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2004-11-04 Home Front: Culture Wars
Iowahawk sez, "Let The Healing Begin" (And skewers the twits!)
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Posted by .com 2004-11-04 04:28|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [28 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Very good! I'm happy to have old-fashioned unelectable leftists for the rest of my life.
Posted by phil_b 2004-11-04 5:16:41 AM||   2004-11-04 5:16:41 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Last evening on NPR Nancy Pelosi said "We will fight the Republicans". She wnet on to say the government has been taken over by radical, right-wingers. Isn't there some way we can get rid of her?
Posted by Deacon Blues 2004-11-04 7:24:11 AM||   2004-11-04 7:24:11 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Mail her a one way ticket to Vancouver?
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-11-04 7:26:47 AM||   2004-11-04 7:26:47 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 We would love to but she lives in a safe "bay area" district and is the offspring of a long time California democratic family.

A look at this map will explain how screwed conseravatives are in California. It's the same reason we are stuck with Di Fi and Boxer.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom  2004-11-04 7:30:36 AM|| []  2004-11-04 7:30:36 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 I know. That's part of why I moved. And suggested a plane ticket instead of an election. But I thought she was the sister of Tommy d'Alesandro, former mayor of Balitmore, MD.

btw, DPOD, did you see the letter to the editor in the WSJ from the fellow in Palo Alto? Classic description of the situation there.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-11-04 7:37:14 AM||   2004-11-04 7:37:14 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 I am afraid we will never rid ourselves of Pelosi. But let her whip up the Liberals and attempt to obstruct Congress. They have lost seats in Congress three elections in a row, lets make it ten. I hava a prediction that next election cycle they lose more seats in both houses and we get some more Conservatives in the State goverment. Dan Lungren is goint to run for Senate against DiFi next cycle and he was a VERY popular AG and he will have the support of Arnold.
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2004-11-04 8:23:43 AM||   2004-11-04 8:23:43 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 No comment. Not my cup of tea. He hasn't been a real good friend to firearms owners in my estimation. I held my nose with Arnold know he was also no friend to firearms owners but electable. Won't do it for Lungren. I'll vote Libertarian. I have to often split my vote as it is.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom  2004-11-04 8:33:27 AM|| []  2004-11-04 8:33:27 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Lungren had his chance. He lost to Davis. So what makes anyone think he can beat DiFi? The Caliphornia electorate shifted to the right?

That was one of the problems I saw with the state. It is a one party state now. Eight years of malignant neglect by Bush is only exacerbating the situation. As a result there is a dearth of talent in the GOP. Caliphornia looks more and more like Maryland or Massachusetts. Permanent Democrat legislature and judiciary with a once a generation Republican governor.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-11-04 8:44:12 AM||   2004-11-04 8:44:12 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 The thing about Nancy's interview that struck me the most was she blames the loss of the election to radical right-wingers. She just doesn't understand that the majority of voters (a little over 3 million more than Kerry) are not radical right wing-nuts but conservatives. Her brand of anything goes liberalism and socialism just don't play in most of the US. Tom Daschle found that out the hard way in South Dakota. I don't believe 2nd Ammendment rights played as big a role in this election as the last. I believe if two people of the same sex want to live together in a pseudo-marriage that's their business but don't call it a marriage and it appears there are an awful lot of people who agree with that. I don't believe unions between same-sex couples should be banned by law but calling them marriages is offensive to most heterosexuals and this is something the homosexual community doesn't understand. Just my opinion but I think " moral values" is the biggest reason the President won reelection. John Kerry was seen to be morally deficient and the President was viewed as morally superior. Moral values do play a very big role in the Hispanic community as well as some of the othe minorities and the Catholic and Protestant communities as well. This isn't to say that these people want a theocracy (some do but most don't) they just want someone with a moral compass to lead this country.
Posted by Deacon Blues 2004-11-04 9:27:31 AM||   2004-11-04 9:27:31 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 Deacon I think you hit the nail on the head.

