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2004-06-24 China-Japan-Koreas
Anti-Iraqi backlash in Sth Korea
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Posted by Paul Moloney 2004-06-24 5:06:09 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [23 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

Protesters argued that the government should send combat troops to Iraq, instead of military doctors and engineers.
Damn straight.

Looks like the Korean street has been inflamed.
Posted by someone 2004-06-24 5:23:26 AM||   2004-06-24 5:23:26 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Good for the South Koreans to show their outrage against Iraqi citizens who have allowed savages to live with impunity in their midst. Maybe this will be a wake up call to Iraqis to get with the program. Thank goodness somebody has the courage to be politically incorrect and honest.
Posted by rex 2004-06-24 5:24:03 AM||   2004-06-24 5:24:03 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Compare this to the American reaction to 9/11. The left stumbled over itself declaring us hateful racists, yet the South Koreans have issued as many threats against a single mosque as there have been "incidents" in the US.

Not that I blame the Koreans. Oh, no. I think anger is the right reaction.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-06-24 8:11:13 AM|| []  2004-06-24 8:11:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 It is a righteous anger. What will they do with it, though? That is the question.
Posted by AllahHateMe 2004-06-24 8:25:30 AM||   2004-06-24 8:25:30 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Heh. Don't piss off the Korean street. Their protests are bloodless battles, and their riots bloody drills.

Piss 'em off enough, and the Korean universities might send their own coalition contingent of student stormtroopers.
Posted by Mitch H.  2004-06-24 9:01:54 AM|| []  2004-06-24 9:01:54 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 All a matter of personal taste, I'm sure, but I think it's possible that South Koreans (at least a good chunk of them) may be even more contemptible clueless ingrates than much of western Europe. Here's a country that wouldn't exist without thousands of American dead and support from other countries as well -- people rescued from impoverished tyranny by a distant country which in return has asked so little that it's even indulged the beneficiary country on its predatory trade practices. Now when another tortured land is struggling to start on the path that has brought South Korea prosperity and freedom -- and many South Koreans show their colors by showing cowardice, indifference, and inexplicable resentment toward their benefactors in the US. Despicable.
Posted by Verlaine 2004-06-24 9:42:02 AM||   2004-06-24 9:42:02 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 An unexpected reaction was Wednesday’s wave of anti-Muslim and anti-Iraqi sentiment. In South Korea, where nationalist feelings often cross into chauvinism, virtually all men perform military service.

Um, doesn't the second statement sort of contradict the first? I mean, if SK nationalism borders on chauvinism, how foolish would one be not to expect this reaction?
Posted by BH 2004-06-24 9:46:21 AM||   2004-06-24 9:46:21 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Much heat and fury will be generated, but no light or action.
Posted by ed 2004-06-24 10:03:35 AM||   2004-06-24 10:03:35 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 "If you allow me to volunteer for Iraq, I will fight terrorists to avenge his death."

What? Haven't the South Koreans read about how a country is supposed to react to terrorist intimidation? Spain wilted under the glare of barbarism. Isn't that how a country is supposed to react? Maybe it takes a higher level of sophistication to understand how retreat, appeasement, and surrender are really the best ways to confront rampant terrorism, and the poor South Koreans just don't understand.

When are Iraqis, Muslims, Arabs going to get tired of seeing their own people murdered by fanatics? Another 69 murdered today in Iraq. The signs are there, and time will show that the Iraqi people will turn their backs - not on the government as some predict, but on the fanatics who prey on innocents to intimidate the weak. The graphic, public display of gratuitous barbarity will work against the terrorists, because the human spirit is repulsed by it, and the instincts of survival harden the determination to prevail. It is playing out painfully slow - too slow for 24 hours news play-by-play - but in the end, the human quest for freedom, and the preference of freedom over tyranny will prove true, even in Iraq, even for Muslims.
Posted by Jake 2004-06-24 10:18:21 AM||   2004-06-24 10:18:21 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 BH,

The terrorists didn't expect the reaction. The terrorists are fools.
Posted by Eric Jablow  2004-06-24 10:29:06 AM||   2004-06-24 10:29:06 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 "It is playing out painfully slow - too slow for 24 hours news play-by-play - but in the end, the human quest for freedom, and the preference of freedom over tyranny will prove true, even in Iraq, even for Muslims."

Jake, that is a true statement - and a bit eloquent for our Texas friend.
Posted by Sam 2004-06-24 10:32:46 AM||   2004-06-24 10:32:46 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 Thank goodness somebody has the courage to be politically incorrect and honest.

Right on, rex. Their reaction is REAL, not some PC ploy to make sure the rest of the world isn't offended and keeps liking them.

Verlaine has a good point, too, and I don't see it as a contradiction, but rather a catalyst for a changed mindset. Yes, South Koreans have been freeloading on American sweat and bucks. We know that a good chunk of the populace is against Korean deployment in Iraq. But how much did playing by the international relations rulebook help out Mr. Kim-Il?

The international community has been telling us that we should do to try to defuse the Muslim anger in the region by dealing with even Islam's most evil characters with respect for their equally held beliefs and values. We are to find resolution by not becoming violent and relying on dialog and negotiation.

He was humble, not violent (he begged for his life to be spared-a submissive, respectful approach), diplomats worked their tails off to try to negotiate a release (don't go to war, just behave civilly with dialog and negotiations)- still he was murdered savagely. Time for the notion of playing nice to go down the toilet.

This international delusion that, if we only behaved properly and had dialog/negotiated with Muslim extremists, we could bring peace and cooperation between peoples is an out-of-date and disproven notion in the face of Islamic jihad. Koreans are getting it, perhaps the rest of the world will start to get it.

