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Ukraine forces enter Kherson
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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukraine started construction of the fence on the border with Belarus
Posted by: Fred || 11/12/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [5 views] Top|| File under: Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life, & Kleptocrats

Russian troops have destroyed electrical power supply system in Kherson
Posted by: Fred || 11/12/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under: Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life, & Kleptocrats

#1  Also destroyed heating plants, communication system and TV station. Likely left a lot of booby traps.
Posted by: Spatle Sliter7910 || 11/12/2022 0:30 Comments || Top||

#2  Denazification of electricity.
Posted by: European Conservative || 11/12/2022 5:47 Comments || Top||

#3  Trolls: "Putin's instilling a green energy program - candles and cold"
Posted by: Frank G || 11/12/2022 8:06 Comments || Top||

#4  Also trolls: Why should untermenschen have electricity? "They have no moral standing?"
Posted by: Matt || 11/12/2022 10:14 Comments || Top||

#5  So, Russia and Chermany have something in common. Third world energy policy.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 11/12/2022 10:27 Comments || Top||

#6  Huh?
Posted by: European Conservative || 11/12/2022 10:46 Comments || Top||

#7  Huh?

It is either a gratuitous insult or a reference to the vast global networks the 3rd World has created to move energy, goods and data around the world.
Posted by: SteveS || 11/12/2022 11:33 Comments || Top||

#8  'Scorched Earth' redux...
Posted by: borgboy || 11/12/2022 12:58 Comments || Top||

#9  Sounds like Russia's retreat from Napolean.
Posted by: AlanC || 11/12/2022 14:29 Comments || Top||

Ukraine forces enter Kherson
Posted by: Fred || 11/12/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [44 views] Top|| File under: Tin Hat Dictators, Presidents for Life, & Kleptocrats

#1  So... no hot takes from St. Petersburg today?
Posted by: Secret Master || 11/12/2022 15:12 Comments || Top||

#2  So... no hot takes from St. Petersburg today?

Just the usual wailing and gnashing of teeth
Posted by: DarthVader || 11/12/2022 17:30 Comments || Top||

#3  Waiting for new instructions...
Posted by: European Conservative || 11/12/2022 18:25 Comments || Top||

Chronology of the war in Ukraine: Friday, November 11
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Vesti] November 11 is the 261st day of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Briefly about the main thing that is happening in the country on this day, about the situation in the regions, the exchange of prisoners, as well as all the relevant information from key departments - online Vesti.ua .

04:30 . Vinnytsia region. As a result of the missile attack, there is the destruction of critical infrastructure. There are no victims.

06:00 . Nikolaevkskaya area. At nightthey fired at a residential quarter of Nikolaev. One of the rockets hit the five-story building, destroying apartments from the 1st to the 5th floor. It is known about 5 dead. President Volodymyr Zelensky called the blow a cynical response of the Russian Federation to the successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the front.

08:00 . The General Staff confirmed the liberation of 12 settlements in the Kherson region: Dudchany, Pyatikhatki, Borozenskoye, Sadok, Bezvodnoye, Ishchenko, Kostromka, Krasnolyubetsk, Kalinovskoye, Bobrovy Ugol, Bezymyanny and Blagodatnoye.

Dnipropetrovsk region. The Nikopol region came under fire - the Russians fired more than 50 shells from Grads and heavy artillery.

Donetsk region. During the day, the Russians killed 2 civilians: in Bakhmut and Avdeevka. Another 5 people in the area were injured.

09:30 . Zaporozhye region. In Melitopol, an explosion thundered in the entrance of the house of "Deputy Minister for Culture" Andrei Boyko. With the capture of the city by the Russian army, he received the "position" of the "head of the department of culture and sports." RosSMI write that he is shell-shocked.

10:00 a.m. Kherson region. Destroyed Antonovsky bridge. According to the Russian military correspondent, the explosion was carried out closer to the left bank (the Russian army retreated there). The crossing was blown up by retreating Russian troops. According to the military correspondent, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have not yet entered there.

11:30 am . Nikolaevkskaya area. The number of those killed as a result of a missile attack on a 5-story building in Nikolaev increased to 6. Among the victims is a married couple. Their 16-year-old son survived because he was in the next room at the time of the impact.

12:00 . Kherson region. Ukrainian flags hung in Belozerka.

12:30 pm Kherson region. The Ukrainian Armed Forces entered the villages of Klapaya and Chaikino. The Russian Defense Ministry said that early in the morning they completed the transfer of Russian troops to the left bank of the Dnieper.

According to Ukraine, there are 2,000-4,000 Russian soldiers left in Kherson + those who have strayed from their units. Whether they have the task of holding positions and whether they will carry out the command is unknown.

There is also information that the Russian military does not linger on the left bank of the Dnieper, but is immediately sent to Crimea or through Melitopol to the controlled part of the Donetsk region.

Nikolaevkskaya area. The Armed Forces of Ukraine entered Romanovo, Snigirevsky district .

14:30 . There was an exchange of prisoners : Ukraine returned 45 servicemen. Also managed to return the bodies of 2 dead fighters.

15:00 . Kherson region. The civilians drove over a mine left behind by the Russian military. Four people were injured, including a 9-year-old child and a 14-year-old teenager. The condition of the children is moderate.

Kharkov region. Two children were blown up by a mine in the Saltovsky district of Kharkov. They were hospitalized.

15:15 . Kherson region. The flag of Ukraine appeared at the entrance to the Kherson region. The first fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reached the center of Kherson.

16:00 . The Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing for massive shelling of Kherson, said Natalia Gumenyuk, press secretary of OK Yug. The fortifications of the Russian forces on the left bank are located quite close to the territories from which they retreated on the right bank.

18:00 . In the Donetsk region , the RF Armed Forces are trying to take Bakhmut at any cost , ignoring the losses. This was stated by the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Pavel Kirilenko.

20:50 . The Armed Forces of Ukraine took control of the entire Nikolaev region (except for Kinburn). This was announced by the head of the Nikolaev OVA Vitaly Kim. Kim also said that the water conduit from the Dnieper is under the control of Ukraine, but preliminary demining is required.

22:00 . Kakhovskaya HPP was damaged after the retreat of Russian troops . The dam across the Dnieper River in Nova Kakhovka was damaged.

Posted by: badanov || 11/12/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: November 11th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited
[Korrespondent] 23:08 Scholz believes that a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Ukraine is impossible at the moment: “We all want this war to end and for peace to become possible. This is also the theme of all the negotiations that I have so far had with the Russian president, and I I did not allow any criticism to distract me from my telephone conversations with the President of the Russian Federation ... With this murderous war that we are now experiencing, Putin, first of all, prevented everything that had happened before in terms of negotiations. Scholz stressed that he opposes a ceasefire on Russia's terms.

23:03 The German government has allocated an additional 1 billion euros from its budget for 2023 to support Ukraine - the funds will be used to protect against Russian cyber attacks and collect evidence of Russian war crimes.

22:21 Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov said that Ukraine does not plan to freeze the war after the de-occupation of Kherson: “We are not a cold store. We must liberate our territories regardless of the weather, regardless of the season. people, we see them suffer."

21:53 Macron congratulated Ukraine on the return of Kherson: "Congratulations on the return of Kherson to Ukraine, this is an important step towards the full restoration of its sovereign rights. France will continue to support Ukrainians and Ukrainian women."

21:51 Ukrainians today are crying in social networks, congratulating the residents of Kherson on their liberation and laughing at the flight of the occupiers. More details - in the material Turning around .

21:36 On Saturday, November 12, scheduled power outages will operate from 00:00 to 24:00 in Kiev, Kiev, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Sumy, Kharkiv and Poltava regions. In other regions of Ukraine, shutdowns are not predicted, Ukrenergo reported.

21:27 Head of the Ministry of Digital Development Mikhail Fedorov said that they managed to raise money for the second sea drone - Lithuanian journalist Andrius Tapinas, together with the people of Lithuania, raised 250 thousand dollars, they will be transferred through UNITED24. Lithuanian friends will choose the name for the drone themselves.

20:41 Sweden will soon decide on the transfer of the latest weapons systems to Ukraine, Defense Minister Paul Jonsson said after the meeting of the EU Council: "We intend to return as soon as possible with the subsequent support of Ukraine - both political, financial and military, which will include transfer of more advanced weapons systems".

20:12 The head of the Nikolaev OVA, Vitaly Kim, said that the entire Nikolaev region (except for the Kinburn Spit ) was released. "And yes, the water conduit from the Dnieper is under our control (but also demining). I will soon know the timing of the potential restoration of drinking water in Nikolaev," he wrote.

