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2004-04-19 Home Front: Tech
...a weapon that "can neutralize nuclear weapons."
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Posted by Anonymous13 2004-04-19 12:27:45 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [23 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Way cool.
Let's roll!
Posted by Jen  2004-04-19 12:34:08 AM|| []  2004-04-19 12:34:08 AM|| Front Page Top

#2  Neutrino beam could neutralise nuclear bombs
Posted by Anonymous4298 2004-04-19 12:49:34 AM||   2004-04-19 12:49:34 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Announcing a mega secret project???

WTF? Ain't secret any more, now Iran will build one to neutralize Israel's non declared weapons. Pretty soon Kimmie will want one and it will be neutrino hell around here!
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-04-19 1:04:55 AM||   2004-04-19 1:04:55 AM|| Front Page Top


Posted by Anonymous4298 2004-04-19 1:28:52 AM||   2004-04-19 1:28:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Very cool. Nationwide!

Hey, and don't think Rantburg isn't studied. It is. Endgame, who'd of thought?
Posted by Lucky 2004-04-19 2:06:41 AM||   2004-04-19 2:06:41 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Actually in a neutrino beam (like the link by A4298) the bomb still explodes, over a longer period of time and at about 3% of its max yield.
Full text here.

Anyways like it says...its a power hog.
Posted by Valentine 2004-04-19 2:49:00 AM||   2004-04-19 2:49:00 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 amusing as this article is, the war against the rise of Fascist Islamist Terrorism cannot be won by technological advance.

The underlying problem isn't that we aren't technologically superior: we are.

It isn't that our military isn't more capable: it is.

They would lose a standing war.

The problem is our democracy and free society. They are using the inherent weakenesses of open borders, freedom of speech and immigration against us. (see essay "the new Arab way of war" by Capt Peter Layton, Royal Australian Air Force - link to the site off LGF)

even if we have a neutrino beam we will never be able to use it. We can't use the nukes we DO have because we are Western Democracies: our culture prevents us from seeing the mass slaughter of innocents as an option to defeat an enemy. The enemy is careful to fade away leaving no state "entity" to blame.

We cannot nuke those responsible, nor will our culture allow us to nuke their support base.

In essence either their culture has to change to stop them from sending terrorist Jihadis out - or our culture has to change in ways we will find morally repugnant to fight them, or they will win.

I think there are too many Michael Moore's running around to halt immigration from cultures likely to give support/aid to Islamic fascism, or to support ID'ing and watching them more closely than other cultures. We can't even report the news in an accurate manner any more or even name the enemy - PC is strangling our ability to respond to a threat to our safety.

In short, I hate to say it but for all our brilliance and advance, we are destined to lose this battle.

It will end in us giving up and letting them have their way because we are not capable of doing the unthinkable to win.
Posted by Anon1 2004-04-19 4:42:20 AM||   2004-04-19 4:42:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Just wait 'til a nuke erases some city and everything will change. Or maybe not.
Posted by Rafael 2004-04-19 5:13:27 AM||   2004-04-19 5:13:27 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 ...a city in the US, I mean.
Posted by Rafael 2004-04-19 5:14:17 AM||   2004-04-19 5:14:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 Why do you think the Islamists will nuke only one city vs. 1000 or 2000 cities at the same time?
Posted by ed 2004-04-19 6:36:08 AM||   2004-04-19 6:36:08 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 "Why do you think the Islamists will nuke only one city vs. 1000 or 2000 cities at the same time?"

Because the Islamists can never resist popping their corks too early and no-one is going to turn over the U.S. Arsenal to them. 2000 bombs, FFS Israel only has about 80 or so warheads apparently. The level of coordination you suggest is just ridiculous. 5 cities in coordinated attacks would be a major disaster and would put some of the U.S. Nuclear Arsenal into immediate use and change the rules instantly. The final Phase in the WOT would be over 5 minutes later and no-one in the U.S. would give a fuck about smoldering Arabs.

We can't lose this war......and if we did, China or even Russia could finish the job in a few minutes in a non PC world.
The world will tire of Islam if it does not pull it's head out of it's ass.

Posted by Haggis 2004-04-19 7:01:11 AM||   2004-04-19 7:01:11 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 Anon1:Ask the residents of Berlin, Dresden, Tokyo,and Hiroshima if the U.S. has the will to destroy and entire city.

Ed:Where would they get 1000-2000 nukes?It would take a hell of a lot of money,technological skill,and infrastructure to build/maintain that many nukes.
Haggis is right.If by the slimist chance they managed to destroy America with nukes,Russia and China would detroy Islam,they would have no choice.Who do you think would be next after the destruction of the U.S.?
Posted by raptor 2004-04-19 7:27:36 AM||   2004-04-19 7:27:36 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 The problem is our democracy and free society. They are using the inherent weaknesses of open borders, freedom of speech and immigration against us

whoa..slow down there cowboy. You are correct, these are our greatest strengths and thus our greatest weakness. But what do you propose -that we let them win by turning us into a police state? No way Jose. The fact they have caused us to put up a castle wall around our Pentagon and increase security here at home is a victory for them, not us.

