hatred and jihad. You can expect repayment 10-fold. Your bad. Sucks to be you. Buh bye.
Posted by .com 2005-05-27 01:52||   2005-05-27 01:52|| Front Page Top


Stick around dude, and pay attention. Plenty o'good people here making plenty o' good remarks. Hell, you might even learn somethin'.
Posted by Rafael 2005-05-27 01:54||   2005-05-27 01:54|| Front Page Top

#7 Zaheer I would be more than happy to gut you with with your own dagger after I shoot your worthless carcass. I fear no man, nor religion and I will allow neither to attempt to cower me. Live free or die, the choice is yours to make.
Posted by Sock Puppet 0’ Doom 2005-05-27 02:03||   2005-05-27 02:03|| Front Page Top

#8 .com, appreciation society.
Posted by Shistos Shistadogloo 2005-05-27 05:48||   2005-05-27 05:48|| Front Page Top

#9 Does the ellipsis denote abbreviaiton of the message? If so, could we please have Zaheer's full text? It's a quiet day in the office and we could do with a giggle.
Posted by Howard UK 2005-05-27 06:07||   2005-05-27 06:07|| Front Page Top

#10 I can't add a thing, Fred, you said it all.
Posted by Mike 2005-05-27 06:40||   2005-05-27 06:40|| Front Page Top

#11 That's the whole message he posted. I left it to Fred to decide whether to forward it to RB or trash it.

We will take you on and take you out.

Posted by rkb 2005-05-27 07:10||   2005-05-27 07:10|| Front Page Top

#12 My goodness, yes indeed. I twelfth Fred's words, and what everyone else said. Except I'm not going to do the gutting-with-his-own-knife thingy... blood is so hard to get out of clothing if you let it sit for any time at all. The proteins clot, y'know.
Posted by trailing wife 2005-05-27 08:36||   2005-05-27 08:36|| Front Page Top

#13 Fred,

Thanks for posting Zaheer's message and the 1998 Binny Fatwa. On this Memorial Day weekend we need a reminder to finish the job that so many have given their life for.

Hey Zaheer! I checked your website. Nice pics of you and your friends! Sure wearing a lot of the trappings of the evil infidels!
Posted by TomAnon 2005-05-27 08:48||   2005-05-27 08:48|| Front Page Top

#14 Mandatory reading for all High School curriculum.

Well said, Fred.
Posted by Glomong Shesing6648 2005-05-27 08:50||   2005-05-27 08:50|| Front Page Top

#15 Those are nice pics, Zaheer. I wonder if they're in in some CIA database by now?
And one more thing? Website design doesn't appear to be your future...
Posted by tu3031 2005-05-27 09:17||   2005-05-27 09:17|| Front Page Top

#16 what the hell is this guy talking about? I can't even undersatand his rants.

kbfwbw v b gqgyGA OGuyg YURGYT bgyytwgi itwjtungbkjnbJNTNBSkjk :KJBFbkfjgskjkn!
Posted by Legolas 2005-05-27 09:35||   2005-05-27 09:35|| Front Page Top

#17 Not big on spelling or neatness either...
Posted by Tom 2005-05-27 09:39||   2005-05-27 09:39|| Front Page Top

#18 He looks a nice enough lad. Short hair, starched collar, nice tank-top.
Posted by Howard UK 2005-05-27 09:49||   2005-05-27 09:49|| Front Page Top

#19 .com, appreciation society.

Of which I too am a member! =)
Posted by docob 2005-05-27 09:54||   2005-05-27 09:54|| Front Page Top

#20 Zaheer posted this for us on 3/26/04:

"Waziristan is the largest tribal area of Pakistan. What is going on in Waziristan i.e operation in Wana against al-qaeda and taliban fighters is shameful for pakistani govt.
Doesn't this show that in fact we are the terrorists i.e Pakistan is a terrorist country. Because if we are not terrorists then why there are so much terrorists (mujahideens) in our country.
In fact we have forgotten that we are Muslims and that Jihad is the duty of every muslim.
So the warriors in Wanna are not terrorists but they are mujahideens.
If the US and Pak army are giving them the name of terrorism then we will do this terrorism because "no compromise on religion".
I don,t know how the Pakistan govt and US forces had forgotten our past history. we born free and will maintain our freedom on each cost. If the pak govt is doing voilence on childrens and women there then we will feel no hesitation in killing them.
Al-qaeda and talibans are our guests and we know how to sacrifice our lives for our guests.
The flower which a common waziristani tuck on his ear is a sign that he love peace and the rifle which he decorates on his shoulder is an indication to all that every waziristani is ready for war.
Abbas maseed Ravian (ex-razmian)
GC University Lahore"

I guess the fact that he has gone ALL CAPS suggests some hardening of his position.
Posted by Tom 2005-05-27 09:54||   2005-05-27 09:54|| Front Page Top

#21 amazing how articulate a good meal can make a man. well said, Fred. Frankly, we need constant reminding.

