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2004-09-27 Home Front: Politix
Carter: 2004 Fla Vote Doesn't Meet "basic international requirements"
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Posted by Frank G 2004-09-27 11:25:17 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [20 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 so use paper ballots.
Posted by 2B 2004-09-27 11:40:55 AM||   2004-09-27 11:40:55 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 yah know - if it isn't close they can't cheat. Let's just hope that Bush doesn't need Floriduh to win.
Posted by 2B 2004-09-27 11:42:13 AM||   2004-09-27 11:42:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Mr. Carter, IMHO, doesn't meet basic international requirements for sanity and stability. He should retire and go sailing with Walter Cronkite (for a very long time).
Posted by Xbalanke  2004-09-27 11:43:19 AM||   2004-09-27 11:43:19 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 I like the Accuvote system that we have in Anchorage. You fill in the well spaced ellipses with a common pen and slide the sheet ballot into the machine. It counts the ballot, and you always have a paper trail. Good backup. Simple.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-09-27 11:43:32 AM||   2004-09-27 11:43:32 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 "He accused Florida Secretary of State Glenda Hood, a Republican, of trying to get the name of independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader included on the state ballot, knowing he might divert Democrat votes."

Hehe it gets WORSE. This brazen girl even got George Bush on the ballot and man, he is going to divert Democrat votes!

I'm glad I declined the observer status... I'd probably get into a fight with Jimmy Carter.
Posted by True German Ally 2004-09-27 11:44:18 AM||   2004-09-27 11:44:18 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 I have a feeling it doesn't matter what they use in Floriduh. No system is perfect - so matter what they do - it won't be good enough, unless Kerry wins. Then it will be fair and balanced.
Posted by 2B 2004-09-27 11:45:55 AM||   2004-09-27 11:45:55 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 AP, that system sounds too complicated for florida voters.

TGA, I'd put money on you in a fight with Dhimmi...
Posted by Seafarious  2004-09-27 11:47:52 AM||   2004-09-27 11:47:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 and venzuela does...the left is tarnishing thier reps just to get Bush out..
Posted by Dan 2004-09-27 11:55:07 AM||   2004-09-27 11:55:07 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 I used to think Jimmuh was a decent man that was a total incompetent. Now I believe we are lucky to have survived him. Thank God for Ronald Reagan!
Posted by BigEd 2004-09-27 11:58:42 AM||   2004-09-27 11:58:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 Big Ed - so true! The liberals are just consuming themselves with their hatred of Bush.
Posted by 2B 2004-09-27 12:02:57 PM||   2004-09-27 12:02:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 I have a feeling that the election will not be that close. Thinking back to the 2002 election when the Dhimis claimed that they were going to toss Jeb bush and the Republicans from Floirda. Well Jeb won by a large margin, as did most state-wide Republican candidates. That's after two full years of cries about 'stolen elections'. I hope they put the DNC on suicide watch come Nov 2, because I want them to live with the ass kicking they are going to get!
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2004-09-27 12:15:57 PM||   2004-09-27 12:15:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 I hope you are right.
Posted by 2B 2004-09-27 12:19:07 PM||   2004-09-27 12:19:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 No, it won't be close. The polls are bogus. Most undecideds will make up their minds during the last 48 hours, and their calculations will almost certainly turn on

1) "character" (advantage: Bush),

2) gas price spikes (potentially big advantage: Kerry);

3) the war turning south in a hurry (advantage: Kerry)

4) most importantly, Kerry's team's incompetence and the superb discipline and competence of Rove (advantage: Bush).

What's the probability ("p") of each of the above continuing to hold true,a nd influencing the election in a major way?

Well, CBS failed miserably in the latest effort to smear Bush, so I'd rate #1 as p=75% pro-Bush.

Gas prices: I'll defer to the futures market. Could break either way; another hurricane, a Russian disruption, and maybe they could rise sharply. Call it p=60% pro-Kerry.

As to the war, certainly there will be big battles and lots of hand-wringing tby the Tet-mongers but more than half the public no longer finds them credible, so a ginned-up media "Tet" that is believed by and acted upon by a majority of undecided voters is not likely to happen. Not a factor.

As to the last, my party still has plenty of competent, sharp people in high places. Can't imagine they'll stay completely incompetent, so prob'y of Rove holding all the cards over Kerry's people is maybe only 55%. Slight advantage to Bush.

Add those up and you get a clear advantage for Bush. If Kerry's people don't get their s**t together AND if gas prices do not spike ie move up another 40-50 cents at the pump by Nov, then this election will not be close.

Posted by lex 2004-09-27 12:50:14 PM||   2004-09-27 12:50:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Jimmy Carter is one of the great assholes of all time. He is a stain on this country. I read this article on Drudge this morning and knew that when I got to work I would be able to go on Rantburg and tell the Rantburgians what you already know...Jimmy Carter is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOSER. Thank you, I feel better now.
Posted by remote man 2004-09-27 12:55:14 PM||   2004-09-27 12:55:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Can anyone explain to me why Jimmy Carter isn't in an old folks home? Or an asylum?

Or why he hasn't been prosecuted under the Logan Act? (I think that's the right one.)
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-09-27 12:56:25 PM|| []  2004-09-27 12:56:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Heartless Bastard TROLL 2004-09-27 1:03:51 PM||   2004-09-27 1:03:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 I think Jimmy Carter has a plan.
He isn't satisfied with being the worst president in US history, he also wants to be the worst ex-president.

I'd say he made it. Claim victory and go home, Jimmy.

God I still remember the times when Helmut Schmidt tried to persuade Jimmy Carter to do something about the Soviet SS20 missiles.

It wasn't pretty (unfortunately Schmidt lost the fight against his party loonies).
Posted by True German Ally 2004-09-27 1:08:02 PM||   2004-09-27 1:08:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Note that he's not concerned about those New York / Florida "dual citizen" Democrats who have residences in both states and do one vote in person and the other by absentee ballot.
Posted by Tom 2004-09-27 2:44:52 PM||   2004-09-27 2:44:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 TGA:
Jimmeh also screwed Schmidt (maybe his predecessor???) over with the Neutron bomb issue. He made the Europeans go out on a limb against the Soviet-backed politicians of their states, then cancelled the thing. Frankly, we probably deserved one or two back-stabbings from Germany for that.

The first vote I ever cast was for Ronald Reagan in 1980. I was so happy when President Malaise was crushed 15 minutes after the polls closed that night.

I don't think Carter was the worst President ever (Clinton, Buchanan, and Taylor come to mind), but he is the worse ex-President ever.
Posted by jackal  2004-09-27 3:58:09 PM|| []  2004-09-27 3:58:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 FLA better get with it if they hope to participate in the next vote for UN Secretary General.
Posted by Super Hose 2004-09-27 4:54:19 PM||   2004-09-27 4:54:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Baker Act.
Posted by Festus 2004-09-27 4:57:07 PM||   2004-09-27 4:57:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 The key is to get a large margin for Bush in Fla - get the vote out. Also t get Bush's EV margin above 30, so Fla will not matter anyway.

If it ain't close they can't cheat.
Posted by OldSpook 2004-09-27 8:33:37 PM||   2004-09-27 8:33:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Heartless Bastard 2004-09-27 1:03:51 PM||   2004-09-27 1:03:51 PM|| Front Page Top

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