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2004-09-13 Terror Networks
'Al-Qaeda Jihad backfiring'
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Posted by Fawad 2004-09-13 8:52:53 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [24 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 It is Zionists that masterminded 911 for naive Americans to fight and die for Israel.
Posted by Abdul Goldman 2004-09-13 9:29:30 PM||   2004-09-13 9:29:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Duh. As long as we ( American's stay focused), this is thier ( al Qaeda's) problem. If we do not give up, they will question themselves to death, like they want us to.( The French are like them)
Posted by plainslow 2004-09-13 9:32:03 PM||   2004-09-13 9:32:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Another genius:

"Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda group has failed miserably in its political aims, leaving behind a trail of freelance terror and chaos that is backfiring on the Muslim world, according to French expert Gilles Kepel."

But let's hear it for fitna, eh?
Posted by jules 2 2004-09-13 9:34:18 PM||   2004-09-13 9:34:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 I am proud to be a Southern Zionist, the Jewish people came to South Carolina in 1695, and helped imeasurably in the founding of one of the truly great American cities, Charleston, In fact the first jew to ever be elected to a governmental position Happened in S.C. and he ended up being killed in the Revolution, He died for my country and I would Die for his...
Posted by SCpatriot 2004-09-13 9:37:49 PM||   2004-09-13 9:37:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 "The increasing number and scope of enemy attacks shows that we are clearly winning! Our enemy is desperate and throwing in his last reserves!"

Yeah, right. Iraq is experiencing a popular uprising, in both senses of the word. It really doesn't matter who's running the show. Frankly, I doubt that anyone is. Spontaneous acts of violence, opportunities seen and exploited. The way they torched one of our Bradleys the other day, causing a U.S. chopper to open fire upon a crowd.

I hate it when an academic promotes his wishful-thinking thesis in order to preen at the expense of public discourse.
Posted by Mister Write 2004-09-13 9:43:42 PM||   2004-09-13 9:43:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Mr. Left: I hate it when an academic promotes his wishful-thinking thesis in order to preen at the expense of public discourse.

I hate it when a liberal promotes his wishful-thinking thesis in order to preen at the expense of public discourse.
Posted by Zhang Fei  2004-09-13 9:47:48 PM|| []  2004-09-13 9:47:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 MW. My thoughts exactly
Posted by plainslow 2004-09-13 9:48:58 PM||   2004-09-13 9:48:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 SC, then you must be familiar with Beth Elohim in Charleston which in 1776 was one of the two Jewish congregations in the South.
Posted by Abdul Goldman 2004-09-13 9:52:40 PM||   2004-09-13 9:52:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 I am, I have visited the synagouge in charleston and it is the oldest in the south, I am quite proud of the accomplishments that the gouge has made, and I hope other carolinians will visit the magestic building...I amnot Jewish btw but have an understanding of what is important to our state and culture... here is an intresting Jewish figure that I admire, not in a bad kkk way that is stereotypical of outsiders to the state.. enjoy
Posted by SCpatriot 2004-09-13 10:04:50 PM||   2004-09-13 10:04:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 It is Zionists that masterminded 911 for naive Americans to fight and die for Israel

LOL!! uh huh. so the arab and iranian commemoration of the sept 11 attacks was to praise the zionists. And the zawahiri praise of the "islamic brigades that attacked new york and washington" was code for "we had nothing to do with it." No doubt. And bin laden's clear admission of al qaeda's involvement in sept 11 was merely a ploy, the purpose of which cannot be divulged.

I find it fascinating that even when the perpetrators ADMIT to having done the deed, the apologists are out in force blaming others.

I'll bet if bin laden showed up in NYC and went to all the networks with documents that confirm how he was responsible, there would be a group of useful idiots people who would STILL blame Israel for Sept 11.

Is their hate that blinding, or are they really that ignorant?!

absolutely fascinating.
Posted by PlanetDan  2004-09-13 10:11:53 PM||   2004-09-13 10:11:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 I am starting to entertain an idea that some unknown disease it appearing in pandemic proportions.

Something that causes a disconnect between two brain hemispheres and contradictory concepts can live beside each other without any apparent discomfort to the patient (except marked preponderance towards seething).