You don't win a war by throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Instead, we should look for their greatest strengths and make them their greatest weakness, as well. I'd say that falls into the category of neutering their madrassas - and being more cautious as to who we let into our free society - and more judicious about kicking the bad boys out.

And yes, the WOT CAN be won on technological advance alone - of course it can. Not to say that some of your other points aren't valid.
Posted by B 2004-04-19 8:10:01 AM||   2004-04-19 8:10:01 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 Why 1000 or 2000 cities?

I don't make a distinction between AQ. Let, Hezbolla etc. and Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iran. They are wholly owned and funded by the governments and elites. It's the difference between Chevy and Pontiac. When the hammer comes down on the west, all the resourses of the Muslim governments will be used, including nukes.
How large do you think is the current Pak arsenal? 100? 200? Including the Hydrogen enhanced bombs? What is their annual production rate? Does anyone in the west know? What will be their annual production rate if they get serious about enrichment?

Why many bombs do you think Iran's centrifuges can make in one year?
In 2002, research, development, and assembly operations were moved to Natanz. This facility is now the primary site of the Iranian gas centrifuge program. It consists of centrifuge assembly areas and a pilot fuel-enrichment plant slated to hold 1,000 centrifuges. A production-scale fuel-enrichment plant is under construction at Natanz, and is scheduled to hold about 50,000 centrifuges.
Alternatively, the same capacity could be used to produce roughly 500 kilograms of weapon-grade uranium annually. At 15-20 kilograms per weapon, that would be enough for 25-30 nuclear weapons per year.
(That's with 1000 centrifuges. They are also several undeclared enrichment sites with an unknown capacity.)

How much plutonium do you think a 1000MW (to start) reactor can make in one year? (Hint: Yongbyon Reactor II - A 50 MW MAGNOX-type reactor was started in 1984. N Korea built a military nuclear complex next to this reactor. This complex was completed in 1989 and the reactor was tentatively activated in 1992. This reactor alone is capable of producing enough plutonium for 10-12 nukes a year.)

When the reactors are operational, they can tell Russia to slag off on shipping the irradiated fuel back to Russia. Iran has plenty of Uranium.
In was reported on by IRNA on August 26, 2003, that Iran had received from Russia feasibility studies for a second reactor at Bushehr. In was reported on by IRNA on August 26, 2003, that Iran had received from Russia feasibility studies for a second reactor at Bushehr. In was reported on by IRNA on August 26, 2003, that Iran had received from Russia feasibility studies for a second reactor at Bushehr. Normally for electrical power production the uranium fuel remains in the reactor for three to four years, which produces a plutonium of 60 percent or less Pu-239, 25 percent or more Pu-240, 10 percent or more Pu-241, and a few percent Pu-242. The Pu-240 has a high spontaneous rate of fission, and the amount of Pu-240 in weapons-grade plutonium generally does not exceed 6 percent, with the remaining 93 percent Pu-239. Higher concentrations of Pu-240 can result in pre-detonation of the weapon, significantly reducing yield and reliability. For the production of weapons-grade plutonium with lower Pu-240 concentrations, the fuel rods in a reactor have to be changed frequently, about every four months or less.

In was reported on by IRNA on August 26, 2003, that Iran had received from Russia feasibility studies for a second reactor at Bushehr.

So I ask you, how may Islamic nukes do you think will be available in 10, 20 and 30 years? I don't believe Russia or China will do anything when the Muslims inform them they have plenty of bombs and missiles left over. From past record, China supplied the bomb designs and missiles for the Pak bomb. Russia supplied NKor and Iran's nuclear reactors. And the Euro's inadvertantly supplied the centrifuge design that is as widespread in the Muslim world as Toyotas.
Posted by ed 2004-04-19 9:34:00 AM||   2004-04-19 9:34:00 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 ...It should be pointed out that this weekend on FNC, Dr. Rice stated on the record that the dministration is preparing for the possibility of attacks here just before the elections.
Friends, if you want to see what an enraged, nuclear-armed superpower democracy is capable of, watch and see what happens in the days after such an attack.
The Romans, from wherever they look down upon Mankind, shall smile.

