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2003-11-12 Middle East
Arafish say Israel has right to coexist
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Posted by Dragon Fly 2003-11-12 7:45:45 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [18 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Another Transalation: Out of Boomers, be back in a month.
Posted by Charles  2003-11-12 8:46:57 AM||   2003-11-12 8:46:57 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Everything Yasshole says is a lie. He just wants a break to recruite and re-supply.
Posted by Spot  2003-11-12 9:02:09 AM||   2003-11-12 9:02:09 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Arafart and Korei can demonstrate that they're serious - by dismantling Hamas and IJ (which incidentally is a condition of GWB's "roadmap"). While they're at it, they can disband Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, too.

(Note: holding one's breath is not advisable here)
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2003-11-12 10:24:24 AM||   2003-11-12 10:24:24 AM|| Front Page Top

Our fate is to live together on this land

No it isn't. Not after the PLO arab attempted Genocide. Now the PLO arab fate is to leave all of Israel, and return to egypt, jordan, syria, and lebanon, or what ever genocidal arab CUNTry they come from.
Posted by ISLAM SUCKS 2003-11-12 10:39:46 AM||   2003-11-12 10:39:46 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Too little, too late. Kill them all.
Posted by mojo  2003-11-12 10:54:13 AM||   2003-11-12 10:54:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Groundhog Day
Posted by Matt 2003-11-12 11:20:25 AM||   2003-11-12 11:20:25 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 Re comments:
Israel has right to live in security, fate to live together, etc.

What this crucially leaves is out is the following: fate is live together in TWO states (not just to live together in palestince) and Israel has the right to live as a JEWISH state - IE 2 states, one Pal and one Jewish, not 2 Pal states via the right of return.

But lets accept for the moment that the Pals wont give up the Right of Return outside of a final agreement, so this is the best they can do. Still its words. What is required is not words but actions. Querie has given in to Arafat on control of interior - he has proved weaker than Abbas, who at least resigned rather than go along with Arafat. So know arafat has COMPLETE control of Pal forces. Its up to HIM to disarm Hamas (which i doubt he will do) or face the consequences.

Now on Sharon - he seems to be making gestures and concessions toward Qurei, who is CLEARLY unwilling to stand up to Arafat. If these make sense at all, wouldnt they have made more sense for Abbas, who, though too weak, was tougher than Qurei?

Time to look past old Fatah leaders? Negotiate with a West Bank/Gaza native instead of the exiles - Bargouti, Dahlan, etc. But to pull that off major concessions might be needed. Will Sharon do that? OTOH can Labor, which would make concessions, manage to stick to a boycott of Arafat?
Posted by liberalhawk 2003-11-12 2:02:34 PM||   2003-11-12 2:02:34 PM|| Front Page Top

Negotiate with a West Bank/Gaza native instead of the exiles
Negotiate what? Israel should simply lay down the law. If a PLO arab can show beyond doubt that they are a direct descendant of a displaced Israeli arab who did not take up arms against Israel at any time in the past, they can stay in Israel if they want. Anywhere in Israel, be it Tel Aviv, the west bank, or Gaza. Any part of Israel where land is available. The Israeli gov, without displacing anyone, should even help with the costs, as a very generous gesture. All of the rest of the PLO arabs, and it would be the majority of them, should be immediately repatriated with their CUNTries of origin, whether the home CUNTries want them back or not. For the PLO arabs who's homes were originally in the area that is now Israel, but have taken up arms against Israel, and lost their land as a result of that action, should be shipped off to Jordan.
Posted by ISLAM SUCKS 2003-11-12 4:32:39 PM||   2003-11-12 4:32:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 think we've got ourselves a troll here folks.
Posted by liberalhawk 2003-11-12 5:31:48 PM||   2003-11-12 5:31:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 IS, that's out of order. LH makes some good points (as is usual), either address them or ignore them, but don't use them to go postal.

Rantburg has some truly excellent insights here, and I've learnt loads from the people that post here such as Fred, OP, .com, JFM (even including when he rightly took me to task over a silly thing I said), LH. SH and many more. Don't go barmy ok?
Posted by Tony (UK) 2003-11-12 9:13:19 PM||   2003-11-12 9:13:19 PM|| Front Page Top

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