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2004-02-11 Iraq-Jordan
US military believed Saddam had WMDs at the time of invasion
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Posted by Dan Darling 2004-02-11 12:06:19 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [19 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Even though it's at best indirect evidence, has there been any official comment on the existence of new chem-bio suits and atropine injectors in Iraqi military stores over-run during the war? As I recall from the ongoing media coverage, several Iraqi supply locations (often mosques or hospitals) held not just ordnance but the suits and the atropine. There has been public comment on other indirect evidence (Kay relaying the accounts of Spec. RG commanders who believed adjacent units had CW ordnance and planned to use it), but I've seen nothing on the suits/antidotes since the war.
Posted by IceCold  2004-2-11 12:58:56 AM||   2004-2-11 12:58:56 AM|| Front Page Top

#2  My understanding is that the assumption is that the Iraqi RG and Special RG were told that chem/bio weapons were going to be let loose any time now from adjacent units, Kay did document that Saddam Hussein ordered an all-out chemical weapons attack on US forces during the war. If both he and his generals believed that they had chem/bio weapons with which to use, it sounds to me as though it would be entirely prudent for them to stock up on protection in the event they actually decided to use their alleged doomsday arsenal.
Posted by Dan Darling  2004-2-11 1:05:23 AM|| []  2004-2-11 1:05:23 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 WMDS,MY ARSE! It's obvious they didn't exist. Saddam and Al-Queda?? BULLSHIT! The only wmds are the lies of mass deception spewed by the coalition.
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 1:08:11 AM||   2004-2-11 1:08:11 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 Ohhh, a visitor from Old Europe???
Posted by Anonymous2U 2004-2-11 1:19:13 AM||   2004-2-11 1:19:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Nah antiwar's an aussie and he believes that Israel shouldn't exist because the messiah hasn't come down to earth yet... just letting ya know so you can keep that in mind when you interpret his remarks..
Posted by Damn_Proud_American  2004-2-11 1:25:07 AM|| []  2004-2-11 1:25:07 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 You all seem to think the same. Do you share a brain? Well don't rack your brain you might split the pea. Re Israel there are jews who think the same so you can't call it antisemitic.
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 1:41:10 AM||   2004-2-11 1:41:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 You all seem to think the same.

Mostly. (And like Martha says, that's a good thing)
Posted by Rafael 2004-2-11 2:06:01 AM||   2004-2-11 2:06:01 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Don't you get it YET, "anti-war"? EVERYONE, including Saddam's commanders believed they had WMD. Why is this a difficult concept for leftists to understand?
Posted by RMcLeod  2004-2-11 2:14:04 AM||   2004-2-11 2:14:04 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 Leftists don't try to understand anything. They just spew for the sake of spewing. It's some sort of medical condition, probably brought on by drug abuse.
Posted by Rafael 2004-2-11 2:24:24 AM||   2004-2-11 2:24:24 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 Well you arselicking dogs of the three stooges of the coalition certainly have split the pea. Saddam USED to have chemical weapons SOLD TO HIM BY US CORPORATIONS but he did not have them before operation coalition bullshit. Joseph Wilson US diplomat went to Niger to investigate claims that Iraq tried to buy yellow cake uranium from Niger. He concluded the allegations were false. The White House ignored his report.
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 3:54:08 AM||   2004-2-11 3:54:08 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 Moral relativist at work here folks, everyone else but is right but his own culture/society. I'm waiting for him to say when its actually okay to fight evil, oh wait I forgot, moral relativism says there isn't anything really evil because everyone's belief is right in some sort of way. Hey antiwar, come on at least use some spittle in your arguments, you're making this waaaaaaaaay to easy for us.
Posted by Valentine 2004-2-11 3:54:30 AM||   2004-2-11 3:54:30 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 It looks like we thought Saddam had weapons, because either 1) He thought he did. That his scientists, not wanting to be fed into the plastics shredder, told him he did. 2) He was actively trying to convince us he did. or 3) a lot of this intelligence came from defectors who wanted to free their country.

In any event, liberals supposedly care more about the little guys, like ordinary Iraqis than us conservatives. Yet what they are arguing is that removing Saddam from power was wrong. So much for the Iraqi people.