Posted by PlanetDan">PlanetDan  2005-05-27 10:20||   2005-05-27 10:20|| Front Page Top

#22 zaheer mashood ravian... you very very bad man!!! (in pakywacky accent of course!)
Posted by radrh8r 2005-05-27 10:50||   2005-05-27 10:50|| Front Page Top

#23 Another Paki screecher. BFD. Fred and .com have given him worthy responses. People like Zaheer are beyond clueless and are, literally, foaming at the mouth. So, since they are rabid dogs, they need to be put down with extreme predjudice. If it weren't for that fact that India is down wind, I would stronly urge that Waziristan be used for a much-needed above ground nuclear test.
Posted by remoteman 2005-05-27 13:01||   2005-05-27 13:01|| Front Page Top

#24 foaming at the mouth

That got my attention. So I scrolled through the Zaheer's image gallery. Lo and behold!

There are certain fungi (not shrooms, just molds that attack certain plants) that render people raving mad. They attack crops like barley, rice and poppy.
The last crop with fungus is especially explosive combination.
Posted by twobyfour 2005-05-27 13:23||   2005-05-27 13:23|| Front Page Top

#25 I'm anxiously waiting for the time when we're allowed to hunt these animals for sport. They're not human beings, so I should be able to kill as many as I like. Or perhaps, buy "mooselimb stamps" at your local Sporting Goods store.

Put a roll of toilet paper, or the koran(the same thing as toilet paper), on a string and drag it through the streets....trolling for mooselimbs.......BANG! BANG!

Maybe then we can rid our country of this awful smell around convenience stores.

Hunt them to extinction, I say.

Posted by Tom Dooley 2005-05-27 13:36||   2005-05-27 13:36|| Front Page Top

#26 I guess the fact that he has gone ALL CAPS suggests some hardening of his position.

Or that he's been reading Democratic Underground.
Posted by Secret Master 2005-05-27 14:39||   2005-05-27 14:39|| Front Page Top

#27 God, those image files: they all look like my Dad's old Iranian grad students from the 70's. I used to have breakfast with guys that looked like that. Scary. Of course, that's not nearly as scary as the fact that my dad was a professor of physics and nuclear science....
Posted by Secret Master 2005-05-27 14:48||   2005-05-27 14:48|| Front Page Top

#28 Never forgive, never foget.
Posted by Hyper 2005-05-27 14:57||   2005-05-27 14:57|| Front Page Top

#29 Stupid media slave. This one is not just a media slave, he is a slave to the Islamo-media, a pathetically crude imitation of their western masters.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-05-27 15:58||   2005-05-27 15:58|| Front Page Top

#30 Abbas maseed Ravian (ex-razmian)
GC University Lahore"

Another Pakistani scholar. A credit to the Ummah.

Here is an interesting link
These are actual admissions questions for their M.Sc. ( Graduate school entrance!!) program at (Mohammed Ali Jinnah University)

It is said that light is shadow of God. Once Diogenes took a lamp in his hand in day time and looked about in the streets full of people and said, "I am in search of an honest man".

Light spreads education and knowledge. In all developed societies education occupies central place. Today we see tremendous explosion of knowledge all around. Nations with strong educational profiles are leaping forward and making viable economic growth and development. ….

Answer the following questions:-
Q-1: What did Diogenes search?
a) a lamp b) an honest man
b) shadow of God d) education

Q-2: What is the place of education in developed societies?
a) a bottom place b) huge place
c) central place d) small place

1) If the average of a and -5 is 10, then a equals to
a) 15
b) 25
c) 5
d) -5

1) Which one is an excellent insulator
a) Iron
b) Water
c) Wood
d) God (????)

2) Water consists of
a) Hydrogen, Oxygen
b) Helium, Oxygen
c) Hydrogen, Carbon
d) Oxygen, Carbon

3) Astronomy is a science of
a) Stars and Galaxies
b) Pop stars and Film stars
c) Human Behavior
d) Animal Behavior

Posted by john 2005-05-27 15:58||   2005-05-27 15:58|| Front Page Top

#31 Hell, at this point that's less Islamic than Berkeley's entrance exam!
Posted by Secret Master 2005-05-27 16:20||   2005-05-27 16:20|| Front Page Top

#32 To be fair, some of these questions are testing English proficiency rather than science, and it did include example questions from trigonometry and basic differential calculus.

