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2004-09-27 Syria-Lebanon-Iran
Iran Will Not Get Nuclear Weapon: Bush
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Posted by Fred 2004-09-27 1:18:20 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [34 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 It's my belief that we're going to end up letting Israel do the dirty work on this one.
Posted by growler 2004-09-27 1:37:33 PM||   2004-09-27 1:37:33 PM|| Front Page Top

Washington will never let Tehran acquire atomic weapons
From George's lips to the bomber pilot's God's ear.
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2004-09-27 1:41:14 PM||   2004-09-27 1:41:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 It's my belief we're going to be beaten to the punch by the Israelis on this one, but there will be plenty of dirty work. Don't forget the sale of JDAMS last week.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-09-27 1:41:15 PM||   2004-09-27 1:41:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 No doubt. Bring it on.
Posted by lex 2004-09-27 1:41:58 PM||   2004-09-27 1:41:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 wonder where those Israeli subs are right now? Persian Gulf must be pinging like crazy
Posted by Frank G  2004-09-27 1:46:42 PM||   2004-09-27 1:46:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 I don't think the Bush administration intends to let Israel "do the dirty work" if Bush is re-elected; but I do think the JDAMs sale was to give the Israelis some insurance against a Kerry victory this November.

If Kerry wins, don't be surprised to wake up on the morning of November 3rd to find nothing but big, smoking holes in the ground where Iran's nuclear facilities used to be.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-27 2:04:15 PM||   2004-09-27 2:04:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Sounds like a plan.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-09-27 2:11:55 PM||   2004-09-27 2:11:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Dave D.'s analysis has the ring of truth. Besides, to let Israel do the "dirty work", they'd have to overfly Iraq and it would be a hard sell to convince the world that the USAF was not in control of the airspace. So, even if Israeli jets did the bombing, the US would be complicit in the attack and we might as well do it ourselves. Another possible scenario is a series of "work accidents" at Iranian nuclear sites.
Posted by RWV 2004-09-27 2:19:00 PM||   2004-09-27 2:19:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 lex - You sure were barking up a different tree 2 weeks ago.

No waffling or quayling in Dubya's statement I can see.

Damned good thing Gore isn't Prez. And here's hoping we won't get an even more fucked up wanker in Skeery. In that case it would, indeed, be Israel Against The World. I wonder if they'd survive the 4 years it would take to undo such a catastrophe.
Posted by .com 2004-09-27 2:20:22 PM||   2004-09-27 2:20:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 At a yom kippur break the fast this weekend, i had the honor of talking with a Jewish woman of Iranian birth, who goes back regularly to see her immediate family.

Items to share
1. Everybody hates the Mullahs - "vote for Bush, lady, so he can drive out the mullahs" (the muslims, not just the jews - although she was only in Teheran, and probably in the more upscale part)
2. Taxidriver - pointing to a tower at the airport - thats where we'll hang the mullahs (but maybe he just wanted a better tip?)
3. Jews however are scared - rumour - the minute the Iranian nuke facilities are attacked, the mullahs will round up the Jews (of whom there are still over 25,000 there, IIUC)
Posted by Liberalhawk 2004-09-27 2:26:25 PM||   2004-09-27 2:26:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 "...fucked up wanker..."

At this point, I have to say that's being EXTREMELY charitable: John Kerry is an utter dolt, and if we're foolish enough to elect him our president, we will richly deserve every last bit of the mountain of contempt which will be heaped on us by the rest of the world.

If he wins the election expect all hell to break loose, everywhere, almost immediately: Israel/Iran, China/Taiwan, NKor/SKor/Japan, Pakistan/India, you name it-- Kerry's going to be confronted by so many explosive situations he won't know whether to shit or go blind.

The only possible upside to a Kerry victory is that very likely, he'll fuck things up so spectacularly that he will be the last Democratic Party president we have, EVER.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-27 2:34:00 PM||   2004-09-27 2:34:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 lex - You sure were barking up a different tree 2 weeks ago.

A gentleman's prerogative to change his mind, .com.

