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2005-02-25 Great White North
U.S. must not intrude on Canadian airspace: Martin
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Posted by Mrs. Davis 2005-02-25 4:49:18 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [25 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 "We did not give up sovereignty," Martin responded. "We affirmed sovereignty."

Actually, the only thing that determines sovereignty is the ability to defend your land. Affirmations of sovereignty never held back a single army. You wanna test whether you're sovereign?
Posted by BH 2005-02-25 4:59:42 PM||   2005-02-25 4:59:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 yawn.
Posted by 2b 2005-02-25 5:03:27 PM||   2005-02-25 5:03:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 And if a missile comes at us, and we "intrude" to stop it, in order to defend ourselves (and them maybe), what are they going to do? Send a pack of marauding out-of-work striking NHL players to invade us?
Posted by BigEd 2005-02-25 5:06:17 PM||   2005-02-25 5:06:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 heh. What are they gonna do, send a bunch of crappy musicians down here?
Posted by BH 2005-02-25 5:10:45 PM||   2005-02-25 5:10:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 They have in the past.
And it wasn't pretty...
Posted by tu3031 2005-02-25 5:14:57 PM||   2005-02-25 5:14:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Are you guys talking about William Shantner?
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2005-02-25 5:18:06 PM||   2005-02-25 5:18:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Western Civ. The best thing that ever happened to this planet, and all of these assholes want to surrender it to the barbarians and thus destroy it.

I really need to take some time and and read Carlyle and Hegel and come to grips with the master/slave dialectic. Beneath all of the Chomskyite/socialist/left rhetoric, I really sense people who are tired of being the masters of their own destinies; who are _begging_ someone, anyone to come along and take over their lives regardless of the consequences. "Liberal (in the original sense) democracy must be crushed. Give me instead Stalin, Hitler, Khalifa, anything but the onerous burden that freedom places on me to make up my own mind, choose my own career, find my own mate," they seem to be pleading.

Well to hell with them. They can be slaves to whatever guru or ideology they can find. Just don't try to take away my freedom.
Posted by 11A5S 2005-02-25 5:26:27 PM||   2005-02-25 5:26:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 IIRC, the official airspace of any nation goes up 160,000 feet (30 miles). Most ballistic missles run at 60 miles up. So .... is this another case of a very minor player in world affairs trying to get a headline to make a name for himself? 'cause Canada or the US ain't got no say in what happens over their country in low earth orbit.
Posted by mmurray821 2005-02-25 5:36:09 PM||   2005-02-25 5:36:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Are there Canadians in Star Trek?

(aside to Gromky) You surely right on that. :(
Posted by Shipman 2005-02-25 5:39:44 PM||   2005-02-25 5:39:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Can't even do the right emoticon... :).
Posted by Shipman 2005-02-25 5:40:36 PM||   2005-02-25 5:40:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 And you don't intrude on a sovereign nation's airspace without seeking permission

That's a fair point. We promise not to shoot down any missles that will be landing in Canada.
Posted by 2b 2005-02-25 5:45:55 PM||   2005-02-25 5:45:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Potentially a problem.

If we want to deploy a missile defense system it would be nice to put some interceptor launch sites in northern Canada. The basing issue is significant.

If we wanted to test interceptions vs over-the-pole shots even with interceptors launching from within the US the interceptions would be over northern Canada, so the airspace thing is significant.

Somebody big needs to sit down with the Canadians.
Posted by buwaya  2005-02-25 6:14:36 PM||   2005-02-25 6:14:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 I'm beginning to suspect he-who-must-not-be-named has gotten a consulting gig up north.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2005-02-25 6:27:29 PM||   2005-02-25 6:27:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Prime Minister Paul Martin said Canada must be consulted before the U.S. decides to fire on missiles that enter Canadian airspace,..

Sheesh, where do the Canucks manage to find these clueless dolts?
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2005-02-25 6:29:00 PM||   2005-02-25 6:29:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Quebec.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2005-02-25 6:35:24 PM||   2005-02-25 6:35:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 So when will Mr. Martin announce that Canada must be consulted before someone fires a missile that enters Canadian airspace that is headed for the US.
Posted by Stephen 2005-02-25 8:55:42 PM||   2005-02-25 8:55:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 They could always shoot down our anti-missile missiles. Oh wait, I forgot.
Posted by ed 2005-02-25 11:06:25 PM||   2005-02-25 11:06:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 --I really sense people who are tired of being the masters of their own destinies; who are _begging_ someone, anyone to come along and take over their lives regardless of the consequences.--

Except if they're american.
Posted by anonymous2u 2005-02-25 11:37:37 PM||   2005-02-25 11:37:37 PM|| Front Page Top

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