It does not seem to be inflicting Arabs or population of muslim countries only, many cases reported from Europe and a substantial infection is noticeable amongst US citizens of Liberal leaning as well.
Posted by Zarathustra 2004-09-13 10:31:30 PM||   2004-09-13 10:31:30 PM|| Front Page Top

Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda group has failed miserably in its political aims, leaving behind a trail of freelance terror and chaos that is backfiring on the Muslim world
Awwwwwww, ain't that just too bad.

Now where'd I put that nano-violin? And that 2-thread-wide crying towel?
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2004-09-13 10:37:02 PM||   2004-09-13 10:37:02 PM|| Front Page Top

This is called ‘fitna’
As in, "They ain't fit for na-thing?"

Apt name, then.
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2004-09-13 10:39:41 PM||   2004-09-13 10:39:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Sounds like a win/win situation . . . for us: either we are able to create a stable democracy in Iraq which will be the model for other ME democracies or we withdraw and allow them to destroy themselves.

Granted their are other negative consequences for the second option, but it's still a win of sorts.

Posted by spiffo 2004-09-13 10:42:09 PM||   2004-09-13 10:42:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Barb, not sure, but how about a nano-guitar for time being?
Posted by Zarathustra 2004-09-13 10:51:34 PM||   2004-09-13 10:51:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Z - I offer an interesting book I read a long time ago... give this page a quick peek - fascinating stuff - in that pop psychology sort of way. If he's right, perhaps the corpus callosum is either missing or under-developed in certain populations...
Posted by .com 2004-09-13 10:51:50 PM||   2004-09-13 10:51:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 "Instead, he believed that something like schizophrenia was the typical human mental state as recently as 3000 years ago." (Copied from .com's link.)

Sounds like the Kerry campaign right now.
Posted by nada 2004-09-13 10:58:04 PM||   2004-09-13 10:58:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Not meaning to brag, but after the mosque bombings in Turkey and 311 in Spain last, I said Al Qaeda has shifted it's strategy. They can no longer credibly strike against the US or its targets so they have taken to shitting on their own backyard and on their own people.

Face it. Bush et al rocked Al Qaeda starting in September 2001 and it hasn't stopped since. You can't plan attacks when Global hawks are aloft tracking you; you can't go to the bank to make that Soddy price's deposit or to wire money to Abdul in Florida if you are worried that a Spec. Forces sniper will ruin your whole day.
Posted by badanov  2004-09-13 11:01:11 PM|| []  2004-09-13 11:01:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 .com, Jaynes is a fool, with his concept of linear appearance of developed corpus calosum in HSS in recent history. However, he may have accidentally stumbled upon a discovery that he did not assess properly, while you've nailed it nicely:

"perhaps the corpus callosum is either missing or under-developed in certain populations..."
Posted by Zarathustra 2004-09-13 11:02:45 PM||   2004-09-13 11:02:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Z - Thx for response... Yeah - I read him back in my deep navel-study period - I had the book in hardback, if that tells you what I mean, lol! Also, Love and Will, Beyond Freedom and Dignity, Center of the Cyclone, ad nauseum... the whole New Age set of primers which lead to today's LLL zipperheads. So I know my enemy well, lol!

You're too kind, but I'll take the compliment. Hell, who knows, it may be true, lol! But if Hahvahd Medical found out, would they tell anyone? Lol!
Posted by .com 2004-09-13 11:17:44 PM||   2004-09-13 11:17:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 I had the book in hardback, if that tells you what I mean, lol!

sounds like the campus bookstore wasn't buying that back, hmmm?
Posted by Frank G  2004-09-13 11:29:24 PM||   2004-09-13 11:29:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Lol, Frank - nope. I eventually donated the lot to a friend who was starting up a free used-book swapping service on-campus. I got a mess of Sci-Fi paperbacks in exchange. I was waaaaay ahead on the deal, IMHO!
Posted by .com 2004-09-13 11:38:48 PM||   2004-09-13 11:38:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 â€˜Al-Qaeda Jihad backfiring’

Al Qaeda is not "backfiring" in the least. This is its precise logical outcome and all that we've seen represents its exact desired intent. There is no malfunction or straying involved. Al qaeda seeks to impose global sharia by any means necessary and the remaining civilized world will answer with conventional military responses at first and then proceed to unconventional retaliation when they are perceived to be necessary. As more Beslan-style atrocities occur, unconventional means will become the norm, ending with total war and massive casualties as a result of al Qaeda's obsession with global imposition of their worldview.

