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2003-12-31 Home Front
Little Green Footballs Report of Air France Flight Diversion
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Posted by Phil Fraering 2003-12-31 1:45:42 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [15 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 It wasn't diverted, apparently just escorted all the way from the Canadian border to LAX.
Free Republic had an enormous (800+posts) live string as the story unfolded.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2003-12-31 1:55:49 AM||   2003-12-31 1:55:49 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Of course Free Republic would--they are the paranoid crazies--I bet they saw a few black helicopters too
Posted by NotMikeMoore 2003-12-31 2:37:59 AM||   2003-12-31 2:37:59 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 You're on.
Produce a link to a black helicopter claim on Free Republic, one with wide support from the posters. OK, make that 10% support.

Freepers are paranoid crazies, but Bushitler invaded Iraq to boost his Halliburton stock and every terror alert and celebrity fluff story is a diversion from the war and the collapsing economy, all masterminded by the evil corporate Republicrooks and Zionazis who run the media; and, don't forget, Diebold makes a lot of voting machines, so its Republicrook CEO can obviously throw the election with his invisible implants and we need to have a law against those mind-control satellites, says Kucinich (not a Freeper, btw) and every contrary post at Indymedia is a plant by nefarious COINTELPRO types; no doubt about it, because we, the enlightened Progressive intelligetsia, speak for the PEOPLE, and who are these freepers kooks and mad-dogs to dispute the word of Allah Ramsey Clark the PEOPLE!!!!(selah)
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2003-12-31 2:56:07 AM||   2003-12-31 2:56:07 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 A.C. Didn't you mean to say "(inshallah)", rather than "(selah)"?
Posted by Ptah  2003-12-31 8:32:20 AM|| []  2003-12-31 8:32:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Aha! Found it!
Lowest jobless claims in 3 years last week. I wondered what the good news was.
Posted by Shipman 2003-12-31 11:39:49 AM||   2003-12-31 11:39:49 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Yep, COINTELPRO, no doubt.
Posted by Lucky 2003-12-31 2:24:14 PM||   2003-12-31 2:24:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Atomic Conspiracy - Man you are way out there in left field.

Bushitler - now exactly how is this comparison to someone who killed millions? You just hate Bush nothing more nothing less and you are too ignorant to express your views intelligently.

How is Iraq a diversion from the war (I am going to assume you mean the war on terror)? If you have even the slightest idea of what has been going on in the middle east for the last 30 years you could probably see a little clearer.
Once we took Iraq out of the equation binny's guys all want to go there (putting the talibs in an even more precarious situation). Syria and Iran have both mellowed (although I believe this is more tactical than strategic) and Libya said enough. Bush took care of a problem that Clinton ignored instead he concentrated on his own legal problems (from before and during his prez) and interims.

The enlightened Progressive intelligentsia, please, where are you from? San Francisco? New You? I ask because you do not speak for the people, at least not the American people. The American people are nowhere near your positions, hell even a good 70% of the Democratic Party is more centralist than where you are. And that is why the dems will lose again, at least with Dean who panders to the 30% of the dem party that is more left than center.

As for your statements on tampering of voting machines it is so outlandish that I cannot comment.

I would say you have watched just a few too many re-runs of X-Files on the Sci-Fi channel.

Posted by Dan 2003-12-31 2:37:03 PM||   2003-12-31 2:37:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Dan, A.C. was being sarcastic as a shot at NMM...

Fred, you ever thought about making some Rantburg Guides so we can keep up with all the players ?

Posted by Carl in N.H. 2003-12-31 2:48:00 PM||   2003-12-31 2:48:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 my apologies - i honestly did not read it that way (should of read it twice or thrice) before just makes my blood boil when i read such outlandish statements. once agiain my apologies if i was out in right field.
Posted by Dan 2003-12-31 3:39:19 PM||   2003-12-31 3:39:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Yeah, Dan. AC got you.
But he speaks good asshat, doesn't he?
Posted by tu3031 2003-12-31 3:41:24 PM||   2003-12-31 3:41:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 he speaks good asshat, doesn't he?

Maybe he took the Indymedia Immersion Program.

If so, it's a credit to A.C that he kept his sanity.
Posted by Carl in N.H. 2003-12-31 4:15:39 PM||   2003-12-31 4:15:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 No sweat, Dan. Besides, it's good practice for when the real thing comes along, as it probably will any minute now.

Actually, it's become very difficult to mock lefty asshelmets in recent years, since it is almost impossible to think of anything weirder or more outrageous than some of the things they actually say.

The Diebold voting machines are a case in point. Anyone who knows anything about elections is aware that the companies who make these machines do not own them, and have nothing to do with their operation, other than to provide scheduled maintenance under some agreements.

I am a university professor, which gives me a ringside seat for the shenanigans of the far Left, as well as a very useful degree of early warning about trends and newly invented propaganda tropes.
It is probably the reason that I speak asshat so well, since total immersion is the ideal method for learning any language.

Right now, the hot item in the student-lefty rumor mill is that "Halliburton owns the machines that will count the votes next year." This is plainly a garbled version of the Diebold conspiracy theory; which is, itself, idiotic.

I recently addressed this voting machine non-issue on a closed message board and, with your indulgence, I would like to share those thoughts:
"The Left would apparently prefer that only Democrats and Greens have any involvement in preparing election materials. No chance of corruption in that, is there?"

"Imagine a Green-built voting machine: Pull the wrong lever and it confiscates your car.
Pull two wrong levers, and it reduces your tofu rations. It will be powered by 12 volt organic solar cells hung from the roof of the Unabomber's outhouse, so lines could be long.*"

"The Dem built version will have built-in provision for installation at cemetaries, along with instructions in 2739 separate languages, including Ebonics, Redneck, Klingon, and Valleygirlish."

"There will also be pictograph instructions for illiterates, and similar special instructions, (derived from Muscatel labels) for the homeless."

*this hilariously evocative description of lefty power source was originated by a fellow Rantburger, Rubysue
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2003-12-31 4:37:20 PM||   2003-12-31 4:37:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 This is NMM's (NaziMediaMike's) way of saying "Howdy Rantburg!" - with a sharp stick and a blunt wit.

AC - your shot was brilliantly executed! Dan's outrage is proof of how accurately you mimiced NaziMedia. *cheers* ;-)
Posted by .com 2003-12-31 6:51:37 PM||   2003-12-31 6:51:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Speaking of paranoid crazies, check out this insane rant by a lefty conspiraloon speculating on the Paul Wellstone plane crash:
"My first hunch upon hearing about the tragedy was that the Beech King Air A-100 was tampered with by right wingers, possibly the CIA, either directly or through electromagnetic rays or some psychic mind games."

Then take a look at the veritable avalanche of both rebuttal and gleeful scoffing in Free Republic's string about this self-same rant.

Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2003-12-31 8:03:34 PM||   2003-12-31 8:03:34 PM|| Front Page Top

02:16 Anonymous
13:23 Fred
00:31 .com
23:36 Ptah
22:48 Tresho
22:33 OldSpook
22:25 Atomic Conspiracy
22:24 Stephen
22:07 Bomb-a-rama
21:37 tu3031
21:37 Puddle Pirate
20:50 Frank G
20:49 Frank G
20:45 Frank G
20:36 .com
20:35 Okiebert
20:33 Mark
20:28 Frank G
20:26 .com
20:25 Robert Crawford
20:24 Robert Crawford
20:17 .com
20:12 Bomb-a-rama
20:03 Atomic Conspiracy

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