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Attack at Moscow’s Crocus Hall Aftermath: 60 dead at rock concert, ISIS sez they dunnit
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1 12:59 Super Hose [100] 
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6 18:35 Silentbrick [259] 
3 12:50 Super Hose [172] 
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8 19:23 DooDahMan [229]
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2 07:56 M. Murcek [152]
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21 23:21 badanov [579]
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5 15:13 SteveS [145]
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8 15:33 Procopius2k [185]
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15 17:10 Skidmark [266]
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5 13:20 Super Hose [128]
2 18:16 Rupert Uninelet1254 [121]
2 18:32 Silentbrick [202]
3 15:34 Procopius2k [130]
18 13:08 Abu Uluque [332]
12 22:33 trailing wife [265]
4 05:33 Skidmark [127]
10 15:26 NoMoreBS [228]
4 13:59 Besoeker [130]
4 16:46 Remoteman [113]
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4 13:02 Super Hose [187]
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8 19:26 Frank G [189]
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2 09:41 M. Murcek [96]
5 19:24 Griter Slash1619 [169]
5 08:16 M. Murcek [155]
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7 17:21 Skidmark [210]
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2 12:24 Besoeker [89]
7 12:24 Abu Uluque [213]
8 12:21 Besoeker [173]
12 18:02 Frank G [239]
9 20:06 M. Murcek [227]
-Short Attention Span Theater-
Why Trump may reap billions in Truth Social stock market merger
[BBC] Donald Trump appears to be scrambling for funds to pay a $464m (£365m) fraud fine. Could the stock market ride to his rescue?

Trump Media, which runs the social media platform Truth Social, is poised to become a publicly listed company, after a majority of shareholders of Digital World Acquisition Corp voted on Friday to acquire it.

Mr Trump is due to have a stake of at least 58% in the merged company, worth roughly $3bn at Digital World's current share prices.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Skidmark || 03/23/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [172 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Trump has succeeded in becoming a media mogul.

A media proprietor, also called a media executive, media mogul or media tycoon, is an entrepreneur who controls any means of public or commercial mass media, through the personal ownership or holding of a dominant position within a media conglomerate or enterprise. (Wikipedia.org)
Posted by: Beldar Uneter3543 || 03/23/2024 0:49 Comments || Top||

#2  The usual suspects all cheer wildly when some new "AI powered" ghey mobile dating app does an IPO at some absurd number. (Never mind, it will go from "a market cap of $xx billion" to delisted two years later

This however, infuriates them.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/23/2024 8:37 Comments || Top||

#3  I wonder if AKA Joe hangs on Truth Social.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/23/2024 12:50 Comments || Top||

-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
Kunstler Today-‘The two traditional political divisions, liberal and conservative died with Covid. Now there are simply the sane versus the insane’
”Those who organized the disaster will take advantage of the inevitable discontent arising from efforts to overcome it, for if there is one thing that they are skilled in, it is demagoguery.”
—Theodore Dalrymple

