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2004-12-09 Fifth Column
My Name is Rachel Corrie
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Posted by Korora 2004-12-09 12:03:47 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [27 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 My name is Rachel Corrie. I am a pancake now because I am stupid. I thought I wuz stronger than a bulldozer, but I guess I wuznt. Oh well, at least I am good with syrup now.
Posted by Ol_Dirty_American 2004-12-09 12:41:42 AM||   2004-12-09 12:41:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Is this "Hans" Alan Rickman. "Yippie-ki-yay Mofo" Alan Rickman? "Die Hard" Alan Rickman? How disappointing.

Asshat list reminder: Rickman, Alan. Add.
Posted by .com 2004-12-09 12:51:17 AM||   2004-12-09 12:51:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 You know, there are a few things in life that you must find out about, "the hard way". Like those curious little holes in the wall, where your mother plugged things in, when you were a little kid. It's pretty much of an accepted fact, that every kid will sooner or later stick something metal in the electrical outlet, and shock himself/herself. But, learning a VERY valuable lesson.

That being said..... Standing in front of the "business end" of a bulldozer that ain't stoppin', is NOT one of those things that you have to experience to know NOT to do it. You can pretty well bet that you're going to end up a greasy spot on the road. Man,....if you play with fire, you're going to get burned.
Posted by Floting Granter5198 2004-12-09 12:58:09 AM||   2004-12-09 12:58:09 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 .com: sing it, brother.

Rats. I just watched Rickman in "Galaxy Quest" on Sunday and laughed my a** off. Now he's on the list of H'wood idiotarians. Fooey.
Posted by Seafarious  2004-12-09 1:06:42 AM||   2004-12-09 1:06:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 A pity. One of the few actors whose work I really like. Idiot.
Posted by lex 2004-12-09 1:08:55 AM||   2004-12-09 1:08:55 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 The short life and sudden death of Rachel Corrie

Hopefully the play is as short and sudden . Dunno how they gonna fit a bulldozer on the stage though . Health and Safety Executive would have a field day over here in England :P
Posted by MacNails 2004-12-09 1:52:45 AM||   2004-12-09 1:52:45 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 is she related to edward arlington robinson's richard corey--both outwardly admired--both verry daid
Posted by SON OF TOLUI 2004-12-09 1:54:38 AM||   2004-12-09 1:54:38 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 "Hi, Rachel, my name is Bull, Bull Dozer. May I call you 'Pancake?'"
Posted by Mike  2004-12-09 6:08:21 AM||   2004-12-09 6:08:21 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 Natural Selection continues apace..
Posted by Howard UK 2004-12-09 6:45:31 AM||   2004-12-09 6:45:31 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 If Rachel Corrie had lived during the Nazi era she would fit right in with the worst of them.
Posted by Mark Espinola 2004-12-09 8:07:32 AM||   2004-12-09 8:07:32 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 A friend saw it. Said it left her flat.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-12-09 8:14:01 AM||   2004-12-09 8:14:01 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 Mrs D - add *rimshot*
Posted by Frank G  2004-12-09 8:18:10 AM||   2004-12-09 8:18:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 Liberals should borrow from the Catholic Church and have their own saints and feast days. I forsee:
Big breakfast get-togethers on St. Rachel-Corrie-the-Pancake Day.
Dress down on St. Michael Moore Day.
Turned-up collars and frizzy hair on St. Tuh-Ray-Zuh Day.
A Halloween-type theme on St. sKerry Day.
Underwater swimming events on St. Teddy Day.

I don't even want to contemplate what happens on St. Slick-Willie-the-Bubba Day.
Posted by Tom 2004-12-09 8:18:13 AM||   2004-12-09 8:18:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 bobbing for bananas apples
Posted by Frank G  2004-12-09 8:20:28 AM||   2004-12-09 8:20:28 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 "Why did a 23-year-old woman leave...."Short answer=stupid,dumb-ass c%^nt.(apollogy to all the brilliant,level-headed women here.not a word I like to use)
Posted by raptor 2004-12-09 8:39:45 AM||   2004-12-09 8:39:45 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 If it's a musical, I wrote a song for it:

To the tune of "Battle Hymn of the Republic"

Rachel Corrie went to Palestine
to free the Arab mob,
burning flags and sleeping round
and acting like a yob.
She sought to save the pimps and punks
and generate a sob,
but a D-9 ended that.

Rachel Corrie got run over,
Rachel Corrie got run over,
Rachel Corrie got run over,
a D-9 ended that.

She climbed atop a mound of dirt
to stop the dreaded foe.
Her heart was full of hubris
her enemy named Moe.
The D-9 was large and loud
and so she turned to go
but a D-9 ended that.


Now Rachel lies flattened
beneath the Army tread.
Her pimps and pushers honor her
repeating what she said.
But nothing makes up for the fact
that she's really, really dead.
A D-9 ended that.

Posted by Chuck Simmins  2004-12-09 9:28:49 AM|| []  2004-12-09 9:28:49 AM|| Front Page Top

#17 Horst Wessel was born September 9, 1907, in Bielefeld, Germany. Wessel dropped out of law school and defied his mother by joining the Nazis, becoming an SA storm trooper. He lived in a Berlin slum with a former prostitute. On February 23, 1930, someone (different accounts say it was a political enemy, the woman's former boyfriend, or perhaps her pimp) broke into Wessel's apartment and mortally wounded him.

