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2004-04-06 Europe
Dynamite theft unsettles Norway
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Posted by Steve 2004-04-06 9:23:30 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [23 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Norway...the Home of Alfred Nobel, and the Nobel Prizes named after the the man that invented dynamite...peace be upon his soul.
Posted by john  2004-04-06 9:59:12 AM||   2004-04-06 9:59:12 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 5,000 detonators were also stolen

Yep. That's the worrisome part.
Posted by Odd Ropstadt 2004-04-06 9:59:29 AM||   2004-04-06 9:59:29 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Standard practice is to store detonators (blasting caps) in a separate magazine from the explosive, so the perps hit two magazines. 660 kg will shoot quite a bit of rock, from my experience. For terrorist use, don't even want to think about it. This is a real worrysome development for Norway.
Posted by Alaska Paul on the Road 2004-04-06 10:32:35 AM||   2004-04-06 10:32:35 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 My guess is it has already gone on the ferry across to the UK. Cars from Norway wouldn't face much scrutiny.
Posted by Phil B  2004-04-06 11:07:01 AM||   2004-04-06 11:07:01 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Phil B - I think the target would be more likely to be in Norway itself. Last May al Zawahri threatened Norway explicitly - alongside the US, Britain and Australia. I don't think anyone's figured out quite why yet, though...

It's perhaps not an obvious route to smuggle terrorist equipment - Norway-UK - but it still wouldn't be worth the risk of trying, IMO. Unless you wanted to blow the boat.
Posted by Bulldog  2004-04-06 11:37:59 AM||   2004-04-06 11:37:59 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 BD - ""I don't think anyone's figured out quite why yet, though..."
Cuz they're weak.

I started to write a condensed lesson for a certain someone about how Islamists think, extrapolated directly from actual actions - leaving out our Western Order of the Garter notions of chivalry / fair play, ClueBat cause => effect, and Socratic musings. Pure Aristotelian empirical analysis.

This is a snippet from the first draft of that un-posted bit. Please feel free to edit/critique/salt to taste:

They do not reason like a Westerner. They do what they do to intimidate - to terrorize. They believe they have all eternity to do the job of bringing the entire world under Islamic Dominion. They cull the weak from the herd and proceed to take them down. Pure predatory tactics. Any message we may think they send is irrelevant - that's Western logic. They don't care if they alarm targets and put them on guard. That is terrorism. Those perceived as weak will be attacked. Period, full stop. They are working everywhere simultaneously. They are fragmented in geography, but united in purpose. Their primary vulnerability is that most of their funding comes from a tiny little strip of land...

Posted by .com 2004-04-06 12:01:43 PM||   2004-04-06 12:01:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 So, how difficult would it be to spot Islamic terrorists in Norway?
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-04-06 12:41:03 PM||   2004-04-06 12:41:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Nice .com. And totally true.

But you left out that it's mostly about sex. No, really. (And since I'm a female, I can say this--if you did, people might think you were weird. So, here goes.)

The fact is, the Islamotwerps CANNOT develop meaningful relationships with women, because of what they believe and because of how they're raised, and because of their personal choices. Not to be crass, but they can't actualize their "equipment" in the context God intended, and thus, cannot actualize their true masculinity. So, they just don't feel like "real men" unless they are destroying things with "big explosions." (sorry) These guys have gigantic inferiority complexes, and not much else. In other words, nothing in the pants, plus nothing in the brains or soul, equals a kind of "death" (for them)--and they want to take everybody else with them (except the other guys that share their particular "dilemma." ) They're pathetic. I mean, look what they do with women when they get them.

The WOT is definitely a contest of wills. I say we let them see what good men do, and why.
Posted by ex-lib 2004-04-06 12:56:01 PM||   2004-04-06 12:56:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Lol, ex-lib - that's a perspective I've only guessed at, prior to your post!

3 little asides...
1) I knew 2 Saudis who traveled extensively. They drove their peers crazy with their stories of conquests and (alleged) "girlfriends" all over the globe.

2) I knew an American woman who was being pursued by a Kuwaiti - and warned her to be very careful. She wasn't and married him - that was more than 6 years ago. Neither I nor another close friend of hers I know well has heard anything from her since - and that includes both snail mail and email.

3) The only "NO! Absolutley NOT!" I ever told may daughter (now 25) was when she asked me about dating a Muslim in HS. She listened. I still hear from her -- when she needs money.
Posted by .com 2004-04-06 1:09:52 PM||   2004-04-06 1:09:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Their penchant for gun sex didn't tip you off?
Posted by Fred  2004-04-06 2:34:00 PM||   2004-04-06 2:34:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Ex-Lib, thanks for the insight.

.com, good call.
Posted by Jarhead 2004-04-06 2:45:13 PM||   2004-04-06 2:45:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 All the good stuff's been said, but I do need to make one correction: Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel, but he was a SWEDE, born in Stockholm, not a Norweigan.

