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2004-12-27 Southeast Asia
Asia Officials Failed to Issue Warnings
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Posted by Fred 2004-12-27 10:28:53 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [19 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I said to my boyfriend this morning, "If I know that earthquakes cause tsunamis, how come whole governments don't know it?" His answer ("The idiots in the Thai government are probably bigger idiots than the idiots in our government.") was less than illuminating.
Posted by Angie Schultz 2004-12-27 11:55:24 AM|| []  2004-12-27 11:55:24 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Angie-didn't you get the email? ;)

It's the new international trend-
Do something after it's too late. We're seeing this fashion springing up all over the globe! And my, aren't heads in Paris turning!
Posted by Jules 187 2004-12-27 12:44:59 PM||   2004-12-27 12:44:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Folks, they're still working on sanitary drinking water and basic public health - in all of the countries affected. Warning systems for tsunamis, sophisticated or not, have to take a number. More people die from dysentery and malaria and, well you get the idea, in a single year than all the tsunamis in recorded history combined. So you're right, but there's just not enough resources to go around. We can afford to worry about the health risks of RU-486 and breast augmentation and Earth getting hit by an asteroid - and devote research resources - because we've covered the basics. We're running simulations of nukes - they are still bootstrapping.
Posted by .com 2004-12-27 4:17:05 PM||   2004-12-27 4:17:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Also, Thailand’s Meteorological Department said the country lacked an international warning system and proper coordination to get messages of impending disasters sent across the country. "If we had the international warning system, we could give real-time warning to people," said Seismological Bureau official Sumalee Prachuab.

Let's look at just how complicated one solution might be. A series of bouys rigged with accelerometers and a GPS transponder. When the bouy crests over 5-10 meter swells it sends an alert. This will detect monsoon activity and tsunami.

Cost per bouy? Mebbe a thousand bucks. A bare few of them could have saved countless thousands of lives.

Why aren't such simple monitoring systems in place?


Nobody here seems to get it that the supposed leaders of Thailand, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka and numerous affected countries rate amongst the most corrupt governments in the ENTIRE WORLD.

Shouldn't we make dead-nuts sure that our billions of aid dollars don't get siphoned off into new fleets of Mercedes or rebuilding of mosques from where more killers can be sent our way?

Yeah, I'm such a "shriveled" cynical son-of-a-buck to actually demand that our hard-earned tax dollars don't go towards spawning yet another generation of graft riddled governments and the violent fanatics that they spawn or directly support.

The time is NOW to put these thieves over a barrel and get some realistic concessions out of them before rebuilding a square inch of their infrastructure. Fresh water, food and medical supplies, go ahead and distribute it immediately through regulated channels.

Rebuilding even a quarter mile of dirt road had better come with major cooperation pacts in fighting terrorism and intelligence sharing.

It would be suicidal for America to rebuild these terrorist breeding grounds now that they have all taken a serious hit. Let these country's governments file formal requests for aid and then vette every single request openly and pointedly with respect to some sort of QUID PRO QUO.

There is no better chance to establish a solid basis of cooperation than now. Rebuilding these nations without any strings attached is like donating to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Posted by Zenster 2004-12-27 4:29:49 PM||   2004-12-27 4:29:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Folks, they're still working on sanitary drinking water and basic public health - in all of the countries affected.

.com, I can only suppose that you missed the content I posted about this last night.

"Across South Asia, public spending on basic services such as drinking water, education, health and law enforcement represents a significant allocation of scarce resources," said Gopakumar Krishnan, Asia Programme Manager at the TI-Secretariat. "The survey results show that even when public services are meant to be freely available, bribes and delays keep many from receiving them, and it is most often the poorest in society that suffer most."

Corruption is one of the only things that stands between these impoverished people and the installation of simple sanitation infrastructure. There's plenty of money to go around, it's just that so much of it is being diverted by corrupt officials.

This is why I'm calling for reciprocity if America is to help rebuild these human cesspits. No more of this feather-bedding with relief and disaster funds. They've been taking our money for years and doing what? Building mosques to spew out terrorists and anti-American propaganda.

We have to be insane if we rush in and open-handedly give away the money required to properly rebuild these nations to their corrupt leadership. Close monitoring and stiff penalties for malfeasance had better accompany our efforts or we may as well call it quits.

