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2004-11-22 Home Front: WoT
PowerLine: Was a hit on? (Google Dafydd ab Hugh)
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Posted by .com 2004-11-22 10:10|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [22 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Interesting speculation, I suppose, and I'm sure (at least I hope) the Secret Service is thinking about stuff like this. But there's no evidence for it other than the fact that Bush was momentarily without his usual protection.
Posted by Steve White  2004-11-22 10:27:58 AM||   2004-11-22 10:27:58 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 The metal detector / canceled dinner rather ups the ante, IMHO. When I heard this on the news it hit me that it made no sense. People go through metal detectors all the time - why cancel the dinner over something so mundane and obviously fundamental to security?
Posted by .com 2004-11-22 10:32:17 AM||   2004-11-22 10:32:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 In retrospect all of this seems obvious, and I feel stupid not having thought of it at the time.

In retrospect I also should have been paying attention to the order in which the events took place.
Posted by Phil Fraering 2004-11-22 12:55:15 PM|| []  2004-11-22 12:55:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 I'm normally hostile to conspiracy theories of any kind-- laughed at black helicopters and didn't care all that much about Clinton's trash, to be honest-- but this time we may be on to something. There's absolutely no question that many of Bush's enemies, even the establishment ones, across the western world toy with the idea of bumping him off. Such notions have been printed in non-ironic, non-sarcastic OpEd pieces in the NY Times, the Guardian, other publications and have even been the sum and substance of a bestselling novel by a prominent author.

Secondly, if you were to do a hit, South America would be an excellent place to do it. Weak governments to begin with, plus no shortage of sympathetic figures to do the job, plus any number of plausible-deniability scenarios due to ongoing terror movements, civil wars, etc.
Posted by lex 2004-11-22 1:01:22 PM||   2004-11-22 1:01:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Where was the football?

Bush was elected in a year ending in 0.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-11-22 1:11:25 PM||   2004-11-22 1:11:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 haha, Mrs D, but we shouldn't be too dismissive here. Yes, there really are millions of people around the world who are deranged by their hatred of Bush. And yes, his re-election has made them desperate. They truly do feel that he is wicked and all-powerful. Thus are conspiracies born.
Posted by lex 2004-11-22 1:14:09 PM||   2004-11-22 1:14:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 I wasn't being dismissive. I thought the football went everywhere with the President. Nor about the 0; though while Reagan took a bullet, he broke the death jinx.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-11-22 1:20:22 PM||   2004-11-22 1:20:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Oh, sorry, didn't get that one. McKinley, JFK.. who were the other naught-prez victims?
Posted by lex 2004-11-22 2:25:45 PM||   2004-11-22 2:25:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 If you look at pictures of Bush during the scrum, when he's seen from behind reaching out to the agent, you'll notice the lines in his back. Same as during the debate. V.likely to be a bullet-proof jacket or some sort of protective "lining".
Posted by Kalle (kafir forever) 2004-11-22 2:26:07 PM|| []  2004-11-22 2:26:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Who's third in line after Cheney? Hastert?
Posted by lex 2004-11-22 2:27:03 PM||   2004-11-22 2:27:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Yeah, the Speaker of the House is 3rd.
Prior to the ratification of the 25th Amendment in 1967, there was no provision for filling a vacancy in the vice presidency. When a president died in office, the vice president succeeded him, and the vice presidency then remained vacant. The first vice president to take office under the new procedure was Gerald Ford, who was nominated by Nixon on Oct. 12, 1973, and confirmed by Congress the following Dec. 6.

* The Vice President Richard Cheney
* Speaker of the House John Dennis Hastert
* President pro tempore of the Senate1 Ted Stevens
* Secretary of State Colin Powell
* Secretary of the Treasury John Snow
* Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld
* Attorney General John Ashcroft
* Secretary of the Interior Gale A. Norton
* Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman
* Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans
* Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao
* Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy G. Thompson
* Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Alphonso Jackson
* Secretary of Transportation Norman Yoshio Mineta
* Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham
* Secretary of Education Roderick Paige
* Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi
* Secretary of Homeland Security2 Tom Ridge
Posted by mojo  2004-11-22 2:48:34 PM||   2004-11-22 2:48:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Alarmingly weak performance on the part of the security detail. Sounds like there where six agents blocked by a slightly larger number of Chileans. Makes you wonder about the training--including the PT. Some of the agents, including the lead looked fat and out of shape.
Posted by Classical_Liberal 2004-11-22 3:35:51 PM||   2004-11-22 3:35:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Apparently only the highest calibre security forces (and most educated) were employed in Chile. (sarcasm off)

Every moronic "misstep", every intentional "oversight" in high-stakes security scenarios is making isolationism look more appealing. Can you imagine these mental midgets acting with intelligence and responsibility in ANY military or security action, much less one involving the security of President George Bush?

BTW-On google, I found a Seattle Times article which brands Bush with the old "John Wayne" slur again. Self defense?!?! Oh, the horror of it!
Posted by Jules 187 2004-11-22 4:07:46 PM||   2004-11-22 4:07:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Warren G. Harding in 1920 (with a whopping 404 electoral votes). He died in 1923 of a heart attack. Some have alleged that he was poisoned.

FDR in 1940. The attempt on FDR was made back in Feruary 1933, however.
Posted by eLarson 2004-11-22 4:23:44 PM|| []  2004-11-22 4:23:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 The 0 hex was that every president elected in a year ending in 0 died in office.

