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2005-02-18 Home Front: Politix
Geffen Unloads On Hillary: 'She Can't Win'
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Posted by Steve 2005-02-18 9:04:43 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [32 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 From his lips to God's ears.
Aside from all of the obvious things that are just plain wrong with her, imagine a president with kankles.
Posted by JerseyMike 2005-02-18 9:22:17 AM||   2005-02-18 9:22:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 ...or a President with thknees.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2005-02-18 9:33:09 AM||   2005-02-18 9:33:09 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 "She can't win, and she's an incredibly polarizing figure"

"Programs! Getcher DNC Party programs! Can't tell one bitter, demoralizing loser from the others without your program!"
Posted by BH 2005-02-18 9:50:01 AM||   2005-02-18 9:50:01 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 Bastard! I will crush your skull between my massive thighs!
Posted by Anonymous U.S. Senator from NY 2005-02-18 9:53:38 AM||   2005-02-18 9:53:38 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Expect Geffen to have a bizarre suicide in a park near DC
Posted by Frank G  2005-02-18 10:07:40 AM||   2005-02-18 10:07:40 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Ironically, the polarization that Geffen is talking about may be in the Democrat party. Rodham has been voting more to the center lately. For example she voted to confirm AG for AG. She also made a speech that Geffen may construe as being less than pure on the abortion issue.
Posted by mhw 2005-02-18 10:57:37 AM||   2005-02-18 10:57:37 AM|| Front Page Top


Text can be changed, if you have better to offer, lol!
Posted by .com 2005-02-18 11:05:32 AM||   2005-02-18 11:05:32 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 How about "Fred Pruitt found those papers you were looking for."
Posted by Shipman 2005-02-18 11:47:02 AM||   2005-02-18 11:47:02 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 "I am the ghost of Vince Foster..."
Posted by tu3031 2005-02-18 11:49:10 AM||   2005-02-18 11:49:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 Looks like she just spotted Bill in the audience... with his arm around his date.
Posted by BH 2005-02-18 11:52:14 AM||   2005-02-18 11:52:14 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 When I read Geffen's statements last night (originally), I finally felt like someone really sees Hillary for what she is and will say so.

And .com, that picture is perfect.
Posted by nada 2005-02-18 11:59:43 AM||   2005-02-18 11:59:43 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 BH-Dead on. And she'll take it, just like she's taken all the others-proving she doesn't have the leadership, courage or morality it takes. She would be the poster child for self-martyring/masochistic wives. Still, I'd never underestimate how many people will let that slide. Despite all the ills that kind of behavior brings, there still seems to be a large chunk of the country who thinks infidelity is not a character flaw. With the seemingly large number that feel that way, she could overcome the "self-perpetuating-victim" label. I don't know if she could overcome the odds of being so polarizing a figure, though.
Posted by Jules 187 2005-02-18 12:10:01 PM||   2005-02-18 12:10:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 mhw, that's the way I see it. Hillary watched very closely how Kerry ran his campaign and is changing her image to more of the middle. The polarization is indeed in the Democratic party. The democrats I know here in East Tennessee who voted for Bush would never vote for her as she was during Slick Willie's presidency. She has been taking caluclated steps to appear more religious, more conservative, and more supportive of the military. I just wonder how much of this his her own doing and how much is her advisors'. If she really is this politically astute she could be very formidable.
Posted by Deacon Blues  2005-02-18 12:41:06 PM||   2005-02-18 12:41:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 let the games begin.
Posted by 2b 2005-02-18 12:50:43 PM||   2005-02-18 12:50:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Jules - I don't think it's masochism, it's just that she believes (and not without reason) that she needs Bill to get what she wants, namely, power. There was no way in hell she could have gotten elected as a Senator without him & his buddies, and she's hoping to cash in on his connections if she runs for President.

It's more of a "you owe me, you bastard....for putting up with your crap!" kinda thing, all the while putting up this "I did it all myself" front that the media just eats up.
Posted by Desert Blondie 2005-02-18 2:45:47 PM|| []  2005-02-18 2:45:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 BH, slight correction: Looks like she just spotted Bill in the audience... with his arm around his her date.
Posted by Random thoughts 2005-02-18 2:55:31 PM||   2005-02-18 2:55:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 That's a possibility, RT, though all that makeup, and those clothes? I don't think so. Last time that looked like a possibility was the Watergate days...