Not a single part of al Qaeda's plans have gone awry. They seek ultimate domination with total disgegard for the profound risk all Muslims are exposed to by their pursuit. If Islam ignores this danger and continues their tacit support of violent jihad, they will garner equal time in the gunsights along side al Qaeda.

The only rate limiting factor is the stupidity or hesitance of secular cultures to impose the required degree of force needed to eliminate al Qaeda's threat. By their very nature, al Qaeda and its jihadist associates will exceed all tolerable limits and thereby invite total war to be waged upon them. It is not a question of whether this will happen, but merely when.

Secular cultures would do well to realize this now and bypass the needless slaughter of civilian populations as have occurred in Beslan and elsewhere. Al Qaeda will certainly not blanch at repeatedly perpetrating atrocities like Beslan. Only the dawning awareness of this simple fact is what prevents the necessary escalation to total war against Islamism. Without Islam as a whole abandoning violent jihad, total war is guaranteed and exactly what they deserve.
Posted by Zenster 2004-09-14 12:18:32 AM||   2004-09-14 12:18:32 AM|| Front Page Top

#24 Zen - substitute "non-Muslim" for secular and you hit dead-center, IMHO. Wait, one quibble: I've already jumped / escalated to "fry 'em up". Sorry, I skipped that last step cuz the 'Slamos decided not to play by your schedule.
Posted by .com 2004-09-14 12:24:06 AM||   2004-09-14 12:24:06 AM|| Front Page Top

#25 I've already jumped / escalated to "fry 'em up". Sorry, I skipped that last step cuz the 'Slamos decided not to play by your schedule.

.com, that's why I specifically used the term "stupidity" in the following excerpt from my post.

"The only rate limiting factor is the stupidity or hesitance of secular cultures to impose the required degree of force ..."

I fully realize we are up against those who have largely abandoned any concept of "playing by the rules." Anybody who doubts this need only review the video from Beslan.

If no other atrocity served this gruesome purpose, the murder of so many children in Beslan should have been the final scale-tipping and polarizing moment for anyone in doubt. Those who still do remain in doubt are flatliners.
Posted by Zenster 2004-09-14 12:47:56 AM||   2004-09-14 12:47:56 AM|| Front Page Top

#26 Yep, Z - Beslan did it for me. Everything went dry. Fry 'em up.
Posted by .com 2004-09-14 1:01:18 AM||   2004-09-14 1:01:18 AM|| Front Page Top

#27 #26 Yep, Z - Beslan did it for me. Everything went dry. Fry 'em up.

.com, I totally understand why you feel as you do. I can no longer condemn those who do. The terrorists' level of barbarity and cruelty has gone past all tolerable limits.

The only interim phase I wish Western governments would try is to begin capping rectal cavities like abu Hamza, al Qaradawi, al Sadr and any other of these jihad mouthpieces walking around wasting our precious oxygen.

It's one of the last remaining experiments I can envision besides total war. I cannot relish the enormous loss of life that total war will bring. I could give a rip about how lopsided it will be, that's the price of admission for 9-11, Bali, 3-11 and Beslan. Those who try to jab a tiger with pointed sticks deserve what they get in return.

Somewhere in the recesses of my once peaceful mind is the hope that by killing off the high-profile exhorters of jihad, fewer gullible minds will get sucked into this insanely poisonous meme.

Should such a tactic prove to be of no use, then a direct transition to total war will likely be the only alternative. The difficult part is that I see no use in accepting any surrender after such war begins. The time for Islam to surrender up its jihadis is NOW.

Once the global war begins, it will need to be a process of complete extermination. This is why surrender will necessarily fall by the wayside. I hate how ugly such thoughts are. I DO NOT hate the notion of actual peace resulting from it.
Posted by Zenster 2004-09-14 1:36:09 AM||   2004-09-14 1:36:09 AM|| Front Page Top

#28 Zen - I hear you.

"The only interim phase I wish Western governments would try is to begin capping rectal cavities like abu Hamza, al Qaradawi, al Sadr and any other of these jihad mouthpieces walking around wasting our precious oxygen.

It's one of the last remaining experiments I can envision besides total war."