19:56 In the course of successful offensive operations, the advanced units of Ukrainian troops in some places have already reached the right bank of the Dnieper, the General Staff said in an evening summary . Measures are being taken to identify and destroy the enemy in a number of settlements. Due to the safety of the operation, the official release of the results will be provided later.

The enemy is concentrating his efforts on deterring the actions of the defense forces in certain directions, improving the fortification equipment of the defensive lines on the left bank of the Dnieper and in the north of Crimea. At the same time, it is conducting offensive operations in the Bakhmut, Avdeevsky and Novopavlovsky directions.

19:47 Zelensky, in an evening video message, called today's historic day: "We are returning Kherson. As of now, our defenders are on the outskirts of the city. But special units are already in the city. Kherson residents have been waiting. They have never abandoned Ukraine. Hope for Ukraine is always justified - and Ukraine always returns its own. And even when the city is not yet completely cleared of a hostile presence, the Kherson people themselves are already removing Russian symbols and any traces of the occupation of Kherson from the streets and buildings. It was the same in all other cities liberated by our defenders. It will be the same in those cities that are still awaiting our return."

19:43 In the Kherson region, Ukrainian television is already available on the T2 digital television network, the President's Office reported.

19:28 Law enforcement officers have begun stabilization measures in Kherson, said the head of the National Police Ihor Klymenko. According to him, they will last for several weeks: "Everything will depend on the number of citizens who remained in the de-occupied territories, and the array of information that we will receive from various sources."

19:23 British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace acknowledged that there is a risk of Western weapons provided to Ukraine getting into Iran, but such weapons do not contain advanced technologies, and therefore this fact does not cause much concern: "Of course, we do not want such things to happen, but , in fact, this is the risk we took when we decided that it was important to help Ukraine." At the same time, he added that this risk has the opposite effect: Britain and its NATO allies were able to study Russian weapons seized by the Ukrainians.

19:20 After the end of the war, NATO membership will become a priority for Ukraine, said Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olga Stefanishyna. At the same time, she did not rule out that a positive solution to the issue of Ukraine's entry into the alliance could become possible even before the end of the war.

19:16 Zelensky showed a video from the liberated Kherson:

19:09 Russia has imposed a ban on the entry of 200 US citizens, including the Biden family - the sister and brothers of the US President, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

18:45 Putin said that the war he unleashed in Ukraine is going according to plan, and the temporarily occupied territories are forever part of Russia. Now, while Putin's army is fleeing from Kherson, he himself is silent and refuses to visit the G20 summit in Indonesia. The Russian leader is running out of options for Ukraine. For more details, see Dictator's Dead End .

18:18 Zelensky said that he had talked with Olaf Scholz: "We discussed the situation on the battlefield, including new Russian strikes on civilians. We supported the continuation of the grain initiative and agreed on positions on the eve of the G20 summit. Thank you for Germany's significant contribution to the defense of our skies and borders ".

17:56 Kherson has been returned under the control of Ukraine today. Parts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine enter the city, local residents meet them with tears and hugs. More details - in the material How the inhabitants of Kherson meet the Armed Forces of Ukraine .

17:40 Ukraine is building a wall on the border with Belarus. In particular, engineering barriers in the form of a moat, an embankment and a reinforced concrete fence with barbed wire are now being built in Volhynia, the OP reported. About 3 km of the border has already been equipped, work continues. Also, work is underway in the Rivne and Zhytomyr regions. They are building fortifications and equipping the border also in the regions bordering the territory of the Russian Federation.

17:37 Zelensky said that he had met in Kiev with the speaker of the Seimas of Lithuania, Victoria Cmilyte-Nielsen: "We discussed further cooperation on the path of European and Euro-Atlantic integration of our state and other important issues."

17:32 Ukrainians are not yet advised to return to the de-occupied Kherson region, since the Russians are shelling this territory and energy facilities in the region, Natalya Gumenyuk, speaker of the OK Pivden, said: "Settlements in the Beryslav region, which have already been liberated from the presence of the enemy, there are constant shelling and the situation worsens "Infrastructure and communications are suffering. We do not recommend returning there. Winter is approaching, and there is a possibility that it will be impossible to resume communications and services to the local population."

According to her, out of impotence, the occupiers are shelling the de-occupied territory, as well as the Nikopol district, which is actually located opposite the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

17:27 After the start of frosts, the power shortage in the energy system will increase by 2-3 times, which is why the people of Kiev can sit without electricity for 10-12 hours, said Dmitry Sakharuk, Executive Director of DTEK. According to him, new buildings on the left bank of the capital will be the most vulnerable.

17:23 Soldiers from the 46th brigade of the Airborne Troops reported that they had liberated Baratovka, Elizavetovka, Romanovo-Bulgakovo, Yasnaya Polyana and Limanets.

16:56 In the Beryslav district of the Kherson region, the remains of the bodies of three civilians who died during the occupation were found. They have traces of skull fractures and other bodily injuries, the prosecutor's office said.

16:21 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that in total, more than 30,000 Russian servicemen, about 5,000 pieces of weapons and military equipment, as well as tangible property, were allegedly withdrawn to the left bank of the Dnieper. Also, all Russian military equipment that was to be repaired was allegedly removed.

16:04 Now "heavy and powerful" combat work is underway in Kherson, so the Ukrainian military maintain informational silence around the liberation of territories. The fortifications of the Russians on the left bank are located quite close, so the Ukrainian fighters are preparing for massive shelling, said Natalya Gumenyuk, speaker of OK Pivden.

15:47 Head of the Ministry of Digital Development Mikhail Fedorov said that money has already been raised on the UNITED24 platform for the first sea drone, it will be called Kherson .

15:41 Ukrposhta launches a new stamp called Kherson - this is Ukraine! , said Igor Smelyansky: "This is the first postage stamp dedicated to the hero city, after which other heroic cities will definitely appear. And although the liberation of Kherson has not yet been officially announced, according to the good old tradition that began with the ship a couple of days before the event, because Ukrposhta knows for sure that our military is the best, and de-occupation is only a matter of time."

15:37 At a meeting of the Organization of Turkic States, Erdogan and Orban called for an early truce and the start of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, Hungarian Prime Minister's spokesman Bertalan Havasi said: "The leaders of the two countries agreed that a ceasefire, negotiations and peace are needed as soon as possible ". They also called on the leaders of other states to make joint efforts to resolve the conflict.

15:26 The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine appealed to the Russian servicemen, whom the command abandoned in Kherson: "Kherson is returning under the control of Ukraine, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are entering the city. The retreat routes of the Russian invaders are under the fire control of the Ukrainian army. Any attempts to counteract the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be suppressed. Every Russian soldier who resists will be destroyed. Your only chance to avoid death is to immediately surrender. In case of voluntary surrender, Ukraine guarantees your life and safety."

Citizens of Ukraine from the occupied territories, who were forcibly "conscripted" and forced to fight on the side of the Russian Federation, must report this to the Ukrainian military.

14:53 On the UNITED24 fundraising platform, fundraising for the world's first Ukrainian fleet of sea drones has begun. "We must protect the waters of our seas and peaceful cities from Russian missiles launched from ships. Sea drones will also help unblock the corridor for civilian ships carrying grain for the whole world," Zelensky stressed.

14:51 Zelensky said that he had held a regular meeting of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief: “We identified priority measures to stabilize the situation in the recently de-occupied territories. We must return peaceful life to our people. They have been waiting for this for a long time. We also discussed strengthening the protection of energy infrastructure from enemy attacks and restoring the victims as a result of Russian shelling of objects. Ukraine should be as prepared for winter as possible."

14:38 Telegram channels publish photos and videos of the liberated settlements of the Kherson region:

14:29 Another exchange of prisoners took place - 45 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were released , among them soldiers and sergeants. The bodies of two dead defenders were also returned, Yermak said.

14:25 In the Kherson region, civilians ran into a mine that the invaders left behind. As a result, four were wounded, including two children aged 9 and 14, the OP reported.

14:01 In Nikolaev, the number of those killed after an enemy strike on a residential building increased to seven - the bodies of six dead were released from the rubble, one more person died in the hospital, reported in the OP.

13:42 Ukrainian defenders from the 28th separate mechanized brigade reported the de-occupation of the village of Klapaya, Kherson region, 21 km from Kherson. The M-14 highway (Odessa - Melitopol - Novoazovsk) passes through the settlement.

13:39 In Kherson, the occupiers, who did not have time to escape, change into civilian clothes and hide in residential buildings, and the uniform is thrown into the trash, journalist Konstantin Ryzhenko said. "Very nervous, they speak in raised tones. They threaten to shoot if they think they are being filmed," he said.

