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2003-12-03 Fifth Column
Howard Dean loses his marbles
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Posted by Atrus 2003-12-03 3:50:47 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [14 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Actually, the most interesting theory that I've heard so far -- which is nothing more than a theory, it can't be proved -- is that Howard Dean produced a series of gay porn videos in college which incorporated Nazi uniforms, Klan hoods, and livestock.

Now, if this were to get repeated, people would be more inclined to believe it. So I think Dr. Howard (Dr. Fine! Dr. Howard!) should be more open and forthcoming about just what sort of gay porn videos he was really making in college.
Posted by BH  2003-12-3 4:04:41 PM||   2003-12-3 4:04:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Dean warned that the more theories like his "get repeated," the more people tend to believe them.

So, he plans on making this a keynote part of his stump speech. What a piece of shit.
Posted by notonetospreadrumors 2003-12-3 4:05:10 PM||   2003-12-3 4:05:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 It is rumoured that Howard Dean is not a homosexual.

Just a theory, mind you. The more they get repeated, the more people believe them.
Posted by Le Rumour Creator 2003-12-3 4:10:30 PM||   2003-12-3 4:10:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 There is growing evidence that Howard Dean doesn't have a brain. Each time something like this appears, the heavier the weight of evidence becomes. Someone should clue Dean that HATE won't get him elected. Since he has nothing else, knows nothing else, and has pushed nothing else since the earliest days of his campaign, he's a dead duck.

No need to repeat this to anyone - the evidence speaks for itself, and it's shouting.
Posted by Old Patriot  2003-12-3 4:40:46 PM|| []  2003-12-3 4:40:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 It is rumored that Howard Dean secretly visited Michael Jackson at his mansion a number of times. Just a theory, mind you. The more they get repeated, the more people believe them.
Posted by howard_Dean_loves_michael_jackson  2003-12-3 4:42:31 PM||   2003-12-3 4:42:31 PM|| Front Page Top

Posted by alaskasoldier 2003-12-3 4:44:51 PM||   2003-12-3 4:44:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Dean may have the wrong vision for America, but he is no fool. There are many unanswered questions about 911. Why no full-scale investigation by Congress? You think YOU know what happened? What makes you think so? Rantburg arose out of a basic mistrust of the institutional media and the conventional 'wisdom'. I believe that's proven to be a healthy stance.

Don't know what I believe as of yet. But here's a thought-provoking site:

It'll keep you up at night.
Posted by Scott 2003-12-3 4:56:15 PM||   2003-12-3 4:56:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 You think YOU know what happened?

I'm fairly certain that 2 hijacked aircraft flew into the World Trade Center. I believe they were hijacked by fundi Saudi's.

I believe that 2 other aircraft were hijacked by fundi Saudi's and one attacked the Pentagon and the other was destroyed by Americans on board.

What do you think? Martians? Martian Oil Men? Martian ManHunters? Joooooooos? Masons? Martian Masons? Marvin the Martian in his Black Helicopter of Love? Haliburton? Bechtel? Lizards? Bechtel Lizard Love Slaves?

I'm getting under the bed. I see moonbats.
Posted by Shipman 2003-12-3 5:31:49 PM||   2003-12-3 5:31:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 I think the entire nation was gripped in a mass psychosis. AQ kept blowing up different things (including the World Trade Center once) and we kept forgetting and returning to the OJ trial. We should be renamed the United Group of Morons that Can't See Reality Until the 2x4 Smacks Us in the Forehead.
Posted by Super Hose  2003-12-3 5:38:36 PM||   2003-12-3 5:38:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 This is further proof that the Democrat Party IS ruled by its kooks. The longer they ignore the substance of Zell Miller's book, the deeper they will dig.

This is one reason to root for a democrat-biased talk radio network: Get the word out just how whacked these people are. Say it Loud! Say it Proud!
Posted by eLarson 2003-12-3 5:38:37 PM||   2003-12-3 5:38:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Scott, if you believe that President Bush would allow mass murder to happen only to gain some political points, then maybe you need to share the tinfoil hat with Dr. Dean. Prior to 9/11 and until this day DIA, CIA, NSA, EIEIO have sent personnel ALL OVER THE WORLD (Including Pakistan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and all the other cast members in this VAST CONSPIRACY theory). Guess what? Those agencies have sent people to those country for DECADES before 9/11/2001. Does that mean that the grant conspiracy was hatched during maybe the Nixon administration and had to be delayed until the Bush the younger was elected? Only people with a SERIOUS mental disorder can remotely subscribe that ANY (U.S.) elected official or the intelligence community had any prior knowledge of what happened on 9/11/01. I especially like the theory about the lack of Combat patrols over the east coast on 9/11/2001. Guess what? They didn’t have combat patrols back the, because WE WERE NOT AT WAR! But they have them now. ;-)
Posted by Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)  2003-12-3 5:45:53 PM||   2003-12-3 5:45:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 OBJECTION! Assumes facts not in evidence.

You're assuming Howie had marbles in the first place...
Posted by mojo  2003-12-3 6:26:57 PM||   2003-12-3 6:26:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 I love the fact that Dean is leading the Ninecompoops. The farther along he gets, the more he becomes unhinged. The Dems are about to do a Thelma and Louise.
Posted by Tibor 2003-12-3 7:06:57 PM||   2003-12-3 7:06:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 I believe there are certain discrepencies in the government's version of 9/11, however the idea that the Bush administration had specific knowledge of the exact details of the plot beforehand is not plausible. There were warnings, of course, and bits of intel that should have been put together, but were not.

The people who believe that "Bush knew" seldom have a solid grounding in history. One only needs to read At Dawn We Slept to see how such a situation can occur.

The Center for Cooperative Research website is a useful repository of information, however, the people running the site seem to puch the view that "Bush Knew", which, as Cyber Sarge points out, is not plausible.

However, I'm afraid that the government's failure to be frank with the public about the full details of 9/11 has given the tin-foil hat community some leeway here.
Posted by Pete Stanley 2003-12-3 8:29:43 PM||   2003-12-3 8:29:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 It's difficult for the government to be "frank" with intelligence information. There are about a thousand things that have to come into play. One of the most important aspects is that we NOT tell a potential enemy of shortfalls in our intelligence capabilities, because they will use that information to our detriment. We also cannot say anything that would disclose sources or methods, because then the enemy could develop effective counter-measures, and we'd be caught napping yet again. We also don't want to say anything that will give a potential enemy insight into how we develop finished intelligence problems, especially when that information will highlight fundamental weaknesses in our systems and organizations. So it's not just the INFORMATION that needs to be protected, but a whole string of things. Finally, we have to be very careful who we let know information, because we have some ass-hats in Congress (and elsewhere) that like to brag about what they know (or think they do), just to appear important, or to create the impression they're "in the know".

I don't know what happened prior to 9/11. I left the spook business in late 1989. I do know what assets and capabilities we had then, and I know we should have gotten at least SOME clue. I also know that the political environment for intelligence functions was extremely hostile for at least eight years, and may have contributed somewhat to the intelligence failure. There's no doubt there WAS a failure, but I don't think a witch-hunt, such as the one currently taking place in the Senate Intelligence Committee, is going to do anything that will improve the situation.
Posted by Old Patriot  2003-12-3 10:01:27 PM|| []  2003-12-3 10:01:27 PM|| Front Page Top

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