Posted by Mike Kozlowski 2004-04-19 9:48:26 AM||   2004-04-19 9:48:26 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 As an old Cold Warrior, let me suggest, only slightly tongue in cheek, an updated version of Mutually Assured Destruction. Let the Islamic world know that the moment a WMD (nuke, chemical, biological, or aircraft, truck, LNG tanker, etc.) is used on the US, we will vaporize Mecca and Medina and will support the Israelis in building the Third Temple after they dismantle the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsar Mosque. That should significantly reduce the cleric spittle factor.
Posted by RWV 2004-04-19 12:04:17 PM||   2004-04-19 12:04:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 I don't have any doubt at all that when the time comes, the shades of Curtis Lemay, "Bomber" Harris, U.S. Grant, and William Tecumseh Sherman will rise up and and point Western civilization in the right direction.
Posted by 11A5S 2004-04-19 12:48:18 PM||   2004-04-19 12:48:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Well RWV, as an old "steely-eyed missle man" m'self, I'd like to say I'd have no problems whatsoever in responding to an Islamist NBC attack by turning Mekkah into a green glassy crater.

Followed by as many "arab" capitols as deemed necessary by National Command Authority.
Posted by mojo  2004-04-19 1:01:45 PM||   2004-04-19 1:01:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Hi every one.
Do you guys just talk stating the same opinion over and over again?
No Muslims here, huh?
I see. You think that if you talk this way and find people to support you, but no one to oppose you, it will make your ideas the right ones, because everyone else agrees, right?
Well, news flash:
I don't!
Goodness, the way you go on and on blaming Islam for all your wrongs is pathetic!
I mean, come on!
You’re grown men, and women, all of you.
Why would the Muslims want to blow you up?
They value “life”. They never hurt women, even in war. It is even against their beliefs to burn trees while at war! They do not kill those who surrender, which is more than you can say for yourselves.
So convenient isn’t it?
The existence of those Muslims. They are here to make you feel superior, right?
So you could flaunt your so called “civilization” in their faces, not knowing that they have had it long before you.
Not knowing that they have practiced democracy for over 14 centuries.
Not knowing that you owe it, and all of your development, to them.
Any of you hear of Andalusia ?

I rest my case.
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 1:15:57 PM||   2004-04-19 1:15:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Gentle, are you being sarcastic or are you just an idiot?
Posted by remote man 2004-04-19 1:22:24 PM||   2004-04-19 1:22:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Neither!
I’m being honest, remote man.
Unless an "idiot" can be defined as a straight A student, who is also an 18 year old Muslim girl, with a broader mind than you could think possible.
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 1:30:04 PM||   2004-04-19 1:30:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Gens. McInerney and Vallely then disclose that the United States, Israel and other countries are working on a "mega secret project" . . .

Do we think that W. and Sharon were only talking about the best place to get bagels and lox after the creative liquidation of the Hamas animals?
And, of course, stalwart Mr Blair follows closely behind in a couple of days. . .

Gee I wonder what they are up to Hmmmm....

I have wondered about the particle weapons and whether they, in another form, might be used against certain leaders. Sorta like when an ant accidentally gets into a microwave? POP!

Of course W. may not want to show our hand until we can really co-ordinate something. Sorta like a simultaneous attack. (See above Isr & UK)

Look out for something the week before the Dem convention. POP! Iranian Mullahs become Iranian Muck - or at least the Nuke Reactor Power Station sitting in a country that has enough oil for its own electricity without nuclear power. POP!
Posted by Anonymous4052 2004-04-19 1:33:06 PM||   2004-04-19 1:33:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Gentle: What are the five pillars of Islam?
Posted by 11A5S 2004-04-19 1:38:03 PM||   2004-04-19 1:38:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 The Romans, from wherever they look down upon Mankind, shall smile. eeek...that's a scary thought.

Speaking of prior civilizations - the Romans were once the most "civilized" folks around, and anyone who knows anything about them will be glad we've advanced beyond their ideals.
Posted by B 2004-04-19 1:47:08 PM||   2004-04-19 1:47:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 #21, I don't see any trees in "Islam". You don't have a stick of furniture because your sheep ate every living plant including trees, down to the roots. There are no trees to burn! Those sheep the the reason your lands went from semi arid to desert over the course of a few centuries. Its called the en-vir-on-men-tal factor. Ask the West for help, which your getting
Posted by jonlemming  2004-04-19 1:47:11 PM||   2004-04-19 1:47:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 The five pillars of Islam are:
1) To believe that there is no god but Allah, and that Mohammed is his messenger.
2) To pray five times a day.
3) To pay zakah (money to the poor).
(2.5% of your money once a year)
4) To fast Ramadan (a certain month in the year where Muslims fast each day from dawn, till sunset).
5) To perform Hajj, if a person finds that he is able to do so.
(Go to Mecca)

Does the question have a purpose?
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 1:49:08 PM||   2004-04-19 1:49:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 I'm impressed it only took you 11 minutes to look them up.
Posted by JerseyMike 2004-04-19 1:54:58 PM||   2004-04-19 1:54:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 "They value “life”. They never hurt women, even in war. It is even against their beliefs to burn trees while at war."

