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2003-11-20 Home Front
Dr. Laura under attack from Muslims (go figure)
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Posted by Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) 2003-11-20 10:56:09 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [27 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 When CAIR executives and donors stop being linked to terrorists...
Posted by Robert Crawford  2003-11-20 11:04:18 AM|| []  2003-11-20 11:04:18 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 :asked Schlessinger to clarify her claim there is a "Muslim plan" to take over the world"

There is, its written in the Koran (or Qu'aran). I would love to see CAIR draw this one out because I think what Dr. Laura said is well within reason and a lof people are gonna be thrilled to see someone stand up to CAIR.
Posted by ruprecht 2003-11-20 11:15:26 AM||   2003-11-20 11:15:26 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Click on the "Muslim Plan" link for a reminder. The article it leads to has a link to an even more detailed reminder.
Posted by Fred  2003-11-20 11:18:00 AM||   2003-11-20 11:18:00 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 It’s good to see that CAIR has found a word that describes the feelings of DISTRUST towards the Islamic community: Islamophobic
Quite coincidentally, "islamophobie" (islamophobia) is also the new word now overly used by crimination groups & muslim groups in France. Does this indicate some kind of "internationally" coordonated PR plan, language proximity, or that I am paranoid?
Posted by Anonymous 2003-11-20 11:32:04 AM||   2003-11-20 11:32:04 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 "That’s the culture you want your daughter to learn about?"

er, yeah.

Schlesinger is an idiot. Didnt she make a big stink about becoming Orthodox, and advocating for conservative views on sexuality. Then turned out to be a total hypocrite, and not really Orthodox? Of course CAIR is even bigger idiots - talk show hosts like her say extreme things just to get attention and callers. CAIR just did her a big favor.
Posted by liberalhawk 2003-11-20 11:32:54 AM||   2003-11-20 11:32:54 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 There is no Moslem culture. Islam is practiced in a variety of ways by many races and cultures around the world. It is in the interest of the Islamofascist enemy to suggest that there is a "Moslem" culture, just as there is a "Jewish" culture. That way the radicals, mostly Arab and/or Whahabi, can hide amongst the Indonesians or Bangladeshis.
Posted by Chuck Simmins  2003-11-20 12:10:53 PM|| []  2003-11-20 12:10:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Derb says: "Bigotry = the open expression of conservative views."
Posted by Raj 2003-11-20 12:54:22 PM|| []  2003-11-20 12:54:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 It is not ok for someone on the radio to say some stupid comment from the gut but it is OK for the leaders of muslim countries to state that there is a jewish comspiracy to dominate the world. This at an official gathering of heads of state! I am so sick of the double standards that is practiced by muslims.
Posted by Dan 2003-11-20 1:26:21 PM||   2003-11-20 1:26:21 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 There is no Moslem culture. This statement is incorrect. In the books Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey and its sequel Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples V. S. Naipaul discusses this topic in detail. According to him there is a Moslem culture and its imperialist, and based on Arabic culture, and it has tried to supress the cultures of all non-Arabic states that have become Islamic.
Posted by ruprecht 2003-11-20 1:26:34 PM||   2003-11-20 1:26:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 "That’s the culture you want your daughter to learn about?"

On her own time, sure. But if the school field trip is about visiting a Mosque, then they should also visit a Synagogue, Christian Orthodox Church, Buddhist Temple, etc etc. Teach the kids tolerance, not some BS guilt-ridden diatribe that "we are the root of all evil".
Posted by Rafael 2003-11-20 1:46:57 PM||   2003-11-20 1:46:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 CAIR should take note of the dog that isn't barking here. Schlesinger has been taken to task many times in the past for her harsh comments. This time, nothing. Crickets chirping. Get the hint, CAIR. Her POV isn't extremist in this matter. Not anymore.
Posted by BH  2003-11-20 2:33:07 PM||   2003-11-20 2:33:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 She has high standards, tries to follow them, fails once, and so your take is that everything she says, irregardless of subject, is okay to ignore, LIBERALhawk?
Posted by Ptah  2003-11-20 4:09:34 PM|| []  2003-11-20 4:09:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Who in their right mind would give CAIR any credance? When will the Muslim children be visiting the Churches and Synagogues on their field trip in an effort to better understand their non-Muslim neighbors? I still remember the rally CAIR and the American Muslim Alliance co-sponsored at Brooklyn College in 1998. The radical Egyptian cleric, Wagdy Ghuneim led the song, "No to the Jews, descendants of the apes". Three of CAIR's members were recently arrested under terrorism charges. Ismail Royer, Bassem Khafagi and Nihad Awad. Ismail Royer was picked up with over 200 rounds of ammo and an AK-47, part of the "Virginia jihad network."
Posted by milford 2003-11-20 5:16:20 PM||   2003-11-20 5:16:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 "How many Americans have tortured and murdered Muslims"

I think the proper analogy is "how many *Christians* have tortured and murdered Muslims", in which case Dr Laura ought to have a look at Bosnia.

'radical Egyptian cleric, Wagdy Ghuneim led the song, "No to the Jews, descendants of the apes".'

And people here are leading the song 'No to the Muslims, murderers and terrorists'? Not that much better, that one.

"That's the culture you want your daughter to learn about?"

One would expect that you would want to know about *any* culture that has impact on your life, whether that impact is positive or negative. Whether you are allies with it or at war.

Unless ignorance is the way to go, for Dr. Laura.

"She has high standards, tries to follow them, fails once, and so your take is that everything she says, irregardless of subject, is okay to ignore, LIBERALhawk?"

