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2004-08-14 Iraq-Jordan
Sadr men warn they could become suicide bombers
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Posted by Fred 2004-08-14 2:02:07 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [18 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I wonder if Tater broke some rule about Mahdis not bleeding...
Posted by Anonymoose 2004-08-14 2:34:33 PM||   2004-08-14 2:34:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 If Allan allowed it, wouldn't that mean that Allan wants Tater dead? Or, are we dealing with Islamic Logic?

And, btw, LOVE those all-black uniforms. It is nice and easy to pick out from the background!
Posted by Brett_the_Quarkian 2004-08-14 2:40:31 PM||   2004-08-14 2:40:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Intresting the way the Shia think.
Very !
Posted by Gentle 2004-08-14 2:43:05 PM||   2004-08-14 2:43:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Mooooooooooooooooslemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-08-14 2:46:13 PM||   2004-08-14 2:46:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 sunni to gentle. specialy wahhabi.
Posted by muck4doo 2004-08-14 2:46:43 PM|| []  2004-08-14 2:46:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 What is it with you and Wahabi teaching?
The wahabi movement was one which wanted to restore some of the old values of Islam.
I mean I'm not exactly a Wahabi, but any good sunni muslim believes them. There is nothing new that they said.
Get it?
They just reminded poeple of Islam.
And those radicals could never be Wahabi.
Posted by Gentle 2004-08-14 2:51:56 PM||   2004-08-14 2:51:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 ikhwan is good ole fashion values? you are say it youself:

but any good sunni muslim believes them

thatn good family and god like teachings gentle. lets raid em towns! butcher evryone in site and cut out babies from pregnant women. anyone who is not believer like us is deserve death and rape!

allahu ackbar!

allah most merciful...

Posted by muck4doo 2004-08-14 2:57:05 PM|| []  2004-08-14 2:57:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 p.s.

wahabi just misunderstood. thats all.
Posted by muck4doo 2004-08-14 2:57:54 PM|| []  2004-08-14 2:57:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 NO NO No!
Why are you so cruel?
Don't you get it? We are poeple just like you.
It is not for us to make judgments.
Don't you see that?
What those poeple are doing is wrong.
In Islam, in war, no one is to be hurt except young men who will insist on fighting. Even then, they should either be killed at once, or taken captive.
Not even a tree should be pulled, or a stick of it burned.
Those are the true values of Islam.

By the way:
Why do you call yourself "muck"?
Posted by Gentle 2004-08-14 3:02:26 PM||   2004-08-14 3:02:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Wahhabi values will get Saudi overthrown and the Arabs destroyed. The seeds of Wahhabi hate sown will cause their downfall. If they'd just stayed as the back-assward third rate culture in their own kingdom, they might've survived, but sooner or later they'll find Allan and the US are not amused.
Posted by Frank G  2004-08-14 3:02:46 PM||   2004-08-14 3:02:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Okay.
Where do I start.
First of all, most saudis hate the Wahabi values.
Believe me, the last thing I want to do is to defend the saudis.
They twist everything in Islam just to suit thier strange ideas of what is right and wrong.
The wahabi teachings are not so, they are peacful, and do not concentrate on fighting and so on, but on living peacefully with one another.
Where do you get your info.?
Posted by Gentle 2004-08-14 3:12:00 PM||   2004-08-14 3:12:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 It is not for us to make judgments.

tell that to you goddam peples! they are seem have no problem doing that. we are just respond in kind thank you. wahabis are judged me infedel to destroy. i am judge them pieces shit to be sweep down the gutter. the game is work both way. tit for tat when ima prefer tit on tit. :)

but that is nother story.

look up muck in em dictionary. itn give you something to do. you can figure from there.
Posted by muck4doo 2004-08-14 3:13:09 PM|| []  2004-08-14 3:13:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 11 Okay.
Where do I start.
First of all, most saudis hate the Wahabi values.
Believe me, the last thing I want to do is to defend the saudis.
They twist everything in Islam just to suit thier strange ideas of what is right and wrong.
The wahabi teachings are not so, they are peacful, and do not concentrate on fighting and so on, but on living peacefully with one another.
Where do you get your info.?