Nobody can be that naive or stupid. Gentle must be a troll.

Posted by docob 2004-04-19 1:58:30 PM||   2004-04-19 1:58:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#29 I think that Gentle is Antiwar. Same diction and syntax. Same time frame for posting. Same basic schtick (posing as a woman), breathless self-righteousness.
Posted by 11A5S 2004-04-19 2:00:34 PM||   2004-04-19 2:00:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#30 Antiwar er Gentle, I suggest that you go live in Iran or Saudi Arabia or even Pakistan for a few years. They will beat some sense into you open your eyes.... But be warned that you may not be permitted to return.

And before you ask, no I haven't lived there. I dont have to put my hand into the flame to know that it will burn and hurt a lot.
Posted by CrazyFool  2004-04-19 2:08:26 PM||   2004-04-19 2:08:26 PM|| Front Page Top


No, I'm not anti-war.
The reason It took me 11 min. is that I was answering some other Question.
I'm not posing as a woman, I told you:
I'm an 18 year old Muslim girl.
I'm not stupid, nor naive, What hatred your hearts hold!
No, trolls are extinct, along with your finer feelings of fairness, I suppose.
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 2:09:10 PM||   2004-04-19 2:09:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#32 I've already been to saudi arabia. I live in the U.A.E. and like I said before, we don't get beaten up.
look at your courts, all those divorce cases, and abuse, and rape.
I'm not saying we don't have that here, but thank god it is lless and less than what you have.
Stop calling me Antiwar.
By the way: No man has ever hit me, ever!
Once again: It is against the rules of Islam.
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 2:13:59 PM||   2004-04-19 2:13:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#33 By the way: No man has ever hit me, ever!
Once again: It is against the rules of Islam.

There are hundreds of imams who would beat you for saying that.

look at your courts, all those divorce cases, and abuse, and rape.

Yeah; all that stuff's illegal in the civilized world. And we don't murder the victim for "dishonoring" the family.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-04-19 2:16:39 PM|| []  2004-04-19 2:16:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#34 Gentle

I've already been to saudi arabia. I live in the U.A.E. and like I said before, we don't get beaten up. look at your courts, all those divorce cases, and abuse, and rape

I don't believe you are an "18 year old Muslim girl". You are a liar.

No Arab woman (Muslim or not) would point to the "divorce, abuse and rape"... and claim that it's MORE prevalent in the United States.

Gentle, you, SIR, are a liar.
Posted by Unmutual  2004-04-19 2:17:40 PM||   2004-04-19 2:17:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#35 look at your courts, all those divorce cases, and abuse, and rape
Explain honour killings then Anti...ahmm Gentle.
Give me 1 thing the 'arab' world has given us in the last 100 years on their own besides bomb makers and cab drivers.
Posted by Yosemite Sam  2004-04-19 2:22:22 PM||   2004-04-19 2:22:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#36 Gentle: Next time you are praying at a mosque, try stand up, announce to the assembly that you've decided to leave Islam and become a Presbyterian, and attempt to leave. Report back with the results of the experiment. (Bonus points if you do it in Mecca...)

The first one is an apostate or renegade, i.e. a Muslim person who has turned away from Islam and the second are those who are non-Muslims originally. The law for the first group of people, i.e. renegade is that firstly Islam will be presented once again to him and if he has any doubts or queries then these should be cleared out and he will be given a respite of 3 days. If he accepts Islam again, then fine otherwise he will be killed. This is substantiated by the noble Hadith of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) wherein he explicitly mentions, ‘Whosoever changes his Deen, then kill him’. This only apply to the males. A female renegade will not be killed, rather kept imprisoned until she accepts Islam. link
Posted by snellenr  2004-04-19 2:24:19 PM||   2004-04-19 2:24:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#37 I'm still going on the idiot angle. Gentle, or whoever you are, it is time to get back on the meds. Drink some soothing tea. Take another hit off your bong and relax back into the comforting folds of your hemp couch. All of the "anger" in the world will just melt away.
Posted by remote man 2004-04-19 2:26:54 PM||   2004-04-19 2:26:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#38 Is this how you treat ladies?
I've never had such words said to me.
Why are you so... angry?
I am a girl, and of course I'll speak about divorce cases and abuse and rape, we have them here, but WE are always on the side of the woman.
Not a : sorry, no semen, no indication of rape, the abuser goes free!
NO, No Imam will ever hit me for saying the truth, nor for lying for that matter.
Murdering the victim for dishonoring the family is a practice untolerated by Islam.
It is WRONG.
Please don't call me a liar. i am a girl, not a man.
You guys should come here, really, I'll give you a tour.
Oh, how about I tell you about my university. It is for girls only. THAT will convince you that I'm a girl.
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 2:28:12 PM||   2004-04-19 2:28:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#39 Gentle,

Based on the following excerpt, I think trees (and rocks for that matter) are allies to the Mujahideen, and that is why they can't burn trees in warfare. They need them to tell them when a Jew is hiding behind them, so they can then kill them. You're right...such tolerance and gentleness!