Can you feel it? The tension rising to the red-line? It runs clear through all of Western Civ. We are ruled by governments of fiends.
The problem started when they started "ruling" instead of "governing." Ruling is what Henry VIII did, when he wasn't trying to figure where his next nookie was coming from. Governing is attempting to referee among free men.
But now, the sun rides higher in the sky. The sap is rising in the northern forests. The earth heaves. The buds swell and blush. Something is in the air.
Look out! It's Boeing!
The animals are waking from their long winter sleep. The natives are restless.
Oom booga booga booga bub!
The two traditional political divisions, liberal and conservative died with Covid. Now there are simply the sane versus the insane. The sane have had enough of being pushed around by the insane. The insane don’t register much of what reality tries to tell them. They have a body of insane ideas to comfort and protect them from the reality’s rigors. To call that body of ideas an “ideology” is way too polite.
Leave us have a quick look at Theory, on the Left, with its eye on the pie and its hand on your wallet, and practice...
That the insane call themselves “progressive,” is a signature of their insanity. Progress toward what better state of things? Toward a supremacy of fiends, sadists, degenerates, and morons seizing riches and power by every dishonest means possible outside the rule of law and common decency? It’s not even suitable to call them “communists.” They lack the necessary idealism for that. They don’t expect to put their shoulders to the wheel with their fellow man. They just want to grab your stuff and then kill you so they don’t have to hear any complaints.
They're not stroking your butt. They're picking your pocket.
The insane do not believe any of the theoretical bullshit they want to force you to swallow. They don’t care about climate change. It’s just a cudgel they use to beat everyone over the head so they can steal your stuff. They don’t care about “democracy.” It’s just a line of bullshit to cover up their election-stealing. Do you suppose that sane people would keep using electronic vote-tabulating machines that were demonstrably connected to the Internet, and thus hackable, if they cared about election integrity? Of course not. They would arrange p.d.q. to junk them and use paper ballots, and only in person at polling places, with “absentee” exceptions only for people out of the country.
And the bedridden to be fair. With a neutral witness.
The insane do not care about public health. Everything that is known about the Covid-19 vaccinations tells you that they are unsafe and don’t prevent infection or transmission of a flu-like illness that might not even be what it was officially labeled as. Our public health officials in the FDA, the CDC, and in other corners of the Department of health and Human Services, lie about everything they’re responsible for.
Does anyone still have an expectation of competence from the demonstrably incompetent? If you're incompetent on Monday, I'm guessing you're still incompetent on Wednesday.
This week, the CDC (under Director Mandy Cohen) released a 148-page study on myocarditis reactions to mRNA shots. Every word on every page of the document was redacted. The CDC printed countless copies of the report with 148 utterly blank pages, and then proffered them to the news media. How is that not insane?
Padded cell-level insane.
The insane do not care about the rule of law. The conduct of “Lawfare” is the subversion of the law by dishonest means. It is a species of racketeering. And that is why Lawfare rogues such Marc Elias, Norm Eisen, Andrew Weissmann, Mary McCord, Lisa Monaco, Matthew Graves, and Merrick Garland, should be charged under the federal RICO statutes for conspiring to deprive sane citizens of their rights and property in the many cases related to the 1/6/21 riot at the US Capitol.
Obama proposed Garland for the Supremes as a "respected jurist" who, really, truly, had once read the Constitution.
It is, so far, an abiding mystery of contemporary history as to how New York Attorney General Letitia James managed to get away with prosecuting a real estate case against Donald Trump that was no more than victimless business-as-usual between a borrower and his lenders. Ms. James ran for that elected office promising to “get” Mr. Trump on something, anything. That is not how the rule of law works. Under the rule of law, first you determine that there is a crime and then look for who did the crime.

Letitia James must be insane and/or pretty stupid. The short-term gain of stealing Mr. Trump’s property under a false color-of-law and creating impediments to his election campaign, will, sooner or later, blow back at her as a matter of malicious prosecution and, plausibly, racketeering as well. (With whom did she conspire to bring this case? We shall find out.) She will eventually be disgraced publicly as her teammate Fani Willis has already been disgraced in Fulton County, Georgia. I’ll tell you something that all sane people now know but won’t talk about for fear of being crushed by the levers of Lawfare: this looks like a concerted effort by people-of-color to railroad people of non-color. If you think that is a good thing for race relations in our country, then you are insane.
Since I'm a racist, I'm getting tired of seeing hulking black people shooting, stabbing, pounding on, raping, and otherwise murdering whites, Asians, Hispanics, Indian, Hindoos, and probably Tahitians and Antarticans. I know very well that there are lots of honest and intelligent black people. I also know that they're outnumbered, probably vastly, by the crooks, scoundrels, and sadists who prey upon them and us. I should probably cease reading the Nigerian press, looking at South Africa and Zim-bob-we, the Sahel states, and most of the rest of the continent. They look too much like Blue American cities.
Here are a bunch of other things that are insane: Re-litigating the first amendment is insane. It means what it says, and states it plainly. The open border is insane. No credible sovereign polity would allow it. It would be opposed with force, if necessary.
As in deadly force. But the people in favor of open borders down Mejico way are the same people who would be happy to welcome fraternal Soviet Russian assistance to throw of the Nazi oligarchists who might beat the virtuous Dems some election or other.
Turning children into transsexuals on a wholesale basis is insane, and fiendishly so.
Oh, who doesn't want their sons to avoid being eunuchs, their daughters to be feminine and fertile? Besides me, of course. Everybody knows I'm just an old crank.
Everybody knows that it is not good for the children or for our society as a whole. But fiends got to fiend, and if you try to deprive them of being fiends then you are guilty of “hate.”
Which, recall, is different from "hatred." You have to feel "hatred" yourself. Your "hate" can easily be diagnosed by a college freshman from seven hundred miles away, saving you the effort.
The war in Ukraine is insane. We certainly didn’t ignite it in the service of “democracy.”
Ummm... We didn't ignite it.
"The fraternal Soviets Russians are gonna invade you in the spring," we kept telling the Ukes.
"Shuddup," they kept telling us. "We can handle this."
The fraternal Soviets Russians invaded, to "de-Nazify" the place right on schedule, like it was their business.
"Give us money!" the Ukes said. "Give us weaponry. Give us money!"
"Shuddup," said the fraternal Soviets Russians.
Remember, this is the same nation of geniuses who told the Russers back in '92 or '93 that they'd get rid of all the nukes in their country and the Russians could guarantee their security in return. But that was all such a long time ago, and we were all so much younger then. Some of us hadn't even been conceived yet!