make up you goddam mind! are they twisting or arethey peaceful!?!
Posted by muck4doo 2004-08-14 3:14:56 PM|| []  2004-08-14 3:14:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 I know what muck means, I asked WHY you chose that name, but forget it.
The Wahabi are peacful, the saudis are kinda twisted, but still peacful. Except for those radicals. You see we think that too much oppression makes some of the tend to explode.
Posted by Gentle 2004-08-14 3:17:32 PM||   2004-08-14 3:17:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 you are convince me gentle. wahabbis for peace! :)
Posted by muck4doo 2004-08-14 3:22:55 PM|| []  2004-08-14 3:22:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 p.s.

convince the rest of em muslim whirled on that. shia are think wahabis purdy peaceful to.
Posted by muck4doo 2004-08-14 3:24:34 PM|| []  2004-08-14 3:24:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 "Awright, lissen up! We've had reports that some of the Madies may become suidide bombers if Tater gets whacked, so we want to be sure to respond appropriately to this... Yeah, Goldman?"

"That'd be a double-tap center-mas at a minimum of 100 yards, right Sarge?"

"You got it. But remember - if the boomies bunch up, try and spread your fire some. They tend to go off in twos and threes in that situation..."
Posted by mojo  2004-08-14 3:25:01 PM||   2004-08-14 3:25:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 You should take some english lessons, you know.
Posted by Gentle 2004-08-14 3:25:22 PM||   2004-08-14 3:25:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 and you shuld take some histry lessens. :)
Posted by muck4doo 2004-08-14 3:26:06 PM|| []  2004-08-14 3:26:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 I got tired of history, till I came to the part where I realised that they shipped criminals to the new discovered land by C.C.!
It explained a lot.
Posted by Gentle 2004-08-14 3:28:06 PM||   2004-08-14 3:28:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 try reading what em peaceful wahabis are do in arabian peninsula and iraq in 1800's. also later in early 20th century.
Posted by muck4doo 2004-08-14 3:30:41 PM|| []  2004-08-14 3:30:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Memo to Gen Tile: Never try to be go one on with the entity known as Muck4Doo it ceaseless and you will be rendered into muslo-pulp mucki stold debate skillz from the marama and uses them against poeple with bad menorah karma and knows all the good resturants
Posted by Shipman 2004-08-14 3:31:13 PM||   2004-08-14 3:31:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Good heavens! Big Mo arrived COD?
Now that explains a lot.
Posted by Half 2004-08-14 3:32:19 PM||   2004-08-14 3:32:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 The wahabi movement was one which wanted to restore some of the old values of Islam.

I hate to break this to you, Gentle, but those "old values" include amputation as a form of criminal punishment, stoning to death of women, condoning domestic violence against women, institutionalizing arbitrary male privilege, defacing incredibly beautiful mosques, sponsoring international terrorism, promoting genocide, advocating global theocratic rule, elimination of all competing religions and political systems and the bilious hatred of everyhting that modern progressive secular society represents.

Your defense of Wahhabism signifies an astounding degree of blindness and an ability to countenance one of the most violent and hostile forms of Islamism on earth. The Saudi royals helped breed up Wahhabism, but are not solely responsible for its bloodthirsty doctrine. If there is one religious sect destined for history's graveyard scrapheap, it is Wahhabism. That you rise to its defense indicates a puerile and purblind state indistinguishable from outright ignorance.
Posted by Zenster 2004-08-14 3:37:39 PM||   2004-08-14 3:37:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 thank you zenster.

