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2003-11-24 Home Front
Al Qaeda: Countdown
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Posted by  Chuck Simmins 2003-11-24 12:08:15 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [27 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Sounds like a good excuse for the FBI to put some overt surveillance on the Bad Guys©.
Posted by commo 2003-11-24 12:16:14 PM||   2003-11-24 12:16:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 to quote a great leader, bring it on.
Posted by eyeyeye 2003-11-24 12:34:13 PM||   2003-11-24 12:34:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 They threaten communications with the armend forces. Navel action maybe. These guys went after WTC twice before succeding. Perhaps another shot at the Pentagone or maybe many attacks at port facilities.

I take the threat seriously.
Posted by Lucky 2003-11-24 1:14:15 PM||   2003-11-24 1:14:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 It's getting to the point that you can't get out of bed in the morning without a new A-Q warning, usually same as the old warning. Let them do their worst - we will retaliate ten times over. Waziristan should be targeted with a few MOABs. Let the entire Middle East know: if you harbor terrorists, you will be treated as a terrorist, regardless of whatever bullshit religious or political motivations you may have. Every few weeks, we should ratchet up the pressure, be a little nastier, until these nutcases crack, or there's no one left.
Posted by Old Patriot  2003-11-24 1:17:01 PM|| []  2003-11-24 1:17:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Seems to me that even Al Qaeda doesn't think the democrats have a snoball's chance in heck. Otherwise they would lay low (perhaps consolidate) until the next election.

Doing something now is almost certain to clinch the White house for the Republicians.
Posted by CrazyFool  2003-11-24 1:26:39 PM||   2003-11-24 1:26:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 I hope its just BS but I do take it seriously. I hope nothing biological ever gets into their hands.

I say we let it be known that if anything happens to the US, we level Medina. If something else happens, we level Mecca. Hold them hostage by their religion. We should also spash enemy combatant detainees and corpses with pig blood - let the word get out about that. I bet that would curb the # of attacks.
Posted by Yosemite Sam 2003-11-24 1:29:03 PM||   2003-11-24 1:29:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 I take every threat seriously. However, I am really stumped regarding how they think they can take down all of our comms.

To me, this implies a serious anti-satellite capability. As far as I know all of our terrestrial nodes are highly hardened and redundant. Theoretically, it could also involve use of EMP weapons in countries with US troops, though I believe some of our gear is hardened pretty well.

Recently there were claims that the next attack, scheduled near the end of Ramadan, would kill over 100,000 of us. James Robbins did a good job of speculating how - lots of MANPADS or an attack on a CNG fuel depot seem most likely.

Any idea how they might take down our global military communications capability?
Posted by JAB 2003-11-24 2:10:38 PM||   2003-11-24 2:10:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 I just read the Robbins piece. The dems are playing the potential of this for political advantage.

"If nothing happens, which ironically is the definition of success, they continue the critique. And if the terrorists pull off a successful domestic attack, they say it validates what they had been saying"

They would use the deaths of these people for their advantage. However, I bet the LLL will say that is what bush is doing, figures.

a traitor is a traitor
Posted by capt joe  2003-11-24 2:38:43 PM||   2003-11-24 2:38:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 This isn't Al Quaida modus operandum when they have something big in hands: Al Quaida didn't warn before the embassies, before Cole or before the WTC. I really think if they had something going they would shut up, if they are talking and making noises is that they raen't in position to strike
Posted by JFM  2003-11-24 2:50:06 PM||   2003-11-24 2:50:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 For what it's worth, an earlier warning :
Turkey: AQ Spokesman Claims Attacks, Issues Threats
November 21, 2003 1522 GMT

Al Qaeda spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Ablaj has issued another statement to Saudi-owned magazin al-Majallah, claiming the group's responsibility for the Nov. 20 suicide attacks in Turkey and threatening action against the United States and Japan. The Arabic magazine said the statement it received warned, "The moment the first Japanese soldier sets foot in Iraq, Al Qaeda will hit at the very core of Tokyo. And it is at that time the Japanese will learn our true capabilities."
The statement continued to the effect that Japan is "very capable of being destroyed, and the Japanese know this reality" and that "The Americans and the coalition forces should prepare themselves, from now, for a larger number of hospitals and graves."
Al-Ablaj, who has issued several statements on behalf of al Qaeda, added that theorganization is planning a "huge operation" scheduled to take place between Eid al-Fitr -- the holiday marking the end of the fasting month of Ramadan -- and Eid al-Adha, which will be observed in mid-February. He reportedly said, "We and all Muslims will come closer to God and hand him the heads of the tyrants" on Eid al-Adha.
(Source: Strafor)
Posted by Anonymous 2003-11-24 3:35:24 PM||   2003-11-24 3:35:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Internet Haganah has a long article about our vulnerability to LNG attacks:

Posted by Chuck Simmins  2003-11-24 3:49:48 PM|| []  2003-11-24 3:49:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Land lines are hardened,with redundant back-up,Satilites newer ones are hardend with multiable back-ups,Pentagon possible but I bet there are multiple,layered air defense systoms since 9/11.I would expect a computer virus if they figure on wide spread comms black-out.
LNG attack possable but damage will not be what Al Q expects,storage tanks have multiple one way check valves and preasure relief valves the fire would be intense but explosions limited.Better target would be LNG tanker.
Posted by Raptor  2003-11-24 5:52:11 PM||   2003-11-24 5:52:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 To play off of our two sniper buddies - it might be feasible to hit multiple gas stations simultaneously with RPG's - maybe in several cities. Would make me nervous about filling up.
Posted by Super Hose  2003-11-24 6:24:04 PM||   2003-11-24 6:24:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Can a RPG hit in a gas station cause an explosion? I know it always happens in the movies but does that really happen in real life? You would think it would, at worst, produce smaller explosions and a tall flame. Perhaps they even have shutoff valves underground at the tank.

I dont expect anything to happen but still think we should take this seriously. I dont want anything to happen.
Posted by CrazyFool  2003-11-24 6:36:01 PM||   2003-11-24 6:36:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 I think we are as protected as we can be. Any type of fire at a gas pump will melt the fusible links in the sprinkler system above. The underground tanks will not blow.

I guess I chose this as an example because it would be a step toward bringing war to the American people. Guns are common. Gernades are not.

We will eventually see gas stations reconfigured with walls and blinds to be less vulnerable.
Posted by Super Hose  2003-11-24 6:50:01 PM||   2003-11-24 6:50:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 CrazyFool---Gasoline dispensers at stations have breakaway valves at ground level that will shut off the line to the dispenser (meter enclosure). This is done to prevent fuel from spraying all over if the dispenser is hit by a vehicle. Most modern gas stations have submersible pumps in the u/g tanks that feed multiple dispensers at the islands.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2003-11-24 8:37:58 PM||   2003-11-24 8:37:58 PM|| Front Page Top

10:54 Tibor
08:31 Raptor
07:59 Raptor
07:51 Raptor
07:38 Raptor
04:52 Super Hose
01:13 Anonymous2U
00:03 Doug
22:34 Grunter
22:20 Gasse Katze
22:16 Rafael
21:27 Bomb-a-rama
21:23 Bomb-a-rama
21:21 JohnC
21:19 badanov
21:14 badanov
21:09 Alaska Paul
21:04 Alaska Paul
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20:37 Alaska Paul
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