Our pawn there, Mr. Zelensky, canceled the national elections last year.
Weren't they being invaded?
The war was arguably an effort by our CIA to deprive Russia of its market for natgas in Europe, and thus deprive Russia of a great deal of money, that is, of prosperity.
Of course, it's also arguable that had nothing to do with it, or it was a fairly remote side effect. Be careful about giving the CIA too much credit. They're civil servants. Don't expect competence from them. Be surprised if it shows up. Those 57 dipshits that signed the letter about Hunter's laptop may well have thought they were right. I'm positive they thought they were correct in the lies they were puking even if the rest of us could smell the turds on their breath. I mean, history's on their side, right?
The project failed. Russia overcame NATO’s proxy army and found other markets for its gas. Blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines only served to impoverish and weaken our NATO allies, who no longer have affordable gas to run their industries. The leaders of those allies were too insane to recognize that the Nord Stream op was an act-of-war against them. They were also busy destroying themselves, like the USA, with open borders. They will end up in a new medievalism, ruled by savages. You’d have to be insane to arrange that for yourself.
I can agree with the lunacy part. I see the Ukes standing with their fingers in the dike, which means we're not really in agreement.
What’s most obviously insane in our country is that the insane party is pretending to nominate the mentally unfit White House place-keeper, “Joe Biden,” for reelection.
According to actuarial charts, he should be waking up dead any time now.
You would think that if this party wanted to retain power, they would run a candidate who, though insane, was not also visibly senile. But the rank and file of this party are too insane to see that this dodge is not working. They are pretending with all their might that this is okay, that the growing faction of the sane don’t notice.
Watch the Dem VP nominee. If it's Willie Brown's old mistress, they're totally nuts.
Sensing the growing impatience with insanity among the voters, the insane party has reached its point of terminal desperation. What will they try next? Murder? Why not? Nothing else seemed to work. They are too far gone in their insanity to understand that winter is over. We’ve entered the season of rebirth and renewal, starting with a renewed appreciation for being sane and for that indispensable ingredient that makes liberty in a free society possible: good faith. Really, the only question left is: how rough do they intend to play to prevent the return of sanity and good faith?
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 03/23/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [259 views] Top|| File under:

#1  On a roll today, Fred
Posted by: Frank G || 03/23/2024 7:03 Comments || Top||

#2  /\ Yes indeed. Very well done.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/23/2024 7:57 Comments || Top||

#3  A fisking for the ages.
Posted by: no mo uro || 03/23/2024 8:06 Comments || Top||

#4  Sensing the growing impatience with insanity among the voters, the insane party has reached its point of terminal desperation. What will they try next? Murder? Why not? Nothing else seemed to work. They are too far gone in their insanity to understand that winter is over. We’ve entered the season of rebirth and renewal, starting with a renewed appreciation for being sane and for that indispensable ingredient that makes liberty in a free society possible: good faith. Really, the only question left is: how rough do they intend to play to prevent the return of sanity and good faith?