Seriously, that was before the bunker-buster sale. Made me re-visit my assumptions.
Posted by lex 2004-09-27 2:34:22 PM||   2004-09-27 2:34:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 If he wins the election expect all hell to break loose, everywhere, almost immediately: Israel/Iran, China/Taiwan, NKor/SKor/Japan, Pakistan/India, you name it-- Kerry's going to be confronted by so many explosive situations he won't know whether to shit or go blind.

Quite possibly. Dissing Allawi? Beyond shamelessness. I'm beginning to think Kerry is emotionally disturbed. In his warped mind Iraq is beginning to trigger Vietnam flashback loops that pit the "war hero" vs "war criminal" memes.
Posted by lex 2004-09-27 2:37:38 PM||   2004-09-27 2:37:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Dave - Sorry, you're right, of course - on the entire lot of serious consequences. "Amok" is the word that springs to my mind.

Lex - No sweat, but the key here is doubting Bush, thinking him just another politician. I think the Taleban and Saddam should've convinced people, by now.

As for today's Troll-du-jour, Poision Retard, he's either a disingenuous lying sack of shit - or one of those who expects perfection from everyone but himself. Bush must act within reality, fantacists and wankers do not. Warts (read: budget deficits, IMHO) and all, Dubya will do what needs doing, just not at my preferred rate or in my preferred ("fry 'em up") manner.

Peace, bro - to everyone except Islam.
Posted by .com 2004-09-27 2:44:54 PM||   2004-09-27 2:44:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 "I'm beginning to think Kerry is emotionally disturbed."

I dunno. I've been wrestling with that myself, and am more inclined to think "really, REALLY stupid, and dishonest to boot."

I mean, how in the HELL could he have possibly thought that very many people would fall for his "Vietnam War Hero" crap? That's just plain DUMB.

OTOH, it's also crazy...
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-27 2:45:05 PM||   2004-09-27 2:45:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Given also what the Massachusetts Dems say about him-- heavy "Do you know who I am?!" syndrome-- the guy appears to be self-absorbed more than anything else. To the point of believing his own legends. Whatever you think of W, the guy clearly is comfortable with who he is and knows his limitations, which is the first condition of effective leadership. Kerry is beginning to scare me sh*tless.
Posted by lex 2004-09-27 2:50:57 PM||   2004-09-27 2:50:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 "Bush must act within reality, fantacists and wankers do not."

And one aspect of that reality is that our overall, long-term strategy is most assuredly **NOT** something that he would lay out, chapter and verse, before the enemies we are seeking to defeat. A smart boxer isn't going to telegraph his punches, and neither are we.

I have little patience for people who expect to have everything spelled out for them in black and white-- what we aim to do, how we intend to go about doing it, and when and where we'll act next-- and then go into a hysterical fit of belligerent hand-wringing when they can't discern but vague signs and portents.

Iraq was a prerequisite for going after bigger prey; we needed a land base close to the dark, beating heart of Mordor, and a secure oil supply for the West that couldn't be shut off by pissed-off oil sheikhs.

The next four years will be very interesting if Bush wins re-election. If Kerry wins, on the other hand, they'll be even more interesting-- but not in a good way.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-27 2:59:10 PM||   2004-09-27 2:59:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 liberalhawk,
I second you on that.
My mother owns a small flat in a distant provincial city in iran, and the painter who was doing some repair work and knew she was part time living in France, told her that he feared that when the american will push the mulhas out, chirac would act the same as for irak.
The anti mullha sentiment is NOT RESTRICTED in up sacle teheran;it is well spread in the country.
Having said that, i think iran doesn't need any invasion, but a firm push-over. We won't see iraki style general anarchy, or looting.
Posted by frenchfregoli  2004-09-27 3:12:33 PM||   2004-09-27 3:12:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 I suppose this means that the Iranian wing of the Elect Kerry-Edwards Campaign had better pull out all the stops to get their man elected.
Posted by Texan 2004-09-27 3:13:01 PM||   2004-09-27 3:13:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 50-1 against a US/Israeli all out strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. In the next 12 months.

I hope to lose big money.
Let's define all-out strike as 200 plus strike sorties or 1 boom.
Posted by Shipman 2004-09-27 4:04:02 PM||   2004-09-27 4:04:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Hey .cum,

Why don't you learn how to spell, you illiterate bastard? Have you heard of Hooked on Phonics? Since you do not expect perfection from a president, I bet you voted for Clinton. Admit it, you are a closet Clinton lover. I bet you sent Clinton flowers, after the operation.

