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2004-04-12 Syria-Lebanon-Iran
Rafsanjani to al-Sadr: Fight America, the "Wounded Monster"
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Posted by Man Bites Dog 2004-04-12 4:49:58 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [40 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 All the more reason to whack this clown al-Sadr and stick his head on a pike in the public square.

C'mon, Rafsanjani: give us an excuse to declare war on you. You know you want to. As Christopher Lowell would say, "You can do it!"
Posted by Dave D.  2004-04-12 10:33:34 AM||   2004-04-12 10:33:34 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 And it would have worked to if it weren't for those meddling marines......
Posted by CrazyFool  2004-04-12 10:34:49 AM||   2004-04-12 10:34:49 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Is that a declaration of war?

I wish to hell someone in authority would ask him that question.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-04-12 10:35:20 AM|| []  2004-04-12 10:35:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 "We have small accounts with the Americans which we must settle one day and bring the issue to a close."

Yes we do have accounts to settle with these bastards.
Just wait till after november! Too bad we cannot go sooner but the dems have really mucked up the traction we have gotten with these countries since 9-11.
Posted by Dan 2004-04-12 10:59:20 AM||   2004-04-12 10:59:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Destruction of Iran's known nuclear facilities via aerial bombardment would be a good little "message" to send.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-04-12 11:01:41 AM||   2004-04-12 11:01:41 AM|| Front Page Top

We have small accounts with the Americans which we must settle one day

Let's settle that Khobar Towers account one day very very soon.
Posted by Mike Sylwester  2004-04-12 1:01:01 PM||   2004-04-12 1:01:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 And our embassy. Don't forget about the embassy. I want it returned, rehabbed, re-fitted, scrubbed clean until it sparkles, and a personal apology extended to every American who was held hostage. And Mr. Rafsanjani on one knee, offering a new set of keys to a returning American Ambassador would be a nice touch, also.
Posted by Sgt. Mom 2004-04-12 3:03:58 PM|| []  2004-04-12 3:03:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 describing them as a "wounded monster"

Rafsanjani must not be up on his monster movies, everyone knows a wounded monster is gonna get up and kick your be-turbaned ass.
Posted by Steve  2004-04-12 3:27:54 PM||   2004-04-12 3:27:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Why is it just WND reporting this? Argh! The media is pissing me off!
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2004-04-12 7:08:41 PM||   2004-04-12 7:08:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 If WND is the only place reporting it, forward the link to your Congressman. Perhaps he is briefed on this sort of thing if he is on the right committee. But maybe he's not. What you know you can tell someone else.

I've long since given up on "the media"--that is Old Media being television news, dead-tree news outlets, most radio network news--as a source for anything. Other than high blood pressure, that is. I've felt vastly better since gathering the news myself via pages such as this.
Posted by eLarson 2004-04-12 7:45:29 PM||   2004-04-12 7:45:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 "We have small accounts with the Americans which we must settle one day and bring the issue to a close."

What, like the invasion of International soil that the Emabassy takeover in Tehran embodied?

Posted by Zenster 2004-04-12 9:03:07 PM||   2004-04-12 9:03:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Don't worry Bomb-a-rama, As we speak, the Isrealis will take care of the matter for us. It'll happen soon; daytime our time (US). The NSA will track it 'with notification' but with plausible deniability. It will occur before the election! The 'trip wire', watch for the movement of one Carrier closer to the region and shored Anti Missile batteries!
Posted by smn  2004-04-12 11:16:48 PM||   2004-04-12 11:16:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Let the idiot get carried away with himself Wounded...pssssfffff
If this country ever get's "wounded", all bet's are off. When the US Military decides to go hot, you can forget about what anyone say's. Whatever it was that wounded "us" is going to be annihilated.
"Just Win"

Posted by Long Hair Republican  2004-04-12 11:24:25 PM||   2004-04-12 11:24:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Any of you bozos BEEN in Iran? Make no mistake, they are ratbags and sponsors of terrorism but there are indeed a few little issues.

Lets just ask a coupla questions here. Have any IRANIAN air force pilots shot down a US civil airliner full of civilians space and then been decorated for good service?

Have any IRANIAN governments toppled a US government and installed a puppet government over the USA?

Have any Iranian governments encouraged Iraq to invade the USA, causing years of war and millions of casualties? I have a colleague who carried his children nightly to bomb shelters in Teheran as the AA barrages opened up against Iraqui planes.

Has Iran confiscated billions of dollars from the US in legitimately-held foreign accounts?

The mullocracy are a bunch of jerks who have driven the country into the ground, but it is quite true that Iran have small accounts to settle to bring the US issue to a close.
Posted by chrisper 2004-04-15 10:55:25 PM||   2004-04-15 10:55:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Hey Chrisper-- less ranting, more thinking. I can't tell what the hell you're saying, or what side you're coming down on.

Iran nationalized the oil. Lots of people were out lots of money. Then the 'tollahs were downright nasty. Did you know that at all, or is this what you were trying to get at?
Posted by therien  2004-04-19 12:12:46 AM||   2004-04-19 12:12:46 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 Fair enough!

When I read these comments above I see that people seem to have NO idea that there are a number of legitimate grievances of Iran against the US. For Rafsanjani to say there are 'small accounts' is for them a very moderate expression of fact.

I am 100% for winning in Iraq. I have spent 4 months in Iran and saw some pretty rough things there, but despite the horrors they are a mix of good and bad people same as everywhere and deserve the respect of being seen as people.

Posted by chrisper 2004-04-19 9:25:50 PM||   2004-04-19 9:25:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 blame is the name of the Muslim game, isn't it crisper. Apparently you have NO idea that there are a number of legitimate grievances of the US against Iran.

See the thing is, we don't care anymore. It's like a shrew wife - at first, you care that she doesn't like your car, your clothes, your mother or your friends and you try to make her happy. But after awhile, not only do you not care what she thinks, since nothing will ever make her happy, but you notice all the things you never liked about her in the first place.

We're there. We don't care. Blah, blah, blah, blame, blame, blame, yada, yada, yada.
Posted by B 2004-04-19 9:33:26 PM||   2004-04-19 9:33:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 I remember the whole yellow ribbon thing, the botched helicopter mission and all. The support of the Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon alone is enough to dislike the Iranian government. You are completely correct that some people forget the US has its own small accounts.

I also remember when Iraq invaded Iran, expecting to see the free world respond to this aggression. Six years later I realised that I had forgotten to hold my breath on it.

Don't get bogged down here; the job now is winning in Iraq. I was just responding to the tone above.
Posted by chrisper 2004-04-20 9:28:53 PM||   2004-04-20 9:28:53 PM|| Front Page Top

21:28 chrisper
21:33 B
21:25 chrisper
00:12 therien
09:57 geoffg
22:55 chrisper
14:21 Frank G
14:05 Kathy K
13:57 Kathy K
13:54 Kathy K
07:00 Captain Wrath
15:48 Robert Crawford
15:27 B
10:40 Zenster
09:47 Robert Crawford
08:50 Aris Katsaris
07:02 Shipman
06:58 Shipman
06:57 Shipman
04:36 Phil B
03:39 Zenster
03:23 Zenster
02:04 Jen
02:00 Jen

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