I think the Muslims just made a big mistake. I spent a few days in Norway during a NATO exercise in 1987. These are NOT people to get angry with you. I'm sure a few young Muslims will learn firsthand how difficult it is to swim in some of those picturesque Norweigan fjiords, especially in November through April...
Posted by Old Patriot  2004-04-06 3:17:36 PM|| []  2004-04-06 3:17:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Norway...the Home of Alfred Nobel, and the Nobel Prizes named after the the man that invented dynamite...peace be upon his soul.

Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel, but he was a SWEDE, born in Stockholm, not a Norweigan.

Who grew up in Russia and then studied chemistry and engineering in France and America. The prizes are awarded in Oslo and that is about all they have to do with it.

Scandinavia is quite possibly in line for a wake up call. If you've ever studied Nordic resistance to the Nazis (especially the Danes', whom Churchill called a model for any country, large or small) then you most definitely DO NOT want to be some al Qaeda wanker caught bombing them. Once roused, Vikings can be some pretty tough customers.

Posted by Zenster 2004-04-06 4:00:56 PM||   2004-04-06 4:00:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 The wake up calls are going to be sent, country by country in Scandanavia and the EU. Perhaps they will react with anger and resolve, perhaps they will react with fear and appeasement. I would hope that these other targets learn from the Spanish situation, whose terrorists are continuing to make "sea of fire" threats.
Posted by remote man 2004-04-06 4:30:13 PM||   2004-04-06 4:30:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 ... perhaps they will react with fear and appeasement.

Don't bet the farm on that. You must not know too many Scandahoovians.

Posted by Zenster 2004-04-06 5:30:06 PM||   2004-04-06 5:30:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 "Not to be crass, but they can't actualize their "equipment" in the context God intended, and thus, cannot actualize their true masculinity."

Could you perhaps be a little more... crass about this (for strictly educational purposes, of course)? I'm having trouble visualizing this "actualizing" thing.

Are you saying they're hung like chipmunks?
Posted by Dave D.  2004-04-06 5:38:27 PM||   2004-04-06 5:38:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 when a woman like ex-lib gives em the bizness, I bet it's less than that....
Posted by Frank G  2004-04-06 5:44:58 PM||   2004-04-06 5:44:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Dave D. For educational purposes only (as per your request):

I'm not saying the Islamotwerps can't get a "hard-on," or that they come in size "small" only. (I really wouldn't know about that.) But heck, a parakeet can get a hard-on, technically speaking, and isn't it about "mileage" rather than size, anyway? (At least, that's a female perspective.) What I am saying is that the way the Islamotwerps handle their sexuality (oops, no pun intended--heh-heh) is very far outside the greater context of pro-social, legitimate, honest, respectful relationships with females. At the risk of sounding dramatic, it's the "true love" ideal/value of Western society that they haven't go a clue about, and also would like to see destroyed--i.e., the kind of love based on the mutual honoring of one another and commiting to the whole personhood of one's mate. It's totally beyond them. Women, as seen by the Islamotwerps, are merely personal "property"--women serve only as superior tools for masturbation, or as baby-making machines kept around to heighten their false sense of "glory," (and that's only when they can attract a female, or have been fortunate enough to have been provided an arranged "marriage.")

Islamotwerps are actually VERY threatened by the masculinity of our guys, and they desperately want to prove they're better, "bigger," blah, blah, blah. (That's one reason they chose to blow up the towers. The towers symbolized the very essense of the threat they perceive.) Look at our society, in general. Our guys are doing good things a lot more often with who they are. Our guys are successful. Our guys, again, in general, work their butts off for their families, or work to build a better life for themselves in a useful way, or work to serve their country. You don't see that over there. Nope. All they can think of to do is to try and destroy what good men, who do know how to do something positive with their God-given drives, have built and created in the world. They're a bunch of cowards.

That's what I meant when I said the WOT is definitely a contest of wills. It's either going to be their side's version of "masculinity" that rules the day in the final outcome, or ours. (side note: another of the reasons I stay anonymous on this site--certain feminist whackos out there would really like to kill me about now.)

Anyway, as for being hung like chipmunks--my personal opinion is that the chipmunks probably got 'em beat.

Islamic Fundamentalism = the World's Largest Organization for Failed Masculinity.

Okay, I'm hopping off my soapbox now (you know--the one I keep tucked under my desk, so it's always ready at a moment's notice).
Posted by ex-lib 2004-04-06 7:21:19 PM||   2004-04-06 7:21:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 ex-lib:

Well, that wasn't crass, but it'll do. I guess the bottom line is, in a society as brutal and primative as theirs, there probably isn't anything that we would find even remotely resembling what we think of as a "relationship" between a man and a woman. Truly, it is sick-puppy land.