THIS is the scary part.
Posted by: no mo uro || 03/23/2024 8:08 Comments || Top||

#5  One of those in-lines reminds me of Yogi Berra: "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are completely different..."
Posted by: M. Murcek || 03/23/2024 8:25 Comments || Top||

#6  To my mind that's always been the difference....it's just more sane people wear Republican colors than not. But the infestation exists everywhere. I suspect soon we will have to have a culling.
Posted by: Silentbrick || 03/23/2024 18:35 Comments || Top||

-Land of the Free
VDH - California, the Great Destroyer
[American Greatness] n 1996, the California legislature created the high speed rail authority.

In 2008, voters passed an initial nearly $10 billion bond to build an envisioned 800 mile, $33 billion project eventually to link Sacramento with San Diego.

Fifteen years later, a scaled-down plan from Bakersfield to Merced remains not even half finished. Yet the envisioned costs will exceed that of the original estimate for the entire project.

The rail authority now estimates that just the modest 178 mile route—only about a fifth of the authorized distance—will not be completed at least until 2030. Past high speed estimates of both time and cost targets have been widely wrong and perhaps deliberately misleading.

Total costs for the entire project are now estimated at nearly $130 billion. Many expect that figure to double in the next quarter-century. Planners also concede there will likely not be much high speed rider demand from San Joaquin Valley residents willing to pay $86 to travel at a supposed 200 mph from Bakersfield to Merced.

Nine years ago voters amid drought and water shortages also passed a state water bond, authorizing $7.5 billion in new water projects and initiatives.

Some $2.7 billion was targeted for new dams and reservoirs. The current water storage system had not been enlarged since the early 1980s, when the state population was 15 million fewer residents.

So far not a single dam or new reservoir has been built. And Californians expect more water rationing statewide anytime the state experiences a modest drought.

In 2017, a $15 billion bond authorized a complete remodeling of Los Angeles International Airport—recognized as one of the more congested, disorganized, and unpleasant airports in America.

Now the cost to complete the project has grown to an estimated $30 billion, with a proposed finish date of 2028—11 years after the project was authorized.

And the ongoing LAX remake is considered one of California’s more successful public construction projects.
Posted by: Besoeker || 03/23/2024 02:24 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [129 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I voted against the initiative. I thought it was a bad idea. I had no idea it was this bad of an idea.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/23/2024 12:57 Comments || Top||

#2  I voted for it because I believe that civilized nations have trains. Well, civilized nations do have trains but California is becoming more and more uncivilized every day. I should have known with guys like Jerry Brown running the show that it would be just another boondoggle.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 03/23/2024 13:40 Comments || Top||

#3  If they had spent just a small fraction of that $130 billion to maintain Interstate 5 and maybe add some new lanes to it then at least we could drive from San Diego to Sacramento without all the traffic jams and potholes.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 03/23/2024 13:46 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Task Force 'Winners': punishment for punishers
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Alexander Tikhonov

[RedStar] In just over two years, this detachment carried out many daring successful operations against the Nazis deep behind enemy lines on the territory of Poland and the Ukrainian SSR.

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the death of a special agent of the state security agencies, Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov, at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists, the Public Relations Center of the FSB of Russia posted digital copies of a previously unpublished declassified report from the funds of the Central Archive on the official website of the agency in the “Archival materials” section of the “History” section FSB of Russia about the combat activities of the operational group of the 4th Directorate of the NKVD-NKGB of the USSR “Winners” under the command of State Security Colonel Hero of the Soviet Union D.N. Medvedev.

This phrase became known throughout the country from the feature film “The Feat of a Scout,” released on USSR screens in September 1947. Although the image of our intelligence officer in this film is collective, the plot is based on the activities in the German rear of the legendary Soviet intelligence man Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov. Later, feature films “Strong in Spirit” (1967), “Special Forces Squad” (1987), and “On the Razor’s Edge” (2014) were created about him. So the country knew and knows well this Hero of the Soviet Union and a number of feats that he accomplished while operating in the German rear in the form of Oberleutnant or Hauptmann Paul Siebert.