13:36 First Deputy Chairman of the Kherson Regional Council Yuri Sobolevsky called on the residents of Kherson and other settlements of the right-bank Kherson region to exercise maximum caution in the coming days. In particular, to minimize movement around the city, not to touch any suspicious objects, including abandoned vehicles and equipment of Russians. It is also forbidden to enter administrative buildings and places of former deployment of Russians - this can be dangerous.

13:31 In the center of Kherson, residents are waiting for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In public they write that the Ukrainian military entered one of the districts of the city. Yermak posted a hint post: "11/11/22".

13:28 In the Saltovsky district of Kharkiv, two children were blown up by an unknown explosive device. Two boys aged 15 and 12 found an unknown object in the bushes near the house, which detonated. As a result of the explosion, the children received shrapnel wounds and were hospitalized, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said.

13:22 Ukrenergo reports that emergency emergency shutdowns of consumers in Sumy, Kharkiv and Poltava regions have been additionally applied. Emergency shutdowns are also additionally applied in Kyiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr regions. In all other regions of Ukraine, planned shutdowns continue to operate.

13:03 Despite the announced retreat, the Russian military continues to remain in Kherson, who can set traps for our fighters. The Ukrainian military say they are ready for "surprises." About what the Armed Forces of Ukraine expects in Kherson - in the material The battle continues?

12:24 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced that today at 5:00 Moscow time the transfer of Russian units to the left bank of the Dnieper was completed. The department assures that "not a single piece of military equipment and weapons was left on the right bank, all Russian servicemen crossed to the left bank, no losses of personnel, weapons, military equipment and materiel of the Russian group were allowed." Also, all civilians who wished to leave the right-bank part of the Kherson region were assisted in evacuation.

12:15 To conduct information operations, the Russians were creating their network abroad even before the start of a large-scale invasion of Ukraine. The special services of the partner countries to this day identify people who are either agents of the Russian Federation or "agents of influence" of the Russian Federation, Andriy Chernyak, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said in an interview with RBC-Ukraine. According to him, the Russians are trying to make it impossible for Western weapons to reach Ukraine by any means: space intelligence, an intelligence network, and all means of political and economic blackmail are involved. Information attacks through the media are just one of the components of a large-scale information operation to discredit Ukraine before the Western world.

As examples of information operations, Chernyak cited the fictitious sale of Western weapons by Ukraine or the use of a "dirty bomb" by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. "The Russians are spending millions of dollars to finance this particular information campaign to counter the flow of weapons. It is large-scale and so far ineffective. However, the terrorist country does not leave attempts to influence European countries, in particular Great Britain, and German society," the representative of the GUR added.

11:44 In Kiev, from 12:00, emergency schedules of power outages are canceled and hourly power outage schedules are returned, YASNO reported.

11:42 In Ukraine, about 70% of houses and social infrastructure are already connected to heat, Shmyhal said.

11:34 The number of those killed as a result of a strike on a residential building in Nikolaev has increased to six, the head of the OVA Vitaly Kim said.

11:29 Peskov said that Putin's online presence at the G20 and APEC summits or his video message to the participants is not planned.

11:27 Peskov said that it is possible to achieve the goals of the "special operation" through "peace negotiations", but they are now impossible due to the position of the Ukrainian side. According to him, Ukraine does not want negotiations, and Russia can complete the "special military operation" after achieving its goals.

Peskov also said that the Kherson region remains a "subject of the Russian Federation", this "status" is fixed, there can be no changes here. At the same time, he answered negatively to the question whether the Kremlin considers leaving Kherson to be humiliating.

10:54 Ukrainian public reports that in the center of Kherson, on the pedestal of the monument to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, partisans set the State Flag of Ukraine .

10:49 Russian telegram channels report that the Russian army blew up the Antonovsky bridge during the retreat, several spans were destroyed.

10:43 The next meeting in the Ramstein format will be held online next week. The seventh meeting of the Contact Group will be chaired by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Pentagon Deputy Speaker Sabrina Singh said. Representatives from 50 countries will take part in the event.

10:38 Emergency power cuts are being applied today in Kiev, Kiev, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr regions, Ukrenergo reported. At night and in the morning, emergency shutdowns were applied in the Sumy, Kharkiv and Poltava regions. They have already been stopped, planned shutdowns continue to operate. But the current situation in the power system can change, especially during the evening peak of electricity consumption. In all other regions of Ukraine, planned shutdowns continue to operate.

09:59 The number of those killed as a result of a strike on a residential building in Nikolaev has increased to five, the head of the OVA Vitaly Kim said.

09:54 Reznikov, in an interview with Reuters, called the idea of ​​​​exploding the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station by the Russians during the retreat "crazy". He explained that such a move would lead to flooding of the territories controlled by the Russian Federation, as well as blocking the access of Russians to fresh water through the canal from the Dnieper to the annexed Crimea.

09:49 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of November 11th. The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Bakhmut direction.

  • personnel - about 79,400 (+710) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 2814 (+10),

  • armored combat vehicles - 5696 (+14),

  • artillery systems - 1817 (+12),

  • MLRS - 393 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 205 (+0),

  • aircraft - 278 (+0),

  • helicopters - 261 (+1),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 1505 (+6),

  • cruise missiles - 399 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 16 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 4259 (+17),

  • special equipment - 159 (+0).

09:43 Over the past day, the Russians continued shelling the settlements of the Kharkiv region, located along the state border with the Russian Federation and the collision line. In particular, the enemy shelled the towns and villages of Kharkov, Chuguevsky and Kupyansky districts from mortars, rocket and cannon artillery. One person was wounded in the Kupyansky district, another went to the doctors after being wounded the day before, Oleg Sinegubov, the head of the regional police department, said.

09:39 In the Donetsk region, as a result of enemy shelling over the past day, two civilians were killed - in Bakhmut and Avdiivka. In addition, law enforcement officers found the bodies of six killed by the Russians during the occupation - four in Drobyshevo and two in Yarovaya. Five more people were injured in the region, Pavel Kirilenko, head of the OVA, said.

09:31 In occupied Melitopol, an explosion sounded in the entrance of the house where collaborator Andrey Boyko lives - "the head of the department of culture and sports." The local "administration" reports that the bomb was planted in a storm drain near the entrance of his house. In the house, the explosion damaged the entrance and the apartment on the ground floor, Boyko himself was slightly shell-shocked, nothing threatens his life.

09:26 British intelligence predicts that the damage that Russian troops continue to inflict on Ukraine's electricity grid will almost certainly affect interconnected water supply and heating systems, which will be most tangibly felt by the civilian population in winter, when the need for them increases. Analysts note that the Russian Federation is striking Ukraine's electricity infrastructure in waves. The last intense strikes were recorded on October 31, when the hydroelectric dams were hit for the first time.

The priority of critical national infrastructure over military targets clearly indicates Russia's intention to strike at the morale of the civilian population, intelligence concludes.

09:17 The new commander-in-chief of Russian troops in Ukraine, Sergei Surovikin, changed tactics, using terror, Reznikov said in an interview with Reuters: "He changed tactics because he uses terror tactics against civilians and infrastructure, using cruise missiles, rockets and drones, special Iranian drones". Reznikov also believes that under the command of Surovikin, the occupying army has become more disciplined.

08:58 Yasno CEO Sergei Kovalenko said that at night the Russians again attacked energy facilities in Ukraine. In Kyiv, emergency shutdowns "in significant volumes" will be introduced today, schedules will not work.

08:50 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believes that the ongoing great Ukrainian victory in the Kherson region will not be the last. Analysts note that the Russians have so far been withdrawing in a relatively organized manner, and Ukrainian troops are achieving the expected successes without breaking Russian forces, as was the case during the Kharkov counteroffensive. Ukrainian strikes since August have successfully destroyed Russian supply lines on the right bank, forcing Russian troops to retreat and allowing the Kherson region to be liberated as far as the Dnieper River in the coming days or weeks, experts say.

The ISW also believes that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are unlikely to stop their counteroffensive due to the onset of winter. Winter weather could disproportionately damage poorly equipped Russian forces in Ukraine, analysts say, but well-supplied Ukrainian forces are unlikely to halt their counteroffensives and be able to take advantage of the frozen terrain for easier movement.

At the same time, autumn and spring mud can slow down or stop hostilities, as can faulty or inadequate winter equipment. Some military equipment may have to be adapted to cold weather, and lack of equipment or ammunition may slow progress due to logistical difficulties rather than winter weather. If the fighting stops this winter, it will be due to logistical problems and the completion of several campaigns on both sides, ISW analysts say.

