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2005-03-26 Great White North
Totonto Star: Canada should put out the welcome mat
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Posted by Mrs. Davis 2005-03-26 8:11:42 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [21 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Mrs. Davis...Ssshhhhhhh. Please, let there be an inviting escape route for all the Moores and moonbats. Let the blue leak freely out of the land. Once they take citizenship from another country and then overburden and trash the system [like they've already done in California], we don't have to take them back, that's when we seal the border :)
Posted by Glereger Clugum6222 2005-03-26 9:09:38 AM||   2005-03-26 9:09:38 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 And then let’s apply the same standards we would for any other immigrant: Do they have useful skills? Do they pass security checks? Are they free of criminal records?

In which case they can return to Detroit, and apply for landed immigrant status. Bwahahahahah!

Apparently the TS would not only change the definition of refugee status, they would change the rules regarding all landed immigrants.

There is a reason I cancelled my Star subscription, and complimentary copies left in my driveway go straight in the recycle bin. Logical thinking is not in the Star writing guide.

Next week, they will be arguing that feeding tubes are just artificial life support.
Posted by john  2005-03-26 10:52:45 AM||   2005-03-26 10:52:45 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Good to hear not everyone in the GWN thinks that way. I was beginning to wonder.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2005-03-26 11:20:06 AM||   2005-03-26 11:20:06 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 Someone relieves me of a doubt. What happens to Americans taking another nationality? Do they get a double nationality or do they automatically lose their american citizenship and their right to vote for Hillary/Dean in 2008?
Posted by JFM  2005-03-26 1:38:47 PM||   2005-03-26 1:38:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 If, while an American citizen, you apply for and accept another nationality, you lose your American citizenship. That is what was explained to me when I was in Thailand and toying with the idea of staying permanently.

If you are a citizen of another country and apply for and are accepted for US citizenship is where it gets murky, muddy, and irretrievably stupid. "Officially", the US does not recognize dual citizenship -- except under a certain list of circumstances. Otherwise, when you think about it, the oath is a joke. The oath is a real, no-shit, oath of loyalty - read the words and it's clear enough. Dual citizenshipt is just fucking stupid. I've heard the arguments, and they don't change dick, IMHO. ;-)
Posted by .com 2005-03-26 1:49:07 PM||   2005-03-26 1:49:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Yep, that's the way it is. Still you gotta do the right thing the way you see fit.
Posted by Bobby Lee 2005-03-26 3:56:11 PM||   2005-03-26 3:56:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Ok, .com. Just what I wanted to hear. Then let's organize an effort for having the greatest number possible of useless Democrats (Hollywood types, professors in pseudo-sciences, ambulance chasers) migrate to Canada and take Canadian nationality while replacing them with some red blooded, Chirac and EU hating, rifle thumping, football loving, pro-Bush engineers of old Europe. :-)
Posted by JFM  2005-03-26 5:34:27 PM||   2005-03-26 5:34:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Now that's a plan, JFM!

How do we encourage the first part - they'll get cold feet when they're informed they are pemanently giving up their US citizenship, lol!

Finding immigrants is no problem - even the loonies want to come - and join our loonies, I guess.

That first bit is the hard one, lol!
Posted by .com 2005-03-26 5:47:56 PM||   2005-03-26 5:47:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Don't make me start thinking about the idea...
Posted by True German Ally 2005-03-26 6:12:54 PM||   2005-03-26 6:12:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Well, Canusckistan is not composed of moonbats entirely, I know about 5-6 people that aren't.
Maybe there is more of us...
Well, there would be a bit of decline of that count, at lest 2 of us are heading south...

But I would suggest that Canada sets aside some territory, like Baffin Island--quite large piece of surreal estate--it is pristine, natural, a bit icy but the moonbats can surely find ways to warm themselves, maybe snuggle up with baby seals... they could create the utopia of their dreams there for all of us to see...

What? That they wouldn't last a month? What has that to do with anything!? ;-)
Posted by Sobiesky 2005-03-26 6:23:55 PM||   2005-03-26 6:23:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Lol! Lessee, I'll wager we could find regions in the US that bring Bavaria and Provence to mind...

Posted by .com 2005-03-26 6:46:53 PM||   2005-03-26 6:46:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Come on over, TGA. It's not that bad. ;-p

You'd certainly raise our collective IQ.

If you're concerned about missing Germany, we have lots of Germantowns around the country. You can at least get authentic food. :-D

(If you want a warm climate, I'd suggest the Fredericksburg, Texas, area.)
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2005-03-26 11:24:20 PM||   2005-03-26 11:24:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Barbara, at 79 (going on 80) you don't change locations easily... even less with a lovely wife attached and 4 children.

We got some regime change business to do as well.

You know what happens when you send Schroeder into the desert?
Nothing for 5 years, then they run out of sand...
Posted by True German Ally 2005-03-26 11:39:49 PM||   2005-03-26 11:39:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#14  even less with a lovely wife attached and 4 children
You are my HERO!

When I grow up I wanna be just like you. ;o)
Posted by badanov  2005-03-26 11:43:24 PM|| []  2005-03-26 11:43:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 You might want to skip the GULag decade though...
Posted by True German Ally 2005-03-26 11:52:53 PM||   2005-03-26 11:52:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 TGA---running out o' sand after 5 years. LOL!
Posted by Alaska Paul  2005-03-26 11:56:37 PM||   2005-03-26 11:56:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#17  You might want to skip the GULag decade though...

If Hilary and her communettes get in in 2008 that may be hard to avoid.
Posted by badanov  2005-03-26 11:56:41 PM|| []  2005-03-26 11:56:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 TGA's my hero too, badanov. Only a year or two older than my dad. Prost!
Posted by Seafarious  2005-03-27 12:01:04 AM||   2005-03-27 12:01:04 AM|| Front Page Top

00:01 Seafarious
23:59 Burlyman
23:59 Alaska Paul
23:57 .com
23:56 badanov
23:56 Alaska Paul
23:52 True German Ally
23:48 Paul Moloney
23:43 badanov
23:41 AzCat
23:39 True German Ally
23:31 Laurence of the Rats
23:24 Barbara Skolaut
23:23 Alaska Paul
23:18 True German Ally
23:16 Barbara Skolaut
23:11 mom
23:09 AzCat
23:08 True German Ally
23:05 Sock Puppet 0’ Doom
23:00 mom
22:53 AzCat
22:44 ex-lib
22:44 SR-71

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