Members of Nikolai Kuznetsov’s group carried out several daring operations to eliminate German military leaders and major Nazi leaders of the occupation regime in Ukraine, and also obtained valuable intelligence and counterintelligence information.

Nikolai Ivanovich himself was a special counterintelligence agent as part of the “Winners” task force under the command of State Security Colonel Dmitry Nikolaevich Medvedev, who personally supervised Nikolai Kuznetsov’s combat operations. And in the detachment Kuznetsov was known under the pseudonyms “fighter Grachev”, “Pooh” and “Colonist”.

Some episodes of combat activity behind enemy lines of this task force are well known from numerous books, newspaper publications and the above-mentioned feature films about Nikolai Kuznetsov. Perhaps the most famous books on this topic were the works of Medevedev himself, “It Was Near Rovno” and “Strong in Spirit.”

However, to date, archival materials about the “Winners” detachment have not been published. And now, having been declassified, they are posted on the official website of the FSB of Russia in the “Archival materials” section of the “History” section.

For about two years, on the temporarily occupied territory of the Ukrainian SSR and Poland, deep behind enemy lines, the task force carried out intelligence, operational, reconnaissance, combat and sabotage activities

So, the operational group of the 4th Directorate of the NKVD-NKGB of the USSR began its combat work in mid-May 1942, and in the early summer of 1944 reached the location of the Red Army units. Thus, for about two years, on the temporarily occupied territory of the Ukrainian SSR and Poland, deep behind enemy lines, the task force carried out intelligence, operational, reconnaissance, combat and sabotage activities.

On October 6, 1944, the commander of the operational group “Winners”, future Hero of the Soviet Union, State Security Colonel D.N. Medvedev reported to the head of the 4th Directorate of the NKGB of the USSR, Commissar of State Security 3rd Rank P.A. Sudoplatov about the work done by the task force. Today, the pages of this report are among the documents declassified and posted on the website of the Russian FSB.

Initially, the detachment consisted of 100 people from among the commanders and fighters, most of whom were selected from OMSBON (Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade for Special Purposes). The task force also included operatives and special counterintelligence agents, one of whom was the future Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Kuznetsov.

In the “Report” of the task force commander, attention is drawn to fragments related to the daily activities of the task force personnel. These include maintaining military discipline and order, organizing educational work, and treating wounded and sick comrades.

“[...] The commander’s order was a law subject to unconditional and immediate execution. Entering into any kind of argument with a superior comrade was strictly forbidden. […] Foul language and swearing were considered hooliganism and were strictly prohibited. […]

The struggle to maintain weapons in exemplary order and for the safety of ammunition, sapper and other property of the operational group has always and everywhere remained the focus of our attention. […]

Despite the large availability of captured alcoholic beverages, drunkenness was considered the worst vice that could harm our business and was strictly prohibited. Drinking alcoholic beverages in populated areas was especially prohibited. Soldiers and commanders going on missions not only did not have the right to buy alcoholic beverages there, but had to answer that they did not drink if local residents offered them a drink as a treat […] The task force introduced the strictest order according to which fighters and commanders handed over to the economic unit everything, down to the last needle, captured items, as well as food and property confiscated from traitors to the Motherland. […]

We paid exceptional attention to the relationship between our fighters and the local population. Each fighter of the operational group, encountering local residents, was not only a cultural fighter of the Red Army, but also an agitator and propagandist. […]

We did not ignore a single case of violation of the procedures we established: the perpetrators were punished according to their deserts, and their misdeeds were discussed and condemned in all divisions of the task force.”

The report also contains a few words about the organization of leisure time in the task force. If card games were strictly prohibited (as was the very presence of playing cards), then “games of chess, checkers and dominoes were the favorite pastime of all soldiers and commanders […] From time to time, tournaments were held between the best players, especially chess players.”

This may seem surprising and unusual to some today, but sports and mass work was also carried out in the task force deep behind enemy lines. “In the summer, the personnel engaged in military-applied sports: throwing grenades, climbing trees, etc., as well as playing volleyball and gorodki. Team competitions were also held in these sports.”

