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2004-09-28 Terror Networks
syrian professor says Islam is in deep doo doo
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Posted by mhw 2004-09-28 4:26:11 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [20 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Fatwa in 5...4...3...2...
Posted by Rex Mundi 2004-09-28 5:07:31 PM||   2004-09-28 5:07:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Hmmm... here and there, little sparks of awareness, and cautious, tippy-toe moves in the direction of self-criticism. A trend? A movement? A tectonic shift? Who knows? I'm sure as hell not going to be holding my breath waiting for Islam to cure itself of its sickness, but I have to admit: every now and then, I see an encouraging sign. And they seem to be coming slightly more frequently.

We'll see.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-28 5:10:32 PM||   2004-09-28 5:10:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Perfect assessment, Dave.
Posted by .com 2004-09-28 5:14:24 PM||   2004-09-28 5:14:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 I've seen maybe 4. That leaves 1,199,999,996 to go. At the rate of one every 2 days, we should have this resolved by 6,572,846 A. D. Good decision not to hold your breath, Dave.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-09-28 5:15:43 PM||   2004-09-28 5:15:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Maybe it is the beginning of an exponential rate of change for the better (/eternal optimist)

All I know is that they better ramp reform up or Islam will be on the business end of a JDAM or worse.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-09-28 5:17:54 PM||   2004-09-28 5:17:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Remember folks - decapitations, massacres, and rape are not objectively bad things... only if they bring bad publicity to our campaign.

Posted by BH 2004-09-28 5:18:40 PM||   2004-09-28 5:18:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Dead within 6 weeks.
Posted by RWV 2004-09-28 5:26:35 PM||   2004-09-28 5:26:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 "Good decision not to hold your breath, Dave."

Yeah. And truth be told, I'm not terribly optimistic that there's going to be much more change without us bumping off the Mad Mullahs and Baby Bashir and his Baathists, at least: these assholes sure aren't quick learners.

I support Bush's approach-- the "Middle East Democracy" bit-- and I can understand the rationale for it as well as the ethical arguments for why we must at least give reform an earnest effort before reaching the point where any further terrorist attacks trigger a war of annihilation which ends up obliterating much of the Arab world.

But I'm not optimistic anymore that it'll work.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-28 5:40:54 PM||   2004-09-28 5:40:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Same here, Dave.

If any of us were in Bush's shoes (and not intellectually challenged, of course) we'd get it: he has to check the boxes. All of the boxes.

Just like going to the UN one last time before whacking Saddam. So many people ankle-biting and bitching about nuking everything the minute they get a burr up their asses. It's truly stupid.

History will look back and recognize that, though he got shit-all recognition or credit for it from the morons, he did give both fair warning and every reasonable chance. Whether it was "taken" will be part of history, as well.

Indeed, we live in interesting times. And we're surrounded by twits, sick dicks, and crybabies -- not to mention murderous enemies.
Posted by .com 2004-09-28 5:48:36 PM||   2004-09-28 5:48:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 I was gonna comment - but I'll just say amen Dilatush!
Posted by Frank G  2004-09-28 5:48:39 PM||   2004-09-28 5:48:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Anonymous6706 TROLL 2004-09-28 5:54:09 PM||   2004-09-28 5:54:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Maintenance, clean-up in Aisle 11.

In case that didn't push you into depression, read this
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-09-28 5:55:58 PM||   2004-09-28 5:55:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Well, Fred, I guess you need a quickie in-line function to check & break these long strings posted by fucknozzles like aNoDick6706 - and auto-add the IP to the shit list. That would be a nice kicker.
Posted by .com 2004-09-28 5:57:29 PM||   2004-09-28 5:57:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 "So many people ankle-biting and bitching about nuking everything the minute they get a burr up their asses. It's truly stupid."

Also, the ones who can't understand why it was necessary to invade Iraq first before tackling Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

And the ones who had to have Bush "make the case" for getting rid of Saddam-- anyone who's been paying the slightest bit of attention to current events since 1991 should have been able to figure that out for himself.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-28 6:01:02 PM||   2004-09-28 6:01:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 I thought H3 and H1 made damn nice sites for launch platforms... ;-)
Posted by Frank G  2004-09-28 6:02:49 PM||   2004-09-28 6:02:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Mrs D - Excellent link...

"We are 70 percent of the people," said Ali before I left him. They are the most redoubtable weapon of mass destruction against the mullahs, I keep telling myself. They are the end of the tunnel, if only we could recognize that there is tunnel out there and not a dead-end — if only we decided to lend them our voice."

I suggest we lend them a shitload of TLAMs, cruise missiles, and stealth bombers. Shock & Awe Iran in a decap strike to end all decaps. Then this 70 percent can retake their country from the Mad Mullahs. Coincidentally will be JDAM-City and Bunker-Buster Central on every know and suspected nuke facility.
Posted by .com 2004-09-28 6:03:54 PM||   2004-09-28 6:03:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Dave D - Amen. The DU Talking Points aren't meant to stimulate debate or discussion, they're meant to stifle it with memes which take reams to explain. Intentionally dense pointless circular rhetoric is the true goal. Obfuscation, distraction, and disingenuous faux dialog. Such is the main tool of the fools. I wonder just how many have clue one regards who's pulling the strings back behind the curtain... They scream about Rove, et al, when they are the ones being so deftly manipulated. They're a pathetic lot. If I didnt have to go down with them to demonstrate the point, I'd be tempted. But I'm not. Fug 'em.
Posted by .com 2004-09-28 6:11:19 PM||   2004-09-28 6:11:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Thanks, Mrs. D. That was a tough thing to read.

