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2004-12-13 Iraq-Jordan
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Posted by Ol_Dirty_American 2004-12-13 8:28:40 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [17 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 sleazy immoral unethical POS - and the guy he pardoned, too
Posted by Frank G  2004-12-13 11:03:11 AM||   2004-12-13 11:03:11 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Investigators are looking into a series of deals that took place in the months after his pardon from Clinton. If criminal wrongdoing is established in these deals, he could be subject to prosecution.

oh please, oh please!

This whole scandal feeds into my suspicion that the Clintons and the Dem party have long standing connections to organized crime, that is happy to join with anyone, no matter how bloody, to make a buck. It seems to start with Truman, (even the encyclopedia's note that he got his start as a cog in the The Pendergast Political Machine). Kennedy's election (well established fact that the mob rousted up the needed votes for victory and killed him when Bobby got tough), the love of Castro, and Clinton's association with Marc Rich just to name the most obvious.

If one has no convictions or morals, why not? Organized crime is more than willing to fund any candidate that will appoint the judges or fund those huge social projects that are so easy to skim off the top. Look at the left's most ardant supporters and you will see well known mob controlled entities: Teamsters, Publishing, Hollywood, Boxing, etc.
Posted by 2b 2004-12-13 11:04:33 AM||   2004-12-13 11:04:33 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 2b:
Well, you'll get no argument from me about the Donks being totally corrupt and without morals BUT, well, as much as it pains me to say it.... Don King is a Republican!
Posted by Secret Master 2004-12-13 12:32:17 PM||   2004-12-13 12:32:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Yeah, and he sounds great when he talks, but wasn't he kissing Castro on another thread?
Posted by 2b 2004-12-13 1:42:25 PM||   2004-12-13 1:42:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Don King, mobster?

Posted by 2b 2004-12-13 1:50:03 PM||   2004-12-13 1:50:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Does anyone know if a presidential pardon can be voided or revoked?
Posted by phil_b 2004-12-13 4:17:58 PM||   2004-12-13 4:17:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 I don't think it can.....
Posted by Frank G  2004-12-13 4:20:35 PM||   2004-12-13 4:20:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 So, Rich was already close to Saddam when Clinton pardoned him. Either Clinton was grossly negligent (willfully blind?) in checking out who he was pardoning, or he knew it.

That does not look good.
Posted by Dishman  2004-12-13 5:05:30 PM||   2004-12-13 5:05:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 If the trunks are smart they'll let this simmer till say, September '07.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-12-13 5:07:16 PM||   2004-12-13 5:07:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Does anybody know how much money Slick was paid for the Mark Rich pardon?
Posted by Douglas De Bono  2004-12-13 11:30:28 PM|| []  2004-12-13 11:30:28 PM|| Front Page Top

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23:55 Atomic Conspiracy
23:54 Floting Granter5198
23:51 Don
23:30 Douglas De Bono
23:28 2b
23:27 Douglas De Bono
23:16 Rafael
23:15 Rafael

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