ima be back in wile see what you are post gentle. nice ranting with you. :)
Posted by muck4doo 2004-08-14 3:39:27 PM|| []  2004-08-14 3:39:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 Gentle, you are such a moron!
You're going to hurt yourself trying to "think."
America was NOT settled by "criminals!"
(That was Australia.)
And the Indians don't "own" our land--they LOST their wars with the White Man!
Just like the Paleostinians lost their war with the Israelis.
But they think that by whining enough and using suicide bombers, they can un-do all that...AS IF.
Nor are Waahabs peaceful!
They believe that all Muslims who believe other than they do are "polytheists" who should be killed or subjugated by force, same as the rest of the infidels.
Go back to your Al-Jizz message board and don't come here with your LIES!!!!
Posted by GreatestJeneration  2004-08-14 3:45:05 PM|| []  2004-08-14 3:45:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 Back at 'cha, Mucky!
Posted by Zenster 2004-08-14 4:31:04 PM||   2004-08-14 4:31:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 Hey! Can y'all put out some sort of warning next time Gentle and Mucky get it on, metaphorically speaking? I need time to make the popcorn, and settle back in the comfy chair.
Posted by Sgt. Mom 2004-08-14 4:37:06 PM|| []  2004-08-14 4:37:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#29 5000 of Sadr's boyz have been so good at committing suicide these past few months. If they get any better, we will need bulldozers to bury them all.
Posted by ed 2004-08-14 4:45:27 PM||   2004-08-14 4:45:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#30 ... we will need bulldozers to bury them all.

Perhaps Israel will be so kind as to lend a few. [rimshot]
Posted by Zenster 2004-08-14 5:04:35 PM||   2004-08-14 5:04:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#31 So I guess we oughta kill 'em all now while we got 'em in one place?
Posted by tu3031 2004-08-14 5:13:40 PM||   2004-08-14 5:13:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#32 Headline: Sadr men warn they could become suicide bombers

Promises, promises... What is it about Muslims that makes them so talkative about dying in battle while hanging back and surrendering in droves? Sounds like they could use some motivational sessions with Vince Lombardi.
Posted by Zhang Fei  2004-08-14 5:18:38 PM|| []  2004-08-14 5:18:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#33 It's so not a surprise to find "Gentle" defending the Wahabis.

'Course, if she wants to claim those violent, destructive lunatics are respected by all Sunni, then she just indicted all Sunnis.

It amazes me how little "Gentle" really knows about Islam. It's like it's purposefully ignorant. I wonder if that's it's choice of the choice of another...
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-08-14 5:39:01 PM|| []  2004-08-14 5:39:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#34 you about too know paradise alright
Posted by smokeysinse 2004-08-14 6:32:11 PM||   2004-08-14 6:32:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#35 He's still alive? Will someone rid me of this troublesome cleric?
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2004-08-14 6:34:38 PM||   2004-08-14 6:34:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#36 Beware and forewarned infidel. GENTLE is a member of the Fifth Column. Gentle wants you to die, convert, or submit to second class personage. Do not be fooled by Gentle. I'm not. Anybody on this Board recall when Gentle called for a reformation or ideological cleansing of Islam? I don't. Gentle and Gentle's ilk will abid your existence on condition you agree with Gentle or submit to Gentle's agenda. If not, you can die in the process of resisting. It's your choice. I personally intend to resist.
Posted by Mark Z.  2004-08-14 7:07:52 PM||   2004-08-14 7:07:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#37 thanks Mark - more clearly than I put it, for sure
Posted by Frank G  2004-08-14 7:16:48 PM||   2004-08-14 7:16:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#38 In Islam, in war, no one is to be hurt except young men who will insist on fighting. Even then, they should either be killed at once, or taken captive.

Islam is a religon of truth also. I am sad to say they I hear Mr. Jordan is going to sell his F1 Team to a young Prince (LOL) of Abu Dabi giving Islam a foot in the F1 door. I expect nothing but success from this effort.
BTW I have been shorting OrvenBacher #3 Sweet for 2 months.

