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2004-10-29 Iraq-Jordan
IAEA Says It Warned U.S. About Explosives
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Posted by Fred 2004-10-29 10:47:59 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [33 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 A weak attempt by the IAEA/UN to influence the outcome of the US presidential elections. Seems the UN is mad that wa are not mindlessly deferential like most of the other nations of the western world.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom  2004-10-29 12:20:23 AM|| []  2004-10-29 12:20:23 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 There was a report a day ago that said the IAEA did not inspect all of the bunkers on the date shortly before the war.

Anyone have any more information?
Posted by Cog 2004-10-29 1:54:27 AM||   2004-10-29 1:54:27 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Grumpy Uncle Sam TROLL 2004-10-29 3:56:41 AM||   2004-10-29 3:56:41 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 We might well use 'em Gus, keep up your supply of fish hooks against that day.
Posted by Shipman 2004-10-29 7:50:41 AM||   2004-10-29 7:50:41 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Good idea, GUS. Works for me, because there are a lot of countries out there like Iran, North Korea, and Syria that seem to be as clueless as you are and need to be reminded that folks like Dubya and Tom are armed and dangerous.
Posted by Tom 2004-10-29 8:18:54 AM||   2004-10-29 8:18:54 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Fox just reported that there will be a news conference at Noon, EST, and it appears the 3rdID carted away the "missing" explosives.

Hey, who cares?
Posted by .com 2004-10-29 11:39:08 AM||   2004-10-29 11:39:08 AM|| Front Page Top


Drudge Report

Posted by Johnnie Bartlette 2004-10-29 12:25:44 PM||   2004-10-29 12:25:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 And they used some of that to blow up other stockpiles - and possibly the remainder, lol!

News conference:
The "Press" is desperate - the questions are getting rather pointed and nit-picky, lol! The IAEA seals are a hot-button for them - they want him to explicitly say he either did or didn't see the magic fucking seals. It's getting silly.
Posted by .com 2004-10-29 12:33:19 PM||   2004-10-29 12:33:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 The Major is giving details now: he had 8 trucks, each with a trailer. There was a forklift occupying one trailer - so 17 units of hauling, with the precise unit size / capacity unnamed, not to mention the materials themselves, which he said was packed in wooden boxes and palletized.

So it was easy to handle the explosives, in boxes, on pallets, with their forklift. He estimates he hauled away approximately 250 tons.

This story is DEAD. Skeery is shown to be a DEAD PONCE LIAR. DEAD.

Of course, the ABB crowd won't believe a word of it and don't even care... about the explosives, about our troops, about Saddam, about the war, about anything except demonizing Bush.

Posted by .com 2004-10-29 12:40:53 PM||   2004-10-29 12:40:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 .com-what is ponce?
Posted by Jules 187 2004-10-29 12:45:09 PM||   2004-10-29 12:45:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 New meme:

Skeery Lied! Credibility Died!

Jules, lol! A ponce is a poof / poofta... you haven't followed the Trailer Trash thread, I see, lol!

Oh, okay:
Main Entry: ponce
Pronunciation: 'pän(t)s
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
British : PIMP; also usually disparaging : a male homosexual
Posted by .com 2004-10-29 12:47:43 PM||   2004-10-29 12:47:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Gringo liar! You are jealous of my shiny breastplate and gloves of fine Corinthian leather!
Posted by Juan Ponce de Leon 2004-10-29 1:39:50 PM||   2004-10-29 1:39:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 .com, you forgot to say "British usage". That's why your Yank-speaking questioners don't know the term. I think "poof" may be Brit also. Not quite sure, though, as I'm not up on homosexuality related insult terms.
Posted by trailing wife 2004-10-29 1:46:50 PM||   2004-10-29 1:46:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Actually, tw, it's the PIMP aspect, the primary definition you can see above, that triggers my use of the term. The "dandy" - all pretense and zero substance, unscrupulous, unprincipled, tutored yet still crude and pandering, dresses for show, peacock, etc. These are all part and parcel to PIMP and PONCE. I love such wonderful words which can paint such a bright and lively canvas with only a few letters.

Alas, one must occasionally do a little work on one's own to get the full effect. So sorry, all.

And, by the by tw, do I hear a condescending tone in there? Insult? Is truth an insult? I believe I take exception to your close. I can be as erudite as I choose to be. I can be as nasty as I choose to be. The key word, of course, is "choose" - by my choices you know my intent, if not misunderstood. The inverse is true, as well. Are misunderstanding each other here?
Posted by .com 2004-10-29 2:20:07 PM||   2004-10-29 2:20:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 .com, I wouldn't dare condescend to any of the regulars - that's dangerous as well as stupid. Besides, I'm not entitled. I apologise that I came off that way, it certainly wasn't intentional. I truly don't know the homosexuality related insult terms -- I had a sheltered childhood, and for whatever reason that tends to be a masculine vocabulary set. The only reason I'm aware of ponce and poof is that my husband translated for me once after he'd returned from a business trip abroad. I'm pretty ignorant on the various terms for penis, too -- as he doesn't seem keen to enumerate those for me for some reason. Are we ok now?
Posted by trailing wife 2004-10-29 4:46:02 PM||   2004-10-29 4:46:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 tw - Waaay Cool! I'm sorry - sorry as hell, in fact! I am a putz!

As for the insult world being dominated by male speech - I dunno...

I clearly remember realizing, in the seventh grade, that I could have a real knock-down drag-out fight with some guy - and we'd be friends afterwards - especially if it was close and we were equally bloody. On the other hand, the femalians wouldn't physically harm each other very often, but they said incredibly vicious things to each other which I'm sure wounded deeply - and there was no healing, no comraderie afterwards. That scared the shit outta me! Lol! I was soooo glad to be a male!

That you (and our other treasured RB wymyns - we need the perspective you bring like oxygen itself, heh) survived intact and are fiesty and intelligent and ready to lock 'n load just amazes me. You're tougher than I am - I'll bet my bankroll, lol!

Apologies for being dense, heh. Call me lead-head - I'll take it from you. LH or others who like to snipe me, no way - it'd be war! Lol!
Posted by .com 2004-10-29 5:00:26 PM||   2004-10-29 5:00:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 ha! i have squired you with my rapier like rapier many time and you not even see it!

ha! that not hurt
be try turning you head!

manuel! fetch me bong!
Posted by Spaniard United To Be Noticed 2004-10-29 5:47:22 PM||   2004-10-29 5:47:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 I clearly remember realizing, in the seventh grade, that I could have a real knock-down drag-out fight with some guy - and we'd be friends afterwards - especially if it was close and we were equally bloody.

I remember that scenario well. Had a knock down, drag-out battle with Bobby Peterson with two of my older brothers and Bobby's one older brother supervising things, and we knocked the shit out of each other for 10 minutes (it seemed much, much longer than that upon reflection). We basically shook hands afterwards and knew it was out of both our systems. I think it's that concept called honor...

fetch me bong!

Way ahead of ya, skipper...
Posted by Raj 2004-10-29 7:02:35 PM||   2004-10-29 7:02:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Grumpy Uncle Sam 2004-10-29 3:56:41 AM||   2004-10-29 3:56:41 AM|| Front Page Top

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