At the same time, ISW indicates that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will try to advance as far as possible before the arrival of reinforcements of the invaders - the Russians are preparing 120,000 conscripts for the spring to be sent to the front.

08:26 Zelensky showed a video with the consequences of a Russian strike on a residential building in Nikolaev:

07:47 At night Russians fired at the residential quarter of Nikolaev. One of the rockets hit the five-story building, destruction from the fifth to the first floor. Currently, two dead and two wounded are known, the search and rescue operation continues, Mayor Alexander Senkevich said.

07:35 During the successful offensive operations of the Ukrainian troops in the Kherson direction on November 9 this year, 12 settlements were liberated: Dudchany, Pyatikhatki, Borozenskoe, Sadok, Bezvodnoye, Ishchenko, Kostromka, Krasnolyubetsk, Kalinovskoye, Bobrovy Kut, Bezymyanny and Blagodatnoye. Offensive operations in this direction continue, for reasons of security of the operation, the official publication of the results will be later, the General Staff said in the morning summary .

Over the past day, units of the Defense Forces repelled the attacks of the invaders in the areas of the settlements of Novoselovskoe, Myasozharovka, Makeevka and Belogorovka in the Luhansk region and Vesele, Soledar, Bakhmut, Andreevka, Krasnogorovka, Opytnoe, Pervomaiskoye, Nevelskoye, Maryinka and Pavlovka in the Donetsk region.

The invaders continue to plunder the settlements from which they retreat. The enemy is also trying to damage power lines and other elements of the transport and critical infrastructure of the Kherson region as much as possible. There is a forced eviction of local residents from certain settlements of the Kherson region. In the village of Zelenovka, the enemy forbade the inhabitants of any movement in the settlement and is re-equipping the defense lines. In Tyaginka and Kazatsky, the occupiers mined roads and infrastructure, there are facts of explosions of the civilian population.

04:46 The Russians hit one of the critical infrastructure facilities in the Vinnitsa region. There are no casualties, said the head of the OVA, Sergei Borzov.

03:50 The United States has deprived the Russian economy of the status of a market economy due to the increased influence of the state on it, the Ministry of Commerce said. This decision, according to the ministry, will give the United States the opportunity to fully apply national anti-dumping legislation against Russia and reduce pressure on US enterprises due to "unfair import operations."

01:17 Reznikov said in an interview with Reuters that Ukrainian troops after the alleged winter pause in hostilities will be reinforced by thousands of soldiers who are now being trained in the UK. He added that the Armed Forces of Ukraine use the winter time for preparation, renewal and reinforcement: "We use this time with the maximum result for our Armed Forces, for regrouping, for renewal, for rotation, and we will prepare them well."

00:28 Reznikov said that Russia would need at least a week to withdraw troops from Kherson. According to him, the invaders are holding about 40,000 servicemen in the Kherson region, including in Kherson.

Posted by: badanov || 11/12/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [8 views] Top|| File under:

Russian Perspective: Operation to Denazify Ukraine: Operational Brief November 11th (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited

Kindly note that several entries in this article may have been removed because they included discussions of the grand strategic level.

[NewsFrontInfo] 23:39 Ukrainian troops attacked the suburb of Nova Kakhovka, houses were destroyed, the city authorities said.

23:28 More than 20 Ukrainian servicemen were blown up on minefields, trying to disrupt the crossing of Russian troops across the Dnieper.

23:09 During the transfer to the left bank of the Dnieper, the RF Armed Forces repelled 33 rockets of the Ukrainian HIMARS MLRS in the air.

22:44 Russian artillery and aviation stopped the Ukrainian military 30-40 kilometers from the area of ​​crossings across the Dnieper.

22:12 In the Kherson direction, the transfer of units of Russian troops and the transportation of civilians to the left bank of the Dnieper River has been completed, no losses have been recorded, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

21:02 APU fled from Opytnoye, leaving the radar and important secret documents, the Ukrainian military fled from the settlement. Experienced in the Avdievka direction, a sweep is underway

19:42 Attack drone destroyed launcher 1222mm BM-21 MLRS "Grad" APU

The crew of the UAV discovered a multiple launch rocket system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which, after the salvo, went to the reloading site.

With the help of an attack UAV, the launcher of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and a hidden warehouse with ammunition for a multiple launch rocket system were destroyed.

18:45 Artillery continues destruction of Ukrainian armored vehicles

The strikes are delivered by guided projectiles "Krasnopol", reports

18:45 Burned tank column of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson direction

17:33 Mobilized improve their skills in combating military equipment and manpower of a mock enemy

At the training ground of the army corps of the Eastern Military District, training points are equipped where military personnel perform live firing from AGS-17 Plamya mounted automatic grenade launchers and 120mm Sani mortars.

Artillerymen receive corrections for adjusting fire with the help of modern Orlan-10 unmanned aircraft systems.

17:33 Statement by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (11/11/2022)

◽️On November 11, by 0500 Moscow time, the operation in the Kherson direction was completed to transfer a group of Russian troops to the left bank of the Dnieper.

◽️All personnel, weapons and military equipment of the group have been withdrawn to the left bank.

📊In total, more than 30,000 Russian servicemen, about 5,000 units of weapons and military equipment, as well as material property, have been withdrawn.

◽️All Russian military equipment subject to repair was also taken to the left bank of the Dnieper. Currently, the repair units have begun to service it.

◽️As a result of effective management and well-coordinated actions of Russian units, not a single piece of military equipment and weapons was left on the right bank. All Russian servicemen were transferred to the left bank of the Dnieper.

◽️The formations and military units of the Russian armed forces withdrawn from the right bank occupied defensive lines and positions fortified in terms of engineering.

◽️Despite the enemy's attempts to disrupt the transfer of Russian troops, no losses among personnel, weapons, military equipment and materiel were allowed.

◽️The group's Russian air defense and electronic warfare systems repulsed all attempts to deliver missile strikes.

💥33 missiles of the American HIMARS multiple launch rocket system were intercepted.

◽️For two days, the advance of Ukrainian units in certain directions amounted to no more than ten kilometers. Russian artillery fire, air strikes and the use of minefields stopped the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at a distance of 30-40 kilometers from the area of ​​crossings over the Dnieper River.

◽️At present, fire damage is inflicted on the accumulations of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the right bank of the Dnieper.

16:43 Drone-kamikaze "Lancet" destroyed the Nazi car on the Kherson front Ukrainian militants tried to transfer ammunition to their positions in the Kherson direction, but were timely detected by aerial reconnaissance. UAV "Lancet" dealt a precise blow to the Ukrainian car. The militants were left without BC.

15:28 Russian loitering ammunition destroy American howitzers M777

14:30 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, destroyed: 333 aircraft, 174 helicopters, 2486 unmanned aerial vehicles, 388 anti-aircraft missile systems, 6,511 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 885 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 3,569 field artillery guns and mortars , as well as 7,166 units of special military vehicles.

13:45 Highlights from the new briefing of the Russian Defense Ministry:

◾️The RF Armed Forces thwarted an attack by two motorized infantry companies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reinforced by Polish mercenaries, in the Krasnolimansky direction;

◾️All Russian servicemen crossed to the left bank of the Dnieper;

◾️The RF Armed Forces occupied defensive lines and positions prepared in advance in engineering terms on the left bank of the Dnieper;

◾️The RF Armed Forces suppressed a platoon of American M777 towed howitzers in the Kharkiv region;

◾️There are no losses of personnel, weapons, military equipment of the Russian group of troops during the transition to the left bank of the Dnieper;

◾️Fighters of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Zaporozhye region;

◾️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation stopped attempts by motorized infantry companies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to counterattack in the direction of the settlement of Sladkoye in the Yuzhno-Donetsk direction;

◾️The RF Armed Forces suppressed a platoon of Ukrainian self-propelled howitzers "Acacia" in the LPR;

◾️Lancets and MLRS fire destroyed three American M777 towed howitzers, two infantry fighting vehicles and three enemy pickup trucks in a day;

◾️The ammunition depot of the 28th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed near Nikolaev;

◾️The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were stopped 30-40 km from the area of ​​crossings across the Dnieper;

◾️More than 20 Ukrainian servicemen were blown up on minefields, who were trying to disrupt the transfer of troops across the Dnieper;

◾️The Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to disrupt the transportation of the civilian population and the transfer of troops to the left bank of the Dnieper, five hits were made by the HIMARS MLRS;

◾️The advancement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in certain directions amounted to no more than 10 kilometers.

12:29 Fighters in action: Su-30cm and Su-35s aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces completed combat missions of delivering air strikes against the facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

During combat sorties, the crews of multi-role fighters practiced patrolling in a given area and covering the actions of bomber and attack aircraft, as well as army aviation helicopters during air strikes on military facilities and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

During one of the sorties, an aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was detected and destroyed in a timely manner.

