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2004-02-09 Home Front: Politix
The Liberal Assault on Freedom of Speech
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Posted by Secret Master 2004-02-09 1:54:17 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [22 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I could be wrong, but it sounds like crap. I've read over and over how the Dems have been hit hardest by the ban on large donations and how the use of type groups allows them to circumvent much of the campaign finance laws.

I could be wrong but I don't think the NRA is tax-exempt. They truly are non-partisan (yes most pro-guns are Republicans but they've supported a handful of Dems that agreed with their politics) and chose to avoid tax exemption for some other reason. I can't see how they could be controlled by McCain Feingold.
Posted by ruprecht 2004-2-9 3:38:16 PM||   2004-2-9 3:38:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 I thought that the bill should have been called the Incumbent Protection Act, But ruprecht, you make a good point. The current act is a consitutional abomination that only Sandra Dee O'Connor could provide a convoluted justification for. It would be funny if the Dems get steam-rollered repeatedly until they are forced to contitutionally challenge their own idea.
Posted by Super Hose  2004-2-9 4:12:26 PM||   2004-2-9 4:12:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 campaign finance reform is not my top issue. NRA is gonna be strong regardless, cause its got mass membership. Groups that rely on contributions are narrow industry lobbyists - dare i name the sugar industry as an example, which gutted our FTA with Australia? That the underlying concern, and John McCain is much concerned as are some Dems. OTOH folks do look at the partisan considerations when looking at this, and i suppose thats inevitable. Im not a constitutional law expert and im not going to get into a tussle about whether the law is in technical violation of the 1st amendment - it may well be. But crushing freedom of speech was certainly not the intention. Rather its an inevitable side effect of trying to control money in politics negatively, by limiting donations. The preferred method would be more comprehensive public financing.
Posted by liberalhawk 2004-2-9 4:59:56 PM||   2004-2-9 4:59:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 LH, Japan has a decent system, but what would probably benefit the US the most would be an electorate that is curious enough to be interested in what is going on. The information is out there, but it takes a little more time to be a real citizen than most people are willing to put forward.
Posted by Super Hose  2004-2-9 5:30:55 PM||   2004-2-9 5:30:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 The preferred method would be more comprehensive public financing.

Leading to more candidates like Sharpton -- more interested in sucking off the campaign cash and publicity teat than in actually governing.

Then you get to the question of what happens to the freedom of people to support the candidates and ideas they believe in. Will I be able to contribute to candidate A? Will my tax dollars go towards, say, the American Nazi Party candidate? Isn't that forcing me to subsidize speech I don't agree with?
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-2-9 7:53:58 PM|| []  2004-2-9 7:53:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 No LH, raise the amount allowed. It was almost 30 years ago that the limits were set. It's like the IRA contribution, $2K doesn't buy what it did in the early 80s.

Raise the amount to $5K a candidate and each donation available for public review via all sources w/in 72 hours. And personally I shouldn't be able to contribute to a candidate which doesn't live in my state. That should really shake things up.

And get rid of the law that allows donors secrecy, a la that socialist candidate who wanted to keep her donors a secret.
Posted by Anonymous2U 2004-2-9 11:08:59 PM||   2004-2-9 11:08:59 PM|| Front Page Top

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01:00 Phil Fraering
00:57 Lucky
00:53 Old Patriot
00:33 Old Patriot
00:30 Zhang Fei
00:29 Damn_Proud_American
00:12 Anonymous
00:11 Phil Fraering
23:51 Barbara Skolaut
23:41 Rafael
23:37 Les Nessman
23:28 Rafael
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23:22 Garrison
23:20 Anonymous
23:16 Anonymous2U
23:08 Anonymous2U
23:08 Barbara Skolaut

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