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2004-09-16 Home Front: Politix
Kerry Supporters Rip Up Little Girls Bush/Cheney Sign, Make Her Cry
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Posted by Adam 2004-09-16 20:31|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [22 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Incredible photo!!!
Posted by Anonymous6489 2004-09-16 8:36:50 PM||   2004-09-16 8:36:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Another fine moment for the American Left! Good one guys!Keep it up for at least another couple months please!
Posted by Secret Master 2004-09-16 8:45:05 PM||   2004-09-16 8:45:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 The photo should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country...
Posted by Fred  2004-09-16 8:46:38 PM||   2004-09-16 8:46:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 While I support the guy, why on earth would he place he daughter in that situation?
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2004-09-16 9:08:20 PM||   2004-09-16 9:08:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 And the peace and love of the left shines through once again. Thug bastard.

It looks like that little boy barely in the picture is her big brother, notice his fist balled up.
Posted by TS(vice girl) 2004-09-16 9:20:28 PM||   2004-09-16 9:20:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 What a great microcosm of the current state of partisan politics in this country:

The centerpiece is an apparently decent family man and Bush supporter, come to express his political views, as is is right as a citizen.

He is surrounded by a jeering mob of Democrats.

To his right, in the backward baseball cap, is your classic twenty-something Playground Bully, still clutching the scraps of the sign he tried to tear from the grip of the child on her daddy's shoulders.

Which party are the "liberals" again ?
Posted by Carl in N.H.  2004-09-16 10:02:46 PM||   2004-09-16 10:02:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 The little girl should be thankful that Kerry's Stormtroopers didn't shoot her daddy out from underneath her. John Edwards is right: There are two Americas, the Republican America - a nation of laws - and the Democrat America, a nation of self-satisfied thugs who believe laws only apply to suckers and Republicans. These people should never be allowed in power again.
Posted by RWV 2004-09-16 10:15:34 PM||   2004-09-16 10:15:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Farking Thugs....

And they call Bush a Nazi? Looks like Kerry's brownshirts are out in force.

I hope someone kicks the living shit out of that guy and send him to the hospital for a few weeks. He will probably go back and brag about how he ripped up a sign from a vicious 3 year old for weeks. Yup that makes him a big man.....
Posted by CrazyFool  2004-09-16 10:43:03 PM||   2004-09-16 10:43:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Yeah, the left has gone so shrill and so violent that they cannot tolerate any one who dares to disagree with their central thesis: Bush = Hitler.

I generally don't like people using their kids in political demonstrations. I hate it when I see the moonbats dragging their kids along to the demos. And of course, nothing is lower than the the way the Palestinians use their kids for propaganda and pro-Jihad indoctination. What this guy did is not as bad but still, he shouldn't be taking his kids to Kerry rallys and holding Bush signs. Sorry, that's how I feel.

Of course that doesn't make the behavior of the people that tore up the signs and made the 3-year-old cry any less despicable. I'm glad they got busted on camera looking like the world's biggest a$$40l3s.
Posted by John in Tokyo 2004-09-16 11:06:14 PM||   2004-09-16 11:06:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 John in Tokyo, consider for a second the outcry that would accompany this picture if the little girl had been holding a Kerry sign and the thugs had been Bush supporters. I live in San Diego, one of the saner parts of California, but many people here are afraid to display Bush/Cheney signs on their cars or property because of the inevitable vandalism perpetrated by Democrat brownshirts. (and, yes, in California brownshirts is a more accurate description than blackshirts).
Posted by RWV 2004-09-16 11:12:27 PM||   2004-09-16 11:12:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Little Lady - Don't Cry

Mr Gallup Has a Poll
President Bush 54
Kerry 40

Revenge Is Sweet Nov 2
Posted by BigEd 2004-09-16 11:18:23 PM||   2004-09-16 11:18:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Typical Union man. He is proud to be a union man. He does exactly what his union bosses tell him. In short a goon from the goon squad. When those dumb sons of bitches get in my face I relish telling them to FOAD. He clearly is enjoying himself. Which I am sure the DNC is proud to see plastered all over the WEB.

Have you ever wondered what the point of an adult wearing their baseball cap backwards for no apperent reason is. I can only think of one reason to announce to everyone "I am a dick weed." So the caption should include "I am a dick weed and I support Jon Kerry."
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2004-09-16 11:49:44 PM||   2004-09-16 11:49:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 The simian goon is a member of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades
They are famous for their in-your-face tactics at political rallies, and boast about the reputation of their "Black and Tan Gold" Army.
Their e-mail address for political material is
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-09-17 12:03:50 AM||   2004-09-17 12:03:50 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 They would have been hauling my ass to jail or the hospital,cause I would've definatly tried to whip that boys ass.
Posted by Raptor 2004-09-17 8:51:17 AM||   2004-09-17 8:51:17 AM|| Front Page Top

18:16 Anonymous6498
18:16 Anonymous6498
16:24 Anonymous6495
16:24 Anonymous6495
15:47 Anonymous6494
13:33 Anonymous6490
13:33 Anonymous6490
09:21 Anonymous6481
09:21 Anonymous6481
16:51 herry
16:43 herry
12:39 Steve85308
10:09 Robert Crawford
08:51 Raptor
02:06 Quana
01:25 Zenster
01:15 Asedwich
00:03 Atomic Conspiracy
23:49 Sock Puppet of Doom
23:42 Aussie Mike
23:41 Trolling for Allan
23:25 Guest
23:18 BigEd
23:15 BombIranNow

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