11:53 Heavy artillery of the 1st Slavic Brigade beats on Ukrainian fighters

Artillery guns of the First Slavic Brigade fire 152mm shells at enemy positions, supporting the actions of the infantry, destroying the point of temporary deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

11:47 Starobilsk direction situation as of 11.00 November 11, 2022

🔻At the moment, there are no changes in the situation in the Starobelsky direction. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are unsuccessfully trying to storm the borders of the RF Armed Forces with small forces.

▪️In the Kupyansky sector, the command of the 14th Brigade equipped advanced observation posts west of Kislovka. UAV operators of the 14th brigade open the firing positions of Russian artillery.

▪️In the Svatovsky sector, assault detachments of the 92nd mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine once again attacked the strongholds of the RF Armed Forces in Kuzemovka. Artillery fire drove the formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine back. At the turn of Peschanoe - Stelmakhovka, a rotation of personnel was carried out.

▪️In the Limansky sector, separate Ukrainian units of the 25th Airborne Brigade tried three times a day to gain a foothold in the area west of Krasnopopovka.

Russian troops repelled the offensive. The command of the Ukrainian unit, despite significant losses, forbade leaving positions until the task was completed.

🔻The situation in the Starobelsky direction is still stable. However, the withdrawal of Russian troops from Kherson opens the possibility for the transfer of freed resources to other sectors not only for the RF Armed Forces, but also for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Since in the current situation it is unprofitable for Ukrainian formations to cross the Dnieper, most likely, some formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be transferred to other directions.

Given that the Donetsk and Soledar directions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are held by relatively small forces due to the presence of powerful fortified areas, the "Nikolaev" brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine should be expected precisely in the Starobelsk direction.

10:55 In Zhytomyr, under pressure from local residents, a monument to the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin was dismantled.

10:55 At night in the Vinnytsia region, a critical infrastructure facility was struck - OVA.

09:22 In Ternopil, the Ukrainian authorities dismantled the monument to Soviet pilots and put a flag instead of an airplane.

08:30 Combat work of the Uragan MLRS crews

In the shortest possible time, combat vehicles arrive at the starting positions, deploy and launch rocket attacks on positions, command posts and columns of Ukrainian nationalists.VideoMinistry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

08:01 Grouping of troops in the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rog direction by 23.00 on November 10 completed the task and reached the prepared lines on the left bank of the Dnieper River. Moreover, the advanced units of the enemy are still 40 km from Novaya Kakhovka, 25 from Kherson. During the maneuver, more than 20,000 personnel and about 3,500 units of equipment were withdrawn. Losses in equipment amounted to 18 units.

The generals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine com osvg "Kherson" Tarnavsky, com ogv "Krivoy Rog" Drapaty and com ogv "Nikolaev" Gritskov sucked off ordinary Russian paratroopers once again. Learn Ukrainian military affairs in a real way, a little later the paratroopers will personally inspect you again.

06:10 Combat work of 122mm self propelled artillery vehicle 2S3 Akatsiya artillery units.

Artillerymen, supporting the actions of motorized rifle units, strike at enemy fortifications, accumulations of manpower and columns of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.VideoMinistry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

05:45 Footage of the defeat by the Lancet kamikaze drone of the howitzer of Ukrainian troops in the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rog direction. Video RIA Novosti.

01:49 The RF Armed Forces launch missile strikes in the Kharkiv region. Arrivals in the Kharkov region and in Chuguev.

0:21 In the Kirovograd, Nikolaev, Dnipropetrovsk regions, an air alert has been declared.

Posted by: badanov || 11/12/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

Perspective from the Breakaway Republics: Invasion of Ukraine: November 11th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited
[NewsFrontInfo] 21:33 The 1st Donetsk Corps liberated Mayorsk - WarGonzo.

20:41 About 4,000 subscribers are de-energized after the shelling of Yelenovka in the Donetsk People's Republic by Ukrainian troops, without electricity also a boiler room, a school and a kindergarten,reported on Friday, the DPR representation at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of Issues Related to War Crimes of Ukraine (JCCC).

"The settlement of Yelenovka: 19 transformer substations, a boiler house, a school, a kindergarten are de-energized, 3,746 subscribers of the Dokuchaevsky Distribution Zone are without power," the representative’s Telegram channel says.

19:31 During the shelling of the village of Gornyak DPR by Ukrainian militants, a man was also injured.

19:30 Artillerymen of the 4th Brigade of the 2nd Army Corps of the LPR are destroying manpower and positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of Opytnoye. Video NM LNR.

19:28 According to the operational lines of the DPR JCCC, on November 11, additional information was received about damage as a result of shelling of the Ukrainian cities of the Republic:

n.p. Yelenovka:

De-energized19 transformer substations, a boiler house, a school, a kindergarten, without power supply to 3,746 subscribers of the Dokuchaevsky Distribution Zone.

Information about the consequences of shelling continues to arrive.

19:15 Many of the mobilized students are planning to sign a contract with the RF Armed Forces.

Many mobilized servicemen of the NM DPR, who previously studied at higher educational institutions of the Republic, plan to sign a contract for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In the future, the defenders of the Fatherland are going to combine their education, in absentia, with military service.VideoNM DNR.

19:13 Deportation of civilians from Kherson region continues both from the 15-kilometer zone on the left bank of the Dnieper, and from the right bank of the Berislavsky district, the administration of Nova Kakhovka said.

19:07 VFU wounded a civilian in Donetsk.

Ukrainian militants attacked the Kuibyshevsky district of the city. In the village A miner injured a woman.

18:52 The DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the VFU in the direction:

— n.p. Novomikhailovka - n.p. Yelenovka: seven rounds of 152mm caliber were fired.

18:45 Fixation of the consequences of the shelling of N. p. Dokuchaevsk.

18:44 The situation on the left bank of the Dnieper is calm, we are doing business, launching copters, controlling the situation.

We do not observe any movements of the enemy in our direction, there are no shelling either.

Our unit successfully left at night without losses, according to Telegram - the channel of the Archangel Spetsnaz.

18:28 Kakhovskaya HPP continues to operate, despite the shelling - the city authorities.

18:24 Ukrainian troops attacked the suburb of Nova Kakhovka in the Kherson region, houses were destroyed, the authorities said.

18:15 Evening summary of Headquarters of the Territorial Defense of the DPR on November 11, 2022.

18:05 Fixation of consequences of shelling Rozovka (Miner's district).

18:00 Burnt tank Column APU in the Kherson direction.

17:52 Blows according to the technique of the Armed Forces of Ukraine trying to advance in the direction of the Svatovo-Kremennaya highway. During the day, 11 pieces of equipment and up to 100 enemy personnel were hit.

17:34 The DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the AFU in the direction:

— n.p. Netaylovo - Donetsk (Kuibyshevsky district): three rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.

17:33 Two spans of the Antonovsky bridge in the Kherson region have collapsed. Video RIA News

17:18 On the operational lines of the DPR JCCC for November 11, additional information was received about damage as a result of shelling of the Ukrainian cities of the Republic:

Donetsk (Petrovsky district):

A total of 20 transformer substations de-energized, 2,000 subscribers without power supply, n.p. Aleksandrovka, settlement Kremenets.

Information about the consequences of shelling continues to arrive.

17:03 DPR hero Bely about Ukrainian tactics in Pavlovka.

The commander of the artillery battalion of the OBTF "Kaskad", the hero of the DPR with the call sign Bely, in an exclusive interview with the wargonzo project on the way to Pavlovka, spoke about the methodology of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Video wargonzo.

16:55 A TV tower has fallen in Kherson. Lies among the trees of the Komsomolsk park. Its height, and now its length, was 260 meters. Who and how laid it is still unknown.

16:48 The DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the VFU in the direction:

— n.p. Netaylovo - Donetsk (Kuibyshevsky district): four rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.

16:19 The ex-head of Roskosmos Rogozin said that he led a group of military advisers in the special operation zone, which provides military-technical support to the forces of the DPR.

16:07 The DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the AFU in the following directions:

— n.p. Netaylovo - Donetsk (Kuibyshevsky district): four rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.
— n.p. Krasnogorovka - Donetsk (Petrovsky district): four rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.

16:02 Combat work of the Osa air defense system of the NM DPR.

Ukrainianss fire hundreds of rockets daily into the territory of the DPR, but the air defense forces successfully cope with them.

The anti-aircraft missile division of the People's Militia of the DPR stands guard over the peaceful sky around the clock, using various means, including the Osa air defense system. The commander of the anti-aircraft missile system told the military commissars of the Press Service of the NM DPR about how the machine works from the inside. Video NM DNR.