'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)
Posted by mjh  2004-04-19 2:32:43 PM||   2004-04-19 2:32:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#40 gentle maybe have lost her pickle jar?
Posted by muck4doo 2004-04-19 2:33:38 PM|| []  2004-04-19 2:33:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#41 Is this how you treat ladies?
Why should we treat you any different? Everyone is equal here - its called womens lib. We don't make our women hide under sheets and lock them up in the house. You should know that if your are in the UAE after seeing naval vessels come into port.

So - tell us about your school, studies, and how you will beable to apply them in such a wonderful arab society.
Posted by Yosemite Sam  2004-04-19 2:33:59 PM||   2004-04-19 2:33:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#42 Probably not any courses in drivers education at ol All Girl Islam U. huh? Why are we angry? Ask the 3,000 families that don't have a father, mother, brother, daughter or son anymore. If you are who you claim, you are just naive.
Posted by remote man 2004-04-19 2:35:04 PM||   2004-04-19 2:35:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#43 Gentle, if you are a woman, may I ask your feelings on the Hijab? Also, why are women not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia?

The UAE is a fairly liberal Islamic country, is it not? I have spoken to many US military men who have visited Dubai, I doubt they are lying when they speak of the bars and strip clubs there.
Posted by mjh  2004-04-19 2:37:25 PM||   2004-04-19 2:37:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#44 Can women drive cars in the UAE?
Posted by Rafael 2004-04-19 2:42:39 PM||   2004-04-19 2:42:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#45 Gentle could perhaps be a muslim girl, but to say what she says, she must live in a English speaking country with a legal and cultural tradition that values and protects women. She does not live in Africa, Asia, or the midEast. Unfortunately, it's also unlikely, given the examples of France and Germany, that she lives in Europe.

A student in the sheltered cocoon of an American, British, Canadian, or Australian university could truly believe what Gentle says. I hope that her life never gives her cause to believe otherwise.
Posted by RWV 2004-04-19 2:46:38 PM||   2004-04-19 2:46:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#46 "Not knowing that they have practiced democracy for over 14 centuries" Gentle. This is the biggest load of crap. Perhaps they had a democracy in Andalusia, I seriously doubt it, but I'm not as well informed on Andalusia and the fantasies that have built up over the region so I'll decline that point. I could be wrong but I think the Israelites can go back futher still.

Even if Andalusia did have democracy, Andalusia stopped being moslem (or even Andalusia) in 1491 or so. How can Islam even pretend to claim that they have practiced democracy since then. I think you need to get a dictionary and look up democracy. If you are going to take credit for democracy in Andalusia then its fair game for the west to claim democracy in Athens a 24 centuries ago.
Posted by ruprecht 2004-04-19 2:46:41 PM||   2004-04-19 2:46:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#47 Gentle,

I'll accept that you say you are what you say. With that in mind, please explain a couple things to me, a Catholic American --

1) was the mutiliation and burning of American bodies in Fallujah justified?

2) do you think Saddam Hussein was an evil man? What should someone do when confronted with evil? What if the evil person is a fellow Muslim?

3) do you think Muslims are capable of living in a tolerant, democratic society in which Muslim law would NOT be the law of the land?

4) tell us in what country you live (you don't need to be more specific than that). In your country, how do your rights compare to the rights of a man?

5) you mention that you are at a university. Excellent. Tell us what your course of study is (you don't need to be more specific than that). After you graduate, what will your options be?

Thanks in advance,
Posted by Steve White  2004-04-19 2:47:15 PM||   2004-04-19 2:47:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#48 Gentle, So how do you feel about your fellow gentle peace-loving muslims deliberately targetting and murdering 3,000 innocent civilians (some of whom were muslims themselves) on September 11th?

How do you feel when your peace-loving life-loving fellows commit sucide and murder hundreds of innocent victims (some of which are fellow muslims as I mentioned)? I, for one, would really like to know.

I think you might want to expand the 'sources' of your information beyond Al-Jitzz, CNN, and the BBC. You might try here (we really dont bite all that often), or 'Healing Iraq' or just about any of the other Blogs listed.
Posted by CrazyFool  2004-04-19 2:51:19 PM||   2004-04-19 2:51:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#49 BRB
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 2:52:28 PM||   2004-04-19 2:52:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#50 I wear the Hijab, by my own choice- no veil though.
Saudis should change their laws about driving- I agree.
No, I don't have a driving license, but I will, I only just turned 18 and my parents have been telling me to get it as soon as I can, though I'm just waiting for the summer.
By the way, we have MEN teaching us, and I am not locked up!
Oh, and the majority of our professors are American, the rest are Canadian, Australian, and British.