Amateur artistic activities were also not forgotten. “Upon returning from a successfully completed mission, after the changing of the guards, and in other free time, if the situation allowed, there were singers, storytellers, reciters, and dancers. From time to time there was an amateur performance show between individual units.”

“Of the customs that have taken root in the task force, we should also note the attitude towards wounded and sick comrades.

We took into account the enormous educational importance that attentive attitude towards wounded and sick comrades has on the surrounding soldiers and commanders.

Firstly, we demanded that, despite the circumstances, not only to carry a wounded comrade out of the battlefield and provide him with immediate assistance, but also to carry out and take away the corpses of killed comrades […]

All the best that was obtained as a result of battles and operations, like -sugar, jam, butter, cigarettes, tobacco, honey, blankets, bed and underwear and much more - were primarily given to the medical unit for wounded and sick comrades. […]

By concentrating our attention on the issues of educating fighters, using for this everything that could be used in the conditions of our work, we have achieved great positive results.

The soldiers and commanders considered it a great happiness for themselves to be sent on the most dangerous missions.”

In his “Report,” Dmitry Nikolaevich Medvedev dwelled in detail on the episodes of the operational group’s combat activities. Fragments are published about the “Kafra Case” - the kidnapping of German Major General Max Ilgen, the explosion of the station and the officer’s casino in the city of Rivne.

The operation to kidnap General Ilgen, who commanded special forces in Ukraine, is impressive, on the one hand, with the audacity of the plan and, on the other, with the flexibility, resourcefulness, courage and restraint in its implementation of the group members, especially Nikolai Kuznetsov, who in this case is mentioned under a pseudonym "Colonist".

There were six agents in this group, including two women who played major roles in the initial phase of the operation. Both were introduced into Ilgen’s entourage, began working in his house and were thus able to inform the detachment’s command about the general’s lifestyle, his external security, routes, means of transportation, etc. At a pre-arranged signal from one of them, on November 15, 1943, Kuznetsov, dressed in the uniform of a German Hauptmann, and three other agents drove up to the general’s house in a six-seater Adler limousine that had been previously stolen at the detachment’s base and repainted in a different color. Naturally, the license plate on the car was changed; the new documents for it were in perfect order.

The disarmed Ilgen was captured in one of his rooms, but his hands were poorly tied. And on the street, five meters from the car, he managed to escape from Kuznetsov, who was holding him by the arms, his hands were untied, he grabbed the handkerchief from his mouth and began to call for help. “But by the measures taken […] Ilgen was “calmed down” hands and feet, despite his general rank, brought into proper condition and placed in a car.”

In response to the general’s cries, four Germans ran up to his house, and at the same time a changing of the guard appeared at Ilgen’s house. The car with him had already driven 200 meters and stopped waiting for the “Colonist”, who was supposed to, as they say now, resolve the situation. And he did it brilliantly. Here's what the report says about it.

The “colonist,” in response to the Germans’ questions “what is happening here, who is being taken away,” showed them a real Gestapo badge with a number, stated that he and other Gestapo officers had arrested a long-wanted bandit and were taking him to the Gestapo. Seeing that the Germans were at a loss, “Colonist” announced to them that the Gestapo was also looking for accomplices of the captured bandit, dressed in German uniforms, etc. he doesn’t know why they ended up here and who they are - he is forced to detain them all and take them to the Gestapo.

The Germans, obviously having no desire to get acquainted with the Gestapo, stated that they were employees of the Reichskommissariat and accidentally found themselves here, running to the cries that they were in a hurry and asked “Kolonist” to let them go.

One of them […] behaved actively and expressed some distrust of “Kolonist” as a Gestapo employee.

“The Colonist” was forced, with persistence, to arrest him, take him and put him in a car, and release the rest of the Germans, having previously written down their names according to the documents they presented.”

It remains to add that both of our female agents had an alibi thought out and provided in advance, as a result of which the Gestapo removed suspicion from them and left them alone. Due to the tense situation in Rivne and its environs, they decided not to deliver Ilgen to Moscow. Naturally, he was not left alive.