Antiwar: Joseph Wilson was not believed by the administration because Joseph Wilson himself characterized his trip as little more than sitting around the pool, drinking tea and asking folks if they sold yellowcake to Saddam. Not a very thorough investigation, by his own admission.
Posted by Ben  2004-2-11 4:29:55 AM||   2004-2-11 4:29:55 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 Who's using the communal brain now? It isn't you Ben and Valentine.Ever occur to you that defectors lied about wmd.It obviously takes a lot of people to lie ,the liars and the fools who believe them.Saddam destroyed his wmds if as you claim he had some Sarin and Tarbun for example have a shelf life of 5 years they're a pile of useless sludge by now.You should stop watching fox news (fair and balanced-NOT)The US Military is the greatest killing machine in history but I expect that makes you prowars proud. US was happy to support Saddam in the past but when he didn't kiss your President's (fill in presidents name here)ass it changed. US government has put my country of Australia at risk of a terrorist attack due to our PM kissing GWB'S backside and being one of the three stooges
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 5:29:19 AM||   2004-2-11 5:29:19 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 all I wanna say is that Bush harmed the intelligence community with his selective and creative use of what was known. This is an intelligence war. Thus, destroying the credibility of the CIA is the same thing as destroying the war effort. Bush was wrong to manipulate the public opinion with his stance on WMD.
Posted by lyot  2004-2-11 5:39:25 AM||   2004-2-11 5:39:25 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 Re: Antiwar, you have to remember that Australia has at least its fair share of Looney Lefties. And its media in my assesment is even worse than the US media, with a couple of notable exceptions.
Posted by phil_b 2004-2-11 6:03:35 AM||   2004-2-11 6:03:35 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 Phil you are right about the australian media channel seven for example is as bad as fox. Lyot you are almost right that Bush manipulated public opinion he actually wernt further and lied to the world.
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 6:18:10 AM||   2004-2-11 6:18:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#17 Er, I must assume you have never seen Fox. Fox to its credit doesn't endlessly repeat the Leftist memes. Whereas watching Oz news reports or reading the Npapers the stuff peddled is almost indistinquishable.
Posted by phil_b 2004-2-11 6:31:49 AM||   2004-2-11 6:31:49 AM|| Front Page Top

#18 Yes I have seen fox. They peddle the lies of the Bush administration.
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 6:36:51 AM||   2004-2-11 6:36:51 AM|| Front Page Top

#19 ** YAWN **

More spewings from the Marxist playbook.

Saddam's in no shape to go back to work and we are in no mood to let him go back to his old, bad habits, as much as this latest troll would prefer.

Old, tired, and worthless: kinda like Saddam.
Posted by badanov  2004-2-11 6:42:38 AM|| []  2004-2-11 6:42:38 AM|| Front Page Top

#20 Anti, would you say that people in Iraq have a more promising future now than they would have had if Sadam still ruled?
Posted by Dan Canaveral  2004-2-11 6:52:06 AM||   2004-2-11 6:52:06 AM|| Front Page Top

#21 What a novel idea. A troll who has a shift key, a spell checker, and can actually put two sentences together. Now if he only knew how to think instead of just spew.
Posted by GK 2004-2-11 7:10:03 AM||   2004-2-11 7:10:03 AM|| Front Page Top

#22 Badanov I rightfully condemn Saddam's torture of his countrymen/women.BUT are you willing to condemn the deceitful hypocritical actions of Bush.Dan I would say no. THEIR WILL BE A CIVIL WAR IN IRAQ THANKS TO THAT SWINE BUSH
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 8:05:24 AM||   2004-2-11 8:05:24 AM|| Front Page Top

#23 SWINE BUSH -OK give away. Antiwar is a moslem. Although its getting hard to tell the difference between Loony Leftists and Jihadis.
Posted by phil_b 2004-2-11 8:31:29 AM||   2004-2-11 8:31:29 AM|| Front Page Top

#24 Hmmm, this is a tough one...

Bush's putative deceitful hypocrisy versus murderous tyranny.

Deceitful hypocrisy... or murderous tyranny...

