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2003-07-18 Fifth Column
Peace activists go to Baghdad to keep tabs on troops, firms
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Posted by tu3031 2003-07-18 9:40:57 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [29 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Oh, like Rachel Araflat Corrie, they probably stumbled across the truth, then brushed themselves off and moved on.
Posted by Ri'Neref 2003-7-18 9:51:30 AM||   2003-7-18 9:51:30 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 All you have to do is point these people out to the common Iraqis and tell them they were the human shields in Saddams pay before the war. Nature should take its own course.
Posted by Don  2003-7-18 10:09:10 AM||   2003-7-18 10:09:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 First thing these f'ing little pricks need to do is tour all the mass grave sites recently discovered. Another one was found there yesterday.

Then maybe they'll get their collective head out of their a** and get their priorities straight.

Or not...
Posted by Dar  2003-7-18 10:10:20 AM||   2003-7-18 10:10:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 Its a shame That Medeas father did not have her advice, then he could have pulled out sooner.
Posted by wills 2003-7-18 10:16:36 AM||   2003-7-18 10:16:36 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Somebody bake her a pie...
Posted by mojo 2003-7-18 10:49:45 AM||   2003-7-18 10:49:45 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 "This is a test of our rights -- of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly -- and we’ll press those rights to the full extent," said San Francisco activist Medea Benjamin in an interview from Baghdad.

Huh? Where do they think they are? Sausalito? You do not have US "rights" when in another country. Squirrels. They have those rights that are accorded to the Iraqis, whatever they are, and considering this is a marshal law situation, they may be surprised, indeed, by the limitations, as it should be under the circumstances. I also wonder about the legitimacy of their presence. Lessee, uh, nope - the State Dept Travel Ban was lifted on July 15th. Too bad. I'd like to see their passports confiscated and their dumb asses deported.

As it is obvious that they are *hostile* perhaps they should be taken into custody for interrogation. How did they get there? Who's paying the bill - follow the money to find ISM? CAIR? Who? Oops, you're fucked, your sugar-daddy's on the list of shitforbrains supporters. It's Gitmo for you clowns. Toodles.

The world seems jam-packed with twits & tools just dying to make the 10 o'clock news. Waste Lose 'em. They're fool fodder.
Posted by PD 2003-7-18 10:50:29 AM||   2003-7-18 10:50:29 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 Give them an"armed escort"of the mass graves,like what Patton did with the locals living around the concentration camps.
Posted by raptor  2003-7-18 10:53:51 AM||   2003-7-18 10:53:51 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Like Dar said, point out these human shields, er, useful idiots, er, I mean people to the general Iraqi populace. Make doubly sure that they opposed Hussein's removal, then step back and watch the fireworks.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2003-7-18 10:59:22 AM||   2003-7-18 10:59:22 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 Crap. That was supposed to read: "Make doubly sure that Iraqis know they opposed Hussein's removal"....argh
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2003-7-18 11:01:37 AM||   2003-7-18 11:01:37 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 I think this is an absolutely GREAT idea! We should encourage AS MANY AS POSSIBLE who opposed our intervention in Iraq to JOIN these ass-clowns. Then, do as everyone else has already suggested--make sure that the Iraqi populace knows that these are the same fools who supported Saddam.

Its classic WIN/WIN--the number of clueless nuts in the United States drops noticeably and the natural chain of events in Iraq ensures that they won't be returning to our country!
Posted by Flaming Sword 2003-7-18 11:35:27 AM||   2003-7-18 11:35:27 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 After reading my own comment, I realized that my enthusiasm for this move doesn't come through nearly enough!

In short, I think this is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY! We should all mobilize and get behind this movement--perhaps volunteer to do fundraising for them and the whole 9 yards! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ship boatloads of nut-cases to a place more properly equipped to give them the real-life "education" that they are so clearly lacking. We really shouldn't pass up an opportunity like this!
Posted by Flaming Sword 2003-7-18 11:44:31 AM||   2003-7-18 11:44:31 AM|| Front Page Top

#12  I just want to know how many of them signed up for the Monrovia branch office?