I am not going to be patient, I want the terrorists dead now, you moron or get someone else that have the guts to do it. It may or maybe not be Kerry, but I don’t give a damn. I am getting tired of this nation building bulls***.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2004-09-27 4:11:11 PM||   2004-09-27 4:11:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 "leans back on the sofa, grabs a bottle of beer"
Popcorn anyone? :-)
Posted by True German Ally 2004-09-27 4:20:14 PM||   2004-09-27 4:20:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Get em Paco!
Posted by Frank G  2004-09-27 4:21:14 PM||   2004-09-27 4:21:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 This isn't fair.
Course them's the best kind.
Posted by Shipman 2004-09-27 4:21:48 PM||   2004-09-27 4:21:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Take you pickers.... Rex, HAP, LHR
Boris the Wonder Troll.

Posted by Shipman 2004-09-27 4:23:32 PM||   2004-09-27 4:23:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 Fuck off, Poison Drone. IIRC, you posted similar drivel, different nym, just a few days ago. BFD, asshole. Yap, yap.

You sound like the entire lot of down/twisted dickheads who come here for Bushwhacking and/or Therapy for your Hatred. Who cares, fuckwit, what you think, eh? You've said nothing interesting or illuminating or thought-provoking. You've been nowhere, done nothing, have nothing to offer. Why don't you try something relatively interesting, like eating Drano?

If you're tired, it's from sitting on your fat unintelligent ass and criticizing - you do nothing else, you offer nothing else.
Posted by .com 2004-09-27 4:25:28 PM||   2004-09-27 4:25:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 youre talking PR vs Dot com, are you not TGA - if so, my thoughts exactly. He dont know what he's getting into, poor fool.

PR - dot com is one of our toughest minded hawks here, and has himself expressed frustration at the slow pace of military activities in Iraq. I have spent oodles of electrons defending a hearts and minds approach to him = only rarely with success. He is NO softy in this. He is like many here, (and unlike myself) pretty loyal to Bush. I myself have sometimes quarreled with him on that, but to argue from that that he is a closet Clinton fan is absurd. I myself voted for Clinton twice - i rather doubt dot com ever voted for Clinton.

Dot com does sometimes (often) post in a rather belligerent manner. His regular contributions however have to some degree earned him the right to do so. Yours have not earned you a similar right. I suggest you cease and desist.
Posted by Liberalhawk 2004-09-27 4:25:31 PM||   2004-09-27 4:25:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 Let's be honest PR you're not going to be patient because of course you are a patient. I advise listening closely to the big blonde nurse with the saddle.
Posted by Shipman 2004-09-27 4:25:53 PM||   2004-09-27 4:25:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#29 8.2
PD is mellowing.
Posted by Shipman 2004-09-27 4:27:18 PM||   2004-09-27 4:27:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#30 LH... of course
PR, better get out before someone gets hurt :-)
Posted by True German Ally 2004-09-27 4:27:24 PM||   2004-09-27 4:27:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#31 PR: I am not going to be patient, I want the terrorists dead now, you moron or get someone else that have the guts to do it. It may or maybe not be Kerry, but I don’t give a damn. I am getting tired of this nation building bulls***.

Kerry's instinct is to help America's enemies at every opportunity. He was pro-Sandinista in Nicaragua, anti-Grenada invasion and pretty much anything that was pro-American national security interests.

Kerry adamantly opposed President Reagan’s policy of preventing a communist takeover of Central America. Evidence showed that communist Cuba and the then-Soviet Union were coordinating a massive assault on the Western hemisphere. Reagan had set them back with the liberation of Grenada and the overthrow of a communist gang there. He was also supporting a resistance movement, known as the Contras, opposing the communist Sandinistas who had taken control of Nicaragua.

In an article in the American Spectator, entitled, “The Bolshevik in Kerry,” George Neumayr wrote, “Kerry’s limousine liberation theology led him into one of the most embarrassing moments of his early Senate career—his disastrous Neville Chamberlain-style diplomacy with Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega. Shortly after becoming a Senator, Kerry took off for Nicaragua with Tom Harkin on a free-lancing fact-finding tour, the purpose of which was to stymie congressional support for the Contras by ‘finding’ that the Sandinistas weren't such bad guys after all.”