When turning a raw peice of wood on the lathe, knocking off the corners is, indeed, the first step - so I follow. I'd just like to take out the whole nest when you find one of these little figureheads of insanity. And, when the gas (or whatever) has dissipated / stopped falling from the sky, go through their wallets, cell phones, etc., then their apartments, homes, caves... And everyone related to every one of them, since this is often a family affair. Then everyone they kept track of, by phone or address or name or in a computer file or in their dreams. Just a tiny add-on to your idea.

Pre-emptive question (lol!): Do you want fries with that? Heh.
Posted by .com 2004-09-14 1:47:27 AM||   2004-09-14 1:47:27 AM|| Front Page Top

#29 Shit - "piece" not "peice" - sheesh.
Posted by .com 2004-09-14 1:48:54 AM||   2004-09-14 1:48:54 AM|| Front Page Top

#30 I'd just like to take out the whole nest when you find one of these little figureheads of insanity.

Which is why they should have just demolished the Finsbury Park mosque once it was condemned the first time around.

And, when the gas (or whatever) has dissipated / stopped falling from the sky, go through their wallets, cell phones, etc., then their apartments, homes, caves...


And everyone related to every one of them, since this is often a family affair.

This is my argument for making terrorist activity a DNA crime. I honestly think the idea has a lot of merit.

Then everyone they kept track of, by phone or address or name or in a computer file or in their dreams. Just a tiny add-on to your idea.

No "add on," pal. Part and parcel. I'm glad to see us finding some common ground here, .com. I feel it to be a crucial ingredient in what's to come. For the upcoming war to find the legs its going to need amongst America's population, a lot more people will have to begin reading off of the same page. We may run with different crowds, but I only wish you could hear how often I get told to "stop talking about politics all the time" by people who can't seem to come up with the least sort of functional solution to terrorism. I know, I know, I need to get a better class of friends.
Posted by Zenster 2004-09-14 2:09:13 AM||   2004-09-14 2:09:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#31 At a small terminal in the Texas Panhandle, three strangers are awaiting their shuttle flight. One is a Native American passing through from Oklahoma. Another, a local ranch hand on his way to Ft. Worth for a stock show. The third passenger is an Arab student, newly arrived at the Texas oil patch from the Middle East.

To pass the time they strike up a conversation on recent events, and the discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon, the Westerners learn that the Arab is a devout Muslim. The conversation falls into an uneasy lull. The cowpoke leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazine table, tips his big sweat-stained hat forward over his face. The wind outside blows tumbleweeds and the old windsock flaps, but no plane comes.

Finally, the Native American clears his throat and softly, he speaks: 'Once my people were many, Now we are few.'

The Muslim raises an eyebrow and leans forward, 'Once my people were few,' he sneers, 'and now we are many. Why do you suppose that is?'

The Texan shifts the toothpick to one side of his mouth and from the darkness beneath his stetson says, 'That's 'cause we ain't played Cowboys and Muslims yet.'
Posted by Nanook 2004-09-14 2:17:59 AM||   2004-09-14 2:17:59 AM|| Front Page Top

#32 Zen - I'm sure that the real world intruding upon friendships indicates there's something less than a friendship in progress - I've lost quite a few over the last 3 years - and gained double (and more) that number because they are on the same page - all in all, I think we're getting there. The hard days are coming - and the weak willies will only get in the way, anyway. It will be in our faces soon enough, I'm afraid. Then we'll know for certain who's a fool and who's our ally.

BTW, it truly feels odd to have given up on them. One great weight exchanged for another. This one is different, but in some ways easier to bear... not so much gray haze, methinks.
Posted by .com 2004-09-14 2:18:28 AM||   2004-09-14 2:18:28 AM|| Front Page Top

#33 Nanook - Lol! Too true... When you find the real Texan (lotsa drugstore cowboy types, as with all sterotypes) you find someone who can get off the dime and decide.

