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2005-03-29 Home Front: Politix
Bigotry and the Murder of Terri Schiavo
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Posted by OldSpook 2005-03-29 2:39:47 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [18 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Thanks, Old Spook. Good post.
Posted by Deacon Blues  2005-03-29 7:28:38 AM||   2005-03-29 7:28:38 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 There is a psychological theory called Skill Theory (Fisher, 1980), that surmises that all higher level cognitive skills are simply built from lower level ones in this fashion (as far as I remember):
Mostly between conception and birth, Reflexes combine together to ultimately form Reflexive systems known as Sensory-motor sets.

Mostly between birth and early toddler-hood, Sensory-motor sets combine together to ultimately form Sensory-motor systems known as Representations (age 1 to 2).

Mostly between early childhood and up into mid-teens, Representations combine together to ultimately form Representational systems known as Abstractions.

Throughout the teen years into at least middle adulthood, Abstractions combine together in increasingly complex fashions and give rise to wisdom.
Fisher’s Skill theory is actually fairly predictive (in terms of being outcome predictive of psychological and social research) for a psychological theory of cognition, and it tends to be explanative and unifying of competing theories. It is fairly complex, and I’ve grossly oversimplified it here.

The point?

Who gives a damn if Terri Schiavo is merely making “reflexive” responses!? That’s how we all start out! AND HAVE NO DOUBT, SHE IS FEELING PAIN, if only at a “reflexive” level. With decent therapy, I have no doubt that those “reflexes” Terri Schiavo retained could have been retrained and reconstituted to cause her to regain at least a number of higher cognitive skills. Perhaps not as high a level as Judge Greer and his entourage would deem worthy enough for life, but probably high enough for those who love her.

Posted by cingold 2005-03-29 9:16:45 AM||   2005-03-29 9:16:45 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Dr.Steve,If you do not mind I have a couple of questions for you.What is"superficial sulci and sylvian fissures are prominant,inapprpriate for age"?What causes it?What are the symptoms and treatmaents?I would greatly appreciate any info you could provide.I tried looking it up at webmd and got nothing back,plus the patient's PA couldn't provide any info.
Posted by Raptor 2005-03-29 9:18:18 AM||   2005-03-29 9:18:18 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Choicemaker Jim TROLL 2005-03-29 9:56:42 AM||   2005-03-29 9:56:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Here's a place where the medical avenues are being explored. I'm no doctor, but it is interesting reading to me nonetheless:
Posted by eLarson 2005-03-29 10:30:20 AM|| []  2005-03-29 10:30:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 With decent therapy, I have no doubt that those “reflexes” Terri Schiavo retained could have been retrained and reconstituted to cause her to regain at least a number of higher cognitive skills.

I agree totally with cingold. This is a real slide into barbarism. As for the therapy, Michael Schiavo was the one who denied any semblence of therapy for his wife. link
Posted by eLarson 2005-03-29 10:35:31 AM|| []  2005-03-29 10:35:31 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 Wasn't there a documented case of a hydrocephalic woman who had normal intellegence despite the fact that her cortex was only a thin layer of tissue just inside the skull?
Posted by mojo  2005-03-29 10:44:24 AM||   2005-03-29 10:44:24 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 What feel pain? Her brain is gone don't you know, that medical wiseman {fart} Felos say she is peaceful and angelic, and besides, just in case we are wrong, we are giving her morophene. Yeah. Right.

And she has a stuffed kitty under her arm. Ooooooooh I am so touched....

Besides, there is something wrong here. There has to be some reason the NO ONE in talk radio wants to touch this campaign contriibution issue with a 10-foot pole!

Any ideas? I am at work and cannot be on such a call (See my attempt at Bill Bennett 5:00 AM my time - yesterday on RB) Is there anyone else who can attempt to get thru on Laura Ingraham, Rush, Prager, Hannity, Medved, or Hewitt???

Just get in on Schiavo, then bring it up as "by the way"... The more people know the better, though its about 10 days too late to help Terri, but at least we can put the spotlight on Greer...


Posted by BigEd 2005-03-29 11:12:57 AM||   2005-03-29 11:12:57 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 Thank you Old Spook, excellent post.
Posted by Poitiers-Lepanto 2005-03-29 11:40:55 AM||   2005-03-29 11:40:55 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 I was a little nervous when the Shiavo family starting calling for a backlash against conservatives if they didn’t save their daughter. Now that Jesse “Shakedown” Jackson is on the scene the conspiracy seems to be falling into place. I hate to be so cynical but I don’t see what they expect of the Governor or President. Aside from calling out the troops, they have done everything legally they could to save Terri from her husband. Now with the call for a backlash against Conservatives and Jesse Jackson on the scene makes me suspicious of the motives of the family. I am a parent and I would not want to be in their shoes, but the LAST thing I would be calling for is the head of elected officials that acted in good conscience. How about keeping the attacks in the arena that they belong? How about lobbying AGAINST the judges that THEY elected in Florida? Asking the Governor or President to start a civil war over your child (and that’s what they apparently want) is nothing any good Christian or American would ask. I prayed for Terri’s soul on Easter and maybe I should pray for the parents as well.
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2005-03-29 12:41:37 PM||   2005-03-29 12:41:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 "With decent therapy, I have no doubt that those “reflexes” Terri Schiavo retained could have been retrained and reconstituted to cause her to regain at least a number of higher cognitive skills." Without commenting on the merits of this situation, this comment needs to be examined. Essentially what is being claimed here is that inherent basal reflexes arising from the medulla can somehow be retrained and tricked into emulating the functions of the cerebral cortex. This goes beyond even the claims of PT people that they can remap the cortex. At least they're talking about the same general region of the brain. Find out what this guy smokes and how I can hook up with his pusher.
Posted by Weird Al 2005-03-29 12:52:59 PM||   2005-03-29 12:52:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Cyber Sarge - I'm assuming you mean the "Schindler family" here.