Joseph Goebbels, the Nazis' propaganda chief, claimed Wessel was murdered by a Communist, and made him a martyr in the party's struggle with their Communist opponents. Wessel was given an elaborate funeral, which was interrupted by stone-throwing Communists. The murder and reaction helped turn public opinion in favor of the Nazis and against the Communists.

A poem Wessel had written was put to music and became the marching song of the SA and later the official song of the Nazi Party and unofficial national anthem of Germany.

The Sage continues with a new name and a new mythology.
Posted by Don  2004-12-09 9:29:27 AM||   2004-12-09 9:29:27 AM|| Front Page Top

#18 sorry, meant Saga continues...
Posted by Don  2004-12-09 9:46:00 AM||   2004-12-09 9:46:00 AM|| Front Page Top

#19 The actress they got doesn't even look like her. They'll need lots of Pancake.
Posted by BH 2004-12-09 10:57:19 AM||   2004-12-09 10:57:19 AM|| Front Page Top

#20 Bravo, Chuck! Great lyrics. Sang it out loud at the computer. Heh heh. I will have to teach that one to my son and his chums, LOL!
Posted by Alaska Paul  2004-12-09 11:40:42 AM||   2004-12-09 11:40:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#21 Oh come on, it won't be so bad. It's the new "Bambi versus Godzilla"
Posted by ChronWatchAdvisor 2004-12-09 12:04:37 PM|| []  2004-12-09 12:04:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Hi, my name is Rachel Corrie and I am an idiotarian.

In fact she was more than that. She didn't go to Tibet, she didn't go to Saddam's Iraq, she didn't go to Sudan. She didn't went into any of the hellholes where people are killed in droves, she wasn't for relieving those wgo really suffer. She went to the fashionable, the thing who got you media exposure, she didn't mind to help babykillers and that means whe was a babykiller too. She was repugnant, utterly repugnant.
Posted by JFM  2004-12-09 12:52:11 PM||   2004-12-09 12:52:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Sage words from you all. Chuck, love the lyrics! Raptor, sometimes only strong words suffice,and I'm sure the brilliant Rantburg ladies will forgive you. I do, too ;-) Darn it, Seafarious, did you have to mention Galaxy Quest? Its one of the few movies we actually own! I really wish those who work in the entertainment fields would accept that we only want them for their bodies artistic abilities, and stop pretending that anyone cares what they think!
Posted by trailing wife 2004-12-09 3:06:56 PM||   2004-12-09 3:06:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 I really wish those who work in the entertainment fields would accept that we only want them for their artistic abilities, and stop pretending that anyone cares what they think!

I care. Keep yapping, useful idiots. You can't buy publicity this good.
Posted by Karl Rove 2004-12-09 3:28:34 PM||   2004-12-09 3:28:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Raptor-No worries-no offense. Occasionally, not often, I've seen much worse on this site, and in those instances being offensive has nothing to do with using profanity.

She's just one in a long line of moron martyrs.

Last night on Cspan there was an absolutely sickening panel talking about how we're all supposed to just plunge on ahead with Palestinian negotiations, ignoring suicide bombings that take place during the process.

OK-so let's see-you have an enraged, self-victimizing culture that is going to enter negotiations to see a Palestinian state delivered.

If you bomb, you get your country
If you don't bomb, you get your country

If you're angry and violent already, what incentive do you have to stop killing Israelis if you get a country either way?

Honestly, you would think the people charged with moving the peace process ahead haven't learned even the most basic facts about human nature and basic motivational techniques.

Posted by Jules 187 2004-12-09 3:45:01 PM||   2004-12-09 3:45:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 Don't laugh at 2 space. Rachel "the Bird" Corrie has adapted well to Flatland but was last seen teasing a Frank J 2 space Catepillar. If she gets run over here I guess she becomes a segment of our imagination.
Posted by Flat Land Tourister 2004-12-09 4:23:24 PM||   2004-12-09 4:23:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 Three dimensional Rantburgers living in a two dimensional world.
Posted by john  2004-12-09 4:40:53 PM||   2004-12-09 4:40:53 PM|| Front Page Top

"What do I do now? I just herd a squish, and lots of angry men with AK-47s swearing in Arabic."
Posted by Scoop the Bulldozer 2004-12-09 5:27:02 PM||   2004-12-09 5:27:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#29 .com: Is this "Hans" Alan Rickman. "Yippie-ki-yay Mofo" Alan Rickman? "Die Hard" Alan Rickman? How disappointing.

He did play a terrorist in the movie...
Posted by Zhang Fei  2004-12-09 5:46:34 PM|| []  2004-12-09 5:46:34 PM|| Front Page Top


Since she has achieved great flatness, she has entered the world of the 2-dimensional universe.
Posted by BigEd 2004-12-09 6:07:19 PM||   2004-12-09 6:07:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#31 If it's a success, the sequel can be "I am Rachel Corrie and I am John Kerry". Ummmm ... pancakes and waffles.
Posted by AJackson 2004-12-09 11:42:16 PM||   2004-12-09 11:42:16 PM|| Front Page Top

23:57 Bomb-a-rama
23:47 lex
23:44 Aris Katsaris
23:42 lex
23:42 AJackson
23:40 lex
23:40 Sobiesky
23:34 lex
23:33 Frank G
23:30 AJackson
23:29 gromky
23:27 Capt America
23:25 Aris Katsaris
23:24 gromky
23:23 AJackson
23:18 JosephMendiola
23:17 Ricky Williams
23:14 VAclerk
23:12 JosephMendiola
23:10 Frank G
22:56 phil_b
22:50 trailing wife
22:49 .com
22:48 .com

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