1840 WH Harrison - pnuemonia
1860 A Lincoln - shot
1880 J Garfield - shot
1900 W McKinley - shot
1920 Harding - coronary
1940 FR Roosevelt - natural causes shot at
1960 Kennedy - shot
1980 Reagan - shot but survived, completed both terms.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-11-22 4:41:27 PM||   2004-11-22 4:41:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 They did the same thing to Jintao's security when he was going into a meeting w/Lugos.

According to The Telegraph.

AND the Chileans knew who SS was by the pins on their lapels.
Posted by anonymous2u 2004-11-22 5:58:49 PM||   2004-11-22 5:58:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Did you know that Lincoln was killed in a Theatre! And JFKs alleged killer ran into a theatre!

Also note that Lincon-Booth, Kennedy-Oswald were all middle aged white males. Accidental? I think not!
Posted by Whipper-In Barbie 2004-11-22 7:03:31 PM||   2004-11-22 7:03:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln and Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy.
So what?
Posted by JerseyMike 2004-11-22 7:50:43 PM||   2004-11-22 7:50:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland. A week before Kennedy was shot, he was in Marilyn Monroe


thank yeewwwwww
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-22 7:54:56 PM||   2004-11-22 7:54:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 hehe Frank :)

On a more serious note , if was a botched hit attempt , its to be expected unfortunately , and probably the only way to do it would be to make the Secret Service ineffectual , and the best place to to that as outlined above is to infiltrate a weak government security detail and get them to muscle in an opening at a public event . Hell , I hate conspiracy , but I think i'll jump on the band wagon and see where it goes :p
Posted by MacNails 2004-11-22 8:38:03 PM||   2004-11-22 8:38:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Iff the Lefties stick to their 2020 maxima timeline for America to be under Socialism, whiich for the Clintons is Communism; and presuming that POTUS Hillary wants to be = POTUS Bill in having eight years of Left-verified national prosperity and geopol "quiet", then Hillary will have to make her FIRST RUN/ATTEMPT for national office in 2008, plus whatever America-destabilizing event, controversy, andor espec LIMITED WAR [CONVENTIONAL THRU TACNUKE], etc. HAS TO OCCUR BETWEEN NOW AND 2010-max 2011, AND BE OVER OR MOSTLY RESOLVED BY THE TIME HILLARY BECOMES POTUS. Pragmatically, this means that ANY NON-CLINTON MALE POL, GOP-DEM-NONALIGNED, ONLY HAS CIRCA FOUR YEARS TO SERVE AS POTUS before 2020. Even presuming that Hillary runs only as VPOTUS for 2008, given that their strategic agenda remains the discreditation and destruction of the USA for Socialism and OWG, whom really believes that Hillary will accept being second-fiddle to her POTUS running mate, or that she will make no effort to suborn and destroy the credibility of her fellow Democrat and running mate. BUSH, ET AL. MUST "FAIL", AS MUST KERRY AND DEAN, ET AL., BY ANY EACH AND ALL MEANS NECESSARY, HOWEVER LAWFUL ANDOR UNLAWFUL! AND JUST IN CASE THE CLINTONS FAIL, RUSSIA-CHINA ARE MODERNIZING AND PREPPING THEIR ARMED FORCES AND NUCLEAR ARSENALS TO WAGE GLOBAL NUCLEAR WAR SCENARIOS AGS THE USA, AND ONLY THE USA, BTWN 2015-2018 - UNTIL THEN, THE GOALS OF INTERNATIONAL, NOW GLOBAL, LEFTISM-SOCIALISM-COMMUNISM-PROGRESSIVE BELONGS TO THE SUPER-PC CLINTONS, AND CHINA'S 00,000,000-MAN CONVENTIONAL ARMIES AND RESERVES, TO INCLUDE RADICAL ISLAM AND ANTI-AMERICAN ISLAM.
Posted by JosephMendiola  2004-11-22 8:39:49 PM|| [http://n/a]  2004-11-22 8:39:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 hey! I own a Maxima!
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-22 8:48:03 PM||   2004-11-22 8:48:03 PM|| Front Page Top


Tone down your Caps formatting!
Separate paragraphs with a space.
Drink some green tea.
Stop being so manic.

Ya got me so riled up and wired that I almost headed outside and unloaded a 20 round clip through my Mini-14. Jeeze, this is contagious.
Posted by Alaska Paul  2004-11-22 10:04:13 PM||   2004-11-22 10:04:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 AP - you may as well be talking to the wall; JM is a robo-troll.
Posted by PBMcL 2004-11-22 11:11:18 PM||   2004-11-22 11:11:18 PM|| Front Page Top

00:06 josephmendiola
00:05 Floting Granter5198
23:59 Mike Sylwester
23:52 mojo
23:50 .com
23:48 3dc
23:42 mojo
23:32 lex
23:29 Mike Sylwester
23:22 Mike Sylwester
23:22 someone
23:21 someone
23:11 PBMcL
23:02 Frank G
23:00 Alaska Paul
22:57 Wo
22:56 Poison Reverse
22:53 Poison Reverse
22:41 Dishman
22:37 Frank G
22:36 Frank G
22:35 JosephMendiola
22:31 Darth VAda
22:31 Alaska Paul

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