For the Muslims in Korea, be safe, but also be honest and brave about confronting the flaws in your religion.
Posted by jules 187 2004-06-24 10:33:19 AM||   2004-06-24 10:33:19 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 "The international community has been telling us that we should do to try to defuse the Muslim anger in the region by dealing with even Islam's most evil characters with respect for their equally held beliefs and values. We are to find resolution by not becoming violent and relying on dialog and negotiation."

That is the higher level of sophisatication I was talking about - and in the end, it means retreat, appeasement and surrender. South Korea may yet go the way of Spain, afterall there is international pressure to do so. They sound civil, and reasonable, and peaceful as they call for appeasment of barbaric fanatics. But deep down, the sophisticated international view is comforted by their understanding that the United States will step to the plate when necessary, so they don't really have to be right.
Posted by Jake 2004-06-24 10:52:07 AM||   2004-06-24 10:52:07 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 I'd be happy to see more ROK Marines in Iraq, but I'd also be happy to see the South Koreans thank Uncle Sam for the help defending the South and take over their own foreign policy and defence 100% instead of playing good cop to our bad cop and getting a bizarro world view in the process.
Posted by Yank  2004-06-24 11:08:52 AM|| []  2004-06-24 11:08:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 I see this story is getting serious coverage Post.....ahh, no....mmmm....Oh, I know. The LA Times....Ops, no....
Posted by Sean  2004-06-24 11:11:24 AM|| []  2004-06-24 11:11:24 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 "But deep down, the sophisticated international view is comforted by their understanding that the United States will step to the plate when necessary, so they don't really have to be right."

In the end, the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the US. This was true in WW2, Cold War, and all the little ones since. Maybe that deep down understanding that "they don't really have to be right" carries with it a deep down resentment because they do have to rely on the US.
Posted by Sam 2004-06-24 11:16:42 AM||   2004-06-24 11:16:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#17 You know, all of our recent experiences with the South Koreans, Germans, UN, Afghanistan and Iraq have taught us a valuable lesson that will hugely benefit our future American war efforts. We Allies spend our blood and money in the hopes of helping to keep others free, yet it’s shocking how quickly their gratitude turns to resentment. Rather than graciously accepting the support, they start acting like spoiled, ungrateful, adolescent teenagers, complaining because mommy and daddy gave them a VW instead of a Porsche.

But what we have finally learned is that they will CONTINUE to act like adolescent teenagers as long as we allow them to. They will just get surlier, more demanding and increasingly resentful– that is until they realize that the support will be ending on a set date - – at which time they immediately become grateful, once again, for any assistance that can be provided.

With the very real deadlines now looming, it seems that the world is finally grasping that the American free ride is over. Here’s your country back, good luck to you. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.
Posted by Anonymous5333 2004-06-24 11:23:32 AM||   2004-06-24 11:23:32 AM|| Front Page Top

#18 love their food
love their women
now I love their politics
Posted by Anonymous5075  2004-06-24 11:34:42 AM||   2004-06-24 11:34:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#19 To get some idea of what is going on in SKor concerning the Kim murder, see the Marmot' Hole weblog site here.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-06-24 12:03:39 PM||   2004-06-24 12:03:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Yonhap News got a hold of and released some of the victim's last e-mails that were sent to a friend of his. Lots of homesickness, was looking to get out of Iraq real quick. Wasn't too fond of the U.S. military, apparently -- said he experienced what it was like to be underdog in Iraq, and told his friend he would bring pictures of "brutality" committed by U.S. soldiers that would "give you goosebumps." He said he would never forget the brutality of Bush, Rumsfeld and the U.S. military.

Until the terrorists started to work on him.

Bile just rises and adrenaline surges wildly whenever I think what these men had to go through in the executions. It's horrible that this man, begging and pleading for his life, met the same fate as Nicholas Berg and Paul Johnson.

(Thanks for the link, Alaska Paul.)
Posted by jules 187 2004-06-24 12:26:08 PM||   2004-06-24 12:26:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Don't piss off the Korean street.

More to the point, don't piss off the ROKs - you'll end up very dead.
Posted by mojo  2004-06-24 1:38:46 PM||   2004-06-24 1:38:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Jules, yes yes all the good lefty slogans are included in the article. Now we have confimation that it was indeed a Zionist sponsored killing and not the peace-loving muslims. This was to cover up the multitude of crimes committed by the evil U.S. military. Now the setting is complete for the conspiracy to unravel.
Posted by Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) 2004-06-24 4:29:48 PM||   2004-06-24 4:29:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Every muslim or middle east people in east asia including china, taiwan, Southe korea and Japan should be kicked away. Those uneducated muslim and persians should not live in that part of the world. Chinese, Taiwanses, South Korean and Japanese are peaceful people not like those Iraqi and the people from middle east.
Posted by jjokocha 2004-07-14 8:01:41 PM||   2004-07-14 8:01:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 Come on! Korean, Japanese and Chinese government should not let any foreigners to go to their countries. They should kick all the muslims or middle-east people out of their countries and the americans too. All whites from America should be kicked out from there. They don't deserve to be living or working there. Get your ass out of there.
Posted by jjokocha 2004-07-14 8:05:17 PM||   2004-07-14 8:05:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Darling Jkocha... ye are posting on a dead thread.

Come join real time and vent thy rage.
Posted by Shipman 2004-07-14 8:08:15 PM||   2004-07-14 8:08:15 PM|| Front Page Top

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