That's a toughie. I'll take hypocrisy for $500, Alex.
Posted by badanov  2004-2-11 8:58:30 AM|| []  2004-2-11 8:58:30 AM|| Front Page Top

#25 It looks like we thought Saddam had weapons, because... (drum roll please)...he had WMD's.

Please take note that not a single person here is quoted as saying we didn't find WMD's. Just lots of "we believed they did have WMD's. Not a single, "we didn't find any" to be found!!

Hello! Ignore the hype. Use your heads and put together the information available - there were WMD's.
Posted by B 2004-2-11 9:03:32 AM||   2004-2-11 9:03:32 AM|| Front Page Top

#26 Antiwar, You just don't know the joy and excitement you bring to RB. You're like a pinata at a 8 yr/old's birthday party. What will spill out this time?
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2004-2-11 9:10:25 AM||   2004-2-11 9:10:25 AM|| Front Page Top

#27 Phil I am Christian.Re Saddam he should be tried before an international court and given access to lawyers and the in prison for life. Likewise Bush etc should also go before the court and given access to lawyers and prison for life. Like I SAID BEFORE Saddam did not have wmds at the time of the invasion.Where do YOU think they are if as you say no-one said we didn't find them?
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 9:22:41 AM||   2004-2-11 9:22:41 AM|| Front Page Top

#28 You are right Antiwar. I mean how dare FOX news give any ahem! facts other then what the left spews out! They got a lot of nerve!

Pretty soon people might actually think for themselves!

BTW: Is your bong still missing?
Posted by CrazyFool  2004-2-11 9:27:17 AM||   2004-2-11 9:27:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#29 Is there no one here who thinks that Bush went to far in selectivly using the available information?
Posted by lyot  2004-2-11 9:53:48 AM||   2004-2-11 9:53:48 AM|| Front Page Top

#30 The next time someone finds a quote that actually acknowledges the absence of WMD's in Iraq, could you please call my attention to it and make sure I see it???

And I don't mean any of this .."we believed before the war" stuff... Or blather about "intelligence reports being overestimated" or "no significant wmd findings have been reported".

I mean an actual quote by someone in the know, like Bush or Rumsfeld or Tommy Franks, or anyone other than democratic hopefuls or ususal suspects, that says - "we have not found WMD's in Iraq".

Thank you.
Posted by B 2004-2-11 10:02:48 AM||   2004-2-11 10:02:48 AM|| Front Page Top

#31 actually i dont blame bush. if you dig deep you will discover chainey is the one with the remote controller over at the white house. bush is just the front man because he is not bald with a pacemaker.
Posted by muck4doo 2004-2-11 10:02:57 AM||   2004-2-11 10:02:57 AM|| Front Page Top

#32 It's not a pacemaker it's a alien mind control device.
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2004-2-11 10:09:40 AM||   2004-2-11 10:09:40 AM|| Front Page Top

#33 I'll donate $20 to Fred's tip jar if someone can find me a quote where an important, believable (I'll be the judge) official in the American Administration states that we have not found WMD's in Iraq.
Posted by B 2004-2-11 10:14:17 AM||   2004-2-11 10:14:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#34 Re: my bet... anything that says, "has not been reported" doesn't count.
Posted by B 2004-2-11 10:18:05 AM||   2004-2-11 10:18:05 AM|| Front Page Top

#35 I don't think Bush selectivly used the information. I believe the left is selectivly using information and doing everything they can do to undermine his policy. The only thing the left is consistent in is undermining republican presidents in foreign policy and then turing 180 degrees when their guy is in charge. Bay of pigs? Gulf of Tonkin? Iran rescue? Somolia? Bosnia? Kosovo? Asprin Factory? Hell, I was told serbia was comitting genocide in Kosovo and that is why we went to war. Anybody following the trial? Six years later and the Huage cannot prove it. Instead they are going back to the Bosnian war.