I hadn't heard about any such backlash. Who said it and where?
Posted by eLarson 2005-03-29 2:04:33 PM|| []  2005-03-29 2:04:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 The list of Attorneys Grows who are connected to Michael Schiavo and "contributed" - Greer must be very Proud!

Hamden Baskin : $500 March 22 2004
"According to Hamdin Baskin III, Schiavo's attorney, "The harm is the further delay of the right to privacy that Terri has already been given and that she desired and wished."
"The entire process was redone in 2003. There were no medical experts ... found to have any validity whatsoever that would support a finding of anything except a permanent vegetative state."

George Felos : $250 May 7 2004
On May 6 2004, Florida courts overturned "terri's Law"
Well previously documented by me...

Deborah Bushnell : $250 March 12
"Attorney Deborah Bushnell told Monsignor Thaddeus Malanowski, who has been Terri's spiritual provider for three years, that ''because of court order and doctor's orders, you can't put anything in her mouth,'' not even a morsel of moistened communion wafer. "

G(w)yneth Stanley received $10,668.05 from Michael Schiavo and contributed $150 on April 2, 2004, and $200 on July 2 2004, one month after the decision...

Steve Nilsson March 14, and July 14 $250.00 each time, total $500.00

Beth Wilson : Mar 15 $100, July 8 $250 total to Greer $350.00

Reached Wednesday, Pecarek said: "In my opinion, he was doing a great
job for his wife."

Pecarek & Herman = $500.00 March 22 2004...
A minor player ($1,500 legal fees, but...)

Richard L Pearse - $250.00 July 16 2004

And...Legal Fees Received


NOTE: In his November 1993 Petition Schiavo alleges the 1993 guardianship asset balance as $761,507.50

Atty Gwyneth Stanley - $10,668.05
Atty Deborah Bushnell - $65,607.00
Atty Steve Nilson - $7,404.95
Atty (John) Pacarek - $1,500
Atty Richard Pearse (GAL) - $4,511.95
Atty George Felos $ 397,249.99


Money makes the world go 'round,
the world go 'round,
the world go 'round,

Money makes the world go 'round,
that clinking, clanking sound,
that makes the wourld go 'round....

money money money money
money money money money
Posted by BigEd 2005-03-29 2:19:03 PM||   2005-03-29 2:19:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Here's another one : Everett Rice, Pinellas County Sheriff who said, "If the State Police come here, they'd better have the Judge with them."

Gave the judge $500.00 on June 9 2004...
Posted by BigEd 2005-03-29 2:30:13 PM||   2005-03-29 2:30:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Is anyboody there or am I talking to air?
Posted by BigEd 2005-03-29 2:36:28 PM||   2005-03-29 2:36:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 this is not news, Ed. The fix was in
Posted by Frank G  2005-03-29 2:53:15 PM||   2005-03-29 2:53:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Good work BigEd. It is appreciated.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2005-03-29 3:07:23 PM||   2005-03-29 3:07:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Great evil supported by petty corruption and approved of by a frighteningly large population of ill-informed Americans. This is very scary. At the same time German volunteers are helping toads and newts cross the roads so that none get hurt by the traffic on their way to breed. Wake up people.
Posted by Sgt.D.T. 2005-03-29 4:00:42 PM||   2005-03-29 4:00:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 This Sherriff Rice left office in January, and it was his deputy who issued the ultimatum. My err in reading. However there is no error in the fact that Rice gave $500 to Greer in June 2004. Rice was elected to the Florida House. Anyone know how he voted on the measure that failed in the State Senate? I am looking for Vote records on the Florida house site. No luck yet...
Posted by BigEd 2005-03-29 4:19:50 PM||   2005-03-29 4:19:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 What most people don’t realize is that Governor Bush’s powers really are limited. Nationwide, the primary check on the Judicial Branch is not entrusted to the Executive Branch, it rests with the Legislature.

The check on the Judiciary by the Executive Branch is only: (1) to use the “bully pulpit,” (2) to convene the Legislature to address an emergency, and (3) to appoint judges (with the advice and consent of the Legislature). It is the Legislature that has the power to rein in the Judiciary by passing new laws and/or amending a constitution in response to judicial rulings. Further, the Legislature can impeach a judge who has crossed the line or is otherwise failing to show the proper judicial temperament.