Till I come back, check out this website:

It is my university

like I said: BRB
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 2:56:16 PM||   2004-04-19 2:56:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#51 Someone is pulling our legs in a gentle way.
Posted by Evert Visser in NL  2004-04-19 3:01:39 PM|| []  2004-04-19 3:01:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#52 Oh, how about I tell you about my university. It is for girls only. THAT will convince you that I'm a girl.

You said that link was for your university, which is an "all girls" university.

Nothing on that site indicates that it is an "all-girl" school. Sir.
Posted by Unmutual  2004-04-19 3:05:11 PM||   2004-04-19 3:05:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#53 The university at that site looks like an actual place of education.

Gentle, that's great that you are enrolled and able to educate yourself. Will you pursue a career eventually? What field, if any, have you

Also, is it your opinion that the UAE is not as conservative as other Islamic countries?

Is ZU all women by choice, or because the genders are segregated? I guess what I'm asking is are there other universities in the UAE that have both men and women attending the same classes? Also, are there ANY women professors?

The reason I ask is because what you are touting as examples of an advanced liberal society, may simply be a softer side of conservative Islam with which some people in the West disagree.
Posted by mjh  2004-04-19 3:13:44 PM||   2004-04-19 3:13:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#54 Unmutual - uh, one page in from the link Gentle posted, on the "About ZU" page it does state:


To be admitted to Zayed University, students must meet the following requirements:

They must be female and at least 17 years old on August 31 of the entering year."

"must be female" would seem to mean "all-girl" school
Posted by Anal Retentive 2004-04-19 3:18:48 PM||   2004-04-19 3:18:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#55 they shuld put out calender.
Posted by muck4doo 2004-04-19 3:21:43 PM|| []  2004-04-19 3:21:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#56 Ruprecht: check out what (Shoura) means. I was not speaking only of Andalusia when I spoke of democracy. Go back to how the Caliph was chosen after the prophet’s death.

Steve White:
1) No, it was not.
2) I don’t know- let them have my opinion, but not force it on them- do the same.
3) Yes.
4) U.A.E. - almost the same.
5) I’m a business student, my choices are:
a) settle down, get married, and have kids.
b) Get married, work, have kids. (if I want to)
c) Stay at home!
d) get my masters and Ph.D.
or anything else I want-Why?

Unmutual: Go to the website- click the top grey button that says(About Zu)
Scroll don to the bottom of the page- read the admission rules-
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 3:24:33 PM||   2004-04-19 3:24:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#57 the majority of our professors are American, the rest are Canadian, Australian, and British

Gentle -Why do you think the professors are 'Westerners' at you school and not arabs?
Posted by Yosemite Sam  2004-04-19 3:28:25 PM||   2004-04-19 3:28:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#58 Yes, there are other Universities with both genders.
Yes, there are female teachers, but I think males are the majority.
Yes, I intend to pursue a career, God willing.
The U.A.E. is considered a very conservative country by all, except Saudi, Islamic countries.
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 3:30:44 PM||   2004-04-19 3:30:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#59 Gentle, honey, if you came here to convert us to how wonderful Islamic society is, save yourself the trouble.
(Gentle told me on another thread that "No Jews died in the 9/11 attacks.")
I'm sure you're a nice person and that there many nice people in the Arab world, but that's not what we're concerned with right now.
We're concerned with the few radical jihadis who have heeded Osama Bin Laden's fatwa (and other radical imams and clerics) to kill Americans, Jews and Christians.
I know who the Enemy is and nothing you say about "Islam is about mercy," is going to change my mind.
No one showed mercy to those innocent Americans on 9/11 and that's just one attack.
No Muslims showed mercy to the victims in Bali or in Madrid.
The "Palestinian" terrorists never showed mercy to the Israelis in the "Intifada," slaughtering innocent women, children and the elderly just because they were Jews.
We know what we know.
If you'd like to stay around and learn something--maybe about your own part of the world--do so, but stop yelling at us because based on what you know, you believe us to be wrong and your mind is closed to the truth about your religion which keeps women in black bags and kills people who don't believe as they believe.
No matter how much education you get, you'll end up staying at home, having sex with your husband and then having his children.
Islam keeps societies backward--check out the number of books written in the Arab world, the number of inventions, the rates of economic growth, the job markets, the non-proliferation of ideas (because of the heavy government censorship), the lack of music, films and books also due to censorship, and so forth.
This is not a vital way to live.
And we don't want it--at least not imposed on us by force.
We like our Freedom, especially our freedom to choose.
This site belongs to a guy named Fred who knows plenty about Islam, just like most of his posters.
It doesn't belong to you--a missionary for Islam.
Don't abuse his bandwidth by your lengthy defenses of the "Religion of Peace."
Posted by Jen  2004-04-19 3:32:42 PM|| []  2004-04-19 3:32:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#60 Yosemite:
The professors are westerners because we study in English.
There are other Universities with all-Arab staff, and an Arabic curriculum.
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 3:35:11 PM||   2004-04-19 3:35:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#61 Well, guys, I doubt that I'll be back, so Good bye.
I just wanted to let you know my opinion.
You see, we are used to being heard.
Good luck everyone, and try to keep an open mind.
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 3:42:27 PM||   2004-04-19 3:42:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#62 We heard you, Gentle. We just think you're wrong.