Guess what guys, the president is elected to run foreign policy. Grow up and live with it. We are all on the same team and once a plan has been choosen the left acts as a bunch of sabatuers and does everything to screw up the plan. Can you imagine two years after Perl Harbor and the war effort by FDR being held up due to questions and investigations into how perl happened. I could be a repubican standing up and saying "I voted for this War Declaration believing that we had no idea Japan was going to attack! I voted to give the president the authorization to go after Japan. Here we are now learning that we knew may of known it was coming. We now learn that FDR may have selectivly used the intelligence to allow an attack to trick us into voting so FDR could get us into a reckless war with Germany! Germany did not attack us, Japan did, and now we are fighting in North Africa against the Germans. I voted to give this authorization to only force Japan back to the Leage of Nations. Instead FDR has illegally thrust us into a world war against Germany that has done nothing to us. There is NO evidence that Germany was involved with Perl Harbor. Instead FDR started this war to enrich his War Factory buddies and to change attention from the Depression!"

Well, if tables would have been turned and a republican had been president this very well could have happened!
Posted by Patrick Payne 2004-2-11 10:22:39 AM||   2004-2-11 10:22:39 AM|| Front Page Top

#36 You named yourself well crazyfool because you are that alright.B where do you think Saddam hid his wmds if you think he had them?
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 10:27:08 AM||   2004-2-11 10:27:08 AM|| Front Page Top

#37 I don't engage trolls. Put up the quote or shut up.
Posted by B 2004-2-11 10:28:29 AM||   2004-2-11 10:28:29 AM|| Front Page Top

#38 Damn I belive we have a record.... I deem him Abu EnduroTroll..... 9 hours of solid trolling.

Posted by Shipman 2004-2-11 10:41:37 AM||   2004-2-11 10:41:37 AM|| Front Page Top

#39 B YOU ARE A FOOL.Saddam HAD I REPEAT HAD wmds in the 1980's SOLD TO HIM BY AMERICA!!!!!!!! At the time of the invasion he had NONE. BUSH LIED.AMERICA HAS NUCLEAR WEAPONS NOW! Is THAT ok with you?????
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 10:48:10 AM||   2004-2-11 10:48:10 AM|| Front Page Top


Posted by Lil Dhimmi 2004-2-11 10:51:01 AM||   2004-2-11 10:51:01 AM|| Front Page Top

#41 Antiwar - You only accept one point of view (just like you blame everyone hear the folks here).

For you no mattter what the US does, aside from capitulate, is no good for you. You state that there were no WMD's (I believe you said BullShit). Well Saddam did use them in the past, he did play games arount the UN for 10 years, and he did have a reason to strike at the US. If he did or if he didn't at the time we went in doesn't matter. He played a very dangerous game and miscaluculated bigtime. He acted like he had them, I pesonally believe he did and you can find them in syria.

But you are so blind that you cannot accept this. You have no understanding of what actually happens on the world geo politcal stage. You should feel lucky that someone out there is protecting you.

If it was up to you the US would put its head in her ass and go home. Well that is not going to happpen, with 9-11 and clear support of terrorts by countries that our enemies of the US going to be shaking things up.

G.W. Bush is the right man at the right time.

Antiwar - your a troll, you could at least try and post opinions that have some what intelligence.
Posted by Dan 2004-2-11 10:52:15 AM||   2004-2-11 10:52:15 AM|| Front Page Top

#42 Hey is my bet...don't talk to ME unless you can come up with a quote:

B's Bet:
I'll donate $20 to Fred's tip jar if someone can find me a quote where an important, believable (I'll be the judge) official in the American Administration states that we have not found WMD's in Iraq.
-anything that says, "has not been reported" doesn't count.

see also post #30

I'm waiting....
Posted by B 2004-2-11 10:56:59 AM||   2004-2-11 10:56:59 AM|| Front Page Top

#43 Saddam HAD I REPEAT HAD wmds in the 1980's SOLD TO HIM BY AMERICA!!!!!!!!