But yes, I share your suspicion about the content's rigor ....
Posted by rkb 2005-05-27 16:27||   2005-05-27 16:27|| Front Page Top

#33 But for grad school, not undergrad admissions?

Posted by john 2005-05-27 16:32||   2005-05-27 16:32|| Front Page Top

#34 Rascals, are we?
Now, I can accept that some may regard us as nefarious conspirators, war-mongering megalomaniacs, and diabolically ruthless agents of the International Zionist Cabaltm, but "rascals"?
This kind of invective is clearly beyond the pale.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-05-27 17:55||   2005-05-27 17:55|| Front Page Top

#35 Let me educate you, Zaheer, and give you some advice from a God fearer: You think you are building up Islam, when you are really digging its grave.

Christianity, my religion, thrived and grew without help from the state or from force of arms. Certainly, many died from infidels and idol worshippers, but they clung to their faith to their certain death, and won even more to their side.

What happened to my religion was that it became so trusted and popular, that Constantine decided it could rule HALF of the Roman Empire.

That began its downfall. For power attracts the power hungry. Under the guise of piety, they took power and ruled the Church as a tool like Kings, instead of tending it like a Shepherd does the sheep. In the end, they were overthrown: the clerics, both bad AND GOOD, were destroyed.

IN America, we reached an agreement: The government would never be a tool to enforce religion, and all religions would sustain themselves and win new members by persuasion. We are not, by definition, a Christian nation, but Christianity has thrived here. Enough so to make men worry we would do in the 21st century what was done in the 4th.

Take it from me, Zaheer: We would be more wildly successful and have many more converts if it was NOT for that shameful past, where the Church used force instead of persuasion to survive. They hold present day Christians, me included, responsible for what was done centuries ago, JUST AS you hold us, today, responsible for what happened during the Crusades (which took place during the time the Church held state power). Despite reform, despite new behavior, despite generosity, despite selfless service, our past continues to haunt and frustrate our ability to bring men to a God who loves them and wishes to make them his Children, NOT HIS SERVANTS. No free Christian, uncoerced by thug or state, would willingly forsake being a Child of God, and become a MERE SERVANT. Some Muslims STILL HAVE SLAVES: THEY CAN TELL YOU THE DIFFERENCE.

Your religion, Islam, is now where Christianity was 10 centuries ago: a religion running a state, and using it to propagate itself by force, because no sane free man would choose a religion that made you a slave of God over a religion that made you a CHILD of God. In the name of that retrograde religion, you are piling up atrocities: far more than Fred has enumerated. You already have a long history: Remember, you invaded Spain and were defeated in France THREE CENTURIES before the First Crusade. YOU STARTED THAT FIGHT FIRST.

Look at the comments before and after mine: Many among them are those who have not chosen Christianity, and thus have no obligation to hear the call of mercy to the defeated.

I'll repeat that, because you'd better remember it: They have no obligation to hear the call of mercy to the defeated.

You will be defeated. Your religion justifies itself by saying it wins wars. It will be refuted, because you will be defeated. Your screams begging for mercy will be ignored, because their eyes will be gazing, not at your terrified face, but at the blood you are putting on your hands now. During this very moment.

Islam may survive, but it will be neutered. Future Imams will blush red and stammer as they will try to explain away why Jihad is spiritual warfare, when thousands of years of history and tanker-ships of blood, spilled mere years after the founding of Islam by its own founder, up until the 21st centry, will be thrown in their faces with the same scorn as the history of Christianity is now.

Trust me: I don't like it. AND Those future imams will not like it. As they turn away, face red, they will notice the hand cautiously placed on the holstered gun, and they will KNOW that the infidels will not be lulled by promises of Hudna, patriotism, and good faith, but at the first sign of resentment, perhaps of a raised voice, the infidel will whip out that gun and put a BULLET THROUGH THEIR BRAINS, and justify it by saying, "Damn muslim tried to Jihad and Hudna me, but I beat him to it the moment I saw that SQUINT in his eye. You know, that SQUINT that sez, 'Damn infidel, if you won't choose to believe Allah, I'll DAMN MAKE YA BELIEVEe!'"

And his fellows will nod sagely and pat him on the back and tell him, "He shore didn't MAKE ya, did he Jeb?"