Kerry said at the time, “We believe this is a wonderful opening for a peaceful settlement without having to militarize the region. The real issue is: Is this administration going to overthrow the government of the Sandinistas no matter what they do?” Neumayr notes that Reagan Secretary of State George Shultz “was so flabbergasted by Kerry’s shilling for Ortega that he denounced Kerry publicly for ‘dealing with the communists’ and letting himself be ‘used.’”

But that’s not how Glenn Kessler of the Post saw it. “Over the years,” he wrote, “Kerry has pushed engagement with the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the communists in Vietnam and the mullahs who run Iran.” Kessler wrote that, “Early in his Senate career, in 1985, he riled the Reagan administration by traveling to Nicaragua to meet with the Sandinista government, saying that ‘we've got to create a climate of trust.’” Kessler said that Kerry had “questioned U.S. support for the contras in Nicaragua in the 1980s.”

That’s how Kessler sanitized a Kerry policy of appeasing the communists in Nicaragua. If we had followed Kerry’s advice, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala and perhaps even Mexico might be communist today. But no thanks to Kerry, pressure from the Contras forced the Sandinistas to hold free elections, which they lost. As a result, the communist insurgency in El Salvador collapsed and assumed the role of a political opposition party. On March 21, that party, led by veteran communist Schafik Handal, lost an election for the presidency. He got about 34 percent of the vote, compared to 58 percent for the conservative. Reagan was right, Kerry was wrong.
Posted by Zhang Fei  2004-09-27 4:37:13 PM|| []  2004-09-27 4:37:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#32 The preceding is excerpted from this Front Page article.
Posted by Zhang Fei  2004-09-27 4:38:06 PM|| []  2004-09-27 4:38:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#33 LH - *sniff snif* That just about the sweetest (though backhanded and waaay over-qualified, heh) compliment I've ever had! From you. I think I might cry!

Lol - I'm not mellowing. Post-Beslan, it's just the opposite, in fact. I don't post much anymore because I have little new to add to "fry 'em up" - so I mostly STFU until someone wiggles the worm just right.

But I read you guys almost every day -- and my heart is with you - even LH's more nuanced touch-feely shit approach. He's got a valid POV and I respect it, as long as he doesn't cross my line of sight during the trigger squeeze, heh.

People like PR are, IMO, fools. Brain as smooth as a cue ball. When it grows up, having had to compromise 5 or 6 million times, then it will "get it" about what Dubya faces.
Posted by .com 2004-09-27 4:39:04 PM||   2004-09-27 4:39:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#34 "Dot com does sometimes (often) post in a rather belligerent manner. His regular contributions however have to some degree earned him the right to do so. Yours have not earned you a similar right. I suggest you cease and desist."

I have been coming to this site for many many months, I just now started blogging. I love this site and I am not going away. I have offered plenty, but people like .com want to shut down people that does agree with Rush or Fox. I am not trying to convince .com of anything, I don't give a damn what he believes. I am not infringing on his beliefs but do not infringe on mine, by cussing me out for no reason.

I made the Clinton accusation to let people know, I don't appreciate being called a troll. If the Clinton accusation is false, then me being a troll, is false. I am a hawk myself, not chicken hawk like Cheney.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2004-09-27 4:44:32 PM||   2004-09-27 4:44:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#35 john kerry is like, giving nuance a bad name, unfortunately.
Posted by Liberalhawk 2004-09-27 4:44:34 PM||   2004-09-27 4:44:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#36 then me being a troll, is false. I am a hawk myself, not chicken hawk like Cheney.

If youve been here awhile, you know the 'chickenhawk' meme is gonna do nothing but start a flamewar. Posting with the intent to start a flamewar is trolling. Its got nothing to do with whether youre a dove or a hawk - Aris Katsaris, though a hawk in some respects is dovish on Iraq - he is not a troll, as he does not post simply to provoke. You may be a hawk and still be a troll here.
Posted by Liberalhawk 2004-09-27 4:47:19 PM||   2004-09-27 4:47:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#37 may I add:

A troll who posts to provoke.