I saw in another thread that in your childhood you lived in Czechoslovakia - I presume you're now one of the Evil Americans? I sure hope so! Nanook - you must live up North somewhere? Lol, if so, you sure have a tag on the Texans, heh! I was born there, but I've been afloat for so long, well, I don't have any rights to stake claims anymore! Regardless, people like you are who make America great - the opposite of what the featherheads think we are. The best of the Best: Resolute. Strong. Knowledgeable. Experienced. Thanx!
Posted by .com 2004-09-14 2:26:44 AM||   2004-09-14 2:26:44 AM|| Front Page Top

#34 .com, it is like a Darwinism in real time. Some humans simply are becoming another species (corpus calosum is not present or receding). It is not yet with a marked boundary, some can still cross over. The Morlocks... ah well, you know what I am talking about.
Posted by Nanook 2004-09-14 2:28:28 AM||   2004-09-14 2:28:28 AM|| Front Page Top

#35 Nanook - Good analogy, bro.

So we're the Eloi? Oops - better get nasty fast, eh? Lol! Actually, that fits the situation perfectly - so my question is dumb. My conclusion is good, however. I'm there. Beslan just completed the circle for me.

Fry 'em up.
Posted by .com 2004-09-14 2:33:51 AM||   2004-09-14 2:33:51 AM|| Front Page Top

#36 .com, Well yea, I live in NA (Canuckistan), but I'll plan to switch allegiances and countries in the near future. Lived in TX for about 2 years. I love Texas, people in fact, rather than scenery. I'll be probably going to OK, but TX is just one state border away.
Posted by Nanook 2004-09-14 2:36:39 AM||   2004-09-14 2:36:39 AM|| Front Page Top

#37 .com, I think that I had the fry'em up moment right on 9/11. I was already fairly well acquainted with the jihad before that, not mentioning that in the place of my birth, the advances of Islam (and its defeat) are still in the collective memory--it was present in the folk tales and fairy tales of my mom.

West of Czech realm, there was no such memory--that's why they are almost completely oblivious to the takeover which is coming. Not individuals, there is enough bright people who get it, but as a whole WE nations simply don't have a precedent they can draw from (xept Spain, but the memory trace is not that fresh). They're doomed, I say.
Posted by Nanook 2004-09-14 2:50:28 AM||   2004-09-14 2:50:28 AM|| Front Page Top

#38 Nanook - Awesome - Welcome! Doubly, so! I'm sure there are some Okies around here - and a mess o' Texans, too. If you're from Western Canuckistan, Texans would probably seem pretty normal. I LOVED the Calgary Stampede and the Canucks I met in the awl bidness, heh. I'm in Nevada at the moment - decided to hang until I cast my vote, THEN I'll bail and seek something that doesn't remind me so much of Saudi Arabia. Dumb to have stopped here.
Posted by .com 2004-09-14 2:50:55 AM||   2004-09-14 2:50:55 AM|| Front Page Top

#39 Nanook - Oops, per your last post I'm sure that the jihadis will repeat 9/11 once or twice more before "we" all get it. I lost my silly romantic notions in Saudi. Went there all big-eyed like a kid - came home with a massive reality dose to digest. Went back again - and it was even worse. Hell, they had put their best foot forward that first trip over. Second time, 2000-2003, there was no pretense. So I got a jump-start and understand why most in the West can't quite swallow that big lump, yet. Speaks well of our tolerance, but poorly of our ability to reason. All the signs are there, but "we" still cling to our hopes. Such is life.
Posted by .com 2004-09-14 2:57:04 AM||   2004-09-14 2:57:04 AM|| Front Page Top

#40 .com, Western Canuckistan, yup, in BC.

No doubt the jihadis will ty to pull a nasty one or two on US soil. They may misunderstand certain traits of a Westerner, but the important factor is that they can interpret the instituted tolerance as simply weakness and lack of self-preservation. In a sense, they are right, as the leftist moral relativism has strong suicidal undertones. And that is the geographical area they'd strike, the leftist strongholds. More bang for a buck, so to speak, or points of least resistance.

There is no other way than let things run their own course. I may not like it a bit, but I learned to accept it. Wrote off Western Europe, the smell of pre-mortum rot was setting in when I left in early 80's, already. Eastern Europe has still a backbone and good self-preservation instinct, forced to grow under the stranglehold of their commie masters, not a whole generation ago. They will find a way and will to fight.