And he'll grin and reply, "Shore damn didn't!"
Posted by Ptah">Ptah  2005-05-27 18:28||]">[]  2005-05-27 18:28|| Front Page Top

#36 Get 'em, Ptah! Way good.
Posted by Shipman 2005-05-27 18:48||   2005-05-27 18:48|| Front Page Top

#37 rebutle zaheer?
Posted by muck4doo 2005-05-27 20:39||]">[]  2005-05-27 20:39|| Front Page Top

#38 There's one thing that hasn't been mentioned yet that needs to be addressed: Mecca and Medina mean NOTHING to Christians. Neither does Karbala, Najef, Qom, or any other "Muslim Holy Place". Jersualem does. Muslims need to understand that we can be pretty damned independent if we get our backs up, and do what we think is necessary at the time. We bombed the hell out of Dresden and Hamburg, until the rubble was ground into smaller rubble. We expected to take a million casualties by attacking the Japanese main islands. We used a new weapon, one we weren't even sure would work, instead.

Today we have an entire arsenal of weapons we haven't used since World War II - not in Korea, or Vietnam, or Kuwait, or Bosnia, or Grenada, or Panama. That doesn't mean we WON'T use them, just that we haven't decided it would be necessary to use them.

A bit of stupidity by the mullahs of Iran may change our mind. Any really NASTY attack against our homeland may convince us we need to shorten this war by a decade or two, and we change our minds. We may just decide that Islam is fundamentally incompatible with freedom, and change our minds.

That would not be a good thing for Islam, or Muslims in general. Remember, though, we have many, many rational people who believe acting irrationally may be benficial under the right circumstances.

If I were a Muslim, I would work night and day to ensure those circumstances were never met. It might not only save that Muslim's life, but his entire world.

Think about it. Think long and hard. We are.
Posted by Old Patriot">Old Patriot  2005-05-27 20:44||]">[]  2005-05-27 20:44|| Front Page Top

#39 And that ladies and gents is a perfect example on 'how not to post on a debating forum'

I guess he posted after the lobotomy with a blunt instrument .
Posted by MacNails 2005-05-27 20:57||   2005-05-27 20:57|| Front Page Top

#40 Ohh and his website is way beyond aweful , but its nice to see Paki cadet school churning out idiot after idiot after idiot .
Posted by MacNails 2005-05-27 21:02||   2005-05-27 21:02|| Front Page Top

#41 Good points, Old Patriot. It has been three years and eight months since 9/11 and, despite our flexing our muscles in Afghanistan and Iraq, punks like Zaheer (who flaunt handles like "WAZIRISTANI_TERRORIST") are still proudly pulling our chains. I have to say that I've tired of it -- to the point of being willing reduce places like Waziristan to ash without any hesitation. I don't think Zaheer recognizes that three years ago I would have given him benefit of the doubt but now I have no reason to bother. Now I'd nuke him just to be done with it. He could see far worse than Bush -- and he may, before it's over.
Posted by Tom 2005-05-27 21:17||   2005-05-27 21:17|| Front Page Top


Ok - I accept both being a "bushy" and a rascal. Chicks also dig my scar.


Because you guys tend to shout things like "death to america" maybe?


Well, yeah, we would rather leave you alone, you just won't stop blowing things up.


I thought we established first sentence that I am a bushy and a rascal? I hate to dissapoint you. Expect to get knocked down and your wallet taken

What? No phony Doctor or student label?

Satire aside, we need to treat anti-us speach in occupied areas just like NAZI speach was in post WWII germany. If you say you hate us, we need to take you at your word and jug you for a decade or so.
Posted by flash91 2005-05-27 21:36||   2005-05-27 21:36|| Front Page Top

#43 Damn straight, Flash.

Zaheer, please remember Julius Streicher: Follow his path, share his fate.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-05-27 22:40||   2005-05-27 22:40|| Front Page Top

01:15 shellback
00:05 JosephMendiola
23:58 Flealing Angang2925
23:52 11A5S
23:28 anonymous2u
23:24 RWV
23:09 .com
22:45 RWV
22:40 Atomic Conspiracy
22:23 Grunter
22:17 muck4doo
22:17 twobyfour
22:11 twobyfour
22:09 OldSpook
22:07 CrazyFool
22:06 11A5S
21:58 JerseyMike
21:53 Captain America
21:52 Tom
21:44 MacNails
21:36 flash91
21:34 RWV
21:32 mojo
21:30 MacNails

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