The US sold him no such thing. Stop believing Mikey Moore and start reading the facts.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-2-11 11:01:03 AM|| []  2004-2-11 11:01:03 AM|| Front Page Top

#44 $20 on the line. tick tock..tick tock...du-du-duu-du-duu-du-duuu....du-du-duu-du-DU!-DUdududu...du-du-duu-du-duu-du-duuu....DU! duu duu duuu duu duu duuuuuuuuuuu......
Posted by B 2004-2-11 11:06:21 AM||   2004-2-11 11:06:21 AM|| Front Page Top

#45 Dan Bush is putting YOU and every other American in danger of a terrorist attack. Yes america should do the world a favour and go home.Lil Dhimmi you ae dim alright.Well I'M going to leave now and watch my Kath and Kim DVD.So toodles warmongers.
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 11:17:02 AM||   2004-2-11 11:17:02 AM|| Front Page Top

#46 The American Public will never accept the truth that BUSH LIED and I'll never get my bong back.
Posted by Halfempty 2004-2-11 11:17:13 AM||   2004-2-11 11:17:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#47 Hey troll...I guess we can assume that you couldn't find a quote.
Posted by B 2004-2-11 11:19:30 AM||   2004-2-11 11:19:30 AM|| Front Page Top

#48 hey half good to see you back! i was geting losnesome over here. you should see this antiwar guy. he is a realy deep thinker
Posted by muck4doo 2004-2-11 11:25:13 AM||   2004-2-11 11:25:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#49 Only 48 entries? Come back! We were going to set a new endurance record. Too bad you'd rather watch TV than read. It might do you some good. I would recommend Socrates or Plato to begin with. Sorry for any hurt feelings, but we here at RB are awfully wedded to Facts and Logic. Give it a try. Ya'll come back now, ya heah?
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2004-2-11 11:27:36 AM||   2004-2-11 11:27:36 AM|| Front Page Top

#50 Iyot (and others wondering about how intelligence was used) - I suggest you read Old Spook's comment from this Rantburg article a few days ago. It demonstrates an assessment process. There were many factors to consider, and competent professionals had to weigh them all, assign probabilities, allocate resources based upon the resulting output, and err on the side of safety. Regardless of whether you agree with my take, read OS's comment and decide for yourself.

Just remember, and this is where the LLL types are truly assholes - while everyone else (I hope) is actually trying to discern the truth:
It's utterly disingenuous and dishonest to judge others while enjoying the luxury of 20/20 hindsight and give no quarter to those who have to make the hard calls everyday without it.

The article was titled "Calling Iraq's Bluff"
Posted by .com 2004-2-11 11:29:07 AM||   2004-2-11 11:29:07 AM|| Front Page Top

#51 well...I can't wait all day. Contrary to what you might think...I do have a life. But I'll be back. I think someone should take me up on my $20 bet....for Fred's sake.

It's an open ended bet. I'll pay as soon as anyone finds a quote (see above).
Posted by B 2004-2-11 11:30:57 AM||   2004-2-11 11:30:57 AM|| Front Page Top

#52 Hey, would Scott Ritter count? :)
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2004-2-11 11:35:39 AM||   2004-2-11 11:35:39 AM|| Front Page Top

#53 Lil Dhimmi you ae dim alright.

Antiwar, coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment.
Posted by Lil Dhimmi 2004-2-11 11:37:36 AM||   2004-2-11 11:37:36 AM|| Front Page Top

#54 Saddam HAD I REPEAT HAD wmds in the 1980's SOLD TO HIM BY AMERICA!!!!!!!!

Sorry buddy, but while U.S. companies might sell technology and components that the Iraqis used to surreptitiously create their own weapons, selling actual weapons directly to Hussein didn't happen.

At the time of the invasion he had NONE.

And how exactly do you know this? Have you personally combed the entire land mass of Iraq and determined this with absolute certainty?


This is better known as "Old Recycled Bullshit".
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-2-11 12:03:42 PM||   2004-2-11 12:03:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#55 B, I'll give $20 to the democratic underground (yuck!) if someone can find that quote you mentioned.
Posted by CrazyFool  2004-2-11 12:06:34 PM||   2004-2-11 12:06:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#56 wow impressive list of distorted facts there antiwar! Whats even more amazing is that theres still people out there that would love to see Saddam reinstated as the Iraqi Dictator, some people must love these type of people and regimes i guess.Oh well even though Saddams gone maybe Kim Jong Il can set you up with a nice little property in his fabulous wonderland, you'd surly fit in well and love it there.
Posted by Jon Shep U.K 2004-2-11 12:08:20 PM||   2004-2-11 12:08:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#57 Hey gang! What's going on? Did someone say something wrong?
Posted by Dragon Fly  2004-2-11 12:27:24 PM||   2004-2-11 12:27:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#58 antiwar: You're starting to bore me.
Posted by 11A5S 2004-2-11 12:30:36 PM||   2004-2-11 12:30:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#59 heh. this thread is great
Posted by Dcreeper 2004-2-11 12:35:29 PM||   2004-2-11 12:35:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#60 antiwar,

