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2005-02-04 Europe
'Arrest threat' to Rumsfeld trip
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Posted by tipper 2005-02-04 11:02:27 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [28 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 And nothing like this would happen with the ICC...
Posted by Pappy 2005-02-04 12:31:38 PM||   2005-02-04 12:31:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 I hope he goes and puts them on the spot. If they try to arrest him, it'll be the end of NATO and US protection over Germany. End the bases there.
Posted by Frank G  2005-02-04 12:39:17 PM||   2005-02-04 12:39:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 I'd go farther than that FrankG, I'd make it equivalent to a declaration of war from Germany, and make sure that they PUBLICLY understand it.

Then let them either PUBLICLY back down or spool up their nanny state military for a real fight.

This crap Europeans have about putting Americans on "trial" for defending this nation has got to end, and frankly I've had it to the point that if it takes another war in Europe to get this across, then so be it.
Posted by Laurence of the Rats  2005-02-04 1:22:20 PM|| []  2005-02-04 1:22:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Was gonna note that Merkins wouldn't take kindly to that sort of treatment of an elderly citizen just cause he's SECDEF. But then LotR went and illustrated that point very nicely.
Posted by true nuff 2005-02-04 1:26:32 PM||   2005-02-04 1:26:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 I'd like to add that I'm not jumping on Germany in particular for this, they are just the latest country these idiotic threats have come from.
Posted by Laurence of the Rats  2005-02-04 1:29:50 PM|| []  2005-02-04 1:29:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Going to war over this idiocy might be a bit extreme, but something has to be done about these idiots. Letting them make fools of themselves is always a great option.

I wonder how they got it in their heads that they had the *right* to prosecute people from other countries for running legitimate military operations. If it was a war of pure conquest, I might (a very small might) agree that maybe they might possibly have the potential for something resembling a probable basis for an argument. But that doesn't cover any of the U.S. operations, and furthermore there would be no benefit to trying that before you'd attempt to arrest people like Mugabe and the mullahs and Kimmie and the Sudan "leaders," all of whom care more about their own power and position than anything else. And not a word about the Syria/Lebanon occupation? I wonder whether they're taking some kind of warped cue from the Nuremberg (sp?) trials?

There is something terribly wrong in Europe when people in Germany seriously suggest arresting the SecDef of the United States, but next door Yassir Arafat is given first-class medical care as his worthless carcass rots and his soul departs on the next train to hell.
Posted by The Doctor 2005-02-04 1:42:56 PM||   2005-02-04 1:42:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Go, Rummy. But take some of the nastier pieces of work from the HRT along, just in case.
Posted by mojo  2005-02-04 2:01:23 PM||   2005-02-04 2:01:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 We should publically tell the Russians that for $5 billion US, we'll let them have all of Germany without interference this time. Besides, it's time to end the Occupation of Germany anyway. What's our exit strategy Democrats? Isn't 60 years enough time to occupy them?
Posted by Silentbrick  2005-02-04 2:21:15 PM||   2005-02-04 2:21:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 To be equally inane about it...

On the other side of the equation, how about issuing arrest warrants for all officials of Old Europe - for cowardice in the face of the enemy - or whatever the legal beagles want to call it?
Posted by .com 2005-02-04 2:54:39 PM||   2005-02-04 2:54:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Before we get all cranked up about Germany,the article clearly states it is a group of AMERICAN lawyers who are trying to get some publicity,by "jurisdiction shopping". Notice the German court has ignored them for 3 months so far,and will never take the case. The chances are they tried Germany,because Belgium quickly changed its laws over similar idiocy.
Posted by Stephen 2005-02-04 3:45:16 PM||   2005-02-04 3:45:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 You know, it would be fun to see them try it. Fun in a horrific traffic accident kind of way.

The former site of Munich, Germany, where the German government foolishly allowed Totalitarianist Leftist officials from the ICRC arrest kidnap US Secy. of Defense Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld was released from the brussels prison where he had been held by now "educated" and terified guards. RUMSFELD immediately flew back to Washington.
Posted by BigEd 2005-02-04 3:48:57 PM||   2005-02-04 3:48:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Rummy goes to the conference. The New Yawk Lawyahs are told to shove this thing up their collective asses. Ignore them. They are publicity hounds and are trying to embarass and humiliate the SoD and the US Government. Then we should quietly start looking for nefarious things that the Lawyuhs have done and talk to prosecutors about it, if the need comes up.
Posted by Alaska Paul  2005-02-04 4:17:18 PM||   2005-02-04 4:17:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 BigEd, that's beautiful.
Posted by The Doctor 2005-02-04 5:11:17 PM||   2005-02-04 5:11:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 "We should publically tell the Russians that for $5 billion US, we'll let them have all of Germany without interference this time."

That's ridiculous, we can get at least $500 billion.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-02-04 5:17:02 PM||   2005-02-04 5:17:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Was gonna note that Merkins wouldn't take kindly to that sort of treatment of an elderly citizen just cause he's SECDEF...

Elderly? He's gotta be one of the hottest elderly men I've ever seen. Rummy's a classicly handsome guy.

If Europe would just take a breath, step back and think about this a bit, it might clear up some confusion on their part on why we don't always seek concensus or invite their input. On important matters, their judgment is dangerously flawed.
Posted by Jules 187 2005-02-04 5:26:17 PM||   2005-02-04 5:26:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Going to war over this idiocy might be a bit extreme

Any bets that the SecDef is routinely extended diplomatic credentials, and is thus protected by diplomatic immunity? Wouldn't a purposeful violation of diplomatic immunity be at least a major incident?
Posted by Robert Crawford  2005-02-04 7:26:35 PM|| []  2005-02-04 7:26:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Oh pleaaase, US lawyers, would you kindly stop to exploit German legal loopholes? We should slap them with a hefty fee for frivolous lawsuits.

The law is not a stupid one, it was made to go after war crimes of dictators and other unsavoury characters provided that the victims of such war crimes could not seek prosecution in their own country or in the country of the defendant.

Since you can, of course, press prosecution against Rumsfeld in the U.S. if you have the inclination, the German law doesn't apply and the Federal Attorney will, if you pester him any more, kindly tell you so.

Of course Rumsfeld enjoys full diplomatic immunity so he will be protected by German police, not arrested. Condi Rice is safe, too :-)

Ah, it was a busy day.

PS: BigEd, since I will attend the Munich Security Conference you might want to reconsider the crater idea.

Please understand that this is NOT a German issue. Go after your own lawyers for that one.

Oh and please Rummy, come to Munich. Hillary Clinton said she was going to attend! Sorry, Douglas Feith doesn't cut it.
Posted by True German Ally 2005-02-04 7:53:01 PM||   2005-02-04 7:53:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 We can't blame you, TGA, or Germany as a whole for these idiots, since they come from our side of the Atlantic. OTOP, why haven't your courts thrown the case out immediately?
Posted by jackal  2005-02-04 10:54:53 PM|| []  2005-02-04 10:54:53 PM|| Front Page Top

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