There's a difference.

Try apostasy sometime, and see how merciful your clerics are.
Posted by mojo  2004-04-19 3:50:39 PM||   2004-04-19 3:50:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#63 Even if the prophet and a few follow on Caliphs were chosen democratically that ended with the Ottoman Empire. That still leaves a very long gap filled with Islamic autocrats and dictators. You are fooling yourself Gentle.
Posted by ruprecht 2004-04-19 3:55:21 PM||   2004-04-19 3:55:21 PM|| Front Page Top

#64 I never read any opinion by the gentle one, what opinion, never read anything about anything. Kept waiting for any answer about anything that mattered. Just fluff. To bad but she did seem to nice. But the fake stuff is just to painful for the ummah to bear witness to.
Posted by Lucky 2004-04-19 3:59:54 PM||   2004-04-19 3:59:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#65 Yes, I intend to pursue a career, God willing.
Ummm - I think God has more important things on his mind then if somebody has a job. This is a big example of why the arab culture will always be dominated by western culture. In the west we don't handicap ourselves - we say "Yes, I will have a career" and then make it happen. Arabs seem to try just enough to barely have a chance and if they don't get a handout, they say it was Allan's will.

Yoda had it right - "Do or do not, there is no try."
Posted by Yosemite Sam  2004-04-19 4:06:35 PM||   2004-04-19 4:06:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#66 Question for ya Gentle, if Islam is the relgion of the peace and preaches gentleness towards women, why then do we see a program on Saudi TV showing how to beat wives with rods? Or hear about slavery still in the mideast and africa via islamic nations? Or why female circumcision such a major deal in Islamic countries? Or perhaps you can explain why we can read articles like this about someone who lives in the UAE? I've got family living in Abu Dhabi myself, as well as being born there, I can tell you for a FACT Catholics and Christians are NOT treated the same as Muslims. You can never get a top management job since thats already reserved for the "locals" and you know as well as I do that christian churches are never allowed to be built taller than than islamic building there or perhaps you remember a couple years back when a British woman was raped in Dubai and the general population said unreservedly that she probably deserved it because of how she was dressed or when the judges let her rapists go without even a slap on the wrist but instead imprisoned HER. Toleration my butt. Or perhaps you remember that center for love and wisdom known as the Zayed Centre? No gentle you may truly believe that your religion is one of peace and toleration, but the truth is it isn't. Islam has become perverted, no correction it always was, but sometimes those tendencies were suppressed now they aren't. The Wahhabists, Shias, and Sunnis who now dominate the religion pervert whatever good may have come from Islam even further by promoting the acts of martyrdom, slavery, intolerance of other religions and very dehumanization of others and even women. Try another line gentle you're gonna lose this argument by a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG shot
Posted by Valentine 2004-04-19 4:10:39 PM||   2004-04-19 4:10:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#67 There are other Universities with all-Arab staff, and an Arabic curriculum.
Exactly! And how does an "Arabic Curriculum" differ from a Western Curriculum? The Arabic doesn't teach math, science, literature, philosophy, history, and critical thinking. It only teaches the Koran by wrote memorization.

Without the Western school of thought you would not be able to have this cyber conversation, listen to your CDs, drink you Coca-Cola, and ‘god willing’ have a career that involved anything that uses electricity.

The arab culture is a parasitic culture. It takes everything it can get and gives nothing back in return.
Posted by Yosemite Sam  2004-04-19 4:14:40 PM||   2004-04-19 4:14:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#68 actualy the bisquit muslim from egipt are the meanest.
Posted by muck4doo 2004-04-19 4:18:13 PM|| []  2004-04-19 4:18:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#69 In all fairness to Gentle, if all Muslim countries were a bit like the UAE or Kuwait, then that would be an improvement. Not perfect, mind you, but an improvement nonetheless.
Posted by Rafael 2004-04-19 4:23:58 PM||   2004-04-19 4:23:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#70 Mucky, please don't ever leave are a laugh RIOT! ROFL...!
Posted by Jen  2004-04-19 4:28:10 PM|| []  2004-04-19 4:28:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#71 Yosemite - Isn't it a tragedy that 1000 years ago the Arab's ancestors were doing things like the development of math (algebra, eg) and science (astronomy, eg), while our middle-age ancestors were busy worried about just trying to stay alive? Now the roles are reversed! What happened to their culture?

