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2004-01-21 Europe
BBC Headdress controvery update: Beards In Jeopardy
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Posted by Super Hose 2004-01-21 9:43:13 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [21 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I just keep my dip habit very discrete in the office. Besides, the stains in the carpet were becoming unseemly.
Posted by Dragon Fly  2004-1-21 9:52:33 AM||   2004-1-21 9:52:33 AM|| Front Page Top

#2  I knew it’s siren call would plague me throughout the day.

Thanks for beating me to it. This story was calling to me like the One Ring whispering in Frodo's ear. "Post me, post me, you know you want to, my precious, yesssssssss!!!!"
Posted by Steve  2004-1-21 9:57:57 AM||   2004-1-21 9:57:57 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Our local news reader wore what appeared to be a partially stuffed polecat on his head for years. What's the problem?
Posted by mojo  2004-1-21 10:41:56 AM||   2004-1-21 10:41:56 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 I actually lay awake last night thinking about the headscarf issue. God help me.

I think the headscarf issue is going to become a highly emotional issue for women, much more so than any of us expect. To Muslims, it is a symbol of their identity and to western women it is a symbol of the oppression that the Arab world subjects women to - and would force upon us if they could.

Don't get me wrong - I have no problem with Muslim women wearing the headscarf, any more than I have a problem with Christians wearing a cross or Jews wearing a Star of David. That's not my point.

Just mark my words - this issue will be divisive! And to prove my point, look at this article linked from Instapundit.

After years of being rendered speechless over rape-rooms, stonings, exploding women, and all other manner of unspeakable oppression....the feminazis finally found the inner strength to speak up to condemn Daniel Pipes...that's right Daniel Pipes for saying that the headscarf was a fashion statement for the Muslim women (or whatever it was he was saying...I'm not quite sure WHAT he was saying, to be honest).

If, after giving a pass to all of the other atrocities, this issue can bring the feminazis to suddenly rediscover their voice for issues regarding women, instead of for just bashing white males, and even though they could only bring themselves to direct their anger toward a politcally correct conservative target....well...need I say more???
Posted by B 2004-1-21 10:55:02 AM||   2004-1-21 10:55:02 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Darn, it never works when I do the link. I'm going to try again.
Posted by B 2004-1-21 10:56:48 AM||   2004-1-21 10:56:48 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 I'm stupid. Here it is but I broke it up with a return after 2004 so it wouldn't cause a problem
Posted by B 2004-1-21 10:58:00 AM||   2004-1-21 10:58:00 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 It's funny how one fake religion (remember Mo wasn't a profit any more than I am) can cause sensable people to go through all manner of BS.

Posted by Lucky 2004-1-21 11:07:42 AM||   2004-1-21 11:07:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 If I were writing a screenplay to document this ridiculous controversy for all time using the made-for TV format (which would be a satire unto itself), I would have the German Chancellor attempt to provide political cover for Chiraq by banning baldness in German schools to combat the intolerance of skinheads. This would force actual bald people to wear wigs to school. Can you imagine an entire school protesting the ordinance with Trafficant toupees. Sinead O'Connor would sing at a candlelight vigil for the oppressed.
Posted by Super Hose  2004-1-21 11:12:44 AM||   2004-1-21 11:12:44 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 Will religious symbols include NASCAR numbers? Like I worship 8.

Posted by john  2004-1-21 12:32:31 PM||   2004-1-21 12:32:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 B, I read what was at the link - I disagree with what she said in that the solution should not be outlaw the bandana. The solution would be to protect the women from the acid throwers and then let the women decide how they want to dress. Government's sole function is to protect citizens from bozo's.
Posted by Super Hose  2004-1-21 1:46:11 PM||   2004-1-21 1:46:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 SH - I completely agree with you. I'm just predicting that this is going to become a highly emotional issue, for both western and Muslim women, rather than a rational one.
Posted by B 2004-1-21 2:40:50 PM||   2004-1-21 2:40:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Wait a minute. I thought we were wrong because we attacked terrorists instead of dealing with them judicially. How can these same clowns that say would should be arresting terrorists then fail to arrest the acid throwers? BZZZB. .... Sorry, brainlock. I'm better now. Must have entered the wrong logic path.
Posted by Super Hose  2004-1-21 2:43:49 PM||   2004-1-21 2:43:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Will religious symbols include NASCAR numbers? Like I worship 8.

See the light infidel. 19 is the Holy Number and Mayfield is the chosen Dodge Boy.
Posted by Lake Loyd 2004-1-21 4:33:41 PM||   2004-1-21 4:33:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 I dreamt that all this tempest in Frawnce over the hijab was a mad hatter's tea party put on for my enjoyment. I awoke from my dream and found out that it was for real. Not only that, I saw multitudes jumping on the raft floating on the sewage lagoon.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-1-21 11:28:31 PM||   2004-1-21 11:28:31 PM|| Front Page Top

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21:50 True German Ally

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