THE LEGISLATURE OF FLORIDA SHOULD AND COULD STOP THE SUFFERING OF TERRI SCHIAVO TODAY! It is the legislature that could act immediately to remove Judge Greer, and to pass laws that would allow Governor Bush to intervene on Terri’s behalf.

WHAT I WISH GOVERNOR BUSH WOULD DO IS TO AGAIN CONVENE THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE IN EMERGENCY SESSION TO ADDRESS THIS PROBLEM. Clearly, a profound emergency exists that the legislature must address. Terri is suffering pain so severe that she is now being given morphine for the pain we were all told she could not feel. The last charades are just about over.
Posted by cingold 2005-03-29 4:28:36 PM||   2005-03-29 4:28:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Rice Voted NO!

Don't you know--He isn't goin' against Drinkin buddy Greer...

Yes : 78

No : 37
R:9 (Including Sheriff "Buford T. Juctice*" Greer)

Not Voting : 5

Bill Text and History


Posted by BigEd 2005-03-29 4:39:29 PM||   2005-03-29 4:39:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Rice Voted NO!

Don't you know--He isn't goin' against Drinkin buddy Greer...

Yes : 78

No : 37
R:9 (Including Sheriff "Buford T. Juctice*" RICE) (sorry-I'm pissed)

Not Voting : 5

Bill Text and History

Posted by BigEd 2005-03-29 4:40:21 PM||   2005-03-29 4:40:21 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Wasn't there a documented case of a hydrocephalic woman who had normal intellegence despite the fact that her cortex was only a thin layer of tissue just inside the skull. I remember something like this, but don't have time to look it up right now. Similar things have actually occurred neurologically numerous times with numerous people. I especially remember there was a case of a very successful business man who only later in life realized he was missing major portions of his brain (true story). These things are rare, but not unheard of. Remember, we still don't really know how the brain and cognition truly work. All we have in many areas of neurology and psychology are theories -- some more predictive than others.

"With decent therapy . . ." Without commenting on the merits of this situation <Oh, really?>, this comment needs to be examined. Essentially what is being claimed here is that inherent basal reflexes arising from the medulla can somehow be retrained and tricked into emulating the functions of the cerebral cortex. . . . Find out what this guy smokes and how I can hook up with his pusher.<Oh, that's cute.>

Why don't you try reading the whole post? I never said "inherent basal reflexes arising from the medulla." With my master’s degree in developmental and counseling psychology, I tend to be pretty specific with my use of psychological terms. Here, I was speaking about Fisher's Skill theory, so you've got to know that my commentary was specifically focused on the development of complex abstract thought out of the seemingly reflexive cortex and lower brain activity that seems to power newborns’ sensory motor activity.
Posted by cingold 2005-03-29 4:41:40 PM||   2005-03-29 4:41:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 Jesse Jackson has now joined those other right-wing Bible-thumper fanatics, Ralph Nader and the Raving Atheist, in calling for Schiavo's feeding tube to be re-inserted.

Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-03-29 5:44:45 PM||   2005-03-29 5:44:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Atomic, you beat me to it, but I'm still going to post this. Kind of seconding the motion, as it were.


You are totally correct that this is not a “religious right” issue. And, thanks for posting this article. Here’s Hentoff and Jackson weighing in, along the same lines as Nader (hat tip to Drudge Report).

Radical liberal Nat Hentoff writes:
For all the world to see, a 41-year-old woman, who has committed no crime, will die of dehydration and starvation in the longest public execution in American history.

See link, Terri Schiavo: Judicial Murder
Likewise, Jesse Jackson, the longstanding democrat mainstay, notes:
She is being starved to death, she is being dehydrated to death. That's immoral and unnecessary . . . This is one of the profound moral issues of our time . . .

See link, Jesse Jackson Urges Fla. Woman Be Kept Alive
When liberals of these stripes join their voices with the conservatives now being tar-brushed by the Main Stream Media (and tar-brushed by the skewed polls commissioned by the Main Stream Media), you should know the true feelings of the great majority of the people of this great nation. May it be that politicians who ignore the health and well being of Terri Schiavo do so at their own political peril.
Posted by cingold 2005-03-29 5:49:38 PM||   2005-03-29 5:49:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 cingold - see my #22

Posted by BigEd 2005-03-29 6:00:17 PM||   2005-03-29 6:00:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Choicemaker Jim 2005-03-29 9:56:42 AM|| []  2005-03-29 9:56:42 AM|| Front Page Top

10:24 Choicemaker Jim
10:21 Choicemaker Jim
10:16 Choicemaker Jim
10:13 Choicemaker Jim
10:10 Choicemaker Jim
10:05 Choicemaker Jim
09:56 Choicemaker Jim
09:48 Choicemaker Jim
23:48 Charles
22:56 Sobiesky
22:45 Frank G
22:42 jackal
22:41 .com
22:39 jackal
22:35 .com
22:28 Barbara Skolaut
22:25 .com
22:24 Barbara Skolaut
22:18 Frank G
22:12 .com
22:12 mhw
22:07 Thraing Hupoluper1864
21:44 CrazyFool
21:43 Frank G

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