.com, you keep saying "fry 'em up." Why don't we start at the snake's head - namely, the thieving leaders who, while they line their pockets with our money, could care less how many Americans die at the hands of fanatics bred up under their noses.
Posted by Zenster 2004-12-27 4:41:47 PM||   2004-12-27 4:41:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 I think we get it, Zenster. Your "no-free-ride" approach to foreign aid sounds about right.
Posted by Jules 187 2004-12-27 4:46:25 PM||   2004-12-27 4:46:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Thank you, jules. I took enough flack last night to where I'm still a little uncertain regarding just how clear this is for some around here.

The way I see it, several terrorist havens have been crippled by non-political outside forces. We cannot be blamed in any way for this event (although I'm sure rumors of underground nuclear explosions are circulating already) and now have the perfect vehicle for making sure that these countries are rebuilt according to our own vision. Consistent lack of leadership vision in these nations has made it imperative that we ensure some degree of ethical rebuild management.

There is no other opportunity like this likely to come unless we go in and militarily cripple these same nations ourselves. Instead, this has been done for us and we'd be idiots not to apply some leverage when it will best suit our foreign policy.

Another simple fact remains. There is very little time to realign global politics against violent jihadism. We no longer have the luxury of picking and chosing when it is best to bend other political bodies to our will. Any lack of determination in doing so now will essentially translate directly into American lives lost to terror.

Good guy, bad guy ... who cares? The more Americans who continue to live, the better chances democracy has of spreading world-wide.
Posted by Zenster 2004-12-27 5:11:32 PM||   2004-12-27 5:11:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Zenster, you voice strong support (to the point of utter overkill) for positions obviously near and dear to many who visit this blog -- and then (here and there, thrown in as if afterthoughts) mock Bush and his Presidency without any proof to back up the slander. Your lack of realism to the gung ho, "hate all muslims," solutions you spout makes me question your sincerity. Please persuade me otherwise, if you think I'm wrong. Also, I don't recall you ever answering a central question that you have been repeatedly asked: How do you square your "kill them all, let God sort them out" rhetoric with your "Bush is a crook" rhetoric? Generally, when I ask you this question you just stop posting for awhile, but I really think inquiring minds would like to hear your answer to the question. I know I’d like to hear a little Bush support from you.

Regarding a place like Indonesia, my simple explanation for the hope I hold out for that “Muslim” country is that Indonesia is the first place I ever drank a beer or smoked a cigarette.

A more in depth exploration of the Indonesian cultural and political climate can be found in this thread. I believe there is much hope for Indonesia as an ally in the war on terror, especially since SBY was elected President. TRYING TO HOLD COUNTRIES LIKE THIS HOSTAGE AFTER A NATURAL DISASTER, IS BOTH STUPID AND DISGUSTING. As .com noted, these countries are still working on basic sanitation and drinking water problems. Relief will be appreciated. Yes, corruption is a problem. The people know it. That’s why Indonesia elected SBY. These people want what we want -- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Posted by cingold 2004-12-27 8:50:35 PM||   2004-12-27 8:50:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 "No more of this feather-bedding with relief and disaster funds. They've been taking our money for years and doing what? Building mosques to spew out terrorists and anti-American propaganda."

That's not all "they" (who are you talking about, exactly?) do with the funds designated toward nation-building Zenstertroll. You act like it's policy in these nations, no matter which country you've zeroed in on. "Feather bedding" with relief funds? You've got to be kidding.

You also are so ridiculous to always be trying to go after .com. Many of us remember your true intentions and attitudes--toward me, for example when I DARED to even question the psychological parameters of homosexuality, which undergirds your reason for being here. So many militant homosexual deconstructionists are looking for heterosexual sympathizers who will foster unquestioning compliance with their viewpoints. Some of them look for such on Rantburg. And they NEVER support President Bush, and at the same time they want to punish every Moslem for the actions of the Islamofacists--interestingly enough.

So, why don't you do something more useful with your time before I dig up all the crap you've said on this website and post it for everyone to see. Your "fiery" comments about this and that are losing ground because of your all too obvious secondary agenda(s).

Posted by ex-lib 2004-12-27 9:16:05 PM||   2004-12-27 9:16:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Also, I don't recall you ever answering a central question that you have been repeatedly asked: How do you square your "kill them all, let God sort them out" rhetoric with your "Bush is a crook" rhetoric?