15:56 Five explosions thundered in the area of Nova Kakhovka, presumably, air defense is working - media

15:55 The bridge across the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station was also blown up after the withdrawal of the RF Armed Forces to the left bank of the Dnieper.

15:32 Ukrainian troops have increased the intensity of missile attacks on the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station and the civilian infrastructure of Nova Kakhovka, the city administration said.

15:26 The DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the AFU in the following directions:

— n.p. Avdiivka - n.p. Yasinovataya: fired five rounds with a caliber of 152mm.
— n.p. Orlovka - n.p. Yakovlevka: three rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.
— n.p. Netaylovo - Donetsk (Kuibyshevsky district): three rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.

15:17 The cascade burns out the reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Ugledar.

After the Russian flag was set over Pavlovka, the main task of the gunners of the OBTF "Cascade" in the direction of Ugledar was to prevent the enemy's reserve forces from pulling up to help the retreating units. On the targets of the accumulation of infantry, continuous work is carried out from the "Hyacinths" while adjusting the UAV in real time.

Also, together with the OBTF "Cascade", units of the 155th and 40th brigades, together with the Marines of the Pacific Fleet, are clearing forest plantations around Pavlovka. These units have a wealth of joint combat experience. Together they participated in the assault on Mariupol, as well as the settlements of Shevchenkovo, Novodonetsk and Novomayorsky.Videowargonzo.

15:06 On the operational lines of the DPR JCCC on November 11, additional information was received about damage as a result of shelling of the Ukrainian cities of the Republic:

n.p. Yasinovataya:

De-energizeda pumping station supplying water to the city, as well as boiler room No. 14, without power supply for 3,772 subscribers.

Information about the consequences of shelling continues to arrive.

14:58 Effects of shelling by Ukrainian militants of the Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk, as a result of which a private residential building was damaged.

14:54 Russian kamikaze drones are epicly destroying American M777 howitzers in the Donbass and Kherson region. Video Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

14:30 As a result of shelling from the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a private house in Donetsk burned down.

On Friday, November 11, as a result of a terrorist shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine of the capital of the Donetsk People's Republic, a private residential building at st. Dolinskaya, 20.

Fortunately, despite the direct hit of the Grad MLRS rocket, there were no wounded or dead among the civilian population. Video NM DNR.

14:14 The DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the AFU in the following directions:
— n.p. Orlovka - n.p. Yakovlevka: three rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.
— n.p. Avdiivka - n.p. Yasinovataya: six rounds of 152mm caliber were fired.
— n.p. Dyleevka - n.p. Zaitsevo: five rounds of 122mm caliber were fired.

14:10 Russian Aerospace Forces, namely Rooks work on enemy positions in Maryinka.

13:22 Effects of shelling by Ukrainian militants of Rozovka (Miner's district).

13:21 One of the largest mining and processing enterprises of the DPR came under fire from the VFU.

According to the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC, damage to the infrastructure was recorded on the territory of the Dokuchaevsk flux-dolomite plant.

13:18 The ferry crossing from Kherson to the left bank of the Dnieper is working, those who wish can go to Alyoshki and Holaya Pristan, a representative of the administration reports.

13:14 In the Kherson direction today at 0500 hrs Moscow time, the transfer of Russian troops to the left bank of the Dnieper River has been completed.

Russian artillery fire, air strikes and the use of minefields stopped the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at a distance of 30-40 kilometers from the area of crossings over the Dnieper River.

In the Krasno-Limansky direction, the active actions of the units of the Russian troops and preemptive artillery fire disrupted the attack of two motorized infantry companies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reinforced by Polish mercenaries, in the direction of the settlements of Chervonopopovka and Ploschanka of the Luhansk People's Republic.

The enemy's losses amounted to 90 Ukrainian servicemen and mercenaries killed and wounded, one combat armored vehicle.

In the South-Donetsk direction, attempts by motorized infantry companies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to counterattack in the direction of the settlement of Sladkoe of the Donetsk People's Republic were thwarted. Artillery and army aviation destroyed more than 65 Ukrainian servicemen, one tank and four armored combat vehicles.

Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down an Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force near the village of Mirovka, Zaporozhye region.

During the day, air defense systems shot down seven unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of the settlements of Golikovo, Krasnorechenskoe, Krivosheevka of the Luhansk People's Republic, Makarovka, Nikolskoye and Kirillovka of the Donetsk People's Republic. Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

13:03 n.p. Krinichnoe LPR as a result of shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, two people were killed, the killed were employees of the Krinichanskaya mine, four more people were injured, mine structures were damaged. Investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation are working on the spot.Videoreporter Rudenko.

12:56 The DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the AFU in the following directions:

— n.p. Orlovka - Donetsk (Kyiv region): three rounds of 155mm caliber were fired;
— n.p. Netaylovo - Donetsk (Kuibyshevsky district): four rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.

12:50 Evacuation possible in Zaporozhye region, but so far there is no danger to civilians - Balitsky

12:36 The DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the AFU in the following directions:

— n.p. Netaylovo - Donetsk (Kuibyshevsky district): three rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.
— n.p. Orlovka - Donetsk (Kyiv region): three rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.

12:00 As a result of the shelling of the Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk by Ukrainian militants, the destruction of a number of housing constructions, as well as fires in the private sector, were recorded.

11:51 The DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the VFU in the direction:

— n.p. Netaylovo - Donetsk (Kuibyshevsky district): three rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.

11:41 It will be loud in Melitopol and its suburbs. Today, in the suburbs of Melitopol, a planned training session of units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the National Guard will take place. The sounds of shots and explosions will be heard, reports Vladimir Rogov.

11:35 a.m. JCCC DPR recorded shelling from the AFU in the direction:

— n.p. Orlovka - n.p. Yakovlevka: three rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.

11:31 This is what it looks like Antonovsky bridge after the night explosion.

The photo shows that de facto nothing remains of the bridge. Recall that the building was blown up after the Russian military had completely withdrawn to the left bank of the Dnieper.

In addition to the Antonovsky bridge, we recall that the railway bridge nearby was also destroyed - thus, the Armed Forces of Ukraine had no ways of attacking the left bank, except for forcing the Dnieper.

11:27 For three days, 20,000 personnel of the RF Armed Forces and 3,500 units of military equipment were withdrawn to the left bank of the Dnieper - military commander of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Sladkov.

11:18 The funeral ceremony for Stremousov began in Simferopol, Kiriyenko, Balitsky, Razvozhaev, Aksenov and Saldo are present.VideoRIA News

11:14 The DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the AFU in the direction:

— n.p. Dyleevka - n.p. Zaitsevo: six rounds fired caliber 122mm

11:11 Under fire from Ukrainian militants, the village of Michurina (Nikitovsky district of Gorlovka), Gorlovka Mayor Ivan Prikhodko reports.

11:04 In Pavlovka, the DPR OBTF "Kaskad" and Russian marines are cleaning up the remaining fortified areas of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There are great achievements in this area. Pavlovka under the control of the RF Armed Forces. The flag is up.

10:44 Russian air defense repulsed the attacks of Ukrainian drones and missiles at night during the maneuver of the Russian group on the left bank of the Dnieper.PersonnelRIA Novosti from the spot, the correspondent tells the details.

10:37 Shelling of the Kirovsky district of Donetsk. The blow was delivered from artillery with a caliber of 155mm on residential buildings. Investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation are working on the spot.Videoreporter Rudenko.

10:31 Statement by the NM of the DPR on the situation as of 10.30 11.11.2022

The Ukrainian side continues to terrorize the civilian population of the Republic, inflicting massive artillery strikes on residential areas and civilian infrastructure, which are not military targets.

Over the past day, according to the information of the Representative Office of the JCCC in the DPR, the enemy fired 35 units of ammunition from the Himars MLRS, tanks, cannon artillery with a caliber of 155mm, 152mm and 122mm.

The artillery was fired at the districts of thirteen settlements of the Republic. As a result of the shelling, one civilian was killed and three were injured. Twenty-five housing constructions and seven civil infrastructure facilities were damaged. Additional information about injured civilians and damage to infrastructure is being specified.

Joint actions of the military personnel of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed the following enemy weapons and military equipment: two self-propelled artillery installations (122mm self propelled artiilery vehicle 2S1 "Gvozdika" and "M109"), 122mm BM-21 rocket artillery, four tanks (two T-64BV, T-72B and T-72M1), eight units of armored and automotive vehicles, three enemy UAVs were shot down in the air. Losses in enemy manpower amounted to more than 50 people.