The world does not know (let alone appreciate) yet how lucky it is that the Jacksonian spirit is prevalent in US.
Posted by Nanook 2004-09-14 3:26:33 AM||   2004-09-14 3:26:33 AM|| Front Page Top

#41 I read this thread, and I wept. Because I agree that the next step may well have to be total war, and the decision point will come very soon.
Damn them!
Posted by trailing wife 2004-09-14 7:30:58 AM||   2004-09-14 7:30:58 AM|| Front Page Top

#42 Nanook - Arrggghh! Went to bed 15 min too soon. You are so accurate that you've left me little to play with, lol! Regards Eastern Europe - the Bush admin is perfectly in-synch with you. Kerry, I'm afraid, would toss them to the dogs for one head pat from Chirac. Shroeder will be gone soon, and if TGA is right (Lol - when is he actually wrong?!!?) we will see a sea-change in Germany leading to excellent cooperation and far less baiting. But Kerry is the fly in the WoT ointment, for Bush is the man with a plan. Kerry has no definable philosophy that I can ken, except pandering. He certainly knows nothing of Jacksonianism. He may be a throwback to Lindbergh - with a boatload of add-on inanities (French Fascination - Think he read too much Hemingway?) - have we come full circle, i.e. Right = Left, in 85 yrs? Or, as my own tendency toward Occam's Razor demands, in my crude vernacular, is Kerry just a "guiltless glider" - a confabulation of miscreant tendencies such as the self-hating / suicidal fools you pointed out - a biological box canyon mentality - who wants to lead us into his personal abyss. It may be simpler - perhaps he just a kid who was always awkward and lonely, *sniff*, and needs a hug... but because the's also got Hitlerian delusions of grandeur, it's gotta be a global hug, heh. Regardless of the label, I've no doubt he's a jackass and moron dressed in a monkey-man suit. Lol! I'm not sure - but I sense he's as dangerous as putting a rattler into the baby's crib.

Oops, bloviating - sorry.

BTW, I can't belieeeeeve you're giving up the BC area for the Southwest! Here I am yearning for precisely that environment - and to get out of the aridity and heavy A/C - it boggles! You can find the same sort of people (the Texans will whack me for this, heh) in Montana and Wyoming. Self-everything, confident, tough, smart but unpretentious, lol! Yep I'll get bashed. I worked at a Dude Ranch up in Wyoming and lived in Utah when I was in mid teens - I think you'd love Jackson Hole! The town that produced Evel Knievel can't be all "bad", eh? I'm trying to remember a place in OK which turned out to be really nice... Damn - getting too old. Prolly on the Cherokee reservation, anyway, lol!

Sorry I missed this last night - and I apologize for being so windy this AM! One thing is certain: Welcome - welcome! We need you to just be yourself - and help stir the pot, lol!
Posted by .com 2004-09-14 8:44:38 AM||   2004-09-14 8:44:38 AM|| Front Page Top

#43 tw - I read some of your posts with great fascination. I don't get 5% of the Jewish references, but then I'm an atheist who was dragged through about 20 different Christian / semi-Christian churches as a kid while we moved all over creation. Much like being an Army brat - with my mother (thrice divorced) on a serious personal religious bender. My point is that on all other topics, your posts strike me as something of a moral compass - a fair and honest position, open to ideas, but with strong conviction for the ideas you hold dear. You're an excellent example - especially for the vulgar and scarred people like me. Thank you - I am prolly too far gone, myself, but I appreciate reading your honesty. You've got the Fair & Balanced thing nailed. I envy you, when I'm not pissed off, heh. It pained me to read your reaction to this thread - I hope my feigned laughter did not put you off too much or add to your unhappiness. I'm an insensitive lout and hardcore realist. We will see many many thousands, prolly tens of thousands (they only have to get it right once...) die before we are forced to go medievel. And I honestly don't doubt that day is coming. Cherished sentiments and lofty ideals will be blown away - along with our countrymen. I'll be one of the nasty old guys who volunteers to do sniper duty in the ruins. Too old to have kids, I'll even take the high-rads sector. Peace to you and yours.
Posted by .com 2004-09-14 9:04:28 AM||   2004-09-14 9:04:28 AM|| Front Page Top

22:03 UFO
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14:03 asim ishaq
16:46 lex
12:30 tu3031
12:27 lex
09:04 .com
08:44 .com
07:30 trailing wife
05:59 Howard UK
03:26 Nanook
02:57 .com
02:50 .com
02:50 Nanook
02:36 Nanook
02:33 .com
02:28 Nanook
02:26 .com
02:18 .com
02:17 Nanook

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