See the difference PR. POV are valued here.
Posted by TomAnon 2004-09-27 4:55:42 PM||   2004-09-27 4:55:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#38 LH,
At the end of the day, except Gentle, we all want the same thing--when it comes to terrorism. This is a true pro-Israel blog site and I love it. I am very pro-Israel, period. My comments were meant to show my fustration because I think we are going in circles when it comes to terrorism, not become a troll.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2004-09-27 4:56:55 PM||   2004-09-27 4:56:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#39 I wonder if you wouldnt prefer LGF, PR?. Theyre more inclined to kill em all posts, and are less interested in strategic discussion. This is also a smaller community, and its wise to be a tad more polite to valued contributors.
Posted by Liberalhawk 2004-09-27 5:04:00 PM||   2004-09-27 5:04:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#40 LGF, or perhaps the Emporer Misha's place ( Both are as pro-Israel as Rantburg, and Misha indulges in enough spittle-flecked Bush-bashing (mostly for his perceived lack of bloodthirstiness) to satisfy even the most revenous appetite for that sort of thing. Though I wouldn't want to be caught using the term "chickenhawk" over there, not for a million bucks.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-27 5:10:32 PM||   2004-09-27 5:10:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#41 Many, many months. Right. So, um, how many? 2? 3? You think I'm a Clintonite, lol, so you definitely wildly exaggerate - a hallmark of lying disingenuous bullshitters who think anonymity gives them license to lie like dogs and no one will know otherwise or catch on.

Wrong. This is a community - and I've become a fringe guy cuz I want to fry all of Islam. I started near the fringe, jackoff, because of my up close experience with Islam. I think it's time to take off the gloves and fire 'em up. I'd happily toss you in for tinder, asshole. I've lost all tolerance - the reservoir is dry. You have a classic case of bad timing and your lie is obvious, pretender. You have no idea who I am.

The problem is that old fucker reality. What a BITCH it is. I live within it - and though pissed off most of the time, recognize that everything else is fantasy. Bush does what he can, will do much more, has done more than any other Prez ever, and is worth a googleplex of jerkoff second-guessing fools like you. No - it's not enough to make me happy, but it's far more than you or your gutless turd multiculti UN-sucking Chirac-sucking traitor Skeery could or would do.

You started blogging prematurely. Come back when you grow up. Of course, there's still the Drano option. I'm thinking of the gene-pool here. Nix on having children, dood. Those precious bodily fluids must be protected.
Posted by .com 2004-09-27 5:11:56 PM||   2004-09-27 5:11:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#42 "Wrong. This is a community - and I've become a fringe guy cuz I want to fry all of Islam. I started near the fringe, jackoff, because of my up close experience with Islam. I think it's time to take off the gloves and fire 'em up."

So we are in agreement, besides the jackoff part. I have been coming to Rantburg for about 4 months now.

"has done more than any other Prez ever"

More than Reagan, give me a break, you lost your marbles.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2004-09-27 5:33:44 PM||   2004-09-27 5:33:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#43 "The problem is that old fucker reality. What a BITCH it is. I live within it - and though pissed off most of the time, recognize that everything else is fantasy."

D'ya ever wonder what might have happened-- how much more we might have been able to do by this point in the WoT-- if the Dems hadn't gone all 1960's on us over Iraq? I do; and I suspect that the main reason we haven't gone beyond Iraq yet is because the administration have concluded that with the Dems acting the way they are, doing anything beyond Iraq would be foolish until after the election.

I really wouldn't have predicted, back in 2002, that the Dems would have utterly turned traitor by this point; and I don't think the Bush people were predicting it, either.

Just ruminating...
Posted by Dave D. 2004-09-27 5:35:02 PM||   2004-09-27 5:35:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#44 Wotta load of diversion. You're lame, weak, and still disingenuous.

"More than Reagan, give me a break, you lost your marbles."
Regards Islam and Terrorism? That was the topic, at least for everyone ELSE here. Reagan fought commies until their stronghold and state-backing folded. Massive kudos to him and every swinging dick who carried water during that long long duel. I was one of them and I am very happy I had the chance to be part of it. Why do I get the feeling you were MIA? Because you can't stay within the framework of reality, perhaps? Asshat.

