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2005-04-07 Southeast Asia
Philippine Clergy Says New Pope Must Be Conservative
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Posted by Fred 2005-04-07 00:00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [40 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 How conservative is Cardinal Sin?...
Posted by mojo  2005-04-07 12:07:58 AM||   2005-04-07 12:07:58 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Moot point in any case. Cardinal Sin is too ill to travel to Rome.
Posted by Pappy 2005-04-07 12:09:59 AM||   2005-04-07 12:09:59 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Max now 116 : 78 needed to elect new pope
Posted by BigEd 2005-04-07 12:14:02 AM||   2005-04-07 12:14:02 AM|| Front Page Top

Pres GW Bush
1st Lady Laura Bush
Pres GHW Bush
Pres Clinton
SoS Rice (Partially obscured by Pope's Miter)
From AP

1st Lady Laura Bush
Pres GW Bush
Pres GHW Bush
Pres Clinton
SoS Rice
Posted by BigEd 2005-04-07 12:50:32 AM||   2005-04-07 12:50:32 AM|| Front Page Top

Posted by BigEd 2005-04-07 12:52:28 AM||   2005-04-07 12:52:28 AM|| Front Page Top

Posted by BigEd 2005-04-07 12:55:35 AM||   2005-04-07 12:55:35 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 Condi appears to be praying pretty hard in that last shot.
Posted by OldSpook 2005-04-07 4:05:52 AM||   2005-04-07 4:05:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 New pope will be conservative in all ways. On questions of theology, it's a given. On social issues, probably the same. The dispute over liberation theology was fought and lost almost 20 years ago. I was wondering cardinal Ratzinger, but now don't think so. First, he's german not italian. Second he served, although briefly, in the Wehrmacht. Third as perfect of the Congregation for the Doctine of the Faith, he already pretty much runs things. Next pope will be italian, and of the curia.
Posted by Weird Al 2005-04-07 7:46:48 AM||   2005-04-07 7:46:48 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 My money is on any who'd be the Anti-American pope. Now that the hierarchy has seen more influence in world affairs since the Treaty of Westphalia, by playing a big role in taking down the old Soviet system, that taste of power will lead them to a position to take down the remaining world power. Maybe the bit about Fatima that this was the second to last pope, may come true.
Posted by Ebbavith Hupeack2875 2005-04-07 11:02:45 AM||   2005-04-07 11:02:45 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 Look at the odds from the UK betting houses :

Pope Odds

The Paddy-Power Betting house has the Nigerian as a narrow favorite...

Top in Paddy-Power :
Card. Arinze, Nigeria 2.75-1
Card. Tettamanzi, Italy 3-1
Card. Maradiaga, Honduras 4.5-1
Card. Ratzinger, Germany 7-1
Card. Hummes, Brazil 9-1
Card. Lustiger, France; Card. Ortega-Alamino, Cuba; Card. von Schoenborn, Austria 14-1 each
Posted by BigEd 2005-04-07 11:20:46 AM||   2005-04-07 11:20:46 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 Whatever you need from me, just let me know. Conservative, liberal, whatever. Ready and willing to serve. Call me...
Posted by Bernie Law 2005-04-07 12:24:48 PM||   2005-04-07 12:24:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Tettamanzi's roumored to be quick in the rain, but I'm going for a long shot, Ortega-Alamino good blood lines and a blend of South-American/African opportunity. By a noose.

7 ballots.
Posted by Shipman 2005-04-07 1:16:53 PM||   2005-04-07 1:16:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Whoopsie, one of me Ironsides forebears grabbed the typing fingers.... by a Nose.
Posted by Shipman 2005-04-07 1:17:59 PM||   2005-04-07 1:17:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 A Cuban Pope... I guess now we know why Fidel went to church!

"Pater mi, si possibile est, transeat a me calix iste!"
Posted by True German Ally 2005-04-07 1:26:56 PM||   2005-04-07 1:26:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Five on Cardinal Tetrazini...
Posted by Fred  2005-04-07 1:29:16 PM||   2005-04-07 1:29:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Thought for the day: it doesn't matter whether the new pope is "liberal" or "conservative" in stated beliefs, as long as the implementation of their beliefs involves helping Bernie Law evade justice.
Posted by Phil Fraering 2005-04-07 2:22:46 PM|| []  2005-04-07 2:22:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 The "dark horse" is the French Jew, Cardinal Lustiger... now odds are lowered to 12-1 at Paddy-Power

born Aaron Lustiger... Mother died at Auschwicz
Posted by BigEd 2005-04-07 2:23:47 PM||   2005-04-07 2:23:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 I hate hummus, but hummers & Hummers are cool.
Posted by .com 2005-04-07 2:25:56 PM||   2005-04-07 2:25:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 The next Pope will be... a Catholic. Period.
Posted by True German Ally 2005-04-07 2:44:28 PM||   2005-04-07 2:44:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 The Paddy-Power Betting house has the Nigerian as a narrow favorite...