10:05 Heavy artillery of the 1st Slavic Brigade destroys the APU's air defenses.

Artillery guns of the First Slavic Brigade fire 152mm rounds at enemy positions, supporting the actions of the infantry, destroying the point of temporary deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.VideoNM DNR.

10:01 Statement by the official representative of the NM of the LPR, Captain Filiponenko I.M. as of November 11, 2022

Over the past day, during the active offensive operations of the units of the People's Militia of the LPR, the enemy suffered heavy losses in manpower and military equipment. Destroyed:

- up to 90 personnel;
- three tanks;
- six armored personnel carriers;
- one unmanned aerial vehicle;
- two artillery installations;
- 13 units of special vehicles.

The enemy continues shelling civilian infrastructure facilities in LPR settlements. Over the past day, the armed formations of Ukraine fired at the settlement. Stakhanov, Artemovsk, Krinichnoye, Svatovo and Lisichansk using American M142 HIMARS MLRS and multiple launch rocket systems, firing 18 missiles.

As a result of the attacks:

-in n.p. Krinichnoye, two employees of the Krinichanskaya mine were killed, four more people were injured, mine structures were damaged;
-in n.p. Lisichansk two civilians born in 1948 were injured. and born in 1958, seven residential buildings and a store were damaged;
-in n.p. Stakhanov, six one-story residential buildings, workshops of a construction company, a gas pipeline and a power line were damaged;
-in n.p. Svatovo damaged asphalt plant.

Peaceful life is being restored in the territories of the Lugansk People's Republic liberated from Ukrainian nationalists: engineering and sapper units of the People's Militia of the LPR continue demining. During November 10, they cleared more than five hectares of territory from explosive objects left by Ukrainian nationalists in the areas of the settlements of Brusovka and Grape.

09:15 Around seven in the morning, two Russian missilesdemolishedrepair point for a Ukrainian combat unit on the territory of an agricultural enterprise near Volnyansk in the temporarily occupied Zaporozhye region of Russia. The repair base and equipment were destroyed. No casualties

09:05 The situation in Kherson is like the calm before the storm. The enemy is engaged in reconnaissance and building up forces and means in the region in connection with the withdrawal of our troops.

The enemy conducted reconnaissance with a few DRGs, not particularly getting involved in battle, and actively used UAVs. Multiple arrivals of Himars were recorded in the areas of our crossings, the Antonovsky bridge (which was undermined) and the Kakhovka dam. Our air defense coped with all tasks.

09:04 After 06:00, the DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the AFU in the direction:

— n.p. Orlovka - Donetsk (Kuibyshevsky district): six rockets were fired from the Grad MLRS.

08:48 On photographs- the consequences of yesterday's (11/10/2022) shelling of the village of Golmovsky (Nikitovsky district of Horlivka) by Ukrainian militants. A direct hit by enemy rounds pierced the roof of the Golmovsky Palace of Culture. Funnels from exploding rounds were recorded on the territory of the park zone of the village.

08:33 Information on the shelling of Gorlovka as of 08:00 on November 11, 2022

08:30 Mortar crew of the RF Armed Forces is firing at the enemy.

The calculation of the mortar battery of the defenders of the Zaporozhye region is always ready to open fire on the enemy. The enemy is under constant surveillance. As soon as the observers detect the accumulation of enemy manpower, the coordinates are transmitted by radio to the commander of the calculation and within a few minutes the target is struck. Video NM DNR.

08:21 The RF Armed Forces have completely withdrawn their forces from the right bank of the Dnieper River.

As soon as our guys left, the Antonovsky bridge and the bridge to the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station were immediately blown up. The railway bridge, which is located next to Antonovsky, was also destroyed.

08:15 Regarding the situation in Kherson:

1) Kherson is not surrounded.

2) There are NO sounds of motor boats and escapes and crossings of the Dnieper

3) Arrivals on the Antonovsky bridge really were

4) There is no “Russian group of 20,000 people” on the right bank

5) There were no landings on the Kakhovskaya HPP

6) Art duels go both ways and our air defense works

Please don't panic! We pray for ours.

From our guys:

- Stop causing panic and being carried out on the TsIPSO stuffing, yes there are guys who have not yet come out but are slowly coming out and coming out successfully, well, yes, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at the crossings, in principle, they can do just that, we have already left for a long time, our air defense is working successfully, there were arrivals on the left bank. A lot of people came out the other day already.

08:11 Ukrainian militants fired at Dokuchaevsk.

From the positions of the VFU in Novomikhailovka, Ukrainian militants attacked the private sector of Dokuchaevsk, glazing and roofing were damaged in residential buildings. 152mm artillery is used against the population.

08:09 VFU attacked Rozovka.

Ukrainian militants attacked a school and a palace of culture in Rozovka, Shakhtyorsky district, early in the morning. American MLRS "HIMARS" were used on civilian targets.

08:01 During the day, one person died on the territory of the DPR, two more were injured.

Over the past day, from 08:00 on November 10 to 08:00 on November 11, one person was killed and two more civilians were injured as a result of shelling of the VFU in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic.

07:30 Fighting in the Kupyansk direction: Soldiers of the Veterans brigade and mobilized reflect enemy attacks.

07:11 Summary of the Luhansk People's Republic Representation in the JCCC for the past 24 hours, November 10.

From the side of the armed formations of Ukraine, six artillery strikes were recorded on the settlement. Stakhanov, Artemovsk, Krinichnoye, Svatovo and Lisichansk using the American M142 HIMARS MLRS (11 missiles) and multiple launch rocket systems (seven missiles).

As a result of the attacks:

-- in n.p. Krinichnoye, two employees of the Krinichanskaya mine were killed, four more people were injured, mine structures were damaged:
-- in n.p. Lisichansk two civilians born in 1948 were injured. and born in 1958, seven residential buildings and a store were damaged;
-- in n.p. Stakhanov, six one-story residential buildings, workshops of a construction company, a gas pipeline and a power line were damaged;
--in n.p. Svatovo damaged asphalt plant.

06:36 The DPR JCCC recorded shelling from the AFU in the direction:

— n.p. Dyleevka - n.p. Golmovsky: four rounds of 152mm caliber were fired;
— n.p. Orlovka - n.p. Makeevka (Chervonogvardeisky district): five rounds of 155mm caliber were fired.
— n.p. Krasnogorovka - Donetsk (Kirovskiy district): four rounds of 152mm caliber were fired.
— n.p. Krasnogorovka - Donetsk (Kirovsky, Petrovsky districts): seven rounds of 152mm caliber were fired.
— n.p. Novomikhailovka - n.p. Dokuchaevsk: seven rounds of 152mm caliber were fired.
— n.p. Konstantinovka - n.p. Rozovka (Shakhtersky district): two rockets were fired from the MLRS "HIMARS".

06:01 Video of the battle of the military personnel of the 2nd battalion of the 1st Slavic Brigade during the offensive in the Avdievka direction. The footage shows how the assault group liquidates two Ukrainian soldiers who took refuge in drainpipes, while one of them tries to hide behind the body of the other.VideoRIA News.

03:00 Heavy fighting in the Avdievka direction is going in the direction of the village of Opytnoye and Vodyanoye, an officer of the 1st Slavic brigade with the call sign "Chizh" said.VideoRIA News.

01:21 In Novaya Kakhovka, everything is relatively calm, of course, there were arrivals of about 18 missiles, which successfully shot down air defense. There is no information about any breakthroughs by the DRG and the capture of hydroelectric power stations, we do not observe the enemy. There were no hydroelectric explosions either. Reported by Telegram - channel Archangel Spetsnaz.

01:04 122mm BM21 MLRS "GRAD" works against the enemy in the Kherson direction.

Posted by: badanov || 11/12/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

Russian Foreign Ministry announces a ban on the entry of 200 US citizens
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited

Forkbeard will use this as proof I'm a Russian operative

[REGNUM] Moscow, in response to Washington's personal sanctions against Russian citizens, introduces an entry ban for 200 US citizens. This was reported on November 11 by the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“In response to the ever-increasing personal sanctions imposed by the Joe Biden administration not only against Russian officials, representatives of the business community and the public, cultural figures, but also those who, for one reason or another, are objectionable to Washington, on the basis of reciprocity, a ban on entry into Russia in relation to 200 US citizens, ” the message says.

The Foreign Ministry clarified that certain representatives of government bodies and legislators, their close relatives, heads of companies and enterprises of the military-industrial complex, as well as "experts and lobbyists involved in the promotion of the Russophobic campaign and support of the regime in Kyiv" are permanently included in the Russian "stop list". ".

In particular, US senators and heads of defense enterprises, US Deputy Attorney General, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, relatives of US President Joe Biden, and advisers to the military department of the Kyiv regime were sanctioned.