"Re Israel there are jews who think the same so you can't call it antisemitic. "

I never thought it was anti-semitic... just CRAZY!
Posted by Damn_Proud_American  2004-2-11 12:48:03 PM|| []  2004-2-11 12:48:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#61 crazy fool - ick...well at least it's a safe bet!! (not that I shouldn't hit Fred's tip jar anyway).

It is so interesting how everyone has jumped on the "the intelligence was wrong" bandwagon. Even conservative pundits have sung the tune - but why?

Oh sure, CNN, BBC, NPR etc. have all hyped the "how could we have been so wrong" stories ad nauseum. But has GW or Rumsfeld or anyone at the top ever said "we have not found WMD's in Iraq?" NO! NEVER to my knowledge.

The "how could we have all been so wrong stories" are all based on the fact that the discovery of WMD sites have not yet been REPORTED to the public. Well..gee, maybe they are classified (go figure) so as not to tip the bad guys as to where we are in the investigation.

Just like Bush never said the threat was "imminent", he has never said that we have not found WMDs. And just like "imminent threat" he probably enjoys watching his detractors publically discredit themselves.
Posted by B 2004-2-11 1:09:17 PM||   2004-2-11 1:09:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#62 Yo peacehaters I'm back.Just for half an hour so here it is.Redneck I actually read quite a lot.B here's a quote " Iraq has no wmd and poses no threat to the US " Scott Ritter. can't say the same in reverse.Here's another "We've been to every ammunition supply plant from the Kuwaiti border and Baghdad but they're not there"LT GEN James Conway.Jon I said Saddam should be tried at the international court and prison for life.I did not say he should be reinstated.However I do think the USA was totally wrong to invade Iraq and wage war.The coalition leaders should be tried for this maybe the three stooges could share a cell. Blair and Howard could clean Dubya's shoes maybe.
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 1:20:09 PM||   2004-2-11 1:20:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#63 Watch it, fellow peacehaters. He's using Scott Ritter as a credible source! Guess he showed us.
Posted by tu3031 2004-2-11 1:31:48 PM||   2004-2-11 1:31:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#64 I blame meth for this thread.
Posted by AntiPasto 2004-2-11 1:35:29 PM||   2004-2-11 1:35:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#65 Only a few minutes so here you go where is your quote of the evidence Saddam DID have WMD?
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 1:44:08 PM||   2004-2-11 1:44:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#66 OK does anyone still doubt Antiwar is f%&ked up?
Posted by Rafael 2004-2-11 1:50:52 PM||   2004-2-11 1:50:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#67 Well thats it from me I'm off to bed i will return at 8pm(australian time) so until then Dubya fans I bid you farewell.
Posted by Antiwar 2004-2-11 2:05:02 PM||   2004-2-11 2:05:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#68 How would Scott Ritter know? He hasn't been back to Iraq since the war - and he's been kinda busy doing inspections at the local playground.

Here is the rest of the story that you left out, troll...but nice try.

"Conway refrained from pointing fingers.

"Intelligence failure, I think, is too strong a word to use at this point," he said. "I don't think that we've given up on the search yet."

He told reporters gathered at the Pentagon for a teleconference briefing: "As we moved north [during the first weeks of the war], there were a couple of times when everybody was sleeping with their boots on and with their gas masks pretty close.

"One of the real surprises we all experienced is that we did not get struck with weapons of mass destruction as we crossed the Euphrates, or even as we crossed the Tigris and went up against the Republican Guard divisions.

