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2002-06-06 Afghanistan
Leaflets urge war on coalition in Afghanistan
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Posted by Fred Pruitt 2002-06-06 10:42 am|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [18 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Yes, the JUI is a signatory partner in the al-Qaeda/Islamic Jihad "jihad" against "Jews and Crusaders". As is the JUI a partner in the anti-secular, MMA of Pakistan, a movement which plans to participate in the Fall elections. Another partner is the Jamaat-i-Islami, which is the puppet organization, which directs the Islamic Society (Jamaat) of North America and the Muslim Students Assn. According to the JI website - - their Deputy Director - Khurshid Ahmad - has been operating ISNA/MSA operations in the US, at ISNA conventions, for the past "Twenty years". In fact, the JI leader - Qazi Hussain Ahmad - accepted an invitation to counsel US State Dept diplomats, shortly before 911. At one ISNA convention, Qazi operated dawah sessions with ISNA leader - Muzammil Siddiqi - who was invited to attend US memorial ceremonies for the victims of the September massacres. The Jamaati puppet also counseled Bush-Junior at the Whitehouse, one day before Junior called Islam a "religion of peace". Thus, there are only two degrees of separation between the US President and the al-Qaeda terrorists. Conspiracy? No. Stupidity? Yes. Once an evangelical, always an evangelical. I am disgusted by the serial accession to Junior's redundant sallies against separation of church and state.
Posted by RG Fulton  2002-06-06 19:45:26||   2002-06-06 19:45:26|| Front Page Top

#2 I'd doubt if GWB's overtures encouraging the better lights of Islam represent a contravention of the First Amendment.
Posted by Tom Roberts 2002-06-07 06:29:48||   2002-06-07 06:29:48|| Front Page Top

#3 MMA - Muttahida Majlis i Amal - is the successor to the Afghan Defense Council, then Pak-Afghan Defense Council. Qazi, Fazl and Samiul Haq are the three drivers of the fundo political fronts, and all three make very comfortable livings at it. That JI has been able to set up North American front organizations is an indication of how Saudi seed money can be used to push their brand of fascist Islam.

Post 9-11 Bush - president of the entire country, not just the part he likes - was concerned about anti-Muslim violence. Part of this was the currently fashionable PC "be nize to everybody" attitude that's expected. More important at that moment was the fact that we were about to stomp a Muslim nation that was surrounded by Muslim nations, and that was hollering for all Muslims, everywhere to join the jihad and coincidentally pull the Taliban's chestnuts out of the fire. Americans slaughtering Muslims in the streets might actually have made that happen - and don't forget that the fascists were perfectly happy to lie about the facts of the pogroms and continue to do so. So Bush's moves in respect to presenting a "nice" image were perfectly understandable, and to have done otherwise wouldn't have been wise.

The "two degrees of separation" statement is meaningless. I know a Catholic, the Pope's Catholic, so there are only two degrees of separation between us. I still don't know the Pope. And Bush, from what I understand, is a United Methodist rather than an evangelical; there is "one degree of separation" between a United Methodist and an Episcopalian, and both are members of the National Council of Churches, which by some interpretations could make them one and the same. Even if he were a Free Methodist, a more sensible conservative branch of Methodism (most members and all preachers can tell you who John Wesley was), he's still be several "degrees separated" from snake handling holy rollers, who are themselves still quite away from the head-chopping Taliban.
Posted by Fred 2002-06-07 07:51:13||   2002-06-07 07:51:13|| Front Page Top

11:32 Tom Roberts
11:06 Stone
07:51 Fred
07:44 Donald S.
06:29 Tom Roberts
06:17 Stone
19:45 RG Fulton
18:37 Kat

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