Posted by: badanov || 11/12/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [6 views] Top|| File under:

Prigozhin about the closure of YouTube.
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Commentary, unless otherwise noted, is from Yevgeniy Prigozhin, proprietor of Wagner Military Company

I should note that some Russian mercenary accounts do exist on Youtube still. I subscribe to two, albeit one of them was taken down for a short while.

[ColonelCassad] “YouTube was not closed for the same reason that the children of a large part of the elite did not go to war. YouTube is needed by those who are trying to balance between the liberal and around-liberal parts of the population. They believe that YouTube is one of the ways to put the patriotic part of the population in their place so that they do not raise their heads. As I said, when you say "I'm Russian" on YouTube, they tell you "and that's bad."

In the corridors of power, unfortunately, there are still a huge number of people who were fed by Khodorkovsky. Therefore, the issue of closing YouTube lies in the same plane as the issue of Russian sovereignty. As long as we lick the bowl of American slop thrown at us, we will not be a self-sufficient nation. We must have our own Russian YouTube and these Russian YouTubes, rutubes and other services are full.
Mikail Khodorkovsky is an exiled Russian oligarch, living in London.
Here is Rutube. I would argue however, that V Kontakte is a better video platform.

You just have to take the liberty of shutting down YouTube, shutting down VPNs, shutting down any ordinary person who is alive, Instagram, just because there is still not a single hyped Russian analogue. And they are used exclusively by those who continue to warm their asses on Dubai beaches.

And those who in Tyumen, Tomsk and Surgut go to work along a frosty street, they have no time to sit in glamorous services that are so protected by a part of the same elite public that they decide whether to close YouTube or not.

I think that things are steadily moving towards the moment of truth. When you need to make a decision for whom you are: for Americanized glamour, or for your Russian people. Therefore, YouTube will not go anywhere, it will be closed and a big nail from our Russian steel will be driven into the coffin of Americanism and liberalism.” (c) Prigogine

Following commentary by Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin:
PS. As a remark. Recently, a wave of arrests of citizens who used Google services swept through Ukraine, who were identified by the SBU as disloyal and pro-Russian. Information about these citizens was provided by Google technical support.

Posted by: badanov || 11/12/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [7 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Prigozhin just wants to be a YouTube influencer but his spitting image of Dr Evil prevents this. He'd have better luck on YouRadio.
Posted by: Shamp Snurt3261 || 11/12/2022 1:34 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Frank G || 11/12/2022 8:01 Comments || Top||

War in Ukraine. Summary 11/11/2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Commentary by Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin

[ColonelCassad] 1. Kherson.

The RF Armed Forces left the right bank early this morning and completely retreated to the left bank to pre-prepared positions. The last units withdrew from Kherson along the barge bridge, which was blown up.

The Antonovsky bridge and the bridge in the area of ​​the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station were blown up. The enemy occupied Berislav and Kherson during the day. The front now passes along the Dnieper.

We can expect enemy activity in the direction of the Kinburn Spit and reprisals against the civilian population in the occupied territories.

2. Donetsk direction.

Our troops today took Experienced and advanced a little in Pervomaisky.
The battles for Vodiane continue. In general, the offensive plan is quite transparent: take Pervomaiskoye and Vodyanoye and turn to Thin, the capture of which will allow establishing fire control over the Orlovka-Avdiivka road, which will create a direct threat to the operational encirclement of the Avdiivka grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The enemy will certainly transfer reserves here to stabilize the front.
Maiorsk was liberated near Gorlovaya.

3. Artemovsk direction.

Fights on the outskirts of the city and for fortified areas on the outskirts of Opytnoye. Fights for fortified areas in the Kurdyumovka area also continue. The pace of progress is low.

4. Soledar.

In the city itself without significant changes.

Ours are fixed in Bakhmutskoye and continue fighting for Belogorovka, which is controlled by about half.

In the area of ​​​​Disputable and other Belogorovka - no change.

5. Svatovo.

Enemy attacks in the direction of the Svatovo-Kremennaya highway did not bring him much success. The front here is still standing still, although the enemy continues to try to maintain the initiative with constant attacks, regardless of losses.

The fighting in the area of ​​Torskoy and Terna did not bring any special changes.

https://t.me/boris_rozhin/69998 - zinc

I remind you once again that the round-the-clock broadcast of hostilities in Ukraine has been going on in the Telegram channel since February 23 https://t.me/boris_rozhin

The main publications on the topic of military operations go there, and not in LiveJournal - whining about the fact that some aspects of the NWO are not written in LiveJournal is meaningless. Those who are interested in following the course of hostilities - subscribe to the channel and read as much as they consider necessary - more than 100 materials are published per day on various aspects of hostilities + a large number of photos and videos. You can even sit and read all day.

Who is not interested, do not subscribe, do not read and whine in the LiveJournal comments that the damned world does not want to satisfy their Wishlist. No changes in approaches to publications on the subject of SVO are expected. I hope I explained everything clearly.
So that's that. And ya'll'd better listen.

I subscribed to Rozhin's channel a few weeks ago, but unsubscribed. He is like Aleksandr Kots — as in he posts all the time, so his space fills up fast. I chose instead to go with the writer, and not Rozhin.

Posted by: badanov || 11/12/2022 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [13 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The war looks like it may have reached a stalemate point; for either side to advance significantly from current positions will incur immense losses in a WW I style confrontation. But will both sides recognize that and find a way to stop?
Posted by: Glenmore || 11/12/2022 11:49 Comments || Top||

Iran-born brothers indicted by Sweden over spying for Russia
[IsraelTimes] One of the suspects, who were identified as Peyman Kia and Payam Kia, worked for the Swedish domestic intelligence agency.

Two Iranian-born brothers were charged in Sweden with aggravated espionage for allegedly spying for Russia and its military intelligence service GRU for around a decade, prosecutors said Friday. One of the men worked for Sweden’s domestic intelligence agency.

Authorities identified them as Peyman Kia, 42, and Payam Kia, 35. One of the brothers was also indicted for the alleged gross unauthorized handling of secret information. It wasn’t immediately clear which of them it was.

"It has been a complex investigation concerning a crime that is very difficult to investigate and the suspicion concerns very serious criminality directed against Sweden’s intelligence and security system," National Security Unit chief prosecutor Per Lindqvist said.

"The information that has been obtained, transmitted and divulged could, by the fact that if it comes into the hands of a foreign power, result in detriment to Sweden’s security," Lindqvist said in a statement.

He later told The News Agency that Dare Not be Named that the case involved "extremely sensitive topics," but declined to elaborate.

According to the charge sheet obtained by the AP , the men have "jointly" passed information to the Russian military intelligence service GRU during the period September 28, 2011-September 20, 2021.

It added that the data were acquired through one of the men’s work within Sweden’s domestic intelligence agency and the country’s armed forces. The data originates from several authorities within the Swedish security and the intelligence service.

His brother helped with the contacts with "Russia and the GRU including matters of surrender of information and receipt of compensation." According to the charges, Payam Kia "dismantled and broke a hard drive which was later found in a trash can" when his brother was arrested.

The case has been investigated by Sweden’ domestic security service, SAPO. Sweden’s prosecution authority said much of the information in the preliminary investigation is secret and could not offer details.

SAPO said it became suspicious of the former employee and a preliminary investigation was launched in 2017. Lindqvist said the inquiry was started "because there was a suspicion that there was a mole, an insider" within Sweden’s intelligence community.

The domestic spy agency confirmed that Peyman Kia had worked there between 2014 and 2015, and that before that had worked in the Swedish armed forces. "It is during these employments that the suspected acquisition must have taken place."

Swedish media said that he worked for the armed forces’ foreign defense intelligence agency MUST and reportedly worked with a top secret unit under MUST which was dealing with Swedish spies abroad. He later worked for Swedish Customs.

"The suspected crime is a risk that every security service is well aware of, although we do everything to counter it," said Anders Kassman at SAPO.

Peder Ohlsson, head of the armed forces’ press department, called the crimes "very serious."

Swedish Defense Minister Pål Jonson said he had been informed of the case, but declined to comment.

The brothers became Swedish citizens in 1994, and the Expressen daily quoted one of the men as saying that he speaks Persian fluently. The younger brother, reportedly has worked for SAPO, Swedish media reported.

They were arrested in September and November 2021. Both have denied any wrongdoing, Swedish media reported. The brothers face up to life imprisonment if convicted. A life sentence in Sweden generally means a minimum of 20-25 years in prison.
Posted by: trailing wife || 11/12/2022 01:42 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [11 views] Top|| File under:

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