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2004-09-01 Home Front: Politix
Miller at RNC
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Posted by Korora 2004-09-01 4:31:50 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [51 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Oh baby! This guy rocks!

Ripping new anal orifices with every sentence. Wow!

How old is this guy? Wow!
Posted by .com 2004-09-01 10:07:09 PM||   2004-09-01 10:07:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 he's on now!
Posted by Frank G  2004-09-01 10:10:30 PM||   2004-09-01 10:10:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 best of rnc so far.
Posted by muck4doo 2004-09-01 10:26:34 PM|| []  2004-09-01 10:26:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Zell Miller stomped a good ole fashioned Georgia mudhole in sKerry's butt!
Posted by Atropanthe 2004-09-01 10:39:38 PM||   2004-09-01 10:39:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 I'd put money on Zell in any standup fight. He'd whip Skeery with a stare-down alone. Edwards isn't that smart - he'd have to bitch-slap him once or twice... it'd prolly make him cry.

I'm amazed by the stable of hardcore solid people waiting in the wings in the Pub party. I only see one, one single person in the Donk party that I'd even talk to - Joe Leiberman. And the Dhimmis - dissed him like he was a leper.

Well, if Bush pulls this one out then it will be The Witch of Bottomless Ambition in '08.

Cheney's doing a little bitch-slapping of his own - he's too controlled to be a Zell, but he's damned solid. I would love to have been there when he got in Leahy's shit and dissed him eyeball to eyeball. I already know who blinked. Sorry Mucky, but this guy's 24K Gold - and you'd better get over it, lol!
Posted by .com 2004-09-01 10:51:23 PM||   2004-09-01 10:51:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Text of Miller's speech.

Yowza! Zell gave 'em hell!
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2004-09-01 10:53:39 PM||   2004-09-01 10:53:39 PM|| Front Page Top

Posted by Chris W.  2004-09-01 11:03:52 PM||   2004-09-01 11:03:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Will anyone please do the *ahem* muckraking through DU to see how they're taking this?
Posted by Edward Yee  2004-09-01 11:05:32 PM|| []  2004-09-01 11:05:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 HOLY SCHITSKIS! WHAT A SPEECH! Just amazing. He covered all the main points with facts and passion. And I read the transcripts, never heard the audio. He laid out the choices, plain and simple. My hat is off to you Zell. Masterful work.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-09-01 11:07:06 PM||   2004-09-01 11:07:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 AP the speech was the transcript with ANGER
Posted by Frank G  2004-09-01 11:09:22 PM||   2004-09-01 11:09:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 They're discussing Zell on Fox - and Mara Liasson & Mort Kondracke are saying he went into demogoguery on the point of saying our troops aren't occupiers, they're liberators and the Donks don't get it, that Kerry even thinks of them that way... Then it was pointed out that 90% of the DNC delegates were against the war and likely would have said precisely that.

Since the 2 Libsquirts on the Fair & Balanced panel are squealing, thus we know that he really hit 'em where they live - and it hurt.

Now the spitballs line is getting a good laugh, some of it nervous laughter.

And Bret rocks, as always. No one even comes close to him as a newsman, today.
Posted by .com 2004-09-01 11:10:35 PM||   2004-09-01 11:10:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 EY - Regards Zell, here's one thread at DU... and another here...

Frightened, freaked, foaming, fucked. I think that covers the reactions.
Posted by .com 2004-09-01 11:20:02 PM||   2004-09-01 11:20:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 *Reads Zell's speech*

Posted by Korora  2004-09-01 11:22:35 PM|| []  2004-09-01 11:22:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 *endures those DU threads*

You gave 'em hell, Zell! Way 2 go!
Posted by Korora  2004-09-01 11:25:06 PM|| []  2004-09-01 11:25:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Just as a sample of how much this freaks them out - look at this discussion thread list... They're all counting on various CNN, MSNBC, etc "personalities" to put Zell to shame, somehow. I don't think that any interview with Woofie Blitzer, no matter what Woofie did, would balance with the speech.
Posted by .com 2004-09-01 11:25:22 PM||   2004-09-01 11:25:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 nice first thread, PD:
1)He's just a mother fucking dickhead who needs to get his syphillis checked after all the goats he's been porking.

