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2004-04-17 Israel-Palestine
Seething Paleos Burn Bush Effigies
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Posted by Fred 2004-04-17 1:34:56 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [25 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Now that Rantisi's gone, perhaps Shami would like to be next? Or Azzam, I really don't care which one.
Posted by Steve White  2004-04-17 2:50:49 PM||   2004-04-17 2:50:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#2  When your real estate agent sells you on a shiny Israel,but your bank says you can only afford run-down West Bank,being a spoiled child,you throw a temper tantrum.
Posted by Stephen 2004-04-17 3:03:20 PM||   2004-04-17 3:03:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 bit themselves in the small of the back??? LOL
I was picturing a mob of paleos wearing Elizabethan collars, prescribed by the Gaza veterinarians
Posted by Frank G  2004-04-17 6:15:14 PM||   2004-04-17 6:15:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 The Israelis are doing just what they said that they would do if the Paleos continued the attacks against Israel. The Israelis have showed a tremendous amount of restraint in attacks on Hamas leaders. They easily could have attacked the car swarms, or especially funerals with groups of masked gunmen and RPG-toting goons (imagine the secondaries!). But Israel has chosen not to do this.

Once again the Paleos have an opportunity to change the direction of their destiny, but they choose the "death" branch in the road. The EU is starting to see the light in diversion of donated funds to the PA. Even the arabs are getting funding fatigue, and Sammy's checks have stopped coming. All they have now in big money is Iran.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-04-17 6:58:12 PM||   2004-04-17 6:58:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 On other world news, while the paelos were responding to targeted attacks by isrealis flying US made helicopters armed with US made hellfire missles, by weilding sticks and shoes against donkeys with pictures of President Bush tied to its forehead, Raytheon announced that it was adding a second and third shift to meet demand of their popular precision munitions. Lockheed-Martin also announced it would be converting another 15 C-130's into the popular AC-130 Gunships.

Yo! Palestinians! - Ever get that itching feeling on the back of your neck when someone has a laser designator aimed at you? Seriously guys, you act all shocked that we have a bias for the isrealis. Let's see, Israelis - play nice, say hello, pay their bills, say thank you at the right time, protect the rights of arabs, let arabs vote and hold seats in their governments, protect shrines of other religions. Palestinains, kill you even if you are nice, use retarded kids for weapons guidance systems, kill without discrimination for maximum terror effect, wrap rat poison in their bombs so that the wounds wont heal, destroy or deface all other religious artifices, and will kill anyone who is even suspected of being a jew. Golly, It's so hard to tell you two semites apart isnt it. You say we have a bias all of a sudden that like you were all our pals the whole time and only now have we broken our "great friendship". What - exactly have the palestinians ever done for us? The name Klinghoffer ring a bell? Munich Olimpics?TWA 872? Beriut? Lebanon barracks? Jeez, Beruit used to be the jewel of the mediterrienian until you jack offs decided to renovate. Hey -we really dug what you did to those three US ambassadors you whacked last year in Gaza, that was funny as hell, a real kneeslapper. I hope you enjoyed it too. Hey, and what were those evil interlopers doing the allahs country? Giving out fulbright scolarships to Palestinian kids. Yeah, that had to be stopped, and right away. I can see that.

Did someone over there not get the news? Jimmy Carters not the President anymore. Our current president doesnt say he's sorry every 20 seconds, frankly he doesnt say he's sorry at all. He's not an "oprah" kind of guy. Our current President is from Texas, a state where the death penalty is considered a humane end to a wasted life. He knows that peace comes from capitualtion of your enemies and not from swedish laywers in mid town Manhattan.

And boyos - We dont have to be your friends, you got nothing we want or need, you smell, you're not good hosts and frankly you are really bad guests. Your manners are atrocious, even your brother arab countries can't stand you. They consider you only good to be cannon fodder in fighting the israelis, since they are too big of cowards to try to take them on anymore. Sure, we dont like you, but atleast we can straight out admit it.

You want to be our friends?, then start acting like it. It wouldnt take much, mount Arafats head on a pole, start flying the US flag right side up and not on fire. You'll be surprised how fast we can change our minds about people. You want the EU to be your friends?, go ahead. They are great friends, as long as youve got the cash, they are your pals. Oh dang, thats right, we just took out Iraq, the bank of middle eastern terror. Damn, you guys have all the luck dontcha.
Posted by Frank Martin  2004-04-17 11:19:02 PM||   2004-04-17 11:19:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Frank - now that's a rant - awesome!
Posted by Frank G  2004-04-18 12:13:21 AM||   2004-04-18 12:13:21 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 thanks g-man, someone said 'peace process' today on the telly, and I just snapped. 30 spittle frothing minutes later and this fell out of my gaping maw.

A "Peace process" to me is a hiroshima, followed a nagasaki, resulting in 60 years of real peace and extreme levels of prosperity. Decades of lawyers and politicos yammering on to no effect, while innocent kids are killed in pizza parlors and discos is not a 'peace process' , its a disgrace.
Posted by Frank Martin  2004-04-18 12:21:03 AM||   2004-04-18 12:21:03 AM|| Front Page Top

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00:21 Frank Martin
00:13 Frank G
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