Can you imagine 4 years of that strident voice? And that woman-hating husband in the White House again? I get chills just thinking about it.
Posted by Jules 187 2005-02-18 3:10:35 PM||   2005-02-18 3:10:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 .com and Nada- you are 100% correct. Hillary said "It takes a village to raise a child"
Does she have what it takes to be the first U.S. President???? In case anyone is interested,
Mr. John Kerry will be at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston, Mass this month for an open forum. Check the John F. Kennedy library web site for date and time! COME ONE COME ALL***

Andrea Jackson
Posted by Monica Lewinsky  2005-02-18 7:00:47 PM||   2005-02-18 7:00:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 JFnK at the JFK Library? Apparently Monica/Andrea, you'll swallow anything, hook line and sinker
Posted by Frank G  2005-02-18 7:12:47 PM||   2005-02-18 7:12:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 # 19 Frank G.--Sorry, I DON'T SWALLOW*** I'll be on the slopes skiing (Vermont)---NOT at the John F. Kennedy library, but yes, I did receive an invite in the mail today...I am a honorary member of the John F. Kennedy library- I am fond of Caroline, as she sign's any books that I need for the various charities that I affiliate myself with.

Andrea Jackson
Posted by Andrea  2005-02-18 7:37:24 PM||   2005-02-18 7:37:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 that's too bad, Andrea
Posted by Frank G  2005-02-18 9:23:26 PM||   2005-02-18 9:23:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Frank G- what is too bad? Skiing(Vermont) or the John F. Kennedy lib? SWALLOW = Gag reflex, I'll pass***

Posted by ANdrea  2005-02-18 9:26:57 PM||   2005-02-18 9:26:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Skiings great, as is snowboarding
Posted by Frank G  2005-02-18 9:32:47 PM||   2005-02-18 9:32:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 Right on*** my motto is:


Andrea Jackson
Posted by ANdrea  2005-02-18 9:34:25 PM||   2005-02-18 9:34:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Frank, the lady tells you of her important connections including Caroline Kennedy, and all you can think of is if she swallows. ;o)
Posted by badanov  2005-02-18 9:36:19 PM|| []  2005-02-18 9:36:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 I'm a pig
Posted by Frank G  2005-02-18 9:45:35 PM||   2005-02-18 9:45:35 PM|| Front Page Top

BH-Dead on. And she'll take it, just like she's taken all the others-proving she doesn't have the leadership, courage or morality it takes. She would be the poster child for self-martyring/masochistic wives. Still, I'd never underestimate how many people will let that slide. Despite all the ills that kind of behavior brings, there still seems to be a large chunk of the country who thinks infidelity is not a character flaw. With the seemingly large number that feel that way, she could overcome the "self-perpetuating-victim" label. I don't know if she could overcome the odds of being so polarizing a figure, though.

Actually, I've been thinking lately... there are things Hillary could do to improve her possibility of being elected, besides just pretending to be moderate:

Stop being an enabler for Mr. Codependent. Get her self respect back.

In short, divorce Bill.
Posted by Phil Fraering 2005-02-18 11:04:37 PM|| []  2005-02-18 11:04:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 All that she's-s-s-s say-ing-g-g-g, is give Radical Islam, anti-Dubya-ism/Americanism, and Nuclear Terror a chance, espec to nuke Dubya, his Admin., and the the leadership of the GOP-Right, ala Cuba-Castro vs. the Kennedys and the JFK Assassination! THE USA IS AT WAR, A WAR FOR ITS IDENTITY AND ITS VERY EXISTENCE - WE HAVE ENEMIES BOTH WITHIN AND WITHOUT WHOM INTEND TO KILL AMERICA ONCE AND FOREVER. Its the ultimate regression as the Failed/Angry Left intends to win by bringing America down to their standards. Leftism = Rightism, Communism = Fascism, Socialism = Capitalism,... Successful America = Failed and Failing Russia-China and the other remnant of the Cold War Commie world, Intellectual PC Hillary = Truth-in-Everything straight arrow Betty Crocker, or prim and proper Queen Victoria. Dubya has to watch his six between now and the day he formally leaves office - Hillary and the power-mad Failed/Angry Left have more options than her just running as VPOTUS with Al "Everything is Beautiful Again" Gore in 2008. America and the GOP-Right have to be discredited, and ideally by their own Left-verified hand - the Clintons, the DemLibs and the Commies can NOT be blsmed or linked to anything!
Posted by JosephMendiola  2005-02-18 11:08:58 PM|| [http://n/a]  2005-02-18 11:08:58 PM|| Front Page Top

23:31 Atomic Conspiracy
23:25 Phil Fraering
23:20 Sobiesky
23:19 DMFD
23:14 Phil Fraering
23:09 DMFD
23:08 JosephMendiola
23:06 Phil Fraering
23:05 Atomic Conspiracy
23:04 Phil Fraering
22:56 2b
22:54 trailing wife
22:53 Barbara Skolaut
22:49 CrazyFool
22:46 Eris
22:41 trailing wife
22:41 SwissTex
22:40 Jame Retief
22:39 trailing wife
22:33 JosephMendiola
22:20 badanov
22:20 trailing wife
22:19 SwissTex
22:14 Frank G

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