Posted by Paul 2003-7-18 11:53:46 AM||   2003-7-18 11:53:46 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 Raptor,

An excellent suggestion. If I was Abaizad, I'd love to diplomatically suggest that they help the oppressed Kurds reclaim their dead. Give them picks and shovels and have the Peshmurgas kindly escort them to the relevant mass graves. (under armed guard, of course, it's a "quagmire" after all)
Posted by Ernest Brown 2003-7-18 11:55:19 AM|| []  2003-7-18 11:55:19 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 As a San Franciscan, I would like to say that I am behind Flaming Sword 100%! Let's encourage as many dipwap liberals from the Bay Area as we possibly can to emigrate to Iraq, where hopefully they will step in front of a stray 7.62x39 rounds.
Posted by Secret Master  2003-7-18 12:01:49 PM|| []  2003-7-18 12:01:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Flaming sword has a point. We should encourage (and if necessary pay for) these people to go to Iraq. After we have a mass of them we let the Sunni, Kurds, and Assyrians know who, what, why, and where they are. Maybe we could get a few to ride 'shield' on the supply coonvoys that are yndcer attack? I can think of many others but you get the idea. I really think Sean and Babs should head the group.
Posted by Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)  2003-7-18 12:20:26 PM||   2003-7-18 12:20:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#16  Better yet CyberSarge, officially inform (aka "the rumor mill") that they're all there to convert the masses to (place religion of your choice here). Problem solved AND the American gene pool stays strong.
Posted by Paul 2003-7-18 12:29:31 PM||   2003-7-18 12:29:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 With apologies to Katz

Human shields: blah blah blah its all about oil blah blah blah
Posted by Ri'Neref 2003-7-18 1:11:19 PM||   2003-7-18 1:11:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 The Rachel Corrie Brigade - Baghdad Division.
Posted by ColoradoConservative 2003-7-18 5:03:33 PM||   2003-7-18 5:03:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Why the hell can't they just admit they were wrong?

The US military should ONLY admit them on the proviso they do a guided tour of Saddam's torture chambers and mass graves, and listen to a lecture from a couple of his victims on what life was like under Saddam.

That should be a 3-day induction along with a safety talk illustrating the risks.

That way the US military a) cannot be blamed if something happens to these idiots and b) They will have a context in which to place any violence they see occuring, hopefully understanding you cannot make an omelette without breaking some eggs.

Meanwhile: I am going away with that hippie... he is so hot, I am going away with him for a few days. But why oh why does he have to be a goddam hippie???? I will try to convert him.

Posted by Anon1 2003-7-18 7:04:08 PM||   2003-7-18 7:04:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 PD et al:

wasting them by getting local Iraqis so riled they kill them may be an amusing thought for you but think of what a waste that really is.

a) you lose a great opportunity to show these activist fools the error of their ways. Send them back home converted and they will eat out their own hate-america culture from within. You will have helped to solve a cultural problem

b) by letting the local populace kill westerners, you think the cultural cycle of violence is going to be lessened or entrenched?

The aim is to get the rule of law established and entrenched - not to continue the idiocy.
Posted by Anon1 2003-7-18 7:15:25 PM||   2003-7-18 7:15:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 "Why the hell can't they just admit they were wrong?"

You don't know much about the history of the Western left, do you? That would require them to give up their unjustified and perverted sense of (im)moral superiority.
Posted by Ernest Brown 2003-7-19 11:21:24 AM|| []  2003-7-19 11:21:24 AM|| Front Page Top

20:26 lawhawk
12:40 Wilkins Micawber
19:50 Melanie
14:00 vaara
11:21 Ernest Brown
09:46 Anonymous
02:55 Yukon Bill
22:58 BJD (The Dignified Rant)
22:51 Watcher
22:47 Watcher
22:46 tu3031
22:43 Bomb-a-rama
22:39 tu3031
22:28 tu3031
22:24 tu3031
22:17 Alaska Paul
21:39 af
19:15 Anon1
19:14 Alaska Paul
19:04 Anon1
18:53 Alaska Paul
18:47 Tokyo Taro
18:31 Yank
18:02 mojo

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