This war began for me on November 4, 1979 when the Khomeinists overran the American embassy in Tehran and held the staff hostage for 444 days.

On September 11, 2001 my main thought was, "well, I wonder if we're going to finally start taking these Islamic bastards seriously? They mean to kill or convert us all."

We may have to kill their god.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-28 6:11:22 PM||   2004-09-28 6:11:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 We may have to kill their god.

Posted by Frank G  2004-09-28 6:13:31 PM||   2004-09-28 6:13:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 "They're a pathetic lot. If I didnt have to go down with them to demonstrate the point, I'd be tempted. But I'm not. Fug 'em."

What scares me most about the Left is that they don't seem to have much more sense than the Muslims, and the thought that they may not have sense enough to refrain from the kinds of abuses that can only be undone by violent revolt.

They don't understand, there's a reason the Constitution was designed to limit the power of government over our lives: it's so that no matter what the government does, it can't do anything important enough to make us rip one another's throats out over it.

And I fear we may be getting close to the point where that's exactly what we start doing. The "final insult" that propelled me away from the Democratic Party was the realization that Al Gore didn't just want to defeat the Republican candidate, he wanted to destroy all Republicans because he hates them down to the core of his soul.

Or whatever passes for a soul.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-28 6:22:48 PM||   2004-09-28 6:22:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 I'm surrounded by liberal nut bags (Marin Cty, CA). These people are so clueless it would be sad if it were not so danerous. They actively work for the defeat of America. They are specifically uncomfortable with America as Alpha dog and seek every way possible for us to roll over and expose our belly to the enemy.

Regardless of their whining, it becomes more clear every day that the enemy is being hurt and hurt badly. Articles calling for introspection by Muslims do not appear out of ether. They are being driven to it by the disgusting and failed actions of those most visible in their religion. Failed is the key here. As the terrorists make more and more hardened enemies, the average Muslim is going to realize that they cannot live outside the Arab world without being a pariah.

We have to keep the pressure on and increase it in cases like Iran/Syria (esp. Iran). We can and will win this.
Posted by remote man 2004-09-28 6:40:45 PM||   2004-09-28 6:40:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Do appreciate Mrs. D's wit.
Posted by The Ol Prof 2004-09-28 6:41:51 PM||   2004-09-28 6:41:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Just an evil thought...
It would be damn hard to blaim the USA if a small meteor wandered a bit in its orbit and slamed into a chunk of real estate. I'm thinking some positive vibs... that would solve a whole bunch of problems with no weapons or blaim.
Posted by 3dc 2004-09-28 6:45:15 PM||   2004-09-28 6:45:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 a radioactive meteorite? Inshallah!
Posted by Frank G  2004-09-28 6:47:12 PM||   2004-09-28 6:47:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 A small meteorite? Hmmm... maybe like the lil puppy that dug the hole shown here:

I think Qom would be a good impact point.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-28 7:03:11 PM||   2004-09-28 7:03:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 here and there, little sparks of awareness, and cautious, tippy-toe moves in the direction of self-criticism. A trend? A movement? A tectonic shift? Who knows? ...every now and then, I see an encouraging sign.

Indeed. Another 200 years and this religion, too, will understand that the earth is round and that life is preferable to death.
Posted by galileo galilei 2004-09-28 7:03:15 PM||   2004-09-28 7:03:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 Thanks kindly, indeed, Ol Prof. Wish you'd taught at my college.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-09-28 9:41:23 PM||   2004-09-28 9:41:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 Would you root for "moderation" in Nazism?

Islam is a primitive, totalitarian ideology. Nothing but its complete defeat will do. Imagine the Aztecs ripping the pulsing heart out of their victims, and making DVDs out of it. Moslem depravity and cruelty has been the rule for 1400 yeas already. The time has come to destroy Islam.

Until 9/11 I didn't have much time to think about Islam -- 'tis merely another religion, I supposed. In the past three years I've had time to study the Moslems' history and ideology. My conviction is that their values are thoroughly evil and they must be destroyed. If we are to survive.

Ceterum censeo, Mecca delenda est.
Posted by Kalle (kafir forever) 2004-09-28 9:44:07 PM|| []  2004-09-28 9:44:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#29 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Anonymous6706 2004-09-28 5:54:09 PM||   2004-09-28 5:54:09 PM|| Front Page Top

23:55 Paul Revere
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23:52 The Prosecutor
23:52 The Prosecutor
23:50 The Prosecutor
23:50 The Prosecutor
23:46 FU
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22:32 FU
22:25 FU
22:21 FU
22:17 FU
22:17 FU
19:34 Anonymous6709
18:20 Anonymous6707
17:54 Anonymous6706
13:33 Anonymous6703
10:15 lex
09:03 Mrs. Davis
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05:42 Michael
02:19 Mohammed al-Sahaf

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