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2003-05-10 Middle East
Paleos fire rockets into Israel to start Powell’s "Roadmap" trip
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Posted by Frank G 2003-05-10 01:24 pm|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [24 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Powell: WHAT the HELL was THAT?
Abbas*sweating*: Fireworks to celebrate your arrival, honored partner in peace!
Posted by Ptah  2003-05-10 16:30:09|| []  2003-05-10 16:30:09|| Front Page Top

#2 I'm all for Israel doing more. Strict curfews. I.D. verification on every corner of the occupied territory. Summary execution of every armed arab within the borders.
What I am NOT for and consider immoral and incredibly STUPID on Israel's part is the destruction of innocent palestinian's homes in reprisal of terror attacks. The paleos claim that current Israeli policy is just 'making room' for new settlements. It sure smells like it. Most of those paleos are not combatants. But they're gonna be.
Posted by Scott 2003-05-10 17:14:02||   2003-05-10 17:14:02|| Front Page Top

#3 Scott - if they were innocent, I'd agree, and if the Israelis continue to expand their settlements, I'd agree. I don't believe either are true. Israel seems to finally understand (i.e.: the fence) that a defensible border excluding the Paleos, and precluding the right of return, is the ONLY answer. Should they renege, they incur our condemnation and rightfully so. The Paleos, on the other hand, don't live up to agreements, treat their own people as boomer fodder, and don't seem willing to ever accept Israel's right to exist - this is a recipe for extinction, and rightfully so
Posted by Frank G  2003-05-10 22:29:37||   2003-05-10 22:29:37|| Front Page Top

#4 It doesn't seem like the Palestinians even want to understand. 50 + years of warfare, and what have they accomplished? Lots of dead on both sides, a number of countries trashed, and a whole lot more innocent people of all religions, ethnicity and nationalities killed, maimed and terrorized. The key here is Israel's right to exist. Unless and until the Paleos get it through their heads that Israel is going to stay there will be no peace in the middle east, and all the conferences and envoys and meetings will not do a damn bit of good.
Posted by Anonymous Troll 2003-05-10 23:53:39||   2003-05-10 23:53:39|| Front Page Top

#5 Frank - I wish I believed that. My people in Lebanon say it hasn't stopped. I'm a staunch Israeli supporter, but I'm a stauncher American. I'm tired of being played by our own allies. Bush needs to jerk the slack out of Israel (read: Ariel Sharon). He's gonna get alot of our people killed.
Just like the Iraqis, the paleos are not one block. Joe Ali Schmuck who runs the falafel stand in Hebron is just trying to get by. Hoping to dodge the wacko imams, the Israeli bulldozers and the local hard boys trying to recruit his kids.
Arafat was a player also. He played us. He played Israel. And he played his own people. He needs to take the dirt nap. Those people lived there before 1948 and even Balfour ('17?). It's hard to watch a world power half a globe removed give away your homeland. The call for organized resistance sounds pretty good. (It would to me if the UN gave Texas to Mexico - Well, maybe not Texas. Texas AND California. Hmmm. OK Texas, California AND Louisiana - then they'd really have a fight on their hands!)
Attempt at levity. This is heavy crap. I have heard (second hand) that many paleos already acknowledge Israel. Heck, there's working Arab-Israeli relationships. But there are people on BOTH sides that do not want this. The radical rabbis are no better than the radical imams. And make no mistake, their love for America is no greater either.

I believe Israel has a God-given, UN given and Balfour-declared right to it's homeland. But Joshua is dead. Displacing canaanites should be done with compensation, not force. If the world, and especially world jewry had realized this, it would have cost a lot less money and blood.
Posted by Scott 2003-05-11 00:43:43||   2003-05-11 00:43:43|| Front Page Top

#6 I hate to agree with it Anon T, but you're probably right. I just don't want to see my children and grandchildren get sucked into an intractable conflict between the world's most violent and yet fastest-growing religion, on one hand; and a Likud faction that dreams of a return to Solomon's borders on the other.
Posted by Scott 2003-05-11 01:14:47||   2003-05-11 01:14:47|| Front Page Top

10:21 Anonymous
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