"We truly thought that they were distributed, not to everyone, not to regular army divisions that we saw in the South, but my personal belief is that they probably did reside in Republican Guard units," he said.

He added that his troops are helping with the postwar search.

More than 1,300 investigators planned for Iraq
Later Friday in Washington, the general leading the new U.S. team that will search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq said he thinks there is credible evidence that Iraq has such weapons.

He echoed Conway's surprise at the failure of the searches conducted so far.

Maj. Gen. Keith Dayton told reporters that he will leave for Iraq on Monday to head a team of more than 1,300 investigators from the United States, Great Britain and Australia. Between 250 and 300 of those team members -- including some inspectors who were in Iraq before 1998, when all U.N. teams were expelled -- will visit suspected weapons sites, Dayton said"
Posted by B 2004-2-11 2:12:19 PM||   2004-2-11 2:12:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#69 that was back in May. So...let me get this straight...your evidence is based on Conway saying he believes there are WMD's and Dayton saying there is credible evidence and they plan to visit suspected sites.

Now show me where they said they "didn't find any".
Posted by B 2004-2-11 2:16:45 PM||   2004-2-11 2:16:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#70 B here's a quote " Iraq has no wmd and poses no threat to the US " Scott Ritter.

Scott Ritter. Hm...... I wonder what NAMBLA's position is on Iraqi WMDs.
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2004-2-11 2:18:56 PM||   2004-2-11 2:18:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#71 LOL!! Antiwar, Dude, You're priceless. Don't go away.
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2004-2-11 2:20:20 PM||   2004-2-11 2:20:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#72 Ah watch that spittle fly! Anyone else notice antiwar has yet to use a single source to back up his claims? (No Scott Ritter don't count as a source, unless you want to claim his knowledge of pedophilia and that he took bribes from Saddam), go to google and check up the phrase "Scott Ritter Project", yep thats the term the Iraqi govt. used. As for the rest of your insanity, just remember antiwar, "Everybody needs a hug sometime" hehehehehe.
Posted by Valentine 2004-2-11 2:50:31 PM||   2004-2-11 2:50:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#73 Yo peacehaters I'm back.

Well there you go. Peace-at-any-price, is it?

"We've been to every ammunition supply plant from the Kuwaiti border and Baghdad but they're not there"LT GEN James Conway.

What dumbass would hide verboten weapons in ammunition supply plants???? And what dumbass would only look in those places?

Jon I said Saddam should be tried at the international court and prison for life.

Try Saddam in the ICC??? Do you think Hussein would have just gotten up and waltzed over to Belgium on his own with an army of lawyers to defend him? Please.

I did not say he should be reinstated.However I do think the USA was totally wrong to invade Iraq and wage war.

Oh yeah, another 12 years of useless UN resolutions and empty bluster would've done the trick.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-2-11 3:37:33 PM||   2004-2-11 3:37:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#74 The coalition leaders should be tried for this maybe the three stooges could share a cell.

How fucked up does your moral compass have to be if you think people who put an end to government rape squads and childrens' prisons deserve to be imprisoned?

But, hey, that's the "peace" movement today: fascists, racists, and wanna-be totalitarianists.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-2-11 9:00:53 PM|| []  2004-2-11 9:00:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#75 Someone, pass Me the "communal brain." (The pickles are staring at Me.)

I seem to recall finding 7 pounds of cyanide in Iraq. Of course, it was planted by Haliburton, I'm sure.

We know that the Russians were helping escort convoys out of Iraq right before the ground assault. Probably just women and children inside those windowless trailers.

It was certainly a clever trick to give orders to use weapons that didn't exist to fool our military, which they knew was tapping their comms.

Question to you anti-American War types: since we have Saddam, we can simply put him back in power, and leave, putting us back the way we were in 2002. We won't even need to fill in the mass graves we dug up, since he'll do it for us.
Is that what you want?
Posted by Jackal  2004-2-11 10:01:58 PM|| []  2004-2-11 10:01:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#76 I'll believe Scott Ritter once he goes on FOX.
Posted by Lucky 2004-2-12 12:58:17 AM||   2004-2-12 12:58:17 AM|| Front Page Top

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