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2005-05-23 -Short Attention Span Theater-
Residents Claim Neighbors Bombarding Them With Radiation
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Posted by Steve 2005-05-23 10:37:22 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [46 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

Posted by George Costanza 2005-05-23 11:23||   2005-05-23 11:23|| Front Page Top

#2 Tin foil hats on steroids.
Posted by Xbalanke 2005-05-23 11:23||   2005-05-23 11:23|| Front Page Top

#3 They do have "involuntary commitment" laws and procedures in California do they not.
Posted by Tkat 2005-05-23 11:34||   2005-05-23 11:34|| Front Page Top

#4 Yes Tkat, sane folks are marginalized and locked up while the moonbats get paid to run the government.
Posted by Mini Mullah 2005-05-23 11:53||   2005-05-23 11:53|| Front Page Top

#5 Lol, make up your minds, are they radio waves or microwaves?
It's not like you aren't being bombarded with radio waves all the time anyway (along with other varieties of electromagnetic radiation, neutrinos, etc.) just like the rest of us.
BTW, did the foil help?
Posted by Spot">Spot  2005-05-23 11:55||   2005-05-23 11:55|| Front Page Top

#6 How did they first notice the microwaves? Did the hamster explode?
Posted by BH 2005-05-23 11:58||   2005-05-23 11:58|| Front Page Top

#7 You've been watching Joe Cartoon too much!!!
Posted by SamL 2005-05-23 12:00||   2005-05-23 12:00|| Front Page Top

#8 I will jet forth an counsel the family.
Posted by Rev. Dr. Al Chappeau 2005-05-23 12:01||   2005-05-23 12:01|| Front Page Top

#9 Got their address? I think I have some fine siding products for them.
Posted by tin man 2005-05-23 12:08||   2005-05-23 12:08|| Front Page Top

#10 Locking yourselves in a refrigerator is the only way to stop the radiation.
Posted by mmurray821 2005-05-23 13:36||   2005-05-23 13:36|| Front Page Top

#11 What is funny is the slipshod way they put up the metal siding. There are wide gaps for which the deathrays can penetrate the house. After the removal of the corrugated steel they are looking at aluminum siding. I doubt that radio waves were making the sick, but it might be that pig sty of a yard where they live.
Posted by Cyber Sarge 2005-05-23 13:59||   2005-05-23 13:59|| Front Page Top

#12 Crystals will protect you. No, wait, it's pyramids. No, wait, it's the grapefruit diet. No, wait, it's antioxidants...
Posted by Tom 2005-05-23 14:00||   2005-05-23 14:00|| Front Page Top

#13 Damn! Outed again! We may have to close our Sacramento lab if we can't deploy the Rovian media conspiracy to mock these Kucinichoid specimens out of the public's awareness.

Fortunately another site is available and we even have a local cover:
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-05-23 14:31||   2005-05-23 14:31|| Front Page Top

#14 Ah, relax guys. It's South Natomas. Hopefully, a flood will wash away our shame...
Posted by mojo">mojo  2005-05-23 14:47||   2005-05-23 14:47|| Front Page Top

#15 Well hey,,,,, we have to send the excess radiation somewhere!
Posted by Haliburton / Zionist Death Ray Division 2005-05-23 14:51||   2005-05-23 14:51|| Front Page Top

#16 Anybody got an org chart for Halliburton? I'm so confused.
Posted by Matt 2005-05-23 15:15||   2005-05-23 15:15|| Front Page Top

#17 Anybody got an org chart for Halliburton? I'm so confused

Interesting you should ask. Short notice and drawn from memory, but should be fairly accurate in terms of our current deployments:

Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-05-23 16:11||   2005-05-23 16:11|| Front Page Top

#18 What's going on here! Why nothing about the black helicopters, brain implant and animalistic noise terrorism departments?
Posted by Tkat 2005-05-23 16:14||   2005-05-23 16:14|| Front Page Top

#19 That's all under "HAARP"
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-05-23 16:15||   2005-05-23 16:15|| Front Page Top

#20 Hey! What about us?
Posted by Halliburton: Conquest of Space Division 2005-05-23 16:17||   2005-05-23 16:17|| Front Page Top

#21 Well we could give it to you... but then we'll have to kill you!