I have never advocated a "kill them all" attitude. I most certainly support a forcible reformation of Islam and subsequent purging of their ranks in the face of noncompliance. You keep accusing me of a "kill them all" attitude without providing cites. Please do so now. I have taken a lot of punishment at this site for mentioning the existence of moderate Muslims (something that is fading fast for me). Just last night I mentioned how governmental corruption in India is causing anti-Muslim bias and therefore inciting terrorism. Please explain how I manage to have such sympathy in the face of your genocidal accusations.

I happen to strongly disagree with exactly how much time there is left for us to quash Islamic terrorism and am fed up with the far-reaching perfidy so routinely encountered when dealing with its religious figures.

I also have great difficulty with a sitting president who is so bought off by campaign donors that it has repercussions upon the public weal and even national security. Wal-Mart, Circuit City, The Good Guys and other campaign donating importers doing business with China seem able to interfere with timely sanctions against the last communist superpower. Need I remind you that China is financing Iran's quest for nuclear weapons and proliferating the technology to launch them? How about China's continued support of North Korea?

I will paraphrase George Will's quote about the Reagan White House with respect to Bush.

"An administration that loves commerce more than it loathes communism."

The inability of Bush to penalize China's overt destabilization of the entire east Asian quadrant is a serious matter. That campaign finance interests should compromise our nation's security is malfeasance of office.

Just Watch and see how successful Pioneers have been influencing Bush Administration policies. The profiles included here demonstrate how money in politics works at the highest level of government. In each case, the Pioneer has helped Bush win election and Bush Administration policies have benefited the Pioneer - in many cases, at the expense of the public interest.
Posted by Zenster 2004-12-27 11:26:33 PM||   2004-12-27 11:26:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Zenster, your behavior and commentary on RB clearly indicate you are more interested in being a Somebody than you are in anything else.

For the most part, I have found it is pointless to respond to you, so I seldom do. You've got some serious cognitive and honesty issues, you can not take criticism, you've never actually apologized for being wrong or splitting hairs, and you congratulate yourself far too often for anyone else to be interested in offering any.

The funny thing is, you have had a few good original ideas, but RB existed long before you showed up - so the actual number is far fewer than you credit yourself with. If you engaged people instead of pontificating you would see a great rise in the number of responses to you, not to mention an improvement in tone. If you want to pontificate and bloviate and rant - fine, put in the rant tags on so we'll know. As it is, you seem to think everything you post is the Word of Gawd (or whatever). It's not, though some of it is worthy of discussion.

If searches covered Comments and the Commenter's ID, I'd make you eat at least half of the challenges you throw out at others, confident that they haven't logged you.

Sadly, you're just the American version. A little smarter and just a smidgen less arrogant.

Oh, almost forgot. Fry 'em Up™ is mine. You are not authorized to use the term, nor are you permitted to hide behind me when you encounter criticism and wish to deflect it by positioning yourself relative to me, as if I am The Great Satan. Defend your comments with your own logic and reasoning. As for the phrase, yes I've said it numerous times. I have my logic and my reasons - and I'll expound if anyone wants to hear them. You, however, want the same thing but don't have the balls to say it and take the resulting heat. When challenged, you haul ass and blow smoke to cover your getaway. Speak for yourself and defend yourself with more than your pathetic "prove it with links" mewling. We already have a resident mewling crybaby hair-splitting "prove it with links" expert at RB, and he's quite enough, thanks.

You are politically naive, at best, and insane, at worst. You have never, not once, had the sense to say anything about Bush without adding some measure of your twisted fucked up personal dementia. Save it - you don't impress anyone with 2 neurons to rub together. Results and reality have far more punch than your BDS fantasies.
Posted by .com 2004-12-28 12:31:46 AM||   2004-12-28 12:31:46 AM|| Front Page Top

00:31 .com
00:02 Zenster
23:59 Phil Fraering
23:59 mojo
23:57 Seafarious
23:52 gromgorru
23:43 joeblow
23:40 .com
23:39 BH
23:36 Asedwich
23:34 Asedwich
23:31 Atomic Conspiracy
23:26 Zenster
23:19 Atomic Conspiracy
23:16 Frank G
23:13 joeblow
23:11  trailing wife
23:08 trailng daughter of the trailing wife
23:06 trailing daughter of the trailing wife
23:01 Zenster
22:59 trailing wife
22:54 trailing daughter of the trailing wife
22:53  trailing wife
22:51 Zenster

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