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2004-09-22 Iraq-Jordan
U.S. Tanks, Planes Strike Sadr City
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Posted by Fred 2004-09-22 12:55:29 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [27 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Bulldoze every inch of that shit hole!! Every male that moves kill him!! Every woman that does not run naked through the street showing she is not wearing some sort of device Kill them!!! The Gloves need to hit the floor.
Posted by Long Hair Republican  2004-09-22 1:03:46 AM||   2004-09-22 1:03:46 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 LHR...I have no idea why we do not cut off all water , electricity, sewage to the area. Allow everyone 3 days leave and MOAB the rest.
Posted by anymouse  2004-09-22 1:12:29 AM||   2004-09-22 1:12:29 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 I don't think we intend to Grozny the place - nor should we. I think this is a specific raid in response to the beheadings.
Posted by Super Hose 2004-09-22 1:27:34 AM||   2004-09-22 1:27:34 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 With all do respect SH, kill them all, you eliminate them you don't fight them.
Posted by Long Hair Republican  2004-09-22 1:31:53 AM||   2004-09-22 1:31:53 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Old Spook, some of the posts I'm seeing seem to be affected by negative talk in the media. I, personally, have been pleased that the Iraq/WOT policy has not ever become poll-driven. All I see is us slugging the enemy with repeated body blows. Each of these pockets of resistence are being deflated in a systematic fashion. Each time there is a set-back (like the Fallujah Brigade) the plan continues.
Posted by Super Hose 2004-09-22 2:43:50 AM||   2004-09-22 2:43:50 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Super Hose, WTF you had to do that?
If you don't know what would result, don't fuckin touch the html!
If I had you around, I'd slap'ya silly.
Posted by Memesis 2004-09-22 3:23:49 AM||   2004-09-22 3:23:49 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 Sorry Super Hose, that was 'possed to be anonymoose. See how stupid this is?
Posted by Memesis 2004-09-22 3:25:34 AM||   2004-09-22 3:25:34 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Fcuk! Meant anymoose! This scrolling is really driving me nuts, can't ya tell?
Posted by Memesis 2004-09-22 3:29:00 AM||   2004-09-22 3:29:00 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 Urban renewal via tank and aircraft.

Someone PLEASE get rid of what ever is causing the formatting to go to hell! My eyes! My dammed eyes!.

I got no respect for users of racial epithets. Got no time for them either. I will skip all future postings by them.

Religious epithets are OK especally aggainst those $#@ $#@*ed, $#@$& $@#%*&#@*$ bastards.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom  2004-09-22 4:37:50 AM|| []  2004-09-22 4:37:50 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 It's only 1752 pixels wide. Just set your desktop resolution to 3200x1800 pixels. You know. On your 36" monitor.
Posted by The Caucasus Nerd 2004-09-22 5:34:45 AM||   2004-09-22 5:34:45 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 LMAO
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom  2004-09-22 6:29:18 AM|| []  2004-09-22 6:29:18 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 Oh sweet geezus, someone fixed that anymoose's insanity! Thank you, thank you very much.

(I hope it was just temporary, anymoose, else I track you down and put a bra on your head for a torture!)
Posted by Zarathustra 2004-09-22 7:28:15 AM||   2004-09-22 7:28:15 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 id a goback,seems to have fixed it.
Posted by raptor 2004-09-22 8:57:45 AM||   2004-09-22 8:57:45 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 Looks like I missed the formatting fun. Yes, yes....we're all pissed and wanna see some @$$ kicked but 1st things 1st and that means we get GWB another 4 years. That's crucial. Until that time we plan and get people an' stuff in place. After GWB wins, then we can take the gloves off, and I do believe they're gonna come off in a big way. My advice is by stock up on the popcorn and cold beverages. I'm predicting an unseasonably hot spell come mid November. And, any support that can be given to the troops will be much appreciated. OT I know..but what's this I hear about making "covorting with ladies of ill repute" a courts-martial offense when stationed abroad? Jeebus!
Posted by Rex Mundi 2004-09-22 11:00:16 AM||   2004-09-22 11:00:16 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 Our office manager's 23 year old son just went back to Iraq. He is in the marines and will be hanging out in Fallujah. Will let you format fiends know some dope when we hear from him. He is a machine gunner.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-09-22 11:59:10 AM||   2004-09-22 11:59:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 ..and he uses racial epithets constantly as well.

Don't see anything along that line in this thread. I miss something?
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-09-22 1:14:39 PM||   2004-09-22 1:14:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 AP - This young Marine should be gathered under LtCol Dave's wing at Greenside... Certainly let your friend, the office Mgr, know about this site. Your friend would probably find a friend in Dave, who feels like a parent to every Marine.
Posted by .com 2004-09-22 1:21:54 PM||   2004-09-22 1:21:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 #5 LHR, you are doing a pretty good imitation of an SS EinsatzGruppenFuhrer. Listen to yourself.

OldSpook, thank you for providing a little historical perspective. We are currently fighting a reincarnation of Nazism and we certainly have no need for their tactics, regardless of the incredible provocation we so regularly receive.
Posted by Zenster 2004-09-22 11:02:46 PM||   2004-09-22 11:02:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 This PC tolerance is going to get us all killed.
Did you have a problem calling Viet Cong "Gooks" do you have a problem calling the people being killed by US military during WW2 Krauts or Japs?

Call me anything but a Nazi. Call me a hater of Islam. But a Nazi...them are fighting words!!!
You put a face with the enemy, you give it a name.
Islam is not just a people, this is a religious political governmental belief. It seems to be beyond your comprehension to understand that they hate you.

I think these sheet heads are the work of the devil. There symbol is two swords crossing. My gods symbol is a dove with an olive branch in her mouth.

You want to except them as being misunderstood that is fine. I want that whole region to be remembered as what could have been. I could care less to what happens to them.

Don't call me a Nazi again!!! You got something you want to say to me. My email address is right there.
Posted by Long Hair Republican  2004-09-23 1:30:34 AM||   2004-09-23 1:30:34 AM|| Front Page Top

#20 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by OldSpook 2004-09-22 2:24:49 AM||   2004-09-22 2:24:49 AM|| Front Page Top

#21 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by OldSpook 2004-09-22 2:34:10 AM||   2004-09-22 2:34:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#22 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by OldSpook 2004-09-22 4:02:51 AM||   2004-09-22 4:02:51 AM|| Front Page Top

09:36 OldSpook
04:07 OldSpook
04:02 OldSpook
02:34 OldSpook
02:24 OldSpook
02:19 OldSpook
00:47 OldSpook
00:42 OldSpook
00:40 OldSpook
00:35 OldSpook
00:34 OldSpook
23:34 Anonymous
16:52 Alaska Raul
01:52 Anonymous
08:36 Mike Sylwester
02:23 Pappy
02:11 Zenster
01:30 Long Hair Republican
01:01 trailing wife
00:58 trailing wife
00:47 Super Hose
00:23 lex
00:16 lex
00:10 Memesis

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