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2005-03-28 Home Front: Politix
On the road to democracy without Bush
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Posted by Spot 2005-03-28 12:51:36 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [52 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 "But for our long buildup to the Iraq war, it’s Iran that might have been the world’s next great democracy."

If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas.
Posted by Sam 2005-03-28 2:45:50 PM||   2005-03-28 2:45:50 PM|| Front Page Top


I want some of whatever that clown's been smoking. :-D

This probably deserves a fisking, but I don't have the time. And this loonie's not worth it.
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2005-03-28 2:52:44 PM||   2005-03-28 2:52:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 "Maybe I am wrong and the theocrats in Iran could have repressed the students and liberals. But what might have happened in Iran if Bush hadn’t popped off and invaded Iraq? No one can say for sure, but the liberals might have won."

Self Delusional side effect of the Bush-hating Derangement Syndrome. The Mullahs and thier secret polcie contiinue to crack down regardless. It is the presence of US troops that has EMBOLDENED the democracy demonstators! What a quack this guy is.

Seek professional help.
Posted by OldSpook 2005-03-28 3:01:01 PM||   2005-03-28 3:01:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Lead Therapy(TM)
Posted by Poison Reverse 2005-03-28 3:05:14 PM||   2005-03-28 3:05:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 That was brutal, Fred.

See, Neville, there were these two big buildings in New York...
Posted by Matt 2005-03-28 3:33:30 PM||   2005-03-28 3:33:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 "But what might have happened in Iran if Bush hadn’t popped off and invaded Iraq? No one can say for sure, but the liberals might have won."

Oh, good grief. I got that far in the article and gave up; "fucking idiot" is too kind a judgement for this guy, and I can't think of anything more harsh.

Great comments, Fred.
Posted by Dave D. 2005-03-28 3:36:07 PM||   2005-03-28 3:36:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Wortha a PayPal Pence maybe a pounder or two... how much is a soverign these days? Anyway payerDay is April frist. You're on the list. That was worth the price of admission.

Posted by R Semmes 2005-03-28 4:13:02 PM||   2005-03-28 4:13:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 They want latte, not war.

"No blood war for oil latte!"
Posted by Raj 2005-03-28 4:21:25 PM||   2005-03-28 4:21:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 They will get war and beg for latte.
Posted by Shipman 2005-03-28 6:43:52 PM||   2005-03-28 6:43:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 This guy doesn't know the basics of modern history: The Czech Velvet Revolution did happen because Soviet power had collapsed. Since the Soviets did not shoot at East Germans, they would not shoot at the Czechs either. The Czech politburo was wise enough to fold.

Ceaucescu was not.

If we believe this guy, Saddam could have died of a heart attack and his sons committed suicide while mourning him. Invasion was WRONG, WRONG.

Fred, I wouldn't be so pessimistic about that date, given the fine work you do! Sorry 'bout the hair.
Posted by True German Ally 2005-03-28 6:58:23 PM||   2005-03-28 6:58:23 PM|| Front Page Top

My breath! It's taken away! Franco remained in power until he died of old age. Had he raised up a Franco, Jr., Spain would likely still be ruled by fascisti. But he mellowed in his old age and designated Juan Carlos as his successor. Greece in the 1970s was ruled by colonels, if I remember correctly — our source of Greek minutiae doesn't comment here anymore — and were pretty much pressured into turning over power. Neville ignores the attempts of the East Germans (1948), Hungarians (1956) and Czechs (1968) at their own "velvet revolutions." With only EU-style support, they not only flopped, but the results included piles of dead bodies. That's because we didn't help; we just stood by and supplied lots of EU-style good wishes. In those places where we continue to supply EU-style good wishes, like Zim-bob-we, the populace remains oppressed and often starving.

I'm reminded of Rule 27, from the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates: Never Be Afraid To Be the First To Resort To Violence.
Posted by Phil Fraering 2005-03-28 7:01:51 PM|| []  2005-03-28 7:01:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 "We’re coming. We want to make your lives better. But first we’ll have to hang the ayatollahs. Try not to get in the way."

This should be chiseled into the main entrance of the Pentagon. And the State Department. And the New York Times. Frankly, I think I'll just have it tattooed on.


PS to Phil F...and from Rules for Being an Evil Overlord: "Shooting is NOT too good for your enemies."
Posted by Seafarious  2005-03-28 7:10:57 PM||   2005-03-28 7:10:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Ah, this article is a beautiful example of something I've been thinking about lately. Only the US (or Bush) is capable of action. Other countries can only react. Bush takes action on North Korea, and that "forces" China to "balk". Bush takes no action on the Palestinians, and that "forces" them to do some boneheaded thing. Bush, apparently, is responsible for every bad thing that happens anywhere in the world.

But let Bush clear the way for elections in Afghanistan and Iraq, and suddenly everybody rushes to point out he doesn't have a thing to do with all that budding democracy. Nuh uh! It was that sophisticated Euronuance whut did it.
Posted by Angie Schultz 2005-03-28 7:17:08 PM|| []  2005-03-28 7:17:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 A classic, Fred.

And from the Chicago Tribune. I thought for sure it was from Al Guardian or Al Independent. Since "Neville" hits almost every far-left, tranzi talking point, it makes sense that he is a contributor for The Nation.
Posted by 11A5S 2005-03-28 7:17:51 PM||   2005-03-28 7:17:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Seafarious: You can find the rest of the rules scattered through this forum page:

Posted by Phil Fraering 2005-03-28 7:35:25 PM|| []  2005-03-28 7:35:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 They will get war and beg for latte.

One your finest, Shipman. I may have a coffee mug made up with that on it.

And what's the deal with Patty Ann?
Posted by Matt 2005-03-28 8:41:58 PM||   2005-03-28 8:41:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Fred keeps thinking Patti Ann is after him. I know better - she sends me subliminal images on every Foxnews show she anchors. I can still see that beautymark they makeup'd over....mmmmmm
Posted by Frank G  2005-03-28 8:58:15 PM||   2005-03-28 8:58:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 This is from Pravda-by-the-Lake?

I, too, thought this was from a Brit paper.

They haven't called to get me back since I said I refuse to pay for PBTL.
Posted by anonymous2u 2005-03-28 10:08:37 PM||   2005-03-28 10:08:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 "Maybe I am wrong and the theocrats in Iran could have repressed the students and liberals. But what might have happened in Iran if Bush hadn’t popped off and invaded Iraq? No one can say for sure, but the liberals might have won."

Self Delusional side effect of the Bush-hating Derangement Syndrome. The Mullahs and thier secret polcie contiinue to crack down regardless. It is the presence of US troops that has EMBOLDENED the democracy demonstators! What a quack this guy is.

Seek professional help.
Posted by OldSpook 2005-03-28 3:01:01 PM||   2005-03-28 3:01:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by OldSpook 2005-03-28 3:01:01 PM||   2005-03-28 3:01:01 PM|| Front Page Top

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