Post-communism we are faced with fascist socialism and Islam. The gutless socialists, your Skeery pals, are undermining us from within. They must be defeated at the polling booth. You are an asshole ABBer. Your reasoning, what little there is, doesn't make sense. Voting for Skeery cuz Bush isn't tough enough in the WoT? That's incredibly stupid, indefensible, and definitely trolling bullshit. Skeery would slap on his favorite knee-pads and fellate the lot of 'em. Wanker.

Islam - the Terror Enablers and Apologists are the other direct threat, today. NO ONE has done more than Bush - you disingenuous obfuscating fucktard. Get on topic. No, better yet, just eat the fucking Drano. You have no marbles to lose if you conclude voting for Skeery does anything, anything at all, beneficial for freedom. You're a trolling whore - and not one of the brightest we've seen, either. Fuck off.
Posted by .com 2004-09-27 5:48:35 PM||   2004-09-27 5:48:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#45 I'm saving that one for posterity.
Posted by Pappy 2004-09-27 6:48:43 PM||   2004-09-27 6:48:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#46 PR,I have read RB on a daily basis for a couple of years now.If you shut-up and listen you can learn a hell of alot from folks like .com,old spook,jfm,etc(sorry folks to damn many wise,brillant minds to list here)they call this Rantburg U for a reason.While not the smartest person here(thats why I listen more than I comment)I like to think of have earned a modicom of respect from these highly experienced,well educated folks.
My Grandpa use to tell me"Make sure your brain is running before you throw your mouth in gear".
Posted by Raptor 2004-09-27 7:18:20 PM||   2004-09-27 7:18:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#47 PR, I was once like you...I thought I could take .com....I have yet to recover. Take my advice: do NOT mess with .com!
Posted by Rafael 2004-09-27 7:30:15 PM||   2004-09-27 7:30:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#48 Rafael - Shit, you whooped my ass!
Posted by .com 2004-09-27 7:33:59 PM||   2004-09-27 7:33:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#49 And we all know fuckwit will be back, prolly under yet another nym and continue to troll - in a more sensitive manner.

Undermining our will is the goal.

I've talked too much, today. My keyboard's getting hoarsey.
Posted by .com 2004-09-27 7:37:51 PM||   2004-09-27 7:37:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#50 Must be digital laryngitis. I caught it, in Viet Nam. I served there ya know. Look at my lucky hat
Posted by JFnKerry  2004-09-27 7:39:36 PM||   2004-09-27 7:39:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#51 "I try to escape, I try to go straight, legit, but they keep dragging me back in!"
Posted by .Abu Godfather III 2004-09-27 7:43:26 PM||   2004-09-27 7:43:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#52 Shit, you whooped my ass

Then why do I have the drinking problem* (since then), and you remain alcohol-free?!? Not worth it maaan, just not worth it..

*disclaimer: just joking
Posted by Rafael 2004-09-27 7:58:58 PM||   2004-09-27 7:58:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#53 Ha! Don't fall for it, .com. it's a trap!

Posted by .Admiral Ackbar 2004-09-27 8:30:08 PM||   2004-09-27 8:30:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#54 This whole thread is a keeper: Longer than 30 posts, and not one of them from Aris or Murat.
Posted by Ptah  2004-09-27 8:43:43 PM|| []  2004-09-27 8:43:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#55 With repect to the original topic, I thnk that the Shiite bomb cannot be stopped. Isn't it time to reevaluate our strategy in the area? Personnally, I don't understand how Iran intends to pull off a nuclear strike on Israel without killing a host of Moslems, but then again that would require rational thinking.
If we assuem that the EU, UN, Russia and China will thwart our attempt to prevent nuclear proliferation into Iran, shouldn't we be looking at signing mutual protection treaties with Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Israel? Shouldn't we look at removing all American forces from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar? At what point do we eliminate Iranian missile sites? The logistics of escorting merchant shipping through the straits of Hormuz needs to be looked at as well as blockading the Gulf of Oman and the remainder of the of the Iranian coast. Even a strike against known Iranian facilities won't do more than delay the process.
Posted by Super Hose 2004-09-27 9:22:33 PM||   2004-09-27 9:22:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#56 #47 PR, I was once like you...I thought I could take .com....I have yet to recover. Take my advice: do NOT mess with .com!