I hope that the cardinals do the right thing and select someone based on credentials/ability/principles, rather than color, or a desire to try something "different".
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2005-04-07 4:30:47 PM||   2005-04-07 4:30:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses

King Alberto II and Queen Paola of Belgium
Queen Margherita and Prince Consort of Denmark
Prince Charles of Great Britain
King Abdullah of Jordan
Prince Hans Adam II, Princess Maria, and Prince Nicholas of Liechtenstein
Grand Duke Henri and Grand Dutchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg
Queen Sonja of Norway
King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain
King Carl Gustav XVI and Queen Silvia of Sweden

Government Delegations

- Organizations

Arab League - Secretary General Amr Mussa
EU - Comission President José Manuel Durao Barroso, EU Parliament President Josep Borrell
NATO - Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
UN - Secretary General Kofi Annan

- Nations

Afghanistan - President Hamid Karzai
Albania - President Alfred Moisiu
Argentina - Vice President Daniel Scioli
Armenia - Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan
Australia - Governor General Michael Jeffrey
Austria - President Heinz Fischer
Bangladesh - Agriculture Minister Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf
Belgium - Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt
Bolivia - President Carlos Mesa
Bosnia - Serb rep Borislav Paravac, Croat rep Sefik Dzaferovic, Muslim rep Barisa Colak
Brazil - President Inacio Lula-da Silva
Bulgaria - President Georgi Parvanov
Canada - Prime Minister Paul Martin
Chile - Foreign Minister Ignacio Walker
Colombia - Vice President Francisco Santos
Costa Rica - President Abel Pacheco
Croatia - President Stjpe Mesic
Cuba - Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon
Cyprus - President Tassos Papadopoulos
Czech Republic - President Vaclav Klaus
Dem Rep Congo - President Joseph Cabila
Denmark - Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussem
Dominican Republic - Vice President Rafael Albunquerque
Ecuador - President Luco Gutierrez
Egypt - Culture Minister Farouk Hosni
El Salvador - Foreign Minister Francisco Lainez
Equatorial Guinea - President Teodoro Obiang Nguema
Estonia - President Arnold Ruutel
Finland - Premier Matti Vanhanen
France - President Jacques Chirac
Georgia - Foreign Minister Salome Zurabishvili
Germany - President Horst Kohler, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder
Ghana - President John Kufuor
Great Britain - Prime Minister Tony Blair
Greece - President Karolos Papoulias
Guatemala - President Oscar Berger, Vice President Eduardo Stein
Haiti - Interim Premier Gerard LaTortue
Honduras - President Ricardo Maduro
Hungary - President Frernc Madl
India - Vice President Bhairon Singh Shekhawat
Indonesia - Social Affairs Minister Alwi Shihab
Iran - President Mohammad Khatami
Ireland - President Mary McAleese
Israel - President Moshe Katsav, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom
Italy - President Carlo Azelio Ciampi, Premier Silvio Berlusconi
Japan - Vice Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi
Kenya - Foreign Minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere
Korea, South - Prime Minister Lee Hae-chan
Kosovo - President Ibrahim Rugova
Latvia - President Vaira Vike-Freiberga
Lebanon - President Emile Lahoud
Lithuania - President Valdas Adamkus
Luxembourg - Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker
Macedonia - President Branko Crvenkovski
Madagascar - President Marc Ravolomanana
Malaysia - Prime Minister Bernard Dompok
Mauritius - Prime Minister Paul Berenger
Mexico - President Vicente Fox
Montenegro - President Filip Vujanovic
Mozambique - President Armando Guebuza
Netherlands - Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende
New Zealand - Governor General Silvis Cartwright
Nicaragua - Enrique Bolanos
Nigeria - President Olusegun Obasanjo
Norway - Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik
Pakistan - Minister of Religious Affairs Mohammad Ejaz ul Haq
Palestinian Territories - Abu Ala
Panama - President Martin Torrijos
Paraguay - Vice President Luis Castignoli
Peru - Foreign Minister - Manuel Rodriguez
Philippines - President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
Poland - President Aleksander Kwasniewski, ex-President & Founder of Solidarity Lech Walesa
Portugal - President Jorge Sampaio
Romania - President Traian Basescu
Russia - Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov
Rwanda - Foreign Minister Charles Murigande
Serbia - President Boris Tadic
Serbia Montenegro - President Svetozar Marovic
Seychelles - President James Michel
Singapore - Prime Minister S. Jayakumar
Slovakia - President Ivan Gasporovic
Slovenia - President Janez Drnovsek
South Africa - Vice President Jacob Zuma
Spain - Prime Minister José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
Sri Lanka - Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse
Switzerland - President Samuel Schmid
Syria - President Bashar al-Assad
Taiwan - President Chen Shui-bian
Tanzania - Commerce Minister George Kahama
Turkey - Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan
U S A - President George W Bush, First Lady Laura Bush, ex-Presidents George HW Bush, William J Clinton, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice
Uganda - Vice President Gilbert Bukenya
Ukraine - President Viktor Yushchenko
Uruguay - First Lady Maria Auxiliadora Delgado
Venezuela - Foreign Minister Ali Rodriguez

Religious Leaders

Metropolitan Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, Russian Orthodox Church
Bartolomeo I, Patriarch of Constantinople, Spiritual Guide, Christian Orthodoxy
Obed Viner, Director General of the Rabbinate in Israel
Archbishop Christodoulos of the Greek Orthodox Church
Nasrallah Sefir, Patriarch of Marionite Chriatians
Garegin II, Head of the Armenian Apolistic Church
Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury
Daniel Datuashvili, Metropolitan of Abkhazia
Teoctist, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox
Bishop Finn Wagle, of the Norwegian Protestant Church (Lutheran)
Arrchbishop K G Hammar, Swedish Lutheran Church
Abune Paulos, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
Mesrob II, Patriarch of the Armenian Church
Posted by BigEd 2005-04-07 6:47:06 PM||   2005-04-07 6:47:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Above are attendees at Pope John-Paul II's funeral beginning at 1:00AM PDT tomorrow...
Posted by BigEd 2005-04-07 6:48:05 PM||   2005-04-07 6:48:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Condi appears to be praying pretty hard in that last shot.
Posted by OldSpook 2005-04-07 4:05:52 AM||   2005-04-07 4:05:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#24 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by OldSpook 2005-04-07 4:05:52 AM||   2005-04-07 4:05:52 AM|| Front Page Top

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