This information from the Farm Animal Fuckers For Truth Organization
2)But there is another group who has documented evidence against Zell - the Pig-Fuckers of America. Zell is a card-carrying member. And now these heroic Goat-fuckers come forward - a truely great day for American politics!

jeesh. The party of hate is in rare form tonight....let's get em liquored up and have some fun
Posted by Frank G  2004-09-01 11:27:07 PM||   2004-09-01 11:27:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Zell was just on Hardball and he really laid into Mathews and his set up questions. It was hilarious! Zell yelled "get out of my face", "don't pull that stuff on me" and "I don't know why I came on this program" among others. Chris Mathews was dumb founded and ended up trying to kiss Zell's ass. lol
Posted by jn1 2004-09-01 11:29:50 PM||   2004-09-01 11:29:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 OMG! I just saw Zell rip a new a**hole in Chris Matthews and challenge him to a freakin' duel. Zell got ALL over him about interrupting him when he tried to answer.

Zell gave a real stem-winder tonight and topped it off by totally Kobe-tizing Hardball guy. Zell made Matthews his bi-otch, big-time!
Posted by Brett_the_Quarkian 2004-09-01 11:32:45 PM||   2004-09-01 11:32:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Kobe-tized is a new word from Colorado used to describe 'rough anal sex'.
Posted by Brett_the_Quarkian 2004-09-01 11:38:08 PM||   2004-09-01 11:38:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 the democrats are coming apart at the seems on the DU.
Posted by anymouse  2004-09-01 11:38:23 PM||   2004-09-01 11:38:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 For those who missed seeing Zell's speech...

While looking for the video of his tangle with Matthews (Lol - you should read the DUmmies!) I ran across Zell's RNC speech video - it's about 1/3 down the page - you'll see Zell's pic... It has the entire thing and seems to serve up just fine.
Posted by .com 2004-09-01 11:39:01 PM||   2004-09-01 11:39:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 goddamer! go peek here maybe but dont tell im sent you or coment. thisn my litle place im go to. to janeane garafolo blog and dont coment:

Posted by muck4doo 2004-09-01 11:40:54 PM|| []  2004-09-01 11:40:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Arrgghhh LINK
Posted by .com 2004-09-01 11:41:49 PM||   2004-09-01 11:41:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 .com, when you find the URL for the Zell interview, please post it.

I haven't seen forced anal sex like that since "Deliverance" and I am hoping to see matthews squeal like a pig (Zell IS from that paht of Goegia).
Posted by Brett_the_Quarkian 2004-09-01 11:42:41 PM||   2004-09-01 11:42:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Fred - any way to preserve this article and thread thru the midnight recycle?

This deserves it!
Posted by OldSpook 2004-09-01 11:49:08 PM||   2004-09-01 11:49:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 im second ole spook. this is need be here tomorow.
Posted by muck4doo 2004-09-01 11:53:32 PM|| []  2004-09-01 11:53:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 C-SPAN video of Zell's speech is here. Truly a "give em Hell Zell" performance.
Posted by Classical_Liberal 2004-09-02 12:00:39 AM||   2004-09-02 12:00:39 AM|| Front Page Top

#28 BtQ - They still haven't put the video up on the MSNBC Hardball page. Sigh. I saw a link at DU where a guy sez he's gonna put it up - so I'll go back over there and look, too.
Posted by .com 2004-09-02 12:07:30 AM||   2004-09-02 12:07:30 AM|| Front Page Top

#29 BtQ - Are they replaying the evening's stuff on MSNBC? What's on now, according to their website, preceeded the Hardball segment... Can you verify? If so, then they should show the Zell interview with Matthews sometime later... If you had them on, maybe you can tell us???
Posted by .com 2004-09-02 12:23:00 AM||   2004-09-02 12:23:00 AM|| Front Page Top

21:54 Anonymous6412
16:15 lex
08:58 Phil Fraering
03:22 Sock Puppet of Doom
03:04 tibor
02:03 Asedwich
01:11 Old Patriot
01:04 Anonymous5032
00:25 Mike Sylwester
00:23 .com
00:07 .com
00:03 Dar
00:00 Classical_Liberal
23:53 muck4doo
23:49 OldSpook
23:45 OldSpook
23:42 Brett_the_Quarkian
23:41 .com
23:40 muck4doo
23:39 .com
23:38 anymouse
23:38 Brett_the_Quarkian
23:32 Brett_the_Quarkian
23:29 jn1

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