Regarding Arabs and sex:

Just before my youngest son went off to Iraq, I gave him a fatherly talking-to.

ME: "Jon, before you go, I gotta tell you: just stay the hell away from the women over there. You fool around with an Arab woman, you're likely to have a dozen brothers all coming after you with knives. 'Honor' and all that, you know."

SON:"Don't worry, Dad, that's already been taken care of."

ME: "Huh? How's that?"

SON:"I don't wanna talk about it."

ME: "Since when do you not want to talk about sex??? You're ALWAYS talking about sex and women."

SON:"We got a briefing about their sexual practices."

ME: "Whoa! Neat, I gotta hear this! What'd they tell you?"

SON:"I don't want to talk about it."

ME: "Why, for cryin' out loud?"

SON:"It's too disgusting."

...and to this day, I still don't have the slightest idea what he was talking about. But it's GOT to be bad, if my kid won't talk about it!
Posted by Dave D.  2004-04-06 8:22:41 PM||   2004-04-06 8:22:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Bulldog there is a car ferry from Bergen to Newcastle. Its really hard to stop smuggling stuff hidden in vehicles. The IRA regularly smuggled explosives using car ferries from Ireland.

I know in the UK it is next to impossible to get your hands on commercial explosives. So smuggling them in is the logical solution.
Posted by Phil B  2004-04-06 8:24:36 PM||   2004-04-06 8:24:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Via Bjorn Staerk:

Not long after M11, Prime Minister Bondevik said that for Norway to leave Iraq in June along with the Spaniards would send the wrong signal to the terrorists. Now he seems to have changed his mind. Foreign Minister Jan Petersen says today that Norway will likely leave Iraq within a few months, and prioritize efforts in other countries.

Posted by Anonymous2U 2004-04-06 8:49:18 PM||   2004-04-06 8:49:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Ex-lib You're very amusing--you must be one of the many fat chicks used and discarded by the Arab exchange students(none of the American guys wanted the fat chicks) when it came time to go home and now have an axe to grind--blanket statements about an entire ethnic group are ridiculous and show your ignorance--and probably disappointment at being dumped
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2004-04-07 1:01:28 AM||   2004-04-07 1:01:28 AM|| Front Page Top

#23 NMM - Haven't you offed yourself, yet? You shave every morning, right? Hey, it's easy. Just a take a good look at the asswipe in the mirror and let 'er rip, dood. The whole world will feel better. You won't miss a thing and nothing will miss you. A Universe in Perfect Balance.
Posted by .com 2004-04-07 1:26:29 AM||   2004-04-07 1:26:29 AM|| Front Page Top

#24 From and old Mark Steyn column:

Five days before 9/11, the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet reported that 65% of the country's rapes were committed by "non-Western" immigrants -- a category which, in Norway, is almost wholly Muslim. A professor at the University of Oslo explained that one reason for the disproportionate Muslim share of the rape market was that in their native lands "rape is scarcely punished" because it is generally believed that "it is women who are responsible for rape."

So Muslim immigrants to Norway should be made aware that things are a little different in Scandinavia? Not at all! Rather, the professor insisted, "Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes" because their manner of dress would be regarded by Muslim men as inappropriate. "Norwegian women must realize that we live in a multicultural society and adapt themselves to it." Or to modify Queen Victoria's wedding-night advice to her daughter: Lie back and think of Yemen.
Denmark? "Three quarters of rapes are carried out by non-Danes," says Peter Skaarup, chairman of the People's Party, a member of the governing coalition.

Muslims are only 4 percent of Denmark's 5.4 million people (immigrants from Third World countries and their descendants, which it reports makes up 5% of the population; and it is known that Muslims make up four-fifths of this element.)
On this "Islam is peace" business, Bassam Tibi, a Muslim professor at Goettingen University in Germany, gave a helpful speech a few months back: "Both sides should acknowledge candidly that although they might use identical terms these mean different things to each of them," he said. "The word 'peace,' for example, implies to a Muslim the extension of the Dar al-Islam -- or 'House of Islam' -- to the entire world. This is completely different from the Enlightenment concept of eternal peace that dominates Western thought." Only when the entire world is a Dar al-Islam will it be a Dar a-Salam, or "House of Peace."
Posted by ed 2004-04-07 3:41:16 AM||   2004-04-07 3:41:16 AM|| Front Page Top

00:05 Zenster
22:28 Zenster
20:24 Zenster
19:19 Zenster
17:36 Zenster
17:07 Zenster
12:09 Anonymous4052
10:35 B
10:31 Raptor
10:29 B
10:24 Raptor
09:32 muck4doo
04:15 Super Hose
04:10 Super Hose
03:41 ed
02:19 ex-lib
02:12 Sherry
01:26 .com
01:01 Not Mike Moore
00:57 Rafael
00:46 .com
00:40 Super Hose
00:33 Super Hose
00:32 GKarp

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