Here is even more to think about. Bush is a Methodist. They are pretty liberal. So much so I quit the United Methodist Church. I am still a follower of John Wesley's thought though. Bush is not a right wing nut job conservative. He is a compasionate man trying to do the right thing. He does rely on his faith in making decisions. Kerry relies on his thumb, spit and the wind. The contrast is stark.

Bush is what you see. Kerry is not what you see. People liked what they saw in George Bush and voted that way.

This is not some great mystery or some lurch towards a right wing theocratic republic.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom  2004-11-04 9:49:42 AM|| []  2004-11-04 9:49:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 Geez-the Libs have taken over the entire coastline-one of CA's best assets-except for 3 districts?
Posted by Jules 187 2004-11-04 9:51:24 AM||   2004-11-04 9:51:24 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 Bush is not a right wing nut job conservative

If you were exposed to the Euro media's post-election analysis, chances are you'd think exactly the opposite. At least accoring the the Beeb, etc. Bush was voted in solely by right-wing evangelical Christians. They've found their propaganda lie for the next four years, and they'll stick to it.
Posted by Bulldog  2004-11-04 9:56:08 AM||   2004-11-04 9:56:08 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 Very well said Deacon, I agree with you. Bush is not a pseudo Christian extremist Fallwell boy no matter how much the left says so. Painting him as a born-again fire and brimstone type when he really belongs to the UMC is way off. The common folks recognize the distinction. The left errors when comparing the average conservative (who may or may not be religious) to those that consider themselves in the religious right. Another reason why Pelosi should stay in CA.
Posted by Jarhead 2004-11-04 10:04:54 AM||   2004-11-04 10:04:54 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 Jarhead - it's a deliberate error. That's why I call it a lie. A straw man fallacy, especially popular with the fundamentally dishonest anti-American media in Europe.
Posted by Bulldog  2004-11-04 10:08:42 AM||   2004-11-04 10:08:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 She just doesn't understand that the majority of voters (a little over 3 million more than Kerry) are not radical right wing-nuts but conservatives.

She can't tell the difference.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-11-04 10:57:47 AM|| []  2004-11-04 10:57:47 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 Yea I say ceed the coast and LA to Nuveo California and let the rest of us have representation in the Senate and House. Jules.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom  2004-11-04 11:10:51 AM|| []  2004-11-04 11:10:51 AM|| Front Page Top

#17 Deacon, you are absolutely correct. I've had the exact same thoughts on those issues.

The folks being called 'evangelicals' are not in the spittle and eye-rolling Fallwell club that got so much media attention 5-10 yrs ago. The people who voted for Bush this time are people who believe that the gov't shouldn't be legislating morality, but at the same time morality should not be abscent in legislating.
Posted by Psycho Hillbilly 2004-11-04 2:22:20 PM||   2004-11-04 2:22:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Whoa! We are in the presence of a master! GO I-H.
Posted by Chavirong Flomoque9553 2004-11-04 6:10:35 PM||   2004-11-04 6:10:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 My group at work in blue-state Illinois has one (and only one) Kerry supporter. He has been talking since before the election of moving to Canada if W won. OK, if you feel that strongly about it...but his tone is that somehow he'll be punishing us by doing so. To which my (as yet unvoiced) comment would have to be "don't let the border gate hit you on the ass on your way out."
Posted by Darth VAda  2004-11-04 11:35:48 PM||   2004-11-04 11:35:48 PM|| Front Page Top

00:08 Kalle (kafir forever)
00:06 Asedwich
23:55 Kalle (kafir forever)
23:50 Classical_Liberal
23:41 Pappy
23:37 AzCat
23:37 Kalle (kafir forever)
23:35 Darth VAda
23:27 Anon1
23:23 Pappy
23:16 Mike Sylwester
23:14 Pappy
23:13 Zenster
23:09 Zenster
23:07 Darth VAda
23:05 Pappy
23:01 Classical_Liberal
22:54 Old Grouch
22:50 98zulu
22:49 Anonymoose
22:48 RWV
22:47 smn
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