As far as I am allowed to know there are several Divisions (several of which AC left out which just shows that nobody knows the entire org chart except for Evil Lord Cheeney....)

  • Earthquake / Tsuami Generation Division

  • Zionest Death Ray Division

  • Koran Eating Toilets Division (under development)

  • Killing of baby ducks, puppies, and seals Division

  • Arab Humiliation Division (phasing out - they do too good of a job on their own - we can't compete!)

  • Victimization of Mainstream Media Personality Division (very small - doesn't really have to do anything!)

  • 'Fox News' Division

  • and of course the 'Secret Evil Lair and loyal Henchmen Development' Division.

Any Others?

Posted by CrazyFool 2005-05-23 16:18||   2005-05-23 16:18|| Front Page Top

#22 Anyone got a contact name for teh "Plundering and Looting Division?" I may be looking for a new job soon.
Posted by Cyber Sarge 2005-05-23 16:34||   2005-05-23 16:34|| Front Page Top

#23 Trilateral Commission?
Posted by Fred 2005-05-23 16:34||   2005-05-23 16:34|| Front Page Top

#24 "Curses, foiled again!"

--memo, Haliburton/IDI Death Ray Division.
Posted by Mike">Mike  2005-05-23 17:27||   2005-05-23 17:27|| Front Page Top

#25 AC - LMAO!!!

Holy shit that's funny, lol!

Posted by .com 2005-05-23 17:28||   2005-05-23 17:28|| Front Page Top

#26 why the f@#! should the govt get involved? if they want to live like idiots let them..
Posted by Dan 2005-05-23 18:06||   2005-05-23 18:06|| Front Page Top

#27 AC, CF -- ROTFL. Now I understand. No wait -- if I understood they've have to disappear me. I'm still confused. In fact, I never heard of Halliburton. Hold on, the doorbell's ringing....
Posted by Matt 2005-05-23 18:34||   2005-05-23 18:34|| Front Page Top

#28 Call Mucky! It's gotta be the Lizard Peoples!
Posted by Deacon Blues">Deacon Blues  2005-05-23 21:01||   2005-05-23 21:01|| Front Page Top

#29 PS: My Viking Helmet protects me quite nicely. It's good for more than wearing at dog Viking funerals.
Posted by Deacon Blues">Deacon Blues  2005-05-23 21:06||   2005-05-23 21:06|| Front Page Top

#30 Somebody left out 'Recreation Camp' management.

(I'm supposed to go for my second interview at the Barbara Boxer-Mojave Celebrity Retention Facility next month...)
Posted by Pappy 2005-05-23 21:16||   2005-05-23 21:16|| Front Page Top

#31 I'm so sorry.;)
Posted by Jotch Slomotch9945 2005-05-23 22:12||   2005-05-23 22:12|| Front Page Top

#32 Any jobs for Unix/BSD people with strong accounting and manufacturing experience?
Posted by badanov">badanov  2005-05-23 22:14||]">[]  2005-05-23 22:14|| Front Page Top

#33 You sure that isn't the Celebrity anal Retention Facility - being Barb Boxer and all?
Posted by CrazyFool 2005-05-23 22:19||   2005-05-23 22:19|| Front Page Top

23:50 BH
23:50 .com
23:26 someone
23:18 Phil Fraering
23:17 Atomic Conspiracy
22:50 .com
22:24 badanov
22:19 CrazyFool
22:15 Alaska Paul
22:14 badanov
22:12 mom
22:12 Jotch Slomotch9945
22:12 CrazyFool
22:06 trailing wife
22:01 someone
22:00 trailing wife
21:58 trailing wife
21:58 Anonymoose
21:54 trailing wife
21:51 Frank G
21:50 mom
21:49 trailing wife
21:48 Penguin
21:31 Pappy

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