Now it seems ignorance is prized, which may not be as parasitic as you suggest. They deep down want better, and watch us from afar and, in a crude way, imitate us. They are mostly just a group of backwards people who are led by endemic despots.
Posted by Anonymous4052 2004-04-19 4:28:40 PM||   2004-04-19 4:28:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#72 Indeed they were, 1000 years ago -- built on the foundations of classical thought (primarily Greek, some Roman) and in astronomy, on the ancient Mesopotamians.

Many of the math and science advances attributed to "Arab" civilization were in fact created by others under Arab rule - for instance, at the ancient school in Alexandria, whose fame and scholarship predated Mohammed by nearly a millenium.
Posted by rkb  2004-04-19 4:37:09 PM||   2004-04-19 4:37:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#73 Yes, I know they came up with algebra, astronomy and even the numbers that I used everyday at work but what have they done with it in the last 1000 years? Nothing. When was the last time anything new and useful to mankind came out of their culture? (No- you can't use oil because western culture found it and drilled it until they nationalized everything.)
Posted by Yosemite Sam  2004-04-19 4:50:28 PM||   2004-04-19 4:50:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#74 Yosemite Sam: Mulims ain't going to be drinking any Coke due to the secondary boycott of Israel. Coke's got a bottling plant in Israel. Therefore, only Pepsi is consumed in much of the Islamic world.
Posted by 11A5S 2004-04-19 4:56:19 PM||   2004-04-19 4:56:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#75 I actually was in Egypt during one of their boycotts of Coke in the late '70's and had to drink "Sport Cola," the Arabic version and predecessor to "Mecca Cola."
Dreadful stuff--Aerated cough syrup would have been tastier.
Posted by Jen  2004-04-19 5:07:00 PM|| []  2004-04-19 5:07:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#76 Hmm - 11A5s - I'll have to take your word on that.
Posted by Yosemite Sam  2004-04-19 5:09:25 PM||   2004-04-19 5:09:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#77 I for one cannot imagine going through life with Roman Numerals everywhere. The romans were very wise in many ways but that's a pathetic numbering system for day to day usage.
Posted by ruprecht 2004-04-19 5:52:35 PM||   2004-04-19 5:52:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#78  "Well, guys, I doubt that I'll be back, so Good bye. I just wanted to let you know my opinion. You see, we are used to being heard. Good luck everyone, and try to keep an open mind."
Posted by: Gentle 

"Well, guys, I doubt that I'll be back, so Good bye."
Pack my bags, Martha, we're goin' on a guilt trip!

"I just wanted to let you know my opinion."
Actually, you wanted to convince us that all Moslems are superior and to "spin" Islam in a favorable light by avoiding the truth.

"You see, we are used to being heard" (by each other)
Big, big, big bad us here at Rantburg! We closed down her discussion. Not.

"Good luck everyone, and try to keep an open mind."
You too now! (Don't you just love her? What a little sweetheart!)

Posted by ex-lib 2004-04-19 7:05:25 PM||   2004-04-19 7:05:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#79 I think we should build a weapon to vaporize ALL the Mudlims, then we take what we want.
After Sept. 11th, I was all 4 this and still am.
"Innocents"? How many good Americans have we lost in Iraq? I don't know why we don't just drop a big one on Sadr and his friends NOW!
I thought we weren't "negotiating" with terrorists.
Posted by Anonymous4335 2004-04-19 7:36:04 PM||   2004-04-19 7:36:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#80 The trolls are out in force today..what happened? Did another bigwig terrie get knocked off and sent for his 72 raisins?
Posted by Valentine 2004-04-19 11:57:18 PM||   2004-04-19 11:57:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#81 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 2:44:26 PM||   2004-04-19 2:44:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#82 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 2:44:26 PM||   2004-04-19 2:44:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#83 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 2:50:22 PM||   2004-04-19 2:50:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#84 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 2:50:22 PM||   2004-04-19 2:50:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#85 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 2:50:24 PM||   2004-04-19 2:50:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#86 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by  Gentle 2004-04-19 2:50:24 PM||   2004-04-19 2:50:24 PM|| Front Page Top

14:50  Gentle
14:50  Gentle
14:50  Gentle
14:50  Gentle
14:44  Gentle
14:44  Gentle
13:40  Gentle
13:40  Gentle
01:28 Not Mike Moore
22:48 Anonymous
20:18 Zenster
18:51 Aris Katsaris
15:38 B
14:25 Frank G
13:58 Aris Katsaris
11:51 Aris Katsaris
11:22 B
10:28 Liberalhawk
10:26 Aris Katsaris
10:23 Aris Katsaris
10:15 Liberalhawk
07:49 Phil B
07:42 anona
07:35 B

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