Well everything she says is okay to ignore the same way that anyone's opinion advocating ignorance for our children is okay to ignore.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2003-11-20 7:36:36 PM||   2003-11-20 7:36:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Again, Aris does his best to completely miss the point.
Like milford said, When will the Muslim children be visiting the Churches and Synagogues on their field trip in an effort to better understand their non-Muslim neighbors?

'No to the Muslims, murderers and terrorists'?

The 'Muslims' part is your interjection. But for the sake of argument, ask yourself, from the viewpoint of a Muslim, what does "No to the Jews" mean? In the majority of cases, violence would somehow be involved. "No to the Muslims" in the case of most Rantburgers would mean "keep your religion to yourself thank you very much" or "does separation of church and state mean anything to you?".
Posted by Rafael 2003-11-20 9:18:40 PM||   2003-11-20 9:18:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 I'm not sure why the children of a Christian Catholic school visiting a Muslim mosque is a violation of church and state.

"No to Muslims" in this specific incident seems a prohibition against Christian children visiting mosques or learning anything about the Muslim religion. Perhaps for fear that they'll be converted to Islam or something -- not sure what other fear Dr Laura may have.

It's you are completely missing the point -- the article concerns Dr.Laura saying she is disgusted at the idea of christian children visiting a mosque. And people here agreeing to it.

"When will the Muslim children be visiting the Churches and Synagogues on their field trip in an effort to better understand their non-Muslim neighbors?"

I dunno, what's *your* guess?

*My* guess is that if in these progressive countries we still have people thinking it despicable to have children learn about other religions, then it'll be a long time indeed before this attitude gets removed from the backwards Islamic countries.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2003-11-20 9:29:09 PM||   2003-11-20 9:29:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 The visit was part of a "moral themes" class that aimed to help students learn how "Muslims are treated" in the United States.

The key phrases are 'moral themes' and 'how Muslims are treated'. Why is the treatment of Muslims in the US an issue to be examined all of a sudden? Is there widespread persecution or something? What's the deal? Of course, the implied "moral theme" of this field trip is that Muslims are being mistreated.
Secondly, why only the Muslim community? Why visit a Mosque and not a Synagogue?
Posted by Rafael 2003-11-20 10:24:16 PM||   2003-11-20 10:24:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 How do you know that a synagogue wasn't next or previous in a series of visits to other religions' places of worship? The article tells us little about what the rest of this "moral theme" entailed, or what its actual elements were -- it only tells us that the visit to the mosque was one of these element.

Selective reporting could quite well ensure that we wouldn't about trips to Buddhist temples or Synagogues, we would only hear about the trip to the mosque.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2003-11-20 10:48:28 PM||   2003-11-20 10:48:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 When I was 13, we moved to Detroit, I never knew any Muslims prior. I interacted w/a lot of Arab Muslims, Muslim Kosovars, Serbs, Turks, Croatians & Arab Christians after our move. Still have some good friends who are Chaldean and Lebanese Christians.

Personally never had any problems w/them (the muslims), but I was never naive to their outlook on us either. I dealt w/them mostly in business climates, but on occasion socially. They (the muslims) were not interested in integrating w/the mainstream for the most part, looked down on American culture in general (i.e. Christianity), and had no compunction in screwing you over if given the chance. (there was no moral reason for them not to unless your a muslim as well). I also found them to look down heavily upon the inner-city blacks as inferior (this was not only a muslim peculiarity though, aside from white racism toward blacks, the Kosovars, Serbs, & Turks I knew seem to despise them as well).

I remember the muslims referring to all whites as Americans - I used to ask - aren't you an American as well? Your a citizen as well right? They would almost be insulted by this fact. Again, this was my observation of living in Detroit for 11 years. I know not all of them think like this. It is going to take a long time, believe me, for them to come around.

If my kid goes and visits a mosque, synagogue or ashram, that's fine w/me. Let him learn about other cultures/religions/philosophies. Knowledge is power, can never have too much knowledge. My wife & I will always be there to clarify things.
Posted by Jarhead 2003-11-20 10:55:27 PM||   2003-11-20 10:55:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 the visit to the mosque was one of these element.

Yes, to learn how Muslims are being treated. But why bring this issue up unless someone thinks there is a problem with the treatment of Muslims in the US in general?
Posted by Rafael 2003-11-20 11:20:37 PM||   2003-11-20 11:20:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Aris, you need to better educate yourself. Get a copy of the textbook, "What Islam is All About", by IBTS publishing. Also, "Mercy to Mankind" by IQRA Foundation, (until recently funded by the Saudi's). These books are widely used throughout the US in Islamic schools. They blatantly teach hatred for Christians and Jews. You should also read Frances Bok's book detailing the plight of Sudanese Christians forced into slavery and tortured and killed by the Muslims at the present time.
Posted by milford 2003-11-21 9:08:40 PM||   2003-11-21 9:08:40 PM|| Front Page Top

21:08 milford
08:56 Anonymous
07:39 Raptor
02:54 B
01:59 JFM
00:11 Old Patriot
00:09 LeftEnd
00:03 LeftEnd
23:59 Old Patriot
23:58 Old Patriot
23:56 Anonymous
23:53 Old Patriot
23:51 Old Patriot
23:43 Zhang Fei
23:40 Old Patriot
23:20 Rafael
23:01 4thinfvet
22:55 Jarhead
22:48 Aris Katsaris
22:42 Lucky
22:24 Rafael
22:20 Paul Moloney
22:16 Raj
22:14 Jarhead

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