Gen Tile I am a trained TireMaster of Love could maybe you procure for me a stint on the AbuJordan Team? You know, for old times sake?
Posted by Shipman 2004-08-14 8:02:16 PM||   2004-08-14 8:02:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#39 I think you all are too hard on Gentle.

Her view of Islam is probably based on what is going on in her mosque and her neighborhood.

And she is, at least partly correct about Wahabism being, initially, a reform movement. Unfortunately, movements have a way of mutating. The DAR of the 1950s was not what Thomas Jefferson would have wanted it to be. The second generation of Francisan monks was led by corrupt and worldly jerks who St F would have despised.
Posted by mhw 2004-08-14 9:49:40 PM||   2004-08-14 9:49:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#40 Please somebody take one of these Active Denial Systems or even the demonstrator, air lift to Najaf and point at the mosque. Then Fire! It will not hurt the mosque and should send the jihadist scrambling for a quick surrender.

Posted by 3dc 2004-08-14 11:49:49 PM||   2004-08-14 11:49:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#41 I"ve been thinking long and hard about what to do about Monkey-Man, especially after having to dodge the 1"+ hailstones in my back yard this afternoon. I've decided the best thing to do is to surround the mosque where he's hiding out with VERY LARGE speaker systems, and blast acid rock at him for the next six or seven weeks, at about 250dB, non-stop. Only, we shouldn't do it all from one CD. Na, we're really gonna mess with each of his three remaining marbles - we're gonna play six or seven different CDs, from six or seven different "bands", all at the same time. Mix in a little punk, some Gangsta Rap, and whatever else we can come up with - maybe some Indian off-key Sitar music. As soon as the Jihadis inside reach the breaking point and start running out, we shoot 'em with crossbow darts. We do NOT want to use any other kind of weapons - nothing that would 'harm' the mosque, or set off any loud booms from the inside. If we could get a few people with good soundboard skills over there, to play with the volume controls (up and down like ocean waves, only a full sweep about every half-second or so), all the better. Let's also make sure no food or water gets inside, and during the night, shine the biggest, brightest searchlights we can get at the mosque from every direction. War is SUPPOSED to be hell - let's make it so.
Posted by Old Patriot  2004-08-15 12:44:25 AM|| []  2004-08-15 12:44:25 AM|| Front Page Top

#42 This is what happens to me when I turn on MTV.

Does the mosque have glass windows? And if so, are they holy?
Posted by Bryan 2004-08-15 12:51:08 AM||   2004-08-15 12:51:08 AM|| Front Page Top

#43 3dc, you are heartless. Don't you realize that this system would deprive the Medhi fighters of their trip to Paradise and their virgin bounty?
I'd much prefer that they be dispatched to their promised rewards.
Posted by GK 2004-08-15 12:51:33 AM||   2004-08-15 12:51:33 AM|| Front Page Top

#44 Please somebody take one of these Active Denial Systems or even the demonstrator, air lift to Najaf and point at the mosque.

That 95 GHz beam is not going to penetrate the mosque's walls. This is why I keep advocating the use of sleep gas or simply flooding the place with CO2 in order to displace all breathable atmosphere. Suffocate the sh!ts where they sleep, sit or stand, then let the Iraqi police remove the bodies.
Posted by Zenster 2004-08-15 1:33:35 AM||   2004-08-15 1:33:35 AM|| Front Page Top

22:35 CrazyFool
21:01 Anonymous4870
01:33 Zenster
01:15 Bryan
01:09 Bryan
00:51 GK
00:51 Bryan
00:47 trailing wife
00:44 Bryan
00:44 Old Patriot
00:36 trailing wife
00:35 Bryan
00:34 trailing wife
00:34 someone
00:32 trailing wife
00:31 trailing wife
00:25 trailing wife
00:21 trailing wife
00:02 Bryan
23:49 3dc
23:49 RWV
23:49 Aris Katsaris
23:44 Laurence of the Rats
23:33 muck4doo

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