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2003-09-23 Europe
Chirac lays out plan for Iraqi sovereignty
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Posted by Fred Pruitt 2003-09-23 08:27|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [28 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I'm beginning to think we need to deploy a Marine division to the SE of England.
Posted by Shipman 2003-9-23 8:50:09 AM||   2003-9-23 8:50:09 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Yep and more of those Woody Allen ads chastizing us for not loving France like we used to (i.e.: $) - that's what will bring Merkins's Simplisme!
Posted by Frank G  2003-9-23 9:36:13 AM||   2003-9-23 9:36:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 'Despite his insistence on a quick, symbolic transfer of sovereignty to the Iraqis, Chirac stated paradoxically that elections had to be handled with care, because the majority of Iraqis belong to the Shiite branch of Islam. "Are the Shiites in this analysis the real symbol of tomorrow's democracy?" he asked. "It is not so obvious." '

well nothings real obvious, is it? (Certainly not how to parse Chiracs sentences:)) Fact is, French policy is in a shambles. France is reduced to calling for the handing of power to Chalabi and the other exiles, just the people they wanted to keep from power in Febuary. In essence they are backing the original Garner plan for Iraqi reconstruction. Faced with a choice between Bremer, and Bremer's "handpicked lackeys" they'll go with the lackeys, who are asserting SOME independence, even if their first goal seems to be to ban Al-Jazeera. France has given up on establishing a UN regime that might be able to cultivate genuine anti-US iraqis. In the face of this "surrender" Iraqi politics has become confused. Chalabi and the council, eager for power, are tentatively reaching out to the French and Germans, even as Chalabi says he "wont fall into the trap of France". I suspect there is a lot of behind the scenes maneuvering involving Powell, Bremer, Wolfie, Chalabi, etc that involves alliances that some would find VERY surprising.
Posted by liberalhawk 2003-9-23 9:41:57 AM||   2003-9-23 9:41:57 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 Who died and left Jack$$$ Chirac in charge? Why does he think he and he alone has the right to set conditions for Iraq? He didn't do anything but get in the way in removing Saddam. He and his "nation" have done nothing to aid in Iraq's rebuilding. He and the Phewrench have actively worked to make the job in Iraq more difficult. Now he wants to step in, take control from the "fumbling Americans" and "show us how it's done". The man should be 'dis'invited to the White House, and every dime we spend in Phewrance needs to be withheld or spent elsewhere. Tell the Phewrench to drink their wine and bottled water. Everything the Phewrench touches turns to dung - we don't need that in Iraq.
Posted by Old Patriot  2003-9-23 10:02:43 AM|| []  2003-9-23 10:02:43 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 A suggestion: disinter every single American soldier buried on French soil and return them home. That will send a clear, unambiguous message.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2003-9-23 10:24:27 AM||   2003-9-23 10:24:27 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Dear Jacques -

Please fuck off.

Thanks -

Posted by mojo  2003-9-23 10:27:09 AM||   2003-9-23 10:27:09 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 P.S: And your mother too.

Posted by Flaming Sword 2003-9-23 11:13:21 AM||   2003-9-23 11:13:21 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Mojo-
Normally, I think that blunt profanity it counter productive. In this case, I can only agree. Keep that Mojo working.
Posted by Highlander 2003-9-23 11:13:28 AM||   2003-9-23 11:13:28 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 I tried to construct a Venn Diagram to discern what Shitrack is after. Nobody else try this as the result was simular to playing a Led Zepplin album backwards. When researching French policy nobody should use a Oiji board alone either.
Posted by Super Hose  2003-9-23 12:12:09 PM||   2003-9-23 12:12:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 He called the administration of Iraq, an Arab and Muslim country, by a "governor who is Christian and foreign" dangerous and "a very difficult situation for any people to accept in the 21st century." Funny, but the most recent and extensive polling from Iraq suggests that given a choice between a Syrian, Egyptian, Iranian, Saudi, or American model of government, the overwhelming choice was an American model of Democracy. Roughly by about 81%. Even the Shiites preferred it over their own Inainian system. Tellingly, the only support for an Islamic state came from the Sunni/Baathists. Iraq is largly a secular state. Someone should tell that french guy.
Posted by jak  2003-9-23 1:20:12 PM||   2003-9-23 1:20:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Jacques Chiraq----Who elected you leader of this outfit??
Posted by Alaska Paul 2003-9-23 1:34:50 PM||   2003-9-23 1:34:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 In other news, the dog, the pig, and goose told the Little Red Hen where to go.
Posted by Katz 2003-9-23 1:47:18 PM||   2003-9-23 1:47:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 post ww2 french army vast and powerful?? just a little wishful thinking
Posted by Dan 2003-9-23 5:13:50 PM||   2003-9-23 5:13:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Yep Dan, the French army could crush the Principality of Monaco in less than 24 hours; the Republic of Andorra in a couple days....the list goes on..
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2003-9-23 5:51:27 PM||   2003-9-23 5:51:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 What!?

I said please, didn't I?...
Posted by mojo  2003-9-23 6:12:24 PM||   2003-9-23 6:12:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Just follow the money.
Posted by Matt 2003-9-23 6:39:05 PM||   2003-9-23 6:39:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Hard questions.... Normandy? Brittany? The Rhone Valley? Or a standing start quicky thru Sedan?
Posted by Shipman 2003-9-23 6:50:28 PM||   2003-9-23 6:50:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Shipman, none of the above is worth one dead American ever again (not that I'm worried about the French actually putting up a defense, but one of the GI's might choke on a croissant in a Paris cafe or something like that).
Posted by Baba Yaga 2003-9-23 9:34:28 PM||   2003-9-23 9:34:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Baba Yaga,

Before JFM jumps in, let me remind you that Vichy fought harder in comparative terms against us in N. Africa than it did against the German takeover of S. France in '42.
Posted by Ernest Brown 2003-9-23 11:07:29 PM|| []  2003-9-23 11:07:29 PM|| Front Page Top

19:12 Flaming Sword
11:29 Freedom Fighter
07:45 Bulldog
01:28 R. McLeod
23:51 FOTSGreg
23:51 mojo
23:47 mojo
23:34 Dcreeper
23:19 DaveMac
23:18 Dcreeper
23:17 Bomb-a-rama
23:13 Bomb-a-rama
23:07 Ernest Brown
23:07 Dcreeper
23:03 Bomb-a-rama
22:56 Bomb-a-rama
22:52 Bomb-a-rama
22:43 Baba Yaga
22:35 tu3031
22:23 Ptah
21:34 Baba Yaga
21:06 A Jackson
20:54 Super Hose
20:46 Anonymous

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