Other than all the cursing, .com have not made a credible point yet, to me. I HAVE NO ISSUES WITH ANYONE ELSE ON THIS SITE. (.com = brain aneurism)

"And we all know fuckwit will be back, prolly under yet another nym and continue to troll"

I am not going away and I will stay as Poison Reverse. So get hands out of your pants and go have a ding dong or something. In fact, go and get a real job. How is it that you have time to blog, all day and night long? Go and get yourself a plastic girlfriend. When I get some time, I will blog. Otherwise I have better things to do. BTW, get your head out of Bush's rear end.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2004-09-27 10:05:33 PM||   2004-09-27 10:05:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#57 I don't understand how Iran intends to pull off a nuclear strike on Israel without killing a host of Moslems

Iran will not use nuclear weapons in a direct strike on any country. I think suicide is a concept even they understand. However, I think they wouldn't hesitate to sell a few of their nuclear bombs to terrorists for use as blackmail or indeed as an attack weapon. Sub-humans like OBL have their own logic as to who deserves death or not, so a few thousand Muslims would not stand in the way.
It has become clear as a result of 9/11 that we have entered a stage where rogue states will use proxies to fight their battles. That is the real threat. That is why every aspiring nuclear mullah has to go down.
Posted by Rafael 2004-09-27 10:31:41 PM||   2004-09-27 10:31:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#58 Poison Reverse: I'm one of the editors here. We welcome informed commentary and snarkiness. We don't condone idiotarian insults, and we don't permit trolling. You've been here a day and all you've done is pick fights.

I'm not going to tolerate it. If you can't play nice I'll just dump your comments into the sink trap.

This might be the only warning you get. Consider carefully.
Posted by Steve White  2004-09-27 10:47:53 PM||   2004-09-27 10:47:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#59 Steve,
I have been very courteous, in my other postings. Nevertheless, point taken. I will do as you say. See below and judge for yourself.

Also, here is an unprovoked statement from .com above #14
"As for today's Troll-du-jour, Poision Retard, he's either a disingenuous lying sack of shit"

If someone said this about you for no reason whatsoever, would you take it. I am not a liberal, French, or a troll, I just want what's best for my country. That's it, plain and simple.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2004-09-27 11:02:33 PM||   2004-09-27 11:02:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#60 Oh Shit! Dr Steve is here already! Damn!
So I'll have to rewrite my post...

Pussy Retard - You've earned that moniker and you are, indeed, a troll. You've exaggerated and/or lied about your stay here and you have zero credibility. As for my schedule, lol, I don't have to explain myself to you - cuz, gee whiz, you've been here so long and all!

I answered you, pussy-boy, and you ducked and whined and continued to obfuscate and distract - the normal response from jerkoff trolls. Same as your lame excuse for a candidate.

Everything you've stated regards Bush is pure blind ABB bullshit... and has zip zilch nada to do with Skeery's fitness to change a bed pan, much less be the CINC and prosecute the WoT. All evidence is that Skeery is utterly Unfit for Command, in fact, as asserted by MY brothers in arms, the Swift Vets.

While Bush has actually done many things, extraordinary things, such as removing the Taleban and Saddam, your boy has done nothing but wiggle all over the board trying to figure out how to "position" himself. Skeery's the most transparent political whore I've ever seen - and that includes his murderous drunk butt-buddy, the pride of the Kennedy Clan... and that's really saying something.

FOAD, bitch.

See, Dr Steve? I can be good, if I hafta.
Posted by .com 2004-09-27 11:11:49 PM||   2004-09-27 11:11:49 PM|| Front Page Top

20:56 Anonymous6693
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06:29 Anonymous6334
06:26 Anonymous6334
06:20 Anonymous6334
06:17 Anonymous6334
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15:22 Anonymous6334
19:47 Anonymous6334
19:37 Anonymous6334
18:23 Anonymous6334
14:32 Anonymous6334
08:14 Anonymous6334
17:37 Anonymous6334
16:16 Anonymous6334
23:34 Zenster
23:13 smn
23:11 .com
23:06 Anonymous6694
23:05 badanov
23:03 Lone Ranger

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