The “winners” actively carried out counterintelligence work in the German rear, introduced task force agents into the enemy’s punitive agencies:
“[...] Through them we not only learned what the Germans were doing to search for the perpetrators of terrorist and sabotage acts committed by us in the city of Rivne, but they also obtained counterintelligence data. […]

[…] “Larissa”, on our instructions, stole and gave us the main seal and stamp of the Gestapo, as well as books of search and arrest warrants, forms of search reports and Gestapo certificates. She delivered us secret topographic maps. She took a German typewriter out of the Gestapo and gave us, and, most importantly, delivered up to 50 sheets of copy paper, used by the Gestapo once at a time.

By deciphering and translating documents written through this copy, it was established that the Gestapo were engaged in eliminating traces of the mass executions of civilians and prisoners of war they carried out, burning corpses and camouflaging graves in every possible way.

These documents, delivered by Larisa, were subsequently used and widely published in newspapers by the emergency state commission to investigate the atrocities of the Nazis.”

The Nazi operation to hide traces of the extermination of civilians was called “Action 1005.”

A significant place in the “Report” is occupied by the story of the sabotage work carried out by the task force. Here are just a few examples:

“[...] on November 7, 1942, a group of demolitionists under the leadership of Comrade Malikov blew up a train with officers on the Kovel-Sarny railway. The train was heading to the front. The mine explosion destroyed the locomotive and carriages. four carriages were heavily damaged. Over 100 German officers were killed and wounded
On November 26, 1942, a group of soldiers under the command of Comrade Stakhov on the same railway was blown up by a mine and fired upon by hurricane fire from machine guns, rifles and machine guns, a train with officers of flight and tank units traveling on leave from the eastern front. A steam locomotive was smashed and shot through with a heavy machine gun, three passenger cars were destroyed, over 70 German officers were killed and wounded […].”

The task force lived up to its name - “Winners”. The results of their combat activities behind enemy lines speak about this better than any words. They brought terror and panic to the Nazi occupiers. The enemy did not feel safe in the rear.

The “winners” conducted about 120 combat operations; killed about 12 thousand German soldiers, officers and Nazi accomplices; liquidated 11 German generals and senior officials of the occupation administration; blew up more than 80 enemy trains

Unfortunately, there were also losses in the detachment. Nikolai Kuznetsov also did not live to see the Victory - 80 years ago, in early March 1944, he tragically died at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists. He remained in the memory of our people forever.

The “Report” contains a detailed list of trophies of the “Winners” group. These numbers are also impressive: 4 45mm cannons, five battalion and five company mortars, up to 60 heavy and light machine guns, over 200,000 rounds of ammunition, up to 70 mines for mortars, up to three tons of explosives and mines and much more.

Getting acquainted with the first published fragments of the declassified “Report” from the funds of the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia, you realize that our ancestors were excellent at fighting, including deep behind enemy lines. Much of the experience of intelligence, operational, reconnaissance, combat and sabotage activities of the operational group of the 4th Directorate of the NKVD-NKGB of the USSR “Winners” remains in demand now, when the city of Rivne is again occupied by the enemy.

(The document's spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Auth.)
Posted by: badanov || 03/23/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [100 views] Top|| File under:

Government Corruption
Despite conviction after conviction for voter fraud across the USA
[SlayNews] Despite conviction after conviction or indictments against DEMOCRATS politicians, for voter and mail ballot fraud across the USA.

PLUS, despite official court records and submitted evidence showing massive, well organized faked illegal votes, fake ballots, and voter machine tampering.

The Democrat DA's continue to pursue prison time for Trump.

Simply because he ask officials to actually do their jobs and investigate.

Now 3 years later, we clearly have a mountain of well documented Nationwide Massive Voter Fraud evidence. Yet Trump still being charged and pursued by the illegally installed regimes DOJ and state DA's.

Posted by: NN2N1 || 03/23/2024 05:35 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [100 views] Top|| File under: Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life, & Kleptocrats

#1  They have to jail him because what they are doing is highly criminal.
Posted by: Super Hose || 03/23/2024 